It was around 12:30 when everyone left. Harry and Nathan had some work to do back at the house, Hailey and Alicia said they had some shopping to do, They asked if I would like too come but I said no, Kingston said he had to go pick up his brothers and take them to the hotel.
Alicia said that later tonight they're going to have a dinner to welcome the twins since they threw a party for Kingston.
I had a few hours before the party so I decided to sit around until it was time to get ready. The dinner was at 6 and it was only 12:45 So I had a few hours to myself.
I decided to take a nap to pass the time, I set a timer so I wouldn't over sleep, Then I grabbed the cover that was seeing on the back of the couch and wrapped myself up and fell asleep.
*A few hours later*
I shot up from the couch, Looking around the room, I quickly wipe the sleep from my eyes and grab my phone to check the time. 4:55.
Alicia is gonna kill me. I quickly get up and run upstairs, I put my phone on the charger and head towards the bathroom turning on the shower then quickly stripping.
I get out and wrap a towel around me. I run to my closet opening the drawer with my underwear in it and grabbing a black bra and some black lace panties.
I quickly put them on before looking around for something to wear, I didn't wanna wear something I would usually wear so I found a dress that would look good.
I did one last check in the mirror before running into my room and grabbing my phone. I check the time and it was 5:30.
I ran downstairs grabbing my wallet and keys
And heading out the door, Locking it behind me. I jumped in the car and quickly made my way to Alicia's.
I pulled in the driveway at 5:55, Knowing them we wouldn't start eating until 6:15 especially if Alicia and Hailey were cooking.
I jumped out of the car grabbing my phone,wallet, keys, and Kingston´s jacket throwing it on quickly. I shut the door and walked up to the house.
I opened the door and closed it behind me.
Alicia came out of the kitchen and ran over to me, hugging me before pulling away quickly.
"Help us please" She said pulling me towards the kitchen where Hailey was frantically moving around like something was on fire.
" Can you please make this cake I can't do it and stupid over there can't either" She said pointing at Hailey who turned around a flipped her off.
"I got it" I said taking the apron off the hook on the wall and wrapping it around my waist.
I took all the ingredients that were pulled on top of the counter and started preparing the cake. After finishing that I slid the cake In the oven and set a timer for 30 minutes. Hailey and Alicia had left to go get changed so it was just me.
I took the apron off and went in the living room and sat down in Harry's chair, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram for awhile before Hailey and Alicia came down.
" How do we look" Hailey asked as her and Alicia stood in front of me.
Alicia's outfit:
Hailey's outfit:
"You guys look amazing" I said causing them both to laugh.
"So do you" Alicia said.
"Let's take pictures" Hailey said grabbing my head and pulling me up.
She took her phone and placed it on the table, moving it so she could get a good angle. She put a 15 second timer on and pushed me and Alicia around until we were where she wanted us.
We got about 7 pictures and the. She finally let us sit down.
" We'll have the guys take more when they get here, That's if they can keep their hands to their self" Hailey said smiling, Alicia laughed, I just sat there suddenly very nerves to meet the other two Pierce brothers. What if they don't like me? What if they're dick's?
I was pulled out of my thought as the front door opened and Harry, Nathan and Kingston walked in holding drinks. They all went into the kitchen before coming back out finally noticing us. Harry walked over to Alicia pulling her off the couch and sitting down where she was and then pulling her into his lap. Nathan sat down beside Hailey and kissed her cheek, Hailey giggled before pulling him in for a kiss.
Kingston came beside me and leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"You look beautiful in that dress princess" He said tangling his fingers in my hair and pulling on it gently, I let out a quick moan at this, I looked up quickly to see if any of them heard me but they were so wrapped up in each other they were oblivious to what was happening.
I looked up at Kingston and he had this dark look in his eyes, he looked at my lips then back up at me, he slowly leaned in and was just about to kiss me when Alicia ruined it.
"Where's Dante and Matteo" She asked Kingston stood up and looked over at her.
"Their on their way, should be here in a few minutes" He said looking back at me and kissing my forehead. Just as we started talking we heard someone pull into the driveway.
"Looks like their here" Harry said pulling Alicia off his lap and heading to the door, Nathan stood up and followed him outside, Kingston kissed my cheek before following them.
Alicia and Hailey grabbed me and pulled me upstairs and into the bathroom.
Hailey grabbed some lip gloss and pulled me closer and put it on my lips. Alicia was was puffing my hair out a little more but I didn't understand why. They both finally stopped and pulled away standing in front of me and looking at me with pride.
"Why did you that was something wrong" I asked still confused as to why they did all that.
" No its just that when meeting your future husbands you always have to look your best, not saying that you didn't look good just you need a little something extra" Hailey explained and Alicia nodded in agreement.
"Husband's" I asked confused as to why they said it.
"Yes as in Kingston, Dante, and Matteo"
"They share their women"
I was beyond shocked, not at the fact they share a women or anything but at the thought that they all would want me. Besides what if I don't want the other two.
"They won't want me" I said laughing at the thought. Alicia and Hailey both rolled their eyes at me.
" Sometimes I forget how oblivious you can be" Hailey said and it kinda hurt my feelings but I wasn't gonna let her see it.
"Hun they came all this way to meet YOU" Alicia said pointing at me. Kingston did say they were coming to meet me but I didn't think it was because they wanted me. I didn't say anything I just started pulling on my hair, a habit I have when I get anxious.
" You'll see when we go downstairs" Hailey said grabbing my hand and pulling me back downstairs to the living room.
"Where'd you three go" Harry asked pulling Alicia closer to him by her waist.
"Bathroom" Hailey said grabbing Nathan and kissing his cheek.
I looked around and didn't see Kingston or his brothers. Harry said they were in the kitchen So Alicia and Hailey went in to introduce themselves, Nathan and Harry following behind them.
I went over to the couch and grabbed my phone before heading to the kitchen. I couldnt see them because Harry and Nathan were in the way but I could hear them talking to Alicia and Hailey. They sounded just as sexy as Kingston.
Harry noticed me behind him and nodded at me, telling me to get in front of him and I did. I looked up and there they were. They looked like younger version's of Kingston but different at the same time.
I looked down suddenly very nervous and anxious, I looked back up only to notice they were already staring at me, They both had smirks on there faces. They both looked me up and down, Licking their lips as they did.
Kingston was standing behind them and smiling at me as his brothers practically undressed me with there eyes.
"You must be Gianna" One of them said, They walked towards me and normally I would try to run but with Harry and Nathan behind me I had no where to run.
They both grabbed one of my hands and brought them up to their lips and placed a gentle kiss on them before slowly letting go, they looked down at me smirking as my eyes widened slightly.
"Uh yea, you must Dante and Matteo" I said trying to figure out who was who. They both chuckled before nodding. They kinda just stared at me and it was making me nervous, Harry finally spoke up after what seemed like forever.
"Well since everybody knows each other, Let's eat" He said grabbing some food and taking it to the table ,Nathan followed bringing the steaks and mashed potatoes, Hailey grabbed forks and knives and Alicia grabbed cups, leaving me with all 3 Pierce brothers.
Kingston's came up to me and kissed my cheek before going to the table, The twins were still staring, and I couldn't help but look at the floor.
"Gia the cake" Alicia said causing my to snap out of my trance and grab a hand mitten and open the oven, sliding the cake out and putting it on the counter to cool.
I walked towards the table and sat down, the twins followed and sat on either side of me. Great now I'm trapped between them I thought. Kingston was across from me, he had this smirk on his face. Asshole.
We finally started putting food on our plates and passing around the food. Alicia filled everyone's glass up with wine except mine, Harry went to the kitchen and came back a glass of lemonade for me.
" Thank you" I said grabbing the glass from him and putting it down in front of me, He nodded and went back to sit down beside Alicia.
We all began eating and Harry and Nathan talked to Dante and Matteo about their work. I kinda just sat and listened, I wasn't much of a talker and I was glad no one asked me anything.
We all eventually finished and ate some cake and after that we cleaned up. Harry and Nathan washed the dishes while Hailey and Alicia got to know they twins.
We sat in the living room, Hailey and Alicia asking the twins a thousand questions a minute. I just sat with Kingston and listened, Kingston again had his hand tangled in my hair pulling on it slightly every now and then.
Alicia had asked the twins if they were seeing anyone and I looked up at them. They told her no, And I sighed in relief but I don't know why.
I looked at the time and seen it was 8:17 and decided it was time for me to head home. I tried standing but Kingston just pulled me back down into his lap. I looked up at him and rubbed my eyes.
"Sleepy" He asked and I nodded.
I tried standing up again and he let me this time but he stood as well catching everyone's attention.
" I'm heading home" I said yawning slightly
" Ok we love you " Hailey said and I nodded heading I the kitchen to say goodbye to Nathan and Harry.
I said my goodbyes and Nathan and Harry told me to text them when I got home. I headed towards the front door grabbing Kingston's jacket and slipping it on, Kingston, Matteo and Dante were following me, I opened the door and said goodbye to Alicia and Hailey and headed to my car.
Dante and Matteo both grabbed one of my hands and interlocked of fingers, I smiled up at them and leaned into Matteo as they walked me to my car.
King opened the door for me, and I let go of Matteo and Dante's hands and turned towards them grabbing them by their shirts and pulling them down to kiss them on the cheek. I let go and turned to Kingston and kissed him on his cheek, He smiled down at me and helped get into my car. He shut the door for me and I started the car and pulled out heading home.
I got home and threw my keys in the bowel and my wallet down beside it, I put King's jacket on the couch and kicked my shoes off and headed upstairs.
I stripped to my underwear and crawled in the bed, I sent Nathan and Harry a text saying I got home safe and plugged my phone up.
I pulled the covers up and fell asleep soon after.
- In Serial77 Chapters
Medusa and the blind woman
Update: * Volume 1 & 2 of the novelization of Medusa and the blind woman are available on Amazon Kindle under the name Bryn D. Estelle. * All chapters from Volume 1 & 2 on RoyalRoad have been cleaned up and tweaked. New Interlude was added to Volume 3. * Three new chapters have been added to RoyalRoad that are marked 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3 which are original content from Volume 2 of the novelisation. Volume summaries: Volume 1: The legendary Gorgon, Medusa, spends a solitary life on her island Sarpedon. The only interruptions to her monotonous life are the occasional expeditions of foolish humans that try to slay her for fame and riches. This story begins on the day that just another of these expeditions brings along an unusual woman. A priestess of Athena that was born blind and is not afraid of the Gorgon. Soon those two are forced into an unexpected coexistence on the small island. Will those two unlikely life partners learn to get along? Volume 2: The great goddess of wisdom and war, Athena, realizes that her priestess is prisoner to the Gorgon and makes a bet with the monster. The human expedition returns to slay the Gorgon and Eugenia is caught between the front lines. Typhos reveals his true goal and his machinations corner Medusa. What choices will the dissimilar duo make? Who will come out victorious? Volume 3: After Eugenia awakens in the city of rowers, Eretria, she finds herself separated from Medusa who is receiving punishment for leaving her exile. Still recovering from her injuries and desperate, the priestess sets off on a journey to make a return to Sarpedon. On her way she meets many strange new people as well as some familiar faces. On top of that the messenger of the gods, Hermes, tells her of a trial that awaits her on this uncertain path. Where will her trial take her? Volume 4: Reunion. After Eugenia's long trial comes to an end, she returns to the side of Medusa who had suffered her punishment at the hands of Athena. As they try to find a new balance in their shared company on Sarpedon they are faced with many tumultuous emotions that wind down to the very cores of their souls. Secrets are uncovered, pasts revealed and Eugenia's feelings are put to the ultimate test. And amidst all this, a new intruder chooses to trespass onto the secluded isle to cause even more trouble. Aphrodite has set her sights on the Gorgon now.
8 121 - In Serial19 Chapters
With a chip on his shoulder and a lack of fucks to give, Robin navigates a world far removed from his own. On Gaia, he'll face twisted undead monstrosities, religious zealots wielding eldritch power, self-serving nobility with a monopoly on magic, beautiful women, and his own damned temper. If he's really lucky, it won't be all at once. Trapped in a kingdom separated from the rest of the world by a swarm of monsters spanning the horizon, Robin must explore his new power as a Tempered if he ever wants to break free. But there's a reason Tempering fell out of favor centuries ago, and he'll soon learn facing the demons within oneself may just be worse than facing any monster. Expect a slow burn with flawed characters who don't always know what they want or what's best for them, realistic romance, dark humor, and serious themes. Power will be earned through blood, sweat, and tears.
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Take me Home
Jade Jennings has spent most of her life in the Australian army. After coming back from a tour overseas she expected to be welcomed by her loving fiancé. What she didn't expect was to find him in bed with another woman, doing drugs and all her hard earned money gone.To escape the pain and betrayal Jade jumps at the opportunity to go back on tour. However, 9 months later she is back after a gruelling and horrifying tour that has left both her body and mind in pieces. Moving into her new apartment the last thing she wanted was to be living next to the gorgeously attractive Marcus Blackwood, who is well known for his heroic acts of bravery in the field as an elite SAS solider. As tension and attraction flies will Jade be able to keep her heart safe or will Marcus break her more, than she can handle. *****CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING
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The Feelings • Harry Styles
"I'm here, I'm yours" he said " I love you, all you have to do is let me "I stare at him, " it's not that easy , you can't just stand there and tell me to accept your love" he stares into my blue eyes Copyright 2018/2021. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed with out express prior written permission of copyright holder, for permission, contact @addictmuke on wattpad.com
8 64 - In Serial49 Chapters
His Sin
*Mature Content*"You're mine," he growls, his grip on me tightening. "And I always get what I want."+++One day, the Immortal Sin named Cian admitted himself into a mental care facility. Six years before Amolet started working there. With hope to finally have independence, Amolet took the job without thinking much of it. That is until she meets the self-admitted patient, with unspeakable powers, shrouded in darkness and mystery. When he refuses to speak to her, her curiosity only peaks, her desire to get to know this sinfully perfect man too hard to walk away from. But the deeper she digs, the more of his past she discovers, piecing together a sinister reality. But it's a reality she can't escape from, as she's tied to him in ways she couldn't have ever predicted.
8 183 - In Serial13 Chapters
Polyandry BNHA (reader-insert)Multiple Husbands at once
Polyandry: the state or practice of having more than one husband or male mate at one time.For some reason children born with quirks has gone drastically down! And its recently discovered that some quirkless women whom share a peculiar previously unknown quirk manifestation to certain males can have quirked babies! The government has taken drastic measures and now urges upcoming heroes to attend matchmaking ceremonies to ensure the safety of the people and the hero association! Poor _____ simply attended the U.A. Sports Festival Fighting Tournament as a cool event. She never thought it would change her whole life!Warnings: probably smut/lemons later, lots of FLUFF, and whatever else I want, no complaining, you know what you got yourself into- call it crack if you want.That's right- 4- maybe 5 husbandos at once. Let's see how I feel ;)
8 121