《Devils Spawn》~Chapter 13~


Demon's POV

Great, babysitting duty has begun. Maybe I can get a prospect to watch her at school. Damn Cheif for doing this! What the hell is the old man up to anyway?

I went to Rips' room and banged on the door, "Who is it?" she yelled.

"Demon, open the door."

She ripped open the door and glared at me "The fuck do you want now?"

"Calm down princess, just came by to check up on you." I said smirking.

"Well you seen me, I'm fine. Bye" She tried to close the door but I put me foot in the gap keeping it open. Thank god for steal cap boots or that shit would hurt.

"You've changed since coming here. You're fiesty, I like it." she frowned. "Don't forget our date babe, dress nice. I'll pick you up at 8." I pulled my foot from the door and heard her mutter asshole before she slammed the door.


I was working in the garage later that day when I heard the squeal of tires and a van pulled into the lot. The back doors opened and my eyes widened as two masked and hooded guys opened fire on the garage with semi automatic machine guns.

I dove for cover and pulled my gun, emptying the clip in the direction of the van. I herd more shots from hand guns and shotguns letting me know the devils had come to help.

After a gew minutes and the exchange of more bullets the van peelled out of the lot. I felt something warm and wet running down my arm, then an intense pain in my shoulder. Little bastards had nailed my right shoulder and upper arm with two rounds.

Havoc looked over at me, "You better go see the doc and get those bullets out, brother."


I nodded, "Find out who the fuck that was and get Cheif."

I headed off to see the doc. The doc is Havocs' old lady, what she sees in him I will never understand. He is 6'7 of pure muscle, dark hair, dark cold eyes and he wreaks havoc wherever he goes. Especially when it's to do with his old lady.

Doc took one look at my arm and shoulder, forced me into a seat so she could reach it and cut away my tshirt. She got to work pulling out the bullets and cleaning me up.

"Here," she said, handing me some pain killers. "Try to get some rest and dont pull the stitches out."

I like Doc, she always takes care of our injuries. She is about 5'4 with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, basically the exact opposite of her old man, Havoc.

I went straight to the meeting room and took my seat to the left of the prez. He is pissed. Across from me sat Havoc, our sargent at arms, as well as a few other boys in the higher ranks.

"Does anybody know who the fuck hit us?" Damn I havent seen Cheif this pissed off in a long ass time.

"Word is that Chris is behind it." Trace said. Trace is the go to guy if you need to track someone down, or find out any information.

"What's the plan, Prez?" I asked.

"We go into lock down. Pull everybody in and notify the other charters." He banged the gavel and we all left to get the lock down in place.

So much for my date with Rip.

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