《Levi's Titan (Attack On Titan Fanfic)》Chapter 16


The next day...

The scouts were in a life threatening situation,

every move was calculated, only vital movements were made,

every sound silenced, not a word was said...

A pissed off Levi is a deadly Levi. All scouts knew this.

That is the very reason that the cafeteria was completely silent. The only sound that could be heard were the footsteps of those walking outside unaware of the danger that lurked within the cafeteria and the faint tapping of Levi's boot's heel tapping against the cold stone floor. His arms were folded and his brows were furrowed.

His titan was with Hanji. She had came very early in the morning to fetch her and just disappeared. He had looked everywhere in the building, training grounds and courtyards. The next logical place was for her to take his titan in to the town. Which made him even more unsettled. He already could not stand her being out of his site, now they take to the town, far from his reach.

He grabbed his cup and stormed out of the room. His quick movement made some of the scouts flinch or gasp from fright as he broke the tension with his fast movement and banging the door behind him.

He stormed to his office with a scowl on his face. He had told them the previous day that he would be observing her first few classes because he did not trust people with such idiotic tendencies to educate. Instead of taking what had said into consideration they just disappeared. How long have they been gone with her? Possibly hours.

He walked into his office into a scene that he was not expecting to see. His titan was sitting on his desk her eyes already pinned on his form. Her very long hair was tied into a high side ponytail, showing off its true entrancing length, even though it was in a ponytail that was tied almost right on top of her head, her hair still managed to lay sprawled on his desk and some flowing off. It was truly a sight to behold.


She was wearing normal scout uniform.

She looked almost normal, if it weren't for the fact that her shirt was way too tight for Levi's liking, it was accentuating curves that Levi was unable to see fully when she was wearing her previous attire. So much curves. Levi felt heat rise to his face.

Just then a chuckle was heard from the other side of the office, Hanji stood with her hands on her hips staring him down with a victorious smirk and Armin seemed to be just standing awkwardly with a large stack of books on each of his arms.

"Like what you see, captain?" Hanji asked teasingly as she walked towards the titan on the desk, push a few loose stands from her hair behind her ear.

"What the hell took you so long?!" Levi demanded, rather loudly, faint blush still present on his cheeks.

"What are you even talking about? We literally just came to pick her up, changed her and brought her to your office to taunt you." Hanji said, matter-of-factly, as she ran her fingers through the titans hair.

"H-Hanji-san is right, c-captain, we had her f-for less than a-an hour" Armin interceded, stuttering from the either, nervousness or the strain of carry so many book, Levi could not care less. He then realized that his perception of time away from the titan was very warped, his blush became darker as Hanji started laughing loudly, having realized that as well.

"You missed her?!" Hanji said between breaths and started laughing harder.

"Whatever," Levi stated with a scowl,

"Have you fed her yet?" Levi's question was answered by the titan shaking her head left to right, at this, Levi raised an eyebrow.

"We are still struggling to get her to t-talk, however she has seemed to have learnt how to shake her head and n-nod. W-We supposed it is a rather promising start as it means that she understands what we are saying which is the foundation of having any h-hope that she will accomplish any form of basic education with anyone" Armin explained,


"Gaia, is a clever girl, she will be talking in no time," Hanji said, while admiring the titan,

"Who?" Levi asked, crossing his arms

"The female titan's name, I thought it was only humane to give her a name, the name comes from greek mythology, the goddess known as 'Mother Earth', she was mother of the titans, who were the parents of gods, which made her all powerful, I thought it suited her as she is the largest titan we have come across and she seems to have the power to make the titans listen to her. Also she likes the name" Armin once again, explained.

"She likes the name?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow, in disbelief,

"Observe, " Armin said, they all turned their attention to the titan, Armin then proceeded to call her,

"Gaia" he called, Levi saw as her gaze hesitantly left his form and followed to where her name had been called, her eyes started to sparkle and her mouth, slowly turned into a small closed mouthed smile. Levi had to stop himself from gasping at her expression.

Hanji giggled,

"As you can see Armin has been making a large amount of progress with her education" she said proudly,

Just then Eren and Jean burst into the office, a large bowl of mashed potatoes in Eren's hand.

"Sorry that we are late!" Eren exclaimed, between breathes.

"Yeah, it was dumbass's fault" Jean said, pointing at Eren,

"Heeyyy-" Eren protested, which Jean ignored,

"Any, give me the bowl, I'll feed her" Jean said, reaching for the bowl in Eren's hands,

"Like hell you are!" Eren replied and jerked it away from Jean's grasp, "You got to feed her the last time!"

"Exactly and she ate and was fine. You are too dumb to feed her anyways" Jean said earning a growl from Eren,

"What did you just say horsehead?!"


"Enough" Levi said with a glare with the bowl now in his hands,

"Everyone OUT!" Without another word the boys left the office, fearing for their lives, while Hanji strolled to the door giggling,

"Have fuuun" she teased and closed the door behind her.

Levi rolled his eyes and turned to the titan, who's eyes -as per usual- were already on him. He walked towards her and stood right infront of her with the bowl and a spoon in his hands. Her slightly more steady hands reached for the bowl and spoon, but he reflexively moved the items away from her hands.

He started blushing once he had realized what he had done.

"I'll d-do it" Levi stuttered. The titan's knitted in concerned at his uncharacteristic behaviour. He held a spoon full of mashed potatoes to her lips and she started eating. Her eyes never leaving him.

"Why must you stare like that?" Levi asked, she shrugged in reply while chewing.

"Shrugging too?" Levi noted, to which she nodded.

She had finished the large bowl of mashed potato and sighed contently, while Levi put the items on a small table near the door for any staff member to come clean, then returned to her. He once again took in her appearance, which she noticed and lifted an eyebrow inquisitively. Levi chuckled at the very familiar gesture,

"Armin teach you that too?" she shook her head with a grin, to which he chuckled a bit louder, finding humour in the fact that she was now coping his gesture. Once his chuckles had finally died down, he locked his gaze with her and subconsciously leaned closer, taking in her ever-entrancing forest green eyes.

"Gaia" He whispered, testing out this new name that his titan claimed for herself.

Upon hearing her name come from his mouth, Gaia's eyes sparkled, as she smiled broadly, proud of her name. The way he said it made a faint blush littler her cheeks.

"Gaia" said again, slightly louder and started to chuckle upon getting the same response,

"Very well, it's nice to meet you, Gaia, my name is Levi" He gently took her hand and kissed it.

Blushes spread on both their cheeks.

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