
^^what she's wearing^^


I shot up from my bed, quickly wiping the sleep from my eyes, Looking around the room frantically.

I grab my phone and look at the time,10:27.


I dropped my phone and looked up. Someone was knocking on my door.I looked down at the floor, Trying to find my phone, I picked it up and checked to make sure it wasn't cracked. I threw my phone down and ran down the stairs to the door. I opened it ready to scold whoever it was that had ruined my peaceful sleep, Only to find Harry,Nathan,Alicia,Hailey, And Kingston all glaring down at me.

They all barged in, Harry being the first one to speak.

"Why haven't you been answering ya phone" Harry asked, Alicia and Hailey grabbing me and lifting my arms, pulling my legs up,and checking inside my bra.

"What are you doing" I asked as Hailey lifted my left leg and twisted it, So she could see my under thigh. Alicia stood behind me looking at my back.

"Checking you for bruises" Hailey said still looking at my legs.

"Why, what happened" I asked generally confused as to what was happening.

"You haven't been answering your phone,That's what happened" Nathan said coming to stand beside Hailey who was now looking at my feet.

"Oh I'm sorry, After work I came home and fell asleep, I forgot to text you and tell you I made it home" I said pulling my leg away from Hailey and my arms away from Alicia.

" Come on Gia, you know better then that" Alicia said grabbing my hand.

"Princess come here" Kingston said, And honestly I was terrified, He jaw was clenched and he was glaring at me. I didn't move an inch. Alicia had let go of my hand and moved away from closer to Harry, Hailey moved over to Nathan, They started laughing but I didn't see what was funny.


When I didn't move Kingston narrowed his eyes at me. I could basically see the smoke coming from his ears.

"Don't make me ask you again" He said.

Harry nodded at Nathan and they walked into the kitchen dragging Alicia and Hailey with them much to their dislike.

Kingston sighed angrily before walking towards me, Every step he took towards me, I stepped back from him. I eventually had my back against the wall and he was standing right in front of me. He put one hand beside my hand and used the other to grip my chin.

"You just don't listen do you" He said lowly staring down at me. I opened my mouth to say something he quickly shut me up.

"Say anything and I'll bend you over my knee and spank you" He said glaring. I've never shut up so quick, But something about the thought of him spanking me had heat pooling between my legs. He sighed before finally speaking up.

"I was worried something happened to you princess, You weren't answering any of them, I thought you were hurt" He explained looking at me with a hurt expression. I felt so bad, I couldn't help but look down and whimper.

"No no don't look away, I need you to promise me that you will never do something like that again" He said gripping my chin, and making me look up at him.

"I promise" I said looking up at him, He smiled slightly which made me smile.He let go of my chin and stood up straight, He took my hand and interlocked our fingers and walked towards the kitchen.

Alicia and Hailey ran over to Harry and Nathan and acted like they were talking to them, They rolled their eyes at the girls and continued drinking their beer. I don't drink anything like that I only keep them for the guys and Ginger.


"Oh hey when did you two get in here" Hailey said looking back at us smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the refrigerator and opening the freezer, Looking for ice cream. I found it and shut the door. I grabbed a spoon and opened the lid and started eating it.

Kingston came and stood behind wrapping his arms around my waist, I looked up at him and he was glaring at me.

"What's wrong" I asked grabbing another spoonful of ice cream.

"Your eating ice cream at 10 in the morning" He said looking down at the container in disgust before looking back at me. I rolled my eyes and started eating again.I felt a stinging sensation on my thigh that caused me to yelp. I looked up at Kingston and he was smirking, did he seriously just smack my thigh?

I rolled my eyes again and he smacked me again, it was harder then the last time and I jumped up slightly and glared at him, He just smirked and started playing the the bottom of my boxers, pulling on them and then letting them smack against my thigh.

"King when did you say Dante and Matteo were coming" Harry asked throwing his beer in the trash and grabbing another one from the fridge.

" Later today, they were supposed to be here last night but something came up" He said his hand now tangled in my hair.

"Your brothers are coming" I asked turning to look up at him.

"Yea, they wanna meet you" He said and kissed my cheek. I looked at him with a confused look and he just smiled.

If Dante and Matteo are anything like Kingston then God help me I won't make it out of this alive.

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