《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O V E N T I C I N Q U E



The action of rain pouring down on or of waves hitting rocks and cliffs.

V A L E R I U S ' S P O V :

Shira's cheeks became a flushed shade of pink, her lower lips were being toyed with her teeth as she nibbled and pulled on it. Her movement made it clear she was closing her legs together. I smirked up at her noticing now how she began biting the inside of her cheeks.

"Did that shut you up?" I teased, still sporting a smirk on my face. Shira's eyes looked away from mine and focused on the food, which was now becoming cold.


Dinner was perfect, with her it felt perfect. I placed the notes in the leather cheque book given. Shira and I both stood up and I went by her side to wrap my arm around her, we both thanked the staff and left the building.

The heavy rain welcomed us, stopping Shira from walking further. She stood sheltered under the red awnings, whereas, I stood a few steps in front, the raindrops quite quickly marking a place on my body.

I chuckled and smiled to myself at Shira's cuteness, her nose slightly turning red, her squinting eyes as the wind blew the rain in her direction. I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her close to me, in the rain. "Valerius, your car is going to get ruined." She said, looking up at me with fluttering eyes, adjusting to the droplets that coated her long lashes.

"That's the least of my concerns right now," I said, our bodies were wet and we were looking like that cliche couple in a romance book, where they stand outside, looking into the depths of each other's eyes.

Cupping Shira's face, I felt an intense burning feeling to kiss her tempting lips. Slamming my tainted lips on to her pure ones, I kissed her passionately. Dio how I could go to hell to have a taste of those intoxicating wine flavoured lips of hers.


The kiss wasn't like before, I wanted her to feel the strange feeling I felt. If this was love that she managed to hypnotise me with, then she hooked me in. I wanted to tease her, touch her, confess my feelings to her.

Love was something that I avoided ever since my past, but as they say, if love is the thing that breaks you, then it is love that fixes you. Whether it was the rain that was making me become intoxicated to the scent of her love or not, I wanted to say those three words.

The three words that could change everything within a snap of a finger: I love you. Those words held more power than I do in the mafia. Pulling away, I glared into the depths of those earthy eyes, I found myself once again lost, lost in her fragile abyss.

Each droplet made me reminisce each and every spec of Shira, from her smile to her innocent eyes that could make me fall on my knees. "Valerius..." Even her voice sounded like the sweetest song you could possibly imagine when she called my name, the same voice that I would happily listen to, that I would obey without thinking twice.

"Shira," I said, not knowing where to start. I knew this could go wrong but to hell, with it, I thought. "Yes." She answered. I took a deep breath in before pulling back a piece of hair that had plastered itself to her angelic face.

"I don't know how to say this, but I-" I started, pulling my hair back from my face, I returned my hand to cup Shira's face again. Stroking the pad of my thumb against her cheek, I began to say whatever I need to let out of my broken heart that had found itself stitching up with her thread made out of her love.


"I want to confess. I want to tell you about me, the previous me." I started off, " When I was eighteen, I fell in love with a girl, who I thought I could spend my life with, but to my surprise, she wasn't the one. " Hating myself for how I used to be, Shira stood there listening whilst I comforted her.

"Her name was Chantelle, and she broke me in many ways that I refused to accept. Lorena, Mama, Papa, everyone, they all tried to tell me she was a bitch, but me," I scoffed, " I was so blind. Looking back at it, I don't think it was love, but an obsession. An obsession to prove that I can have my story as a romantic one." Shira's eyes became evident that she could see through the wall that I built inside a long time ago.

"She damaged me and left, leaving me with a broken heart. I became mad and my mind was constantly mocking me for being weak. Shira, it took time for me to become like this, the devil of the Mafia." I stated.

"I know Val, I know, but why are you telling me this now?" She asked as she placed her delicate hands behind my neck, our foreheads touching. Shira moved her nose against mine as an Inuit kiss.

"It's because I care for you." Shira pulled away slowly, searching for a hint in my truthful eyes. "It's because I feel like I could kill for you. It's you. All you. Shira, because of you, I'm feeling like a mess. I hate it when I see other men look at you, even if it's your own or even my own brother. I hate how you attract men like a flower," I said, venting my anger as I buried my head in her neck.

"But I love how beautiful you are," I whispered in her ear, kissing her ear lobe. "I love how those eyes of yours can send me to the darkest spot in hell." I kissed her neck. "I love that I was your first kiss." I began to kiss her jawline, hearing her soft moans encouraged me to go further.

"I love how I was the first to mark you mine." I kissed her cheeks. "I love how you respond to my touch, I love that you taste like the sweetest liquor, I love that the only person that comes in your dreams, is me," I said, kissing the corner of her lips.

Pulling away, I looked at Shira once more before dragging my thumb down her lips, I held her chin with my tatted index finger. "I love you, Shira Lamoreaux."

Hey, my lovelies, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm so happy. Anyway, let me know your thoughts because I love your comments, they make my day. Have a wonderful day or a good night sleep.

What songs have you been listening to recently?

The Shawn Mendes 'Wonder' Album!!!

Bye my loves, Rose xx

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