《The Secret Mafia Princess》Chapter 8


Previously in the story,

Papa~"Who's baby is that? And why are you referring yourself as his mother?"

So, my papa's loud voice scared Leo so much that he started crying a lot and loudly, i guess. Because my other brothers, some maids and men all came in the room running to know who was crying so loud and why.

The maids and men were sent back to there duties. My other brothers seemed shocked to see me so they were filled in on the information aboute being their youngest sister and also about mama's death. They had tears in their eyes once they heard about mama but once they calmed down they each gave me a hug. By that time, Leo had already calmed down and was playing with his toys. Out of all the hugs, Damon's was the best and most comforting.

We all sat down and i introduced everyone to Alessia.

Zandrea~"This is my best friend, Alessia Smith. She is also like a sister of mine and she is 18."

I did not miss the eye contact between Alessia and Lorenzo. Ahha I can become their matchmaker right? Once they all introduced themselves, papa asked about Leo again but in a lower voice to not make him cry again.

Zandrea~"Okay. So, everyone meet Leonardo Costa, well now i think Moretti. He is my son. He is 5 months old."

Papa~"Okayyyy. Well let me tell you, i am not happy that you have a baby at this age but he is too adorable to not like. I also know that you are my daughter an you would never think about killing an unborn child. But who is the father and why isn't he here with you?"

Zandrea~"Well, his father's name is Ace. I met him during my last highschool. He was this guy who never took no as an answer. After three months of lots of persuasion, i finally agreed to go on a date with him. We dated for around 7 months. He was my first everything; first date, first kiss, first love. Six months into our relationship and we said our first i love yous and I also lost my virginity to him on that very day. Things were going good until like after a month, i started getting sick and vomiting. I took the pregnancy test and it was positive. Mama was there for me the entire time comforting me. I was nervous and excited because Ace and I loved each other and it was our baby but it was a big step to take and i didn't know how he would react. Next day, i went to tell him, i saw him with two other boys, one of his age and another of my age i think. When they say me coming, they stopped talk and left Ace alone. I was just about to greet him and he said 'Look Zandrea, whatever we had was a lie. I was pretending that i love you because i don't take no for an answer. Forget about me and never mention my name. And am anyway leaving today, i am not going to attend the last 3 months of highschool' and with that he left without listening to me. So yea that's it. I don't know much about him and never bothered to know anything more because if he doesn't love me, then to hell with him." i shrug it off like it is nothing but deep down i know i loved him and still do. And it hurts thinking about all of that.


Papa~"Am going to kill this guy when i get my hands on him" he said in anger. And my brothers agreed with it.

Zandrea~"Well good luck with find him."

Romeo~"Well, we do know a guy named Ace but i don't think he is the one."


Alonzo~"Zandrea, you and Alessia already know about the mafia. It can stay the way it is and you get no more infromation of what is going, or you can join the Italian Mafia and get Omertà, as a code of silence and you can get more information."

Damon~"Are you crazy? You want my baby sister to join the mafia and take the Ormeta?"

Alonzo~"Well, she knows how to fight. She took down all the guards at the gate and got in without a scratch. And am sure her best friend is no less, i can see a gun and a blade on her. So, it is their option."

Adriano~"Fair enough." he said looking at me, probably waiting for my answer.

I look at Alessia and we have like a silent eye to eye conversation with one another. I then look at Adriano.

Zandrea~"We will do it. How do we get the Omertà done?"

Adriano looked at me with pride in his eyes.

Adriano~"You both will have to complete 3 trials. The first 2 are easy but the last one might be hard and you also have to get a tattoo of the symbol of our family. But we will discuss about this, when your uncles, aunts and cousins come here. I will give them a call saying it is an emergency. They will be over the moon to see you, sorella. Why don't you, Alessia and Leo freshen up? Caleb and Calum will show you to your rooms."

Zandrea~"We will go get our things from the hotel and then come back. Call tge rest of the family when we return because they will be here within 5 minutes if you say an emergency."

Lorenzo~"Ya thats true. But why don't you tell our men where and give them your keys, they will get all your stuff, sorella?"


Zandrea~"Well we cannot do that as we put cameras around the room so we know that no one has tampered with our stuff. But you can send a care and some 2-3 men to help us get our stuff from the hotel and to get mama's coffin from the other car."

Lorenzo~"Okay why not. I will get them ready."

Zandrea~"We won't be long. Damon can you keep my baby with you till we return?"

Damon~"Of course, come to your favorite uncle Leo. We will play a lot and i will get you something to eat. Yes?"

Leo looked at him started giggling and clepping his hands.



Zandrea~"Can you arrange for mama funeral? I will get the Omertà after that."

Adriano~"Of course, sorella."

Zandrea~"Okay byee." I gave Leo a kiss on his forehead and then I and Alessia got into my car and headed to the hotel with my brother's men behind us in an SUV.

I and Alessia talk about what we think about my family.

Alessia~"How do you feel?"

Zandrea~"To be honest, i don't know. I mean they are amazing. They accepted me without even asking for a DNA test. Papa knew am his and mama's daughter just by looking at me. Even my brothers were really welcoming. They did not say anything bad about mama and even ended up crying when i told them about her death. I just hope all this is not fake."

Alessia~"I don't think it is fake because i could see them looking at you with so much love and adoration. Even pride" she said reassuringly.

Zandrea~"Yeaa i know but am just a little scared i think. By the way, what was that eye contact with Lorenzo, all about?" i wriggled my eyebrows at her. She started blushing the momebt i said it. I knew it.

Zandrea~"Ahhaa is that a blush?" i give her a knowing look and smile.

Alessia~"Pfft No haha" she nervously laughed.

Zandrea~"Whatever you say love. Whatever you say."

We reached our room. My brother's men quickly took our stuff and kept it in our bags. I called the driver of the car and told him her can take his car back. We remove our cameras and packed them. We went to the reception and checked out. We then went out and transferred the coffin to my brother's car and paid the driver. We, then got into our cars and went back to my new house and family.


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