《Under the Radar》And Now He Knows


Reluctantly, I agreed to go to the party. I guess it would be fun. Jax was going to pick me up and drive together just in case one of us got drunk or something.

I grabbed some black jeans out of my bottom drawer and a red crop-top from my closet. I left my hair as it was and just added a little hairspray. I touched up my makeup put in my black converse afterwards. I wasn't in the mood to party, so I wasn't exactly going to make an effort.

A car honked outside, it was Jax. I trudged down the stairs, "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving. Is that okay?"

"Of course, Mia. Just be careful and have fun."



I finished up fixing my hair and pulled on my jacket. I reached for my phone, about to call Jax, Tanner, Ronnie, and Vinnie but then I remembered that they weren't talking to me.

They were with her.

I scoffed and stuffed my phone into my back pocket. Walking out of my room, I noticed my puppy, Happy, laying by Gramm's feet while she sat in her big chair in the living room.

Lately, I've been refusing to pay much attention to Happy. He just reminded me of her. I honestly didn't want to be reminded of who gave him to me.

"By Gramm, see you later!" Before she could answer, I walked out the door and headed down the driveway.

I didn't even need my car tonight. The party I was going to was right around the corner from my house. A couple houses down, I could already smell the pungent smell of alcohol. It was strong and foul.

I pushed past a crowd to get to the couch were May and James sat. May thinks she's my girlfriend, but she's not. She's just extremely easy, and that's all I wanted. I didn't want a girlfriend, not anymore.

"Danny!" May screeched, tossing her damaged blonde hair over her shoulder and wrapped her arms around me. "You made it."

I smirked and shoved her off. "Obviously I did if I'm standing here." May pouted but recovered and pulled me to the couch. She shoved me down and plopped onto my lap, wrapping her arms around me again.

"Danny-boy, what's up man?" James slurred, obviously drunk.

I just shook my head and ignored him. He's been obnoxiously cocky lately. I was lost in my own thoughts when May screeched angrily. "Who invited them?!?"

I looked up and glared. Jax and Mia walked through the crowd, followed by the rest of the guys and Mia's friends. Of course, I thought. Why wouldn't they come together?

"Hey! You!" James called out.

"What the fu*^ are you doing?!" I hissed at him. James smirked.

Jax shoved Mia behind his body and glared. He pulled her away, still being followed by their posse. James smirked and stood up, "Come on guys. Let's go have some fun."

He took May's hand and helped her off my lap. I stood up and followed. "Hey guys, we're joining you." He pushed me down onto the couch. I groaned and looked up, glaring.

What the actually hell is going on in James' head?! What game is he trying to play?

"We prefer that you not, thank you very much." Vinnie snorted.

May looked at James with a smirk. She plopped down on my lap, making Tanner scoff and roll his eyes. "Would you pricks just leave. No one wants you over here. We're here to have fun, not for your bullshit."


I clenched my fist, "Oh, so I'm a prick now huh? That's funny, because I'm not sleeping with anyone's girlfriend or best friend, am I?"

My old gang and Mia's friends stood up, almost as if to create a wall in front of her. That's when May stood up on the couch and started yelling. "Everyone, Truth or Dare starts in three minutes. Get over here if you want to play!"

"Truth or dare? This isn't junior high!" I growled, still staring down the group of ex-friends.

"But it's fun, silly." She ran her hand down my arm flirtatiously. A few people joined the group and sat down in a circle.

Andrew, Mia's friend grabbed her arm. She winced as she was pulled out of her seat. I almost jump up and shoved him away from her, but I realized how much scum like her deserved to be hurt.

"Let's go Mia," Charlie held her hand.

"Oh no you don't, the game has already started. Once in, you can't get out until the games over." James smirked evilly.

Sometimes I just want to punch that smirk off his face.

Molly, the five year old in a model's body, pouted. "Guys I like this game."

"Molly! We'll play somewhere else. Let's-"

"No. It's fine. Let's play. There's no problem here." Mia interrupted, almost inaudibly.

Jax went over to her and talked to her privately, causing me to roll my eyes. He nodded and sat down next to her on the couch, making the rest of their group sigh and hesitantly sit down too. Tanner ran a hand over his face and groaned, "I'm gonna get a drink, anyone want anything?"

No's came from everyone, including me. But a a small "yes" made everyone turn their head. Tanner raised an eyebrow, "Uh... Water, soda...?"

Mia shook her head and cleared her throat, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Vodka. Something. Anything involving alcohol. Just bring the bottle... Please." Everyone was shocked.

"Little miss perfect wants a big girl drink. She even said please." I mocked. "Better go get it for her. She may throw a temper tantrum."

Tanner's jaw clenched and he stepped forward. Jax held his hand up, and looked Tanner in the eyes. Tanner nodded and headed off to get the drinks.

"Anyways... James, truth or dare?" May squealed.


"I dare you to go suggest the girliest at song you could think of to the DJ, and do anything for it to be played."

James left towards the DJ station. That's when Tanner returned, handing the bottle to Mia. She thanked him and immediately gulped some down. "Mia..." Charlie whispered. "Barbie Girl" started playing over the speakers and James returned with a smirk.

May laughed. "What did you have to do?"

He winked, "Let's just say the DJ was a girl, and I have business to attend to when the game is over."

I snickered and shook my head. "Danny-boy, truth or dare?"

"Truth." I said, causing the few strangers playing the game to yell 'boo'.

James had that mischievous glint in his eye that made me want to attack. "Do you have feelings for Mia Summers?"

. But I couldn't say that. She ruined every possible chance by cheating on me. She betrayed me, broke my heart. I couldn't go through that again.


Charlie spoke up, making a face at James. "Stop being an asshole. That question is unnecessary."

"No." I answered monotonously. Everyone went quiet. I looked over to Mia, who was expressionless. She looked tired and lifeless. But sat there like she just didn't care anymore. She reached over to the bottle, her eyes met mine. While holding my gaze, she drank from the bottle. I was the first to look away.


The game has been going on for fifteen minutes. Mia's group only asked corny dares and stupid questions, while the rest of us did extremely stupid things. "Mia," May barked. "Truth or dare?"

By now, Mia was drunk. She was half asleep, and giggling at everything. Her friends tried to get her to go home but she refused and held onto the couch pillow. "Ummm, I think dare." She slurred.

May smirked. "I dare you to go into a room with James-"

"NO!" Jax and Tanner jumped up and yelled.

"I'm not talking to you, sit down." May sneered. "Anyways-"

"She's not doing anything with that sick bastard!" Andrew stood up too.

James laughed. "It's not like she hasn't done anything before." He leaned back on the couch and put his arms behind his head.

Molly gasped and shrunk back into the couch, as if it would hide her. Charlie stood up, "Only because you fu**ing raped her! You ruined her life!"

My eyes widened, I felt if I was being jolted awake from a year long nap. Rape? James couldn't have...

Mia went to stand up but fell right back down. Vinnie went over to her and held her protectively. Oh, how I wish I was the one holding her instead...

"Oh please, we all know she enjoyed it!" James laughed along with May.

"You broke her ribs! How is that enjoyable?! She's been through hell and back, until this guy came along," Charlie shouted and pointed at me. Ronnie and Jax were currently holding Andrew and Tanner back. "And then apparently, when Mia finally started trusting the male species again, someone went and told her boyfriend that she was a cheater. Gee, MAY, I wonder who it was!"

May rolled her eyes. I stayed quiet, confused with the whole situation. Charlie glared and continued. "And the one guy that got her to break her out of her little bubble, the one guy she's truly liked in a long time, goes and calls her the same names as the one who hurt her did. And not once did he wonder why she had those bruises in school. Not once did he ask what happened. All of his friends knew, they did their best to protect her. But newsflash, DANNY-BOY," Charlie sneered, using James' nickname for me, "Your new girlfriend over here, grabbed her and beat her senseless a couple times. Because of you! You didn't even know about the numerous occasions where your bestie, James over here, threatened and harassed Mia! Even after he got out of jail he hasn't learned his lesson!"

"We wanted to tell you man, but Mia thought you'd be mad at her. She wanted to let it go, and tell you at the right time. She was never with Jax. He was only protecting her. He was like an older brother." Vinnie said, still comforting Mia.

I froze. My head was reeling with new information. He raped her, abused her, broke her. And just when she was fixed, I broke her again!

I stood up tears in my eyes, glancing at Mia. Her face has stone cold, but her eyes were filled with emotion; fear, anger, hatred, sadness. They were filled with unshed tears. "Did you do it?" I turned to James. He smirked. "I said, did you do it."

"Maybe. Doesn't matter now. You two are done, you're with May, I'll get her back; all is well in Wonderland." James said sarcastically. He got up and headed towards Mia. Before the guys could step in his way, I did. "Come on, Danny-boy. Don't make this hard. Just go find an empty bedroom with May and have fun. Go on..."

I grabbed the front of his shirt and held him in place. I turned to face May. "Did you do what they say you did?"

She was hesitant. "No, baby. Why would I-"

"DID YOU DO IT!?" I shouted.

She whimpered and stood up. "Don't you dare talk to me that way! Yes I did it. That bitch has gotten what she wanted since we were kids! Even my parents love her more than me! So of course I wanted to put her in her rightful place; at the bottom! And you know what? I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hearing how James hit her, I enjoyed watching as she innocently allowed him to go f*ck a girl in the bathroom, god she was so naive. I even enjoyed hearing her open the door and cry when she found him cheating on her with me!"

Mia gasped quietly. May smirked. "That's right bitch! It was me!" May lunged at her but was talked to the ground by a brunette. Molly, as innocent as she was, was fighting May off.

Vinnie released Mia and ran to pry Molly off of May. I sneered at the blonde, "You're sick. You need help." I turned back to James. "And you; you are so stupid. I honestly can't think of anything else to say."

He smirked. "Well I mean, she was good wasn't she?"

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"In bed. She was good, right? Why else you you stay with a worthless piece of shit like her?"

That was it. I punched him right in the jaw. He fell onto the floor. Gasps were heard throughout the party. James rubbed a hand over his jaw. I leaned down and grabbed his shirt, lifting him up and dragging him outside.

Once we were on the lawn, I punched him again and again until he started fighting back. "Daniel, stop it!" Charlie shouted. Mia seemed to have sobered up, and stood there in shock, crying.

I'm so stupid. What have I done. I broke her all over again. "I'm so sorry." I cried as I continued to fight with James.

All I remember is Charlie, Molly, and Andrew leading her away as my old friends coming towards the two of us.

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