《F I N》21. DON


Josephine made Donatello very happy when she said that she would love to meet his parents. They would love for her to be apart of their family.

She is just the most amazing person he has ever come in contact with.

The only thing he worried about is his brother. Donatello knew that his brother and Josephine are the same age. He was admittedly a little concerned whether they would hit it off and she would forget about him.

He would never say anything though. He doesn't want anyone to know about his insecurities. That would be a joke, imagine big, bad Mafia Don is scared to lose his girl to his younger brother.

He rolled his eyes. Donatello trusts Josephine more than he trusts his family. He loves her more than anything. They have just met but he has very strong feelings already.

Donatello walked into his parent's house. He was in a good mood because he just got off the phone with Josephine. Otherwise, he would start shooting.

The butler, Mr. Carting, greeted him politely. Donatello grunted in reply and left him at the door. He heard his brother, Domenico talking to their parents. He sighed before making himself known.

His mother, Sienna was a drama queen and he wished that he could sew her mouth together sometimes. She got up from her seat and rushed to hug him.

"How are you, Donny? I haven't seen you in so long. Don't you miss your mother?" She cried exaggerating.

He groaned, "Don't call me Donny. I am twenty-five years old."

She swatted his arm. "You will always be my baby."

"Whatever," He grumbled.

He felt a slap on his back. He looked and saw his father, Pierre. He tolerated his father better than his other family members. Probably because he spent hours with him training.


"Let's have dinner and then we would catch up," His mother said and dragged him to the dining room. He saw Domenico there, smirking at him. He also saw three of his cousins with their parents.

'Oh great, more questions and nagging,' He thought. Domenico chuckled at him.

Donatello scowled at his brother and showed his middle finger. Nico put his hand on his chest and feigned being hurt.

The dinner was mostly silent until Domenico blurted out, "I have fought a chicken and lost but it is important to know that the chicken is now in my stomach."

Donatello slammed his head on the table and sighed, while everyone else laughed,

Only his brother would say something like that out of nowhere.

"So Donny," His aunt, Selena, his mother's sister started. She had look on her face where he knew she was going to say something to anger him, "Have you found a wife yet?" She smirked wickedly.

She was a malicious bitch who wanted her son, Michael to run the empire. Even if Donatello wasn't suited to run the Mafia, Michael would never have a chance because he wasn't blood-related to his father. It would have gone to Domenico.

He rolled his eyes and remained silent.

"He doesn't! He shouldn't even be the Don," The bitch shouted, standing up from her seat. Her husband tried to calm her and pull her back to sit. She just disrespected him as if he was a commoner.

"Get the f*ck out!" His father bellowed before Donatello could.

Her husband pulled her out of her seat and carried her out of the house. His cousins flashed him an apologetic smile before following their parents.

"I'm sorry for my sister," His mother apologized as she rubbed Pierre's hand to calm him. The one thing his father hates most is disrespect.


"It's not your fault, darling," He said to his wife. He kissed her head.

"I think it's time for me to leave," Donatello said, standing. He straightened his suit.

"Why don't you stay the night?" His mother whined.

He thought about it. They didn't ask him once if he found a wife and they gave him space.

"Fine," He answered, "Only tonight."

His parents nodded happily and left the dining room.

His brother was still standing there. "You should tell them," Nico said before walking out.

Donatello realized that he knew about Josephine and sighed. He would have to tell his parents soon.

'Tomorrow is going to be a very long day,' He grumbled.

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