《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O V E N T U N O




S H I R A ' S P O V

I returned back to my room after feeling unsatisfied. As much as my mood was spoiled, the euphoric feeling of Valerius's hands roaming my body made me blush and crave for more.

Shaking the feeling off, I put on a cosy grey jumper dress that fell mid-thigh. I applied some lip balm as my lips felt bruised due to the pulling and nibbling Valerius did.

I walked out and by the time I reached down the stairs, I was met with a sulking Angelo. "What's wrong, pasticcino? I asked as I crouched down to stare into those sulking blue eyes of his. I rubbed his cheek with the pad of my thumb.

"Are you ok now, amore mio?" Angelo said as he brought his hand to repeat the same action I was doing with him. I smiled, nodding and pulled Angelo into a hug. His small hands wrapped around my neck, I picked him up and made our way to the kitchen.

I saw Lorena tidying the little mess on the kitchen counter whilst talking to Sienna. Knowing my presence at the door, she looked up and smiled whilst her eyes held sorrow.

I returned a blink to assure her I was feeling better. "Shira, Abella is here since this morning to see you," Lorena said as I put greeted Sienna, giving her kisses and fixing her dress that was slightly out of place.

Angelo still hooked on to me, snuggling into my neck. "Ok, do you know where she is?" I asked, Sienna, gripped my jumper dress at the bottom. I returned my attention back to her to see her arms stretched upwards asking me to lift her up too.

I bent over and picked her up and situated her on the other side. Lorena shook her head and looked at me surprised. They weren't that heavy so I managed.


"Yes, she actually went to the living room with Dante I think, if not she's probably in the theatre room, her favourite room." I nodded and asked whether Lorena needed any help, but she said she was leaving to see her daughter.


I was about to call Abella's name from outside the living room when I noticed Dante hands on Abella's waist and his face close to hers. "Shirwa, is Uncle Dante going to kiss Abella like they show in the prwincess movies?" Sienna asked as she put a hand over her mouth.

Angelo grimaced and closed his eyes. I laughed at their cuteness. "Dante. Abella." I cleared my throat. Both of them were startled and pulled away from each other. Sienna and Angelo were both laughing as Abella blushed.

"Bella, you are red as a tomato," Angelo said laughing as did Sienna. I laughed too as Dante went bright red too. As I was laughing, a firm hand brushed across my butt, squeezing one of my cheeks slightly. "Valval, ciao" Sienna waved and Angelo copied.

(T: Hello)

"Ciao, cara. Ciao, amico." Valerius greeted. "Afternoon, Abella. Dante" I stared at Valerius more than I should have, his style turned me on. The baby blue dress shirt, which looked like if he moved a bit it would rip.

(T: Hello darling, hello buddy)

He had two buttons at the top undone showing his chiselled chest, the silver cross necklace he always made his complexion stand out. The black dress pants and black polished shoes completed the look along with the silver ace card cufflinks. He looked smoking hot.

"Amore mio, what's this on your neck?" Angelo pointed, I stilled in my place as I knew he would be pointing at a purple stained area on my neck. "Shirwa, you have some here too," Sienna stated. I looked at Valerius, who had a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.


"It's probably a rash," I lied, placing both Sienna and Angelo on the ground. Abella and Dante looked at me with a frown then looked at each other and smiled devilishly as if they caught on. "Anyway, Abella, is everything ok?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, actually, Papa told me to tell you about the thing he wanted to speak to you about because he is kind of busy." I nodded. "Valval, where are you going?" Sienna blurted as she hooked on to her brother's arm. Angelo stayed by me hugging my thigh.

"To do something important, I won't be long, principessa?" Valerius reassured as he crouched down and kissed her forehead. I was hoping he wasn't going to kill anyone as Lorena told me how he would come home bloody.

I may be used to seeing the sight of blood but it still disgusted me. "I will be in my office," Valerius stated, I knew he was teasing me with what I said earlier.

Valerius kissed Angelo goodbye while keeping his prussain blue eyes on me. He stood up to his full length and nodded to me and Abella then left with Dante who nodded goodbye. "What's that about?" Abella whispered in my ear.

"Let's go in the theatre room and talk to keep Angelo and Sienna entertained," Abella nodded and we both left. As we got into the theatre room. It was dim and the smell of popcorn wafted around the room. Sienna snuggled next to Angelo whilst me and Abella were both on the ends.

We placed a blanket while a cartoon played in the background. Halfway into the movie, the two angels fell asleep, their heads touching together. Abella lowered the volume.

"So what's happening between you and that sex god?" I palmed my head. "Nothing," I said, which was half the truth.

"Oh please those hickeys on your neck makes you look like a leopard, stop lying." She pointed at the marks on my neck. I didn't think they were really that bad, I mentally cursed how I should have covered it up with concealer.

"Well, we're just messing about, that's all really." I shrugged my shoulder. Abella wasn't buying it and rolled her eyes. "More like playing dirty with him. Have you lost it to him?" She smiled as she looked for an answer in my eyes.

"What! No, not yet. I mean no. NO." I whisper-yelled. "What! You haven't done it yet!" Abella screeched quietly. "It took me less than five seconds to think about how that man can do me in seven positions in seventy minutes." If you looked closely, I guarantee you, there was drool coming out of her mouth.

"Abella what about you and Dante then? What's that about?" It was my turn to reverse the question.

"Well, I'm going to be honest with you, he is just a friend." Abella shrugged. "Yeah, friend soon-to-be with benefits," I said, laughing quietly, careful not to disturb the sleeping beauties in the middle.

Abella gave me a deathly look but I didn't think I said anything wrong. "What did Papa want to tell me?" I said as the joke died down. "There's a ball coming soon. It's the 'Baile de los muertos' Ball of the dead. It's on Halloween." Abella said in all seriousness.

It was a ball you go when you turn nineteen. This would be mine and Abella's first time going since I wasn't here for the past three years. "But there's a problem."

Hey lovelies, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts. Have a wonderful day or good night sleep xx

What's your favourite crisp flavour?

I like ready salted and slat and vinegar

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