《F I N》23. FIN


As soon as Fin stepped into her house, her phone rang.

'Adam' flashed on her screen, causing her to smile.

She asked, "Are you here?"

He chuckled, "Yes, we just landed."

Josephine squealed, surprising Theo who jumped at the sound.

He looked shocked that a sound like that came from her. Fin shooed him and walked to her room.

"We're staying at a hotel near Bjorn Street, room 12. You know where that is, so come over in an hour," He said.

Fin agreed and hung up.

There was a rasp on her door before it opened.

Harrison peaked his head in hesitantly. Josephine beckoned him forward.

"Can I help you?" She asked her brother.

"Um... I..." He stuttered.

She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

Harrison breathed in deeply and exhaled before speaking with a little more confidence, "Do you like music?"

"Huh?" Fin asked in confusion.

"Just follow me," he finally said, frustrated and walked out.

She shrugged and went after him.

They went down the hall and made some turns until they reached a door that had a huge black 'X' on it.

Harrison took out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

She looked at him as he gestured for her to enter.

She sighed and walked in.

The room was filled with musical instruments, mostly guitars. Her fingers grazed against a stack of vinyl.

She looked at Harrison for permission and he nodded.

She took one out of the case and placed it gently on the player.

A 'Fly Me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra began to play.

Fin loved this song.

She watched as her brother picked up a guitar and strummed along, sitting on a bench against the wall.

She walked up to the drums and played them.


They finished with Sinatra and began to laugh.

"You know how to play instruments?" He asked, still calming down from the laughter.

"Yep, I play most of the instruments in this room. Music is an escape," she replied, gazing around.

He agreed. "I understand what you mean."

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I haven't been the best brother since you got here," He got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around her, "But I want to make up for that."

"I am so sorry that I've been a shit brother," He frowned.

"I forgive you," Fin replied. She stood up on the tip of her toes and messed up his hair.

Harrison whined in protest but then smiled at her adoringly.

Another one of her brothers' broke a part of her walls.

"Thank you," He said sincerely. He kissed her head.

Fin checked the time on her phone and saw that almost an hour passed after Adam called her.

"I have to meet a friend of mine now," She told him.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Harrison asked.

She thought about it for a minute before nodding.

He was three years older than Mariam, maybe they can hit it off and they would actually become sisters. She mused to herself.

Fin grinned. "What's with that look?" He asked pointing at her face.

"Nothing..." She dragged, hiding her smile.

He hummed and walked out, heading to the garage.

They got in his car and she gave him the directions to the hotel. He raised his eyebrow as they pulled up in the parking lot.

She shrugged and left the car, going up to room 12.


"Uh... Where are we going?" He questioned as they looked for the room number.

She shushed him and knocked on the door of room 12.

A sleepy Mariam answered the door. "What!" She shouted.

Josephine stood unsurprised, Harrison was a different story. He almost touched the ceiling. Mariam loved her sleep.

When she noticed it was Fin, Mariam jump hugged her. Josephine stumbled a bit before steadying herself.

"I MISSED YOU B*TCH!" She yelled happily, clutching on to her friend tightly.

"I miss you too," Fin replied quietly. They laughed and Mariam dragged her inside of the room.

"Where's Adam?" She searched for him.

"He had to go to a meeting," She said.

She finally realized that they weren't alone. "Who is this?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ew, this is is my brother, Harrison. Brother, this is my best friend Mariam," She introduced them.

She could already see the hearts in his eyes when he looked at Mariam.

Fin grinned evilly. Mariam shook her head, she knew it was a setup.

"Hi..."Harrison scratched his head, blushing. Her brother is such a dork.

She sighed.

Just then the door opened.

"Adam," Harrison said with his eyes narrowed.

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