《F I N》18. FIN


When Rita re-entered the room with some of the kids' parents, they were amazed at what they saw.

All of the children were sitting in a circle around Josephine and listened as she told a story.

Rita and the parents stood there for ten minutes observing how well the kids behaved. Normally, the children would be in their little groups and not play with anyone else.

That's when Rita named Josephine a miracle worker in her head. That was the first time Josephine has ever been to this hospital and all the kids even the lonely ones, love her.

Occasionally, Sean would move his hand in some gesture and Josephine would do the same or speak out loud.

Rita cleared her throat to gain Fin's attention. Fin told the kids that she would be right back and they all groaned in protest.

The receptionist pointed to two of the people standing behind her, "This is Marcus and Suzie's parents."

Josephine waved and crossed her arms. "Nice to meet you. My name is Josephine," she said and shook their hands.

"You too. Thank you for wanting to help. We really appreciate it." One of the men said.

She nodded and gestured for them to exit the room to talk privately.

"How old are your kids?" She asked as they sat on the bench and couch in the waiting room.

"Marcus is twelve and Suzie is nine," Their mother replied. "Both of them have cancer and we were lucky to have noticed in the early stages." She smiled tearfully.

Josephine nodded and said to Rita, "I would like to speak to their Doctor, please."

Rita left them to look for Dr. Nikel, Marcus and Suzie's Doctor.

She returned shortly after with a middle-aged man. He had bags under his eyes indicating sleepless nights which basically comes with the job.


They shook hands. "So, tell me about the surgery they would have to do and the cost," Fin said.

"Okay. Let's go to my office," Dr. Nikel said as he fixed his glasses. They walked to his office and sat down.

They talked about it for half an hour. "Thank you, Dr. Nikel. I am going to talk to the parents now," she said, standing up.

She left his office and found the parents sitting in the waiting room. "I will cover the hospital expenses for your kids," she said.

Marcus and Suzie's mother rushed to her and embraced her tightly. "Thank you. Thank you," she cried.

Josephine patted her shoulder.

Their father shook her hand with tears in his eyes.

Fin took out her cheque book and wrote a cheque of $100, 000. That was more than enough to cover their hospital bills.

They said their goodbyes after that.

Josephine went to find Rita. She spotted her sitting behind her desk. "What is Sean's last name?" She asked.

"Perkins," Rita replied confused. "Why?"

"I want to pay for his surgery, if he agrees of course," she responded.

Rita nodded. "I would like to know if the head of the hospital is here," Fin said as she leaned against the desk.

"Yes, he is. But why...?" Rita started to ask but Josephine had already walked away. She was going to talk to Derek Stelen, the head of this hospital.

But first, she wanted to talk to Sean.

She went back to the playroom and watched as all of the kids played together and they made sure to include Sean.

When the children saw her, they tackled her to the ground and giggled happily. They grew attached to her very fast.


She laughed and hugged them all. "Okay. I need to borrow Sean for a few minutes but I promise I'll return him soon," she said amusingly.

Fin held Sean's hand and led him to one of the bean chairs. They sat down and he eyed her in confusion.

She signed, "You know about the surgery for your throat?"

He nodded with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, would you like to try it?" She signed again.

His eyes welled with tears. She immediately hugged him. He sobbed silently as he clutched onto her.

She pulled away and wiped his tears. "What's wrong," She asked.

He signed, "It's just that no one has ever asked me what I wanted before." He frowned but then smiled. "Until you." He hugged her.

Fin rubbed his back. "So, what do you think about the surgery?"

He pulled away and signed, "I would like to do the surgery, but..." His eyes filled with doubt.

"What if it doesn't work?" Josephine finished. "How would you know if you don't try? Even if it doesn't work, you are already perfect the way you are."

Sean suddenly kissed her cheek and blushed. "I would like to try," he signed, he was determined.

She messed his hair and then stood. "Alright. I'm going to organize everything. I'll see you later, okay?" She said.

He nodded and waved goodbye to her, then ran back to the others.

Now, Josephine has to see Derek.

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