《Stefano Russo》Period


It's been two weeks since the incident with Stefano's uncle Alex. Stefano told me that Alex wants drama and he isn't a friendly person.

I am now getting ready for school. But I'm not excited as I was.


Because I'm on my woman's juice month.

Yes, period and I feel like I'm going to die. My mama and papa are leaving messaged every now often saying there going to be another week.

I miss them and I need them right now to help me with my period because I get so sad for stupid reasons.

But guess what. Apple juice will help me. After I got changed I made my way to my kitchen ready to taste the delicate apple juice.

''Hello, my baby-''

there's non.


I screamed.

As loud as I can.

After a moment the door knocked.

I walked to the door after wiping my eyes so it wouldn't show I was just screaming over apple juice.

I am NOT crazy.

Opening the door I was faced with Stefano. Instantly I wrapped my arms around him needing his warmth.

''Hey amor are you okay?'' he unwrapped himself from me and smiled.

Don't cry

Do not cry Anna it's just a smile.

''y-you smile i-is'' I burst out crying. He got down to his knees on my level and cupped my face.

''Why are you crying?'' he asked. I can't tell him.hell be disgusted.

''Just tired'' I stopped crying instantly and I watched the confusion on his face grow.

''Can we go get milkshakes before school I'm really hungry?'' he nodded and grabbed my hand I can still see the confusion on his face.

After we got our milkshakes we headed to school. Of course, I cried again because there wasn't any strawberry. Stefano was still confused and tried to comfort me but I got angry again.


My cramps were getting worse I could hardly walk but I didn't want to tell Stefano because its embarrassing.

I said goodbye to him as I headed to maths.

Ah, maths when I have my period.


''Hey- oh my god you look ruff. Are you okay?'' Liv asked. I nodded my head no and whimpered because my cramps are still hurting.

''Shit Anna you okay'' I looked up to see Xavier and Dante staring at me with concerned expressions on their face.

That's it.

''I AM ON MY BLOODY PERIOD LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE'' I didn't care about the stares I was getting but it shut everyone up.

Liv gave me some tablets to calm my stomach down but it didn't.

Aftermaths, I went into English, and luckily we had a practice teacher so I slept most of the class.

When lunch came I sat next to Stefano with my head down.

''What's up with her'' I heard Milo ask. I couldn't be bothered to look up and shout I was too tired.Stefano was rubbing my back but it made me irritated and I just wanted to lie down.

''Hey, Anna are you, okay sis?''Milo asked me.I didn't reply until Olivia did.

''Dude she's on that month where girls go through things Stefano I think you should take her home'' I started crying I'm such a baby.

''Come on baby let's get you home'' Stefano lifted me up while the other wished me okay. We got to my house and Stefano put me on my bed.

I sure him grab a hoodie from my closet and some joggers.

''I'm going to run a bath for you okay?'' he said I nodded my head okay and got up. We walked into the bath and I sat on the toilet while Stefano was doing the bath.


''If you need me just call ill be waiting in the bedroom'' he kissed my head and went to walk out but I grabbed his hand.

''Stay with me Stefano'' I wanted him near me because I felt like id cry any second. He nodded his head and helped me undress. I got into the bath.

''I'm sorry if this is disgusting'' I looked at him and he was looking at me.

"Baby it's okay just relax'' he kissed my head and I smiled.

I left her while she got changed. It took everything in me not to take her right there she's so innocent and she doesn't know what she does to me.

I sure her walk out and she came straight over and lied down under the covers.

''I love you'' I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

''I love you more'' she replied as I heard her slow breathing.


I woke up to my phone calling. ''What Dante I swear to god if it's about your fucking purple suit I'm going to kill you'' he always complains about his clothes.

''Erm yes that and we have a problem boss'' ugh

''What is it'' I slowly got up from Anastasia's bed and started getting ready.

''Well your dickhead of an uncle Alexander has left us a note and he has raided some of the hotels we have and also killed out guys'' he said.

''FUCK'' I whispered.

''I'm going to snatch that fat hoe's hair when I see him boss'' he said.

''I'll be there in ten'' I ended the call and kissed Anna. I didn't want to wake her.

I don't know why Alex is trying to get my power of the mafia he has no chance.

At first, he was next in line but when my father got my mother pregnant he was no longer in line.

My father hated him anyways so he made me instead however he still didn't love me he just didn't want Alexander in charge.

But he's never going to be in charge as long as I am dead and if I die Anastasia is going to lead the mafia. I mean she is already the mafia queen in my eyes.

She will train if it's necessary even though she couldn't hurt a fly I wouldn't make her hurt anyone so if she wants to train she can I will never put her in the position my father did to me.

Because I love her


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