《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Rumours.


Chapter 29:

Avril's POV:

*7 Weeks Later.*

I'm not as worried about my Mum anymore since Liam's parents took it so well. Even if my Mum kicks me out, I still have a place to live. I really want to tell my Mum to get it over and done with because it's starting to eat away at me. Every time she talks to me or looks at me, I feel like blurting it out. I won't be able to keep it a secret much longer anyway because I'm twelve weeks now and I'm starting to develop a baby bump. It's not that large but it's noticeable.

Some girls don't like the bump because they don't want to ruin their figures but I couldn't wait to get mine because I find them so adorable and then when I get really big I can rub my belly and feel the baby move and kick. Liam and I are going to create so many memories soon and I really can't wait for them. I hope he doesn't get scared and leave me. I still haven't gathered enough courage to talk to Liam about what I wanted to talk about after we told his parents because I'm scared of his reply.

I don't want to be a single mother if the baby's not his but I also don't want him to feel like he has to stick around if the baby's not his, and if they happen to not be his and they're Gavin's, well, then I don't know what I'll do. He's made it pretty damn clear that he doesn't want me or the child in his life. Men are so lucky; they can just leave whenever they want unlike us women who have to stay and take care of our baby. But I shouldn't be worrying about things that possibly may never occur because I don't want to stress the baby and cause a miscarriage or problems in my pregnancy.

My morning sickness has started to stop; I don't really feel sick as often as I did before. Liam and I have made friends with Sophia and Jake's friends now because they asked us to join them for lunch and ever since that time six weeks ago we have spent lunch with them every day. They were sceptical of us first, more of me than Liam because of my previous record of bullying people but Sophia explained to them that I wasn't a threat and I was her friend. So, they eventually started to stop being wary of me and became friends with me instead. Liam was friends with most of the guys already because they play on the team with him.

I'm so grateful for everything Sophia has done for me; she's given me friends, support, advice, a shoulder to cry on and she's given me so much help through all of this. I don't know how I'll ever repay her; she's been there for me so much. Speaking of Sophia, her and Jake got engaged a few weeks ago and she's now the size of a baby whale. No kidding, she's huge now! I don't mean it in a mean way; I love her cute thirty week bump! The babies kick a lot more now too and she lets me feel them kick which I love. I'm looking forward to when my baby kicks me. I say I'll find it a bit annoying as I get bigger because Sophia says it's really irritating when they kick so much, it makes her lose concentration. But despite that she still enjoys the kicks and I know I will too.


My love for Liam is getting greater and greater with every day and moment we spend together. He is so caring and definitely the best boyfriend ever. He has so much love for me and the baby and I'm so happy to have him in my life. His parents have arranged me a doctor's appointment for two weeks' time so I need to tell my Mum soon because I want her to be there with me. Even after everything she has done, she's still my Mother at the end of the day and I do love her deep down. Ryder has gotten another job despite my arguing with him and Liam has gotten one too. I feel so bad that they've had to get jobs because of me. It's not Ryder's fault but he's refusing to quit or let me have a job which I find totally unfair.

I get home and throw my bag onto the sofa when I enter the living room. Ryder was in there studying for upcoming exams and finishing off any homework he had. I felt like telling him that I want to tell Mum tonight. I really want to confide in her but I'm scared. This is the scariest experience in my whole life and I don't want her to hate me or become a worse alcoholic. I know this is my entire fault but I wouldn't have slept with so many people if it wasn't for her. She's the one who made me like that because she never had any rules. She never stopped me or taught me not to. Maybe if she looked after me like a normal mother and stopped drinking this wouldn't have happened. But I would regret this not happening because I love and want this baby so much.

"Hello, you. Are you feeling okay?" Ryder asks, looking me up and down as I lie down on the sofa while I sigh. He snapped me out of my thoughts and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Should I think of things like that or maybe I probably shouldn't because thoughts like those caused me to start cutting in the first place along with other bad thoughts. But that dark place in my life is over, the new happy and real me has broken out of her shell that she has longed to do for so long.

"Yes, everything's wonderful," I assure. I'm in a place in my life right now that I can honestly say I'm happy. I know that I'm now going to have a baby to look after but that just makes me happier. To know that you're creating new life and have a person who you'll love forever is very uplifting.

"Was that sarcasm?" he questions, studying me for a lie of any sort.

"No it's the truth," I say honestly, "There's just one thing that's bugging me."

"And that is?" he inquiries, dropping his pen to listen to me.

"How I'll tell Mum. Liam's parents said we could all go for a meal there and they'll tell her for me but I sort of want to tell her now," I explain.

"I can tell her for you now if you want, I don't mind at all, I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you, Ry. That would be great; I don't think I could do it alone."

"You don't have to do it alone because I'll always be here for you, Av," he promises.

"Thank you, Ryder. Do you think I should tell Liam that I'm going to tell Mum?"


"Definitely, it's best he knows, he might want to be here," he points out.

"I'd rather he wasn't though because Mum will physically beat the shit out of him," I remind, biting my lip at the thought.

"You're probably right but still tell him that you're going to and how you feel about not wanting him to come over." I nod my head and get out my phone. I send Liam a quick text explaining what I was about to do and if he agreed to my intentions. He did and also wished me luck and told me he loved me. I smile as I text him back then I hear the front door slam shut. Oh shit, she's home. I can't do it, I can't.

"Shh, it's all right," Ryder soothes as he rubs my back, noticing me get worried and stiffen.

"What's up with you two?" Mum asks, watching us both sceptically.

"We need to talk to you," Ryder announces, taking me to the chair and gesturing for Mum to sit across from us.

"Just cut that crap and tell me what it is," she demands, placing her hands on her hips while giving us stern looks.

"Mum," I start, "please don't be mad."

"It depends on what you want to tell me," she mutters, waiting in anticipation. Neither I nor Ryder say a word so my Mother gets even more impatient. "Well, it's obviously something that will make me mad then. How bad is it? Did you get expelled? Another F? Knocked up?-" she stops because she could see from the look on my face that it was the last one. "Avril, tell me you're not."

"I'm sorry, Mummy," I cry, covering my eyes as Ryder pulls me to his chest.

"Well, that's just fucking great, isn't it?" she says sarcastically. She sighs, mumbles an apology and buries her head in her hands as she sits down at the table. I continue to cry and Ryder does his best to cheer me up but I'm not able to be consoled. I felt a new pair of arms wrap themselves around me which comforts me a little. Wait, the only other person who could be hugging me is my Mother, that can't be right; she never hugs me. I look up from my hands to make sure and I was 100% correct. She's crying also and clutching me to herself as if hanging on to dear life. This feels nice; I wish we hugged more often. We haven't hugged since a few years ago; it felt so long, too long. I miss my old Mother. I think she's back; it's difficult to know for sure.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I've been the worse mother ever, I should have been a good mother to the both of you and been there for you but instead I wasted my life on alcohol because I thought it got rid of my worries but I was wrong. The more I drowned out the world the nastier I got to the people I love. I never meant to ever make you feel hated; I hope you know that, kids."

"We know, Mum. When Dad left it was so hard for you but we forgive you. At least things haven't ended that bad. We still have each other and Avril has Liam," Ryder notes.

"You shouldn't forgive me. I always left you alone; you had to look after Avril all the time instead of meeting up with friends and having fun. I ruined both of your childhoods. I made everyone around me miserable and drowned myself with alcohol like an irresponsible eighteen year old. I regret it all so much and now look, my actions have made consequences. My poor baby is going to be a teen Mom all because of me," Mum exclaims.

"I don't mind, Mum. I'm really excited," I admit.

"It's not as easy as you think. It costs so much, you have to watch the baby at all times, you rarely get free time to yourself, babies cause arguments with loved ones, people will bully you, people will judge you, lots of things happen, sweetie, I don't want people calling you names," she confides.

"They already do because I'm a whore, Mum. But I promise I'm not anymore, I love Liam and I want to be a good Mum to my baby," I confess. She knew who Liam was because once when she was home (which happens rarely) he came over and she asked who he was so I told her about him being my boyfriend. She just snorted and left the house, murmuring, "teenagers" on her way out.

"I'm sure you will, honey. Does Liam know? How many weeks are you?" she questions.

"He knows and so do his parents. He's being really loving and caring and so are they. I'm almost thirteen weeks," I answer, whispering the last part as I wait for her to get mad at me for not telling her sooner.

"You're almost thirteen weeks and didn't bother to tell so many weeks ago when you found out?" she repeats and I nod in reply. "I really wish you told me sooner. I could of gave you support, honey."

"I didn't know you'd be nice to me, I thought you'd kick me out."

"I guess you had a reason to think that because of the person I became, but she's totally gone now, the real me is back and she's not going anywhere ever again. This is a big eye opener for me about how bad of a person I was. I promise to never hurt either of you in that way ever again."

"Good because I need you so much now. There's probably something else you both should know too. The baby may not be Liam's, it may be Gavin's, we don't know yet because it was only a day's difference," I whisper, waiting for their replies and reactions. "I cheated on Gavin but he cheated on me also."

"When you first told me you were pregnant I thought it was Gavin's until you told me you and him broke up and you got with Liam but I never knew he was a possible father of the baby," Ryder chimes in.

"I didn't tell you because I thought it might be Liam's and you and Mum never had to find out it might have been Gavin's. Gavin knows and he doesn't want anything to do with us, he wanted me to have the abortion but Liam talked me around to not have it. I really want to talk about it with Liam but I don't know how to bring it up. I don't want to make things awkward between us because things are so great right now. I just want to know what he'll do if the baby isn't his. I don't want him thinking he has to stay around but I love him and I don't want him to leave me if it's Gavin's."

"I think you should talk with him about it as soon as possible. You need to know how your relationship with him stands before you continue to remain romantically involved with each other because if the baby turns out to be Gavin's and he leaves you, you'll be heart broken and so upset. And if he decides he won't stay with you if they're not his when you tell him then you should break up, it will save you falling even more in love with him and it won't hurt as much as it would in the future. You'd have wasted so much of your time with him for nothing," she advises.

"But I'm scared of what he'll say. I don't want to break up," I pout, tears starting again. She moves my hair out of my eyes and behind my ear.

"If he really loves you like he says, then, he will stick around despite it being Gavin's. From what I've heard he sounds like he does love you. But let me warn you, if he does stick around, don't have stupid arguments, they ruin relationships especially when a baby's involved. People become so impatient and stressed that they snap at people for no reason. Believe me, that's what happened with your Father and I." I stop and think about my Father. Why did he have to leave? If he ever did come back I want an explanation and a very sincere apology. I don't know if I'll ever forgive him but I still deserve an apology. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking of Dad," I reply.

"Don't get upset by that no good, useless and immature father of yours. He was a waste of space, you both deserved much better," she remarks.

"I don't want my baby to have no daddy, Mum," I sigh.

"Either do I, sweetie, and hopefully they will have a Daddy. Next time I see him, I'll make sure he's not going anywhere and he promises to look after you. I better get looking for a job; I need to provide for you and the baby now. I should have gotten myself help as soon as I knew I had a drinking problem, it just felt so easy to drown out life when I drank that I didn't stop. I promise, you two, that I won't ever have another drink. I love you both so much," she sobs. That was the first time in like ten years she has said she loves me and it made me feel so much better.

"We love you two, Mum, I'm so glad you're back," Ryder breaks in, gripping her tight in a big hug. My Mum grabs us in a group hug and I feel my tears starting to flow again, but I didn't care now because I have my Mother back and I believe she's never going to go back to her old ways again. This is a turning point for her and I will help her as much as possible to get over her drinking problems.

Sophia's POV:

Everyone is staring and whispering away as I walk down the school hallway with Emily, Jayden, Zach, James and Isabella. It's making me paranoid that they're talking about me since they're all staring at me as they whisper. Should I be worried? I am worried and I can't help feeling this way. Is everyone making fun of how big I am now? If so, then, I don't care because my bump just reminds me that I have two wonderful babies inside me that I can't wait to meet. There's no doubt that I've gotten bigger because I'm thirty weeks and I've only ten weeks left until my little pride and joys arrive.

Jake being excited is an understatement, he is beyond thrilled. I have never seen him happier in my entire life, even all his friends and family, who have known him much longer than I, notice that he's been so happy ever since we got together. I, on the other hand, am starting to get much more tired and lazy. I have frequent trips to the bathroom, back aches and I've had a few more Braxton Hicks contractions. I can't wait until my pregnancy is finished so I can finally see the babies and plus I've had enough of being pregnant, I'm so, so tired.

"Does anyone know what they're all talking about; I know it's about me so can someone please tell me?" I beg.

"I don't know what they're saying, Sophia, maybe it's not about you," Emily observes.

"It is, they're all staring at me while they talk," I note, watching them all.

"I'm sure it's nothing bad," James assures, putting his arm around me.

"Knowing my luck, I'm sure it is," I mumble.

"Everything's going to be okay, I'll go find out what it is and report back," Zach offers, walking off to one of his friends. All the people around me somehow looked like they were sorry for me but about one or two girls were chatting away excitedly. I think I heard Jake's name being said by the girls who were talking excitedly. What were they saying about my boyfriend?

"Come on, we all better get to class," Isabella commands.

"You're right; we'll see you later, guys. Emily and Jayden, make sure Sophia doesn't worry, I know what's she's like," James orders.

"I'm right here, James," I point out.

"Sorry but it's true, you know it is too. Bye, everyone!" James says, giving my cheek a kiss goodbye before Isabella and him leave.

"Bye!" Isabella and him give us a wave as they walk off.

"I'm going to get my books, be right back," Emily declares, walking over to her locker.

"I really don't think it's anything bad," Jayden admits.

"It must be, those stares don't look too good. I always have bad luck," I sigh.

"Come on, don't worry. You're not supposed to be worrying, remember?" he reminds, poking me in the belly.

"I can't help it, it's just the way I am."

"Just take deep breaths, close your eyes, avoid the stares and imagine the babies are here." He puts his hand on my belly, strokes it and the babies kick beneath his touch. I do what he says and my mood gets better. "Is it working?"

"Yes, a lot. Thank you, Jay." He pulls me to his chest and I hug him tight to me. I wish Jake was here, I needed more cheering up. Jayden helps me a lot but Jake was the best at doing it. I miss him already; I'll go looking for him soon. I notice Emily come back over, she looked very distraught. She looks up from the ground and smiles weakly at us.

"What's wrong?" I worry, studying her to see if she was about to cry but it didn't look like she was.

"I heard what they were saying," Emily confides in a whisper.

"Bad?" Jayden asks.

"Quite," she discloses, "I don't think either of you want to know."

"Please, Ems," I beg.

"They were saying that Jake cheated on you last night at someone's party," she explains, giving me a sorry look. "I'm so sorry, Sophia." I feel my eyes water and a lump gets stuck at the back of my throat. What is she on about? That can't possibly be true. My Jakey doesn't cheat, he's changed. I knew everything was too good to be true. Jayden hugs me tight and rubs soothing circles on my back.

"Don't cry, Soph," he whispers in my ear. I do the total opposite and break down into tears as I clutch him tight. This better be a nightmare, please let me wake up. "Shh," he soothes. "We should take her home, she won't be able to stay here and face him; it's not fair on her."

"I know," Emily agrees, "Let's take her home."

"No I have a bone to pick with him first," I protest, wiping my tears away. I was more mad than upset now. Believe me I was greatly upset and heartbroken but I'm very aggressive when I'm mad so I need to take it out to him and then I can continue to be upset.

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