《Stefano Russo》𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗁𝗎𝗋𝗍


Waking up to my alarm I got up and started to get ready for school.

I went downstairs after getting changed and my mama and papa were eating breakfast.

''Morning papa'' I kissed him on the cheek as same as mama.

I got a message and look at my phone it was Olivia.




I grabbed my bag and school things and headed into the car. Kissing my mama goodbye I started to walk into the school and waiting for Olivia.

Hands wrapped around me and I jumped into surprise but calmed down because it was Liv.

''You scared the freak out of me'' I said still breathing heavily from the scare.

''I'm sorry'' she smiled.

''We better best getting to art then'' I said as I caught her hand and skipped to our lesson.

Again I had to introduce myself its a bit annoying but it will be over soon. I sat next to Liv again and we had to draw a flower.

I was always good at art. My favorite thing about it s when I express what I'm feeling which is mostly happiness.

As I and Liv were doing our work the door barged open with a bang.


''Dante Xavier I suppose Russo isn't in today so why are you late'' the teacher said awaiting for their answer as he was tapping his feet on the floor.

Wait I recognise those names.

''Liv are those the ones you were on about'' I asked she was silent but nodded her head.


OHOh my

RIP I'm officially going to die

''Sorry sir things were going on'' Xavier said. He was good-looking but looked as if I looked at him he would throw a banana at me.

"And what things was you doing?" The teacher asked.

''oh you know sir just in the toilet having you know what do you want me to explain how I was on the toilet too'' Dante said while everyone bust out laughing.

The teacher shook his head in disgust and waved his hand to tell them to sit down.

They walked around the classroom guessing to their seat.

And guess what they bloody sat right in front of us.

''Your new right'' I looked up to Dante looking at me with a grin.


''Um yeh my name is Anastasia but Ana for short I mean you can still call m by my full name but it's up to you I mean- ''

I was cut off by Olivia's mouth and I remembered I was speaking too much. dammit.

''I'm sorry'' I blushed and looked down.

''Aw it's okay sunshine its nice to meet you im Dante and this is Xavier '' he smiled and I looked at Xavier who smiled and waved.

I smiled back and they turned away because Mr grumpy pants told them off.

His name isn't that but he is very moody he probably hasn't had any apple juice today.

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

The class soon ended and I had to go to my locker but I told Liv to wait in the cafeteria and wait because sometimes I take forever.

After putting the books I no longer need into my locker I drew a little rose on it. the reason is that every time I go to my locker I draw little something and when it's finished it would look amazing.

There were loads of tall people coming through and I accidentally got pushed into a room.

I hit my back on the doors of the toilets and landed on the floor with a thud.

''bloody hell I need to watch where I walk gladly no one sure'' I spoke out loud.

A sound of a tap was heard and I poked my head out of the toilet and gasp.

There's a boy.

A really good-looking boy.

Oh boy, this is a boy's bathroom.


I noticed there was blood on his face by his lip and instantly went over to him.

I must have shocked him because there was confusion in his eyes but he hissed at the pain when he closed his mouth.

''Are you okay you look hurt'' I asked.



He just stared at me but I looked away and went through my bag and got out my medkit.

Yes, my mama always told me I might need it someday if I get hurt and she taught me how to stitch and all sorts.

''can I?'' I asked the boy. He looked from me to the medkit in my hand and nodded of approval.


''you'll have to sit down im too small'' I was embarrassed to say even though he probably knew.

He signed and walked to the toilet and put the seat down for him to sit down. I stood in between his legs as I looked at the cut on his lip.

''what's your name?'' I looked at him for him to be already looking at me.

god, those eyes are beautiful. he had blue eyes and a hint of green at the curve.

He didn't reply for a moment but spoke.

''Russo'' he said but hissed of him speaking due to his lip.

His voice was deep but calm.

Wait the one Olivia told me about.

OH jolly

I'm helping a bad boy who might be in a gang!


''Your name is Stefano isn't it but people call you Russo because of a reason'' I hope he doesn't kill me for calling him his real name.

Stupid Anna.

He nodded his head, yes and I was glad he didn't shout I don't like shouting.

I started doing his lip he didn't move but he started playing with the zip of my jacket.

I didn't tell him to stop because it's probably to distract him I mean I drink apple juice to stop me from thinking too much.

She was concentrating on my lip with her tongue out on the side of her mouth.

She reminded me of my mother who was innocent and caring for others even if she doesn't know me and know what person I am. I feel attached.

I feel the need to take her away and hide her from the darkness that comes to this world.

She stopped doing my lip and went to the sink then come back.

Then she put the tissue on my face to get the blood off my face. Her touch was gentle as if she didn't want to hurt me.

''What is your name?'' I asked her.

She looked up into my eyes and smiled.

''Anastasia but you can call me Anna I prefer that better'' she smiled.

Her name suited her because she was happy and she has this kind of bubbly vibe going on every time she speaks but you can see she doesn't want to speak so much.

"That's a beautiful name Anastasia''I replied trying not to show the glint of happiness she is here.

She muttered a thank you and looked down I got my fingers and lifted her chin up so her attention is on me.

''keep that face-up amor your beautiful and thank you for helping'' I said keeping a straight face. she smiled


'' It's okay how did you do it?'' she asked tilting her head.

''I just walked into a door'' I replied obviously I didn't I had a fight with some bastards who were trying to get our money but they failed.

''silly'' she laughed I couldn't help but smile at her laugh. she has one of those laughs where you can't help but laugh or smile.

I realized I needed to go and see who were those people work for so I stood up and went to walk out when something grabbed my hoodie. I turned around to see Anna standing there and she let go.I looked down and raised my eyebrows.

''What's up'' I asked in a soft voice noticing she was still shy.

''Mama used to kiss the part where I was hurt but ill only kiss your cheek only if you say so because I don't want to hurt your lip but it will make it better I promise mama used to make my cuts better when she kissed mine but if you don't want me to I under-''I cut her of by putting my finger on her lips shushing her.

''Yes you can princess'' I bent down at her height pointing to my cheek. She blushed and gently got on her tiptoes still too small and pecked my lips and I stood up. I felt the need to kiss her again but I didn't want to show it made me smiled.

''Thank you Anna'' i turned around to walk out.

''It's okay Stefano keep the lookout for doors'' she shouted out I froze for a second when she called me Stefano but let her call me that.

It sounds warming.

It felt like I wasn't in the bad world and I'm just a high school kid.

Who am I thinking it sounds like that. It will never be like that.

This girl is something else I thought as I walked to lunch.

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