《Under the Radar》Because I'm Happy


"Merry Christmas, bitches!" Ronnie sat on top of our lunch table. He was wearing a Santa outfit, complete with the white beard and all. "Shit, where's my elf?! Elf?! Where are you?!" He clapped his hands, saying 'chop, chop'.

Vinnie stomped though the cafeteria doors in a green, tight, elf suit. We laughed as his feet jingled with little bells on the tip of his shoes. "Ronnie, it's not Christmas yet. We just out for break today." Jax shoved a grape into his mouth after correcting Ronnie.

Ronnie pouted like a child. Vinnie stepped forward, "Yeah, well he claims that we have to spread the holiday spirit before we leave for break." He bent down and whispered, "I brought normal clothes to change into next period."

I laughed and shook my head. Molly and Andrew then walked in, Molly wearing a faint smile. When she sat down at the table, she glanced at her phone, "It's time!" She clapped her hands and looked at Andrew. "You know when I was your age-"

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Which was five months minutes ago..."

"I went to school at 7:40 am and went to my locker. I went to my morning classes and got yelled at for having an over active imagination. By lunch time, walked through those exact doors, and walked over to my usual table with my friends already sitting there."

I raised an eyebrow at the rambling girl. Being five minutes older than Andrew, Molly does this every year; she watches the time until the exact time she was born and then announces what she did five minutes ago with a, "When I was your age..."

Andrew put his hand over her mouth to shut her up. "Molly, we are officially the same age. You can shut up now." We laughed, Jax shook his head muttering "twins".


Daniel walked over and sat down next to me, kissing my temple as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I turned to him blushing, "Hey, are you just after school today?"

He smiled, "No, I'm not."

"Do you uh-want to come to my house later?"

He nodded and kissed my nose. "So you guys ready for holiday break? By the way, happy birthday guys," he said to the twins. They said thanks and continued to banter.

"Hell yeah!" Ronnie jumped from his seat. "What about you guys? Any plans for the couple?"

I blushed and Daniel winked at me. He told me earlier that he planned something but said it was a surprise. "Yeah, there's plans."


I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Daniel to arrive when my dad walked out of the kitchen. "Hey kiddo, I'm going to the grocery store, want anything?"

I smiled and nodded happily. "Twizzlers!" He laughed. He knew they were my favorite since I was a little girl.

The door bell rang, causing us to look towards the door. "That must be Daniel. Can you let him him, dad?" I asked. He nodded with a smile and said 'have fun, but not too much fun' before he left.

"Mia?" Daniel called out.

"In here!" I yelled and rushed over to place his gift from me in its box. He walked in with a smile and froze when he saw the big box. "Merry early Christmas!" I said excitedly.

He blushed. "Mia... you didn't have to get me anything. I appreciate it but-"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, just get over here and open the box!" He gave me an awkward smile and slowly walked over. I was starting to get a bit anxious and annoyed at his snail-like speed. "Oh my gosh, my great grandmother is faster than you! And she's in a wheelchair! Let's go!" I teased.


He chuckled and finally made it over to the box. Hesitantly, he lifted the lid. Once he did, his expression was priceless.

His face lit up like a kid in a candy store. The puppy in the box barked playfully and jumped up at Daniel. "He's for me?" He asked surprised. He lifted the puppy into his arms and cooed at it.

"Yeah. I remembered you telling me that Gramm never let you have one. So I asked her and she said it was okay." I blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

Daniel had a far away look in his eyes. After placing the puppy into his box, he turned to me with unshed tears. "Mia, why must you be so perfect at life?"

Oh please, if only he knew.

"You took a childhood dream and effortlessly turned it into a reality. Thank you." He bent down and kissed my forehead. "I mean, mines not as sentimental, but I hope you like it." He pulled a box out of his pocket and made me turn around.

I felt a thin, cold, chain wrap around my neck. I glanced down and noticed the beautiful angel-wings pendant. "Daniel, it's beautiful!" I exclaimed while hugging him.

"I'm glad you like it, angel. So, does this little boy have a name?" He released me from the hug to lift the puppy again. He read the collar, "Happy?"

I blushed and nodded. He raised an eyebrow, "Why Happy?"

I felt a sudden burst of courage. I went on my tippy-toes and places a kiss on his cheek, "Because that's how I feel when you're around."

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