《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Labour Symptoms.
Chapter 32:
Sophia's POV:
*Six Weeks Later.*
I awake to Jake kissing my belly. I groan as I feel his cold nose touch off my bump.
"Jakey, your nose is freezing," I state, ruffling up his hair as he continues to nuzzle his nose against the babies and kiss them.
"Sorry," he chuckles, leaning up to my face so he can kiss me. "Good morning, my precious."
"Don't say that, you sound like Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings; it's creepy."
"Sorry, beautiful."
"Better," I giggle. He gently places his lips on mine in an amazing, spontaneous kiss. We eventually pull back and I feel a slight moving sensation coming from the twins. "They're moving, Jake."
"It's unfair that they won't kick, I want them to kick," he sighs, moving his hand over my growing belly.
"It's unfair that I'm fat but I'm not complaining," I respond.
"That is the understatement of the century," he laughs.
"Yeah, you're right," I concede, chortling at the end. I always complain about my bump, I have since the start and I will continue to do so because I'm as big as a whale. This is the biggest I've ever been during this pregnancy because I'm a week late. I was supposed to have them last week but they haven't come yet. If they don't come soon, the doctors will have to speed things up. I hate being late, everyday gets worse and worse. I'm so uncomfortable and I just want them to be here so I can hold them. The Summer heat really isn't helping with my uncomfortableness. Jake's even antsier than usually because he knows they can come any minute now. He watches me like a hawk and I find it so cute.
He got his sling off two weeks ago and his bruises and cuts have cleared up and are now fully gone, thank God. He was always complaining about not being able to hold the twins properly if he still had the sling on and they came early. Now he can't complain anymore because the sling is off and his arm works find without pain. "Jayden and Emily will be here soon, we should get up."
"They're already here, look at the clock," Jake points out. I turn my head to my side and check the time. He's right; it's 1:23P.M. and we arranged for them to come over at 1. We slept in so late! "I didn't want to wake you because you were so tired and looked so peaceful."
"If that happens again, wake me," I order.
"But, I don't like doing that, you need sleep."
"I don't, I'm not tired at all. Let's get dressed." Jake gets out of the bed, helping me up in the process. I undress and put on some new underwear and a bra. I turn around to ask Jake which dress looks better but I stop myself from asking when I notice him looking at me. "Jake, you know that makes me self-conscious."
"You don't need to be self-conscious, you're beautiful. Can I not gaze at my beautiful fiancée every once and a while?"
"Of course you can, I'm sorry. Which one should I wear?"
"The one on my right is prettier and cuter."
"Thank you!" I put it on with shorts underneath and Jake helps put my pumps on properly for me. "Thanks again." I smile at him and he kisses me softly.
"Anything for you, beautiful, let's see our friends." I hope they stayed, I want to see them. All my friends have been coming over daily anyway but I still want to see my friends as much as I can before I'm so busy with the twins. We brush our hair and teeth before going to the sitting room to find them.
"You're finally awake!" Emily notes, jumping to her feet to hug me tightly. She and Jayden were with James, Zoey and Zach on different couches.
"Sorry, I must have been tired because I slept in late. Forgive me," I plead.
"Of course, honey, are you okay? Feel any pains?" she asks, bending down to my bump.
"Not yet," I smile, giving my belly a little rub and then, she kisses it a few times.
"We got you that spicy food to try move this along, do you want to try some?" Jayden chimes in, giving me a warm, greeting smile.
"I'd love to, I want them out now," I confess, sitting beside him. He passes me a plate and I take a bite. Jayden and Emily have been looking things up to try and make me go into labour faster. This is the third thing we've tried, if this doesn't work, we're going for a long walk later.
"Anything?" Jake asks, sitting beside me and rubbing my back.
"Jake, it won't work that quick! I haven't even swallowed it yet," I chuckle at him. I was meaning to talk to Jake about the birth because Mum told me he was really upset at the thought of it. I should really do it today because tomorrow or sometime this week could be the day. If I don't talk to him about it soon, I might be too late. After I finish it all, I lie back against the couch. "I don't feel any different."
"Give yourself a few minutes to digest the food, maybe have a little walk around too," James suggests.
"Good idea, come with me to get a drink, Jay and Ems," I command.
"I'll go get the ball while you get it," Zach comments, "You can try that too." I'm been using a birthing ball to exercise, it's said bouncing on it can bring on labour and I'm willing to try anything because I'm so uncomfortable. Emily and Jayden help me up and we walk to the kitchen.
"Sit, I'll get it," Jayden insists, going to the fridge.
"Fine," I mumble, agreeing to his order by sitting at the counter with Emily. Jayden takes a bottle of cold water out before passing it to me and I take a sip of it.
"Oh my God, I just thought of a brilliant idea!" Emily squeals while giggling. Jayden and I become intrigued and wait for her idea with curiosity. "We should pretend that your waters broke so we can scare them."
"Definitely!" I agree, then, laugh at the thought of it already. "That would be hilarious! Do you think they'd believe it?"
"Of course! They're all so gullible and worried about you, of course they'd believe it, especially when you're a week overdue," Emily answers.
"You guys are dead if you do that," Jayden states then chortles, "They'll be so mad that you tricked them."
"It's funny! They'll get over it; they can't get mad at the pregnant girl because I'm late and need support! Let's do it, Emily! Spill some water on the floor, I'll call for Jake," I tell her.
"I warned you both, don't blame me if they get angry," Jayden declares with a smirk, sitting back on the chair.
"They won't and don't you dare tell them," Emily warns. She pours a glass of water on the ground, leaving a pool of water at my feet.
"My lips are sealed," Jayden agrees, pretending to lock his mouth and throw away the key. Emily and I giggle at each other before getting into character. Okay, Sophia, you can do this, don't laugh when they come in. Emily gives me a nod to show she's ready and I scream out Jake's name. Jake and the others burst through the door immediately and Jayden and Emily dash up off their chairs. Everyone glances down at the pool of water beneath my feet and realisation overcomes them. Jake's face pales with fear and he scurries hastily over to me. Jake looks at me in the eyes and I see fear in his eyes. I really do need to chat about the labour with him, he's terrified looking.
"Baby, come here, are you okay?!" Jake asks frantically, taking my hand and wrapping an arm around my back for support. James is on the other side of me, holding me up while Zoey gets her phone out.
"Mom, Dad, quick!" Zach bellows. Suddenly, my parents bust through the door and crowd around me like everyone else.
"The babies are finally coming!" my mum exclaims, clapping her hands and smiling uncontrollably.
"The spicy food must have worked," Zoey concludes, giving me a smile too.
"Ow!" I mutter, pretending to bend from pain. James and Jake help my up again and Jake hugs me to his chest, kissing my hair.
"Quick, Zo, call for an ambulance," my dad requests.
"How did it happen?" Jake questions.
"We were just talking and it just happened!" Emily interjects.
"Was that your first contraction?" Jake frets, squeezing my hand and placing my hair behind my ear.
"Yes-ow-ow," I grumble with fake pain.
"I'm dialling!" Zoey informs, typing the number as if her life depends on it.
"No, wait, don't," I interrupt.
"Why not? Do you think you'll make it to the car?" James enquires.
"We don't need to go," I confide.
"Yes, we do, Soph, the babies are on their way! They're coming, we need get you to the car and hurry to the hospital before it's too late-" Jake worries.
"Jake, calm down, sweetie," my mum cuts him off, rubbing his arm.
"Shh, Jake, they're not, it's okay," I reassure.
"They are and we're going now!" Jake demands, starting to lift me up.
"Put me down, Jake," I retort.
"Am I hurting you?" he asks with concern.
"No, silly, I'm fine," I chuckle lightly. I look around at everyone's worried, confused and scared faces and I feel bad for doing this to them but I can't help find it hilarious at the same time. Their expressions are priceless! Jayden, Emily and I share a grin and burst out laughing.
"What the hell are you three laughing at?! This isn't funny!" Zoey objects.
"Oh, but it is, Zoey, you're all so frantic!" Emily explains while almost crying with laughter.
"I'm not really in labour, we were pranking you," I concede. Everyone sighs with relief except for my mother who pouts with disappointment but, then, they glare at us.
"That's a horrible trick, Sophia, we were worried about you," James mutters with anger.
"You bitch! I hope your real labour is painful!" Zach murmurs with anger.
"That's mean, Zach, apologise now," Mum bosses.
"Tell her to apologise, I was really concerned for her! We all were and it was for nothing!" Zach pouts, sticking his tongue out at me with annoyance.
"It wasn't my idea, blame Emily!" I protest.
"Don't blame just me! You agreed to it! They all just have no sense of humour," Emily disagrees.
"It's funny when it's not about something serious," James adds.
"I told you both," Jayden smirks. I look over at Jake and notice he let go off my hand and was frowning at me.
"Jake, are you okay? You look really upset," I observe and he nods. "Aw, baby, please don't be mad at me."
"I'm not," he corrects drily.
"You are, it's obvious. I'm sorry, everyone," I announce sincerely.
"So are we," Emily and Jayden admit with guilt. I look over at Jake and take his hand but he doesn't hold it back. I grasp my fingers around his and then, kiss him softly on the lips. He doesn't respond to my kiss so I sigh and let go off his hand but then, he kisses me spontaneously.
"I can't ever stay mad at you," he whispers then smiles, "Don't scare me like that again."
"I won't," I promise, then, lace my fingers in his while looking back up to his mesmerising eyes.
"You guys got us good," my dad grins, then, chuckles. "What's the liquid on the floor then?"
"Water," I reply.
"It's all of yours mess, clean it up," he commands with a sly smirk.
"I'll do it, you can't bend down," Emily offers, getting a cloth to dry the floor.
"I'm really sorry, I feel so bad, everybody," I repeat.
"You're forgiven, sweetie, I love you," Jake comforts, hugging me. I lie my head against his shoulder and snuggle my head against him. "Let's have a go on that birthing ball and see if it works." We return to the sitting room and Jake holds me securely as I sit myself on the ball. I move slowly at first, testing the ball out to get used to it and then I start bouncing. "Feel anything?"
"Nope," I sigh with disappointment. I get a big kick into the bladder and gasp abruptly because I really need to go to the bathroom now. "Whoa." I stop bouncing to clasp my belly with one hand and hold onto Jake's hand with the other.
"Are you okay?!" he fusses with worry.
"Big kick into the bladder," I respond, rubbing over the kick.
"Stop worrying us, babies, and don't hurt your mummy," Jake orders in a stern voice, bending down to them.
"Maybe we should try the walking," Zoey proposes.
"Ugh, I don't want to get up though," I complain, "My feet are sore."
"You should rest in bed instead then," Mum empathises, rubbing my back.
"No, I'll go for the walk, I want them out of me, then the couch will do," I groan, standing up with the help of my perfect fiancé.
"Yay, a family walk, this is going to be good bonding time!" Mum rejoices. I change into more suitable walking shoes and then we head off down our road. Jake and I hold hands as we watch the scenery around us while we walk. When the twins are here, we're going to bring them for lots of walks. The exercise will also help me get rid of my baby fat too. I'm not looking forward to trying to get back to my old size, if I ever do.
They say if it takes nine months to put on the weight, it'll take at least nine months to get rid of it. But, fortunately, all women are different. I know a girl who was in the year ahead of me who had a baby two years ago, she lost the almost all of the baby weight in a month. She told everyone she didn't even do much exercise, the breastfeeding speeded the removal up for her. Hopefully, since I'm breastfeeding for two, it will be quicker for me. It's doubtful, but I still have hope.
I want to lose it as soon as possible because I don't want everyone thinking I'm fat. I know I'm fat now, but it's a different sort of fat, it's pregnancy. Jake might stop loving me if I look fat and I don't want him finding me unattractive. I need to get into shape as soon as I'm physically able to. I'm going to be so busy that I may not even have time to work-out. I'll work something out when the time comes, no point worrying about it now. I have the upcoming birth of my twins to be worrying about at the moment.
We take a turn into the park and then wander around to observe its beauty. I love everything to do with nature, that's why I always go to the woods near my house when I'm upset because the images of the woods calm me. I notice Zach has been texting someone ever since we left the house. Has Zach a lady friend? I'm going to find out! It would be so cute if he was texting a girl!
"Who are you texting, Zach?" I ask sweetly.
"No one," he replies quickly, locking his screen.
"Does someone have a girlfriend?" I tease.
"No," he snaps.
"Aw, too bad," I remark, frowning slightly. I got all excited for nothing. I still think he's texting a girl though; I won't give up until I find out who it is. Jake leads me to a secluded area, everyone pressing on behind. I survey the brightly green grass and catch our friends on the floor with five picnic baskets beside them and five picnic blankets beneath them. What the hell are all our friends doing here?! "Jake?!" I ask with confusion, casting a glance at them again. "What's going on?"
"We arranged a picnic," Jake beams, making his way over to them with the others and me. Why is everyone so kind towards me? I don't deserve them all.
"Guys, no more surprises. You spoil me too much, I don't deserve this," I whine.
"You're right, you don't," Avril disagrees, "You deserve so much more and better!" Her belly is starting to get so big now, she's twenty four weeks! She hasn't talked to Liam about what if the baby's not his yet and we've been begging her to talk to him about it. She'll feel better after she chats with him and then, she doesn't have to worry anymore, so I hope she'll finally talk to him.
"You're wrong, nothing's better than this," I rectify, going in to hug her. She places her arms around me in a hold and I thank each of them all individually with a hug and thank you. It's hard to hug Avril because our bumps keeping hitting off each other and we always end up laughing at it when we hug. They better not have any more surprises for me, I really don't deserve them. We sit down beside them on the ground and they get the food out. I lie on my back, with my arms supporting me underneath and my belly sticks up like mad. Jake picks me out some food since I can't reach it because of the position I was lying in.
"Here, sweetie, I'll get it for you," Jake offers, passing me a sandwich. I thank him, then, hungrily take a bite out of it. Jake lays his hand on my belly, stroking it while we all finish our food and I feel very protected and loved. After our lunch, Jake leans over my belly and kisses it numerous times. I rest my hand on his cheek and pull him to my lips. He pecks me softly on the lips and holds me to his chest.
"So, the spicy food didn't work, the birthing ball didn't work and the walking didn't work. You know what's left to do?" Danny winks.
"Danny, shut up, no, I'm uncomfortable," I disapprove, sighing loudly. Apparently, it's said that sex helps labour to come on but I'm not trying it. I am 41 weeks pregnant and, for once, not in the mood.
"Aw, I was looking forward to that," Jake smirks, then kisses me again.
"It's what started this, let it be what ends it," Bennett jokes and we all burst out laughing. Suddenly, I get a small tightening in my back and lower abdomen. Looks like we won't have to do it now because I think that was my first contraction. I better talk to Jake about the birth before it happens and I don't get a chance to tell him not to worry. That contraction didn't even hurt, so, I don't need to go yet.
"What's wrong?" Brad questions, examining me. He must have noticed me looking away and down at the ground.
"Nothing," I lie, giving them a smile. I don't want to tell anyone yet because it's not sore and if I tell them now, they'll be so worried.
"Somehow I don't believe you," Cameron says, looking at me with suspicion.
"You should all come back to mine. Let's watch a movie, it'll be fun," I proffer, hoping they'll say yes.
"That would be great, of course, let's start back now," Austin accepts, getting up. Jake lifts me up and we all walk back to my house. No more contractions so far, maybe it's not the real thing. It's been twenty five minutes; will I get another one soon? I hope not, I don't want them to be painful.
"You guys, pick out a movie, I just need to speak with Jake in private for a few minutes. Don't pause the movie for us, we could be a while," I disclose, taking Jake's hand to go into another room.
"Ew, they're actually going to do it!" Alex says, cringing with disgust.
"No! We're talking," I correct, leaving the room quickly before they can protest.
"Sophia, what's wrong?" Jake finally asks after the door is closed. He examines me for any sign of something wrong and sits me on his lap.
"We need to talk about the birth; I've been meaning to for weeks, I forgot to ask. My mum was telling me you got really upset a few weeks ago and when I pranked you today, I saw how frantic you were. When they finally come, I want you to be calm and not to worry about me, the twins or anything else for that matter. Please, Jakey," I advise.
"Soph, I'll try my best to stay calm for your sake because I'm afraid if I freak out, you'll freak out and I don't want you to be fretting when you're in labour. I'm really sorry for not confiding in you with my fears about this. I felt like I shouldn't be the one who's afraid and I was acting silly."
"You have the right to be afraid, Jake, you're going to be a dad and labour's a scary thing. That's why I need you to be calm, at least act it, you're the only one who'll get me through this. I told you you're my rock, don't break it."
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How very noble of you, Mr. Lockhart. I don't need your help. I can do just fine." I retorted."I'm a lot of things, Victoria." Tyler said leaning against the banister. "But noble is not one of them.""After today, I'm not even going to argue with that fact. They should have named you Lucifer."He smiled, not kindly. "Think of it as a warning from the devil himself. I will not warn you a second time. Throw yourself at me, Vicky, and I'll take what I want." ***Victoria Lane and Tyler Lockhart have been best friends since they were kids, and the two have been through thick and thin together. Tyler is fun, charismatic and makes Victoria weak in the knees. What Tyler doesn't know is that Vicky has been in love with him for a long time. Tyler Lockhart has been hiding some skeletons in his closet, he is a billionaire and comes from an influential family; the Lockharts' have been cursed with a life long of bad omen and while Tyler's mother has tried hard to keep him from showing his true nature to society, sometimes, all it takes is one small mistake. When Vicky finds out the truth, things turn from bad to worse and Tyler is forced to leave town. Vicky's life comes crashing down when Tyler steps foot in town almost ten years later, and he's come back with a motive; to stay and to win Vicky back. ***Please Note* I do NOT own the picture used for the cover. It belongs to it's rightful owner and is only being used for entertainment purposes. No commercial use involved. WARNING: Story contains profanity, sexual tensions and abuse. May also contain topics sensitive to nature. Read at your discretion. Copyright © 2019 KittyKash92
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