《The Secret Mafia Princess》Chapter 6


Previously in the story,

After making our plan, we decide to get a few hours of sleep...

I wake up from Leo's crying and quickly pick him up and start rocking him. I do not want his crying to wake Alessia up. I pull out my breast from my t-shirt and he latches on it immediately. As he is feeding, i get my phone from the side table and see that it is 8:30 am.

Once he is done, i decide to give him a bath. I dress him in a black adidas outfit.

By the time he is ready, Alessia wakes up and freshens up. Till that i play with Leo. Once she is dress, I give her Leo, so she can keep him till am ready.

She orders some food through room servie for us as she plays with him. Before it arrives, i do my morning routine and get ready.

By the time we are all ready, it is already 10:30 am. We eat our breakfast while we go through the plan one more time. Before we leave, I feed Leo and put him to sleep.

Since we are in a new country, we cannot trust anyone. So, we install small cameras around the room so we can make sure no one tampers with our stuff. I and Alessia also make sure to get our authentic guns and blades.



We keep a blade in each of our boots, one in the bra and another in our hair. We also put one gun in the back of our jeans. I also make sure to take my tranquilizer gun because they are my father's men, i cannot kill them for protecting my own family. We also wear an ear piece to talk to one another in case I need backup.


We lock our room and head to my car. We will take my Porsche because it has a baby seat at the back. I place a sleeping Leo in his sit. Alessia is driving and am in the passenger seat.

I tell Alessia to park a few houses away from their mansion, so that they do not think that anything is wrong. I get out of the car. Alessia will stay in the car with Leo nearby in case of emergency.

I slowly and cautiously walk to the mansion. When i am little away from the mansion, i get out my tranquilizer gun and shot the men at the gate and the ones near them guarding the opening.

Zandrea~"Gate clear. Am now going in."


I go to the front and since all the men are knocked out, i swiftly jump over the gate. Two men spot me but since am a young woman, they come to talk to me and send me away instead of killing me on spot. I start fighting both of them at once. I hit one with an uppercut and then a roundhouse kick knocking him out instantly. I am still fighting the other guy when i see another guard running towards me. I put my hand around the other guy's neck. I swiftly remove my gun and pointed it at his head.

The guard came to a stop and drew his gun out pointing it at me when he saw this and said, "Ehi puttana, cosa ci fai qui?" (Hey bitch, what are you doing here?)

Zandrea~"Sta 'zitto. Vai a chiamare il tuo capo prima che uccida quest'uomo e anche te." (Shut up. Go and call your boss before i kill this man and you as well.)

He looks at me in shock maybe to ask if i am serious and i give him my emotionless glare.


Zandrea~"ADESSO!" (NOW!)

Guard~"ok ok" (okay okay) he looked hesitant but still ran inside to get my father or brother or both.

But i keep my guards up I hit the man next to me with my gun, hard on his head to knock him out. I look around waiting for the guard to return.

Zandrea~"Looks like i will finally meet my family."

Alessia~"yea, but be careful, he might instead bring more guards."

Zandrea~"yup i know."

(Zandrea's father)

I am with my eldest son, Adriano, his best friend, Alonzo and my second eldest son, Lorenzo. We are in Adriano's office discussing about the current raid on our weapons warehouse. I am pretty sure it is the fucking Russians who did this. I hate them with a motherfucking passion. Because of them my wife left me 18 years ago so that i know that she will be safe and i can concentrate on the war and not the death threats made on her.

I am still trying to look for her and get her back. But she was my best hacker and she is hacking into my hackers' laptops and distracting us from finding her. On one hand, i am extremely frustrated that i can't find her but on the other, i am extremely happy to know she is okay and safe.

We are still thinking about what to do with this fuckers so we can catch them and torture them for some information. In the middle of all this, there is a knock on the door.

Adriano~"Come in"

I see a guard come in, he is taking deep breathes as if he has run around the whole house to get here.

Adriano~"Cosa vuoi?" (What do you want?)

Guard~"Don, mi dispiace. But there is this lady that knocked out all our men at the gate and is asking to meet you or else she will kill more of our men. Sembra Donna, Gianna ma più giovane. Ha circa 18 anni." (I am sorry, She looks like Donna, Gianna but younger. She is like 18 years old.)

The moment we all hear this, we bolt out of the office and run outside. We all come to a stop when we see the young lady.



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