《Under the Radar》New Bruises and Tanner


After the best weekend with Daniel, I couldn't be happier. I skipped down the school halls with a huge smile on my face, not caring about the strange looks I got from people. I honestly don't think I've ever been this happy.

"Hey, Mia! Wait up!" Jax ran up to me. As I continued to skip, he walked by my side with an amused expression. "So why are we skipping?"

I smiled. "You're not skipping, only I'm skipping."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So how was your weekend? I heard it was amazing." My cheeks began to warm up as I nudged him playfully. "Wanna skip with me?"

I gave him a weird look. "I'm already skipping?"

He laughed and shook his head, "No! Skip school you dork!"

My mouth formed the shape of an 'O' and I laughed along with him. "Uh, I don't know. I promised Charlie that we would hang out later."

Jax nodded but smiled, "She can come. Go get her and meet me in the lot." He began to walk away, leaving me standing here.

Realizing what's going down, I ran through the hall to find Charlie. When I saw her standing by her locker I slowed down and began walking. But I was pulled into the girls bathroom faster than I could call for help.


"What did I tell you, bitch? I told you to stay away! Now you've got the entire gang following you around!"


May kicked and scratched at my face but I managed to block a few blows. "Do you think you're special?!"


May's little followers flooded into the bathroom and grabbed for me. I tried to fight back but her three main girls moved forward. Dollie, the plastic looking blonde, grabbed my hair and forced my head to jerk back. Karina grabbed at my one arm and the other girl, I think her name was Candice, grabbed the other. Their plastic, stick-on, French manicures dug into my forearms.


"You're worthless! Just scum and the bottom of my shoe. Daniel only wants from you what James took from you in the end. Once he gets it, he'll leave you. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he passed you around to his friends once he's done." May smirked and stepped forward menacingly. "And you wanna know who he'll come to when he's finished playing with you?"

She grabbed me by the jaw and forced me to face her. "He'll come right to-"

"Me." A masculine voice growled from behind us.

Tanner stepped forward and got in May's face. May automatically shrunk back in fear but then straightened up and shoved him back. "You've got some nerve. Coming in the girls bathroom and getting in James' girl's face."

Tanner smirked and crossed his arms. "James' girl, huh? That's why you're going after Daniel right?"

May shut her mouth and looked away. But she recoiled. "Like I said, I'm James' girl. So with a snap of my fingers he'll come and kick your ass."

Tanner snorted and looked at me. The Barbie dolls had released me when Tanner made himself known, I was now leaning on the sink for support. He gave me an unreadable look and turned back to May. "Then, little girl, snap your fingers. I'll be waiting. I've wanted to kick James' sorry ass into hell anyways."

May's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't have a comeback, she didn't know how to backfire. Tanner was bigger than James, so Tanner would most likely win that fight, and May knew that. But even though there was an advantage for Tanner, Mia knew what James was capable of. Who really knew what else he could do.

"Didn't think so. So I suggest you take your followers and disappear. I'm definitely not one to hit girls, but I know a few girls that would love to mess your face up more than it already is." Tanner pulled out his phone as a warning and waited.


Faster than lightning, May's girls fled the scene. May left to, but not without a final threatening glare towards me. I sighed in relief and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Bruises were beginning to form under my left eye and my cheeks. Nothing makeup wouldn't cover though.

"Mia, are you okay?" Tanner placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and frowned. "Does this happen often?"

I shrugged and turned away from the sink, wincing as pain shot through my stomach. Tanner shook his head, disappointed.

He led me out of the bathroom and towards Jax in the parking lot. "What the f-" Jax cut himself off and rushed towards me. "Who did this? Was it James? Did he touch you? Why didn't anyone-"

Tanner stopped him, "It was May and her groupies. I found them ganging up on her in the girls bathroom."

Jax and Tanner shared angry looks and nodded at each other. Jax turned to me sympathetically and opened the passenger side door of his car. "C'mon. We're leaving."

"But Charlie..." I whispered.

Tanner have a sad smile, "Dont worry. I'll find her and we'll meet you guys at wherever you're going. Jax, text me the address."

Jax gave a slight nod, which Tanner returned. I slid into the car and wrapped my arms around myself. "Your house or mine?" Jax tried to lighten the mood a little by joking and adding a wink.

I gave a small smile, "Mine if that's okay." Jax nodded and began to drive in silence, leaving a tense air in the car.


A/n: Hey guys just wanted to say sorry for not updating sooner. I've been packed with mid-terms, tests, and lots of homework, and now I have finals coming up. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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