《Stefano Russo》𝖥𝖾𝖺𝗋


I remember Stefano kissing me goodbye early in the morning and telling me he has some work. like who gets up on a Sunday and does work

.Oh, wait, my boyfriend.

It feels weird having a boyfriend but I worry about him and he's always on my mind now but I'm happy and I hope he's happy. I decided to go out for a walk to get some milkshakes.

I showed braided my hair and got dressed in the usual hoodie and joggers.

they were matching with little settles on the sides.

I near enough drank all my milkshakes walking on the way home. I then a black car around the corner was the alleyway I have to walk.

I hid behind the bushes and walking out the back of the car were men dressed in black. the front of the car opened and I sure...


Dante and Stefano?

I wondered what they were doing.

Dante was a cat walking in his purple suit and Stefano just had a blank face.

Okay then...

They walked to the ally way and I noticed a man was being scolded and dragged on the floor.

Me being nosy and walking to them to see what's going on. Maybe he hurt Stefano?

I was by the alleyway but making sure to keep my distance to make sure I wasn't seen.

''Wheres the money Frateo I told you your time was up'' Stefano said in a deep voice.

Okay if I didn't fear him before I am startled by him now.

''I need more time capo'' the man said. [boss]

''We have fucking given you time hoe'' Dante pulled out something and my eyes widened.


I gasp and screamed a bit but then all eyes turned on me and Dante hid the gun behind his back and smiled and waved but I was too scared to speak.


Stefano came to me and told Dante to wait for five minutes until we have gone.

''Anastasia look at me come on baby'' he said in a soft tone. I nodded and he grabbed my hand softly walking to the same car they got out of.

Fuck I fucked up.

I didn't want her to see me like this and be scared of me. She was the only person who didn't see me as a monster and now life just ruined it.

She was quiet and probably in shock. I decided to take her to my house and explain because I want her in my future and so if I have to tell her about the mafia then she has to know.

We got to my house and she looked around. I took her to my room and sat her down.

''You okay baby I'm sorry you had to see that'' is said as I rubbed her back.she looked at me with glossy eyes.

''w-why was h-he going to get hurt?'' she asked as her voice cracked and my heart broke for her.

''I'm going to explain to you about what I do and work for but promise me to give me your honest response I am afraid I will lose you'' she nodded her head and I lied her down so she is more relaxed.

Here goes nothing.

''My father was a mafia leader and I was the heir to the throne but now I am the leader due to my father dying. he treated me badly he never loved me and he told me I would never be loved or cared about'' she hugged tighter and it calmed me down.

''He killed my mother. my mother reminds me a little of you always smiling and had this light that could bright up everyone's day even tho she had her own problems but after a while, my father killed her because I was weak'' I had a tear in my eye.


''I hate what I do for a living because it was not right to kill people and hurt them but if I get out of it I have to die but I promise'' I lifted her up so she was facing me.

''I promise I hurt them for a good reason and I will anyone hurt you my princess'' she smiled and embraced me into a hug.

''You didn't deserve to be treated like that Stefano'' my heart was crushed when she said those words but I had to go through that losing everything I admire and love in the process but now I have Anastasia.

I'm never letting her go.

I was afraid of what he told me but I knew he had to do it because of his father if I ever see him when I die I'm going to drown him in orange juice.

I heard a sniffle from Stefano and I knew he was crying I unhooked myself from him and brought him to lie down.

''Your strong Stefano I'm proud of you'' I whispered as I hummed a song that my mama sings when I'm unsettled.

I heard his snores and soon I fell asleep clutching onto him.

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