《Pregnant By The School's Player.》What Should I Do?
Chapter 25:
Sophia's POV:
"You know this is the one time I've been worried about a test," Jake confides, tapping his fingers against the desk. I wasn't really listening to him; I was too busy worrying about Avril because she never came into school today. It was our last class today and she didn't turn up for any of them, no one has seen her today. Did something bad happen her, maybe it was just really bad morning sickness, hopefully. "Sophia, are you there?" I blink multiple times and look around the room; I had forgotten where I was.
"Um... yeah, I'm here," I confirm softly.
"What's on your mind?" I shake my head, I can't tell him about Avril, I promised her not to tell anyone. "Okay, that's it. I'm taking you home; you've been like this all day. There's obviously something up so you need to rest and relax."
"No, Jake, it's nothing. Nothing's up, I promise. I'm just going over the test in my head," I lie, making it up on the spot.
"Okay, if you're sure. But just so you know, you can tell me anything, whatever it is," he assures. I smile and kiss his cheek as thanks.
"You two are so soppy," Austin chimes in.
"They're just in love, leave them alone," Charlie remarks.
"You're just saying that because you're in love too, lover boy," Alex sneers, making Charlie give him a glare.
"Well at least I can get a girl," Charlie taunts. Ooh, he got Alex back.
"Oh he can get a girl, he just can't keep them," Bennett corrects.
"Either can you, Bennett, you fuck like every girl," Danny reminds.
"Danny, you're worse than Bennett and you know it," Cameron points out.
"Jake used to be the worst in the whole school until little Sophia came along," Brad breaks in, winking over at me. Jake's past made me a little jealous. Were all the other girls better than me? What if Jake gets bored of me? What will I do then without him? Does he really want to be a family or is he just saying that to make me happy? Will he go back to his old ways and cheat on me? A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it away but more start to fall.
"Sophia, babe, come here," Jake frets frantically, taking me into his arms while I cry into his chest.
"Soph, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you upset," Brad apologises softly. Everyone in the classroom were staring at me with shock, they didn't think I would start crying because of a stupid comment but they don't know what I'm really crying about. I'm crying about Jake, Avril, the twins, school and all the other fucked up things in my life. I'm scared Jake will leave me, I'm scared Avril is hurt, I'm scared the twins will hate me and I'm afraid of getting another bad grade. Why can't something good happen?
"It wasn't you, Brad, it was something else. I was just thinking too much about something," I assure him, wiping my last tear away.
"You're scaring me so much, Soph, what's going on?" Jake demands to know.
"I'm just worried about the future that's all," I say.
"Me too, but I know I'll have the three most precious things to me in my life forever; you and the twins. So don't be worrying, I won't let any bad things happen," Jake reassures me. I smile and give him a tight hug.
"What about us? Aren't we precious to you?" Danny inquiries.
"You're all be number 8 on my list of precious things," Jake notes.
"Wow, shows how much we mean to you," Austin says sarcastically.
"I'm joking, you guys mean a lot to me, you're all like my brothers," Jake states.
"I already have enough brothers, I don't need any more," Alex mutters. He has three brothers and a sister, his Mom kept trying for a girl which she finally got five years ago.
"Oh shit, he's coming in," Cameron says, turning his back on us. They all sit down at their desks before our teacher comes in the classroom and gets out the test sheets.
"Pass these down through the rows and as soon as you get them start, you have thirty-five minutes, go," our teacher announces. When I get mine everything that I have been learning for the past week completely leaves my head. I bite my lip and look at the first question. Oh no! I can't remember anything! How did that happen, I've been learning very hard, how does it just go like that?!
Dammit James was right about if you worry too much you forget it. I look over at Jake, he was writing away like mad. At least he remembers; that's all that matters. Maybe I could ask him. Whoa, whoa, whoa! How could I even think about cheating, I've never cheated before or thought about cheating?
I'm turning into a badass while Jake's turning into a goody goody. It should be the other way round, I'm the goody goody and he's the badass. My life's gone fucked up; I'm going to get another bad grade. I look down through the other questions; I knew some of them but not all. There were 20 questions: 18 short questions and 2 long questions. I answer one long question and 11 short questions. I really wish I remembered them all. At the end of class, the bell rings and we give them up to our teacher.
"How did you do?" Jake asks.
"Not good at all," I answer truthfully.
"Really?" he asks shocked and I nod. "But you were wonderful yesterday and during lunch today, what happened?"
"I was just worrying too much and I forgot it all, it doesn't matter. What about you?"
"I think I did okay."
"I'm sure you did fantastic, you were writing away like mad," I laugh and he chuckles then kisses my cheek.
"And I'm sure you did better than you think." I sigh and rest my head against his chest. "I love you, Sophia."
"I love you too, Jake, promise me everything's going to be okay."
"I promise," he repeats.
"Jakey, can I ask you something?" He nods. "You could have gotten any girl in school, why did you not want someone else?"
"Because those girls aren't you: beautiful, amazing you. Sophia, I fell in love with you because everything about you is just amazing, you are so perfect in my eyes. There is no one as beautiful, intelligent, caring and wonderful as you." He cups my cheek and places a soft kiss on my lips, leaving tingles behind. Aw, he's the best boyfriend in the world. He hugs me tight and I feel a pain in my stomach. I bite my lip and squeeze him hard. "Are you all right?"
"I think so," I say uncertainly.
"Think? Baby, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, it was just a little pain." This time I kiss him but he pulls back abruptly.
"Pain?! We should take you to the hospital, what if it's from the fall yesterday or all this stress-"
"Jake, you get too worried too fast. Stop, I'm fine, full stop," I interject. He stops with the questions but it's obvious he's still worried. "Come on, let's go." I take his hand and drag him over to my locker.
"Baby, we should just make sure you and them are okay, it will only take a few minutes. Just to be on the safe side, don't you want to know if they're okay?"
"They are okay, they're kicking." He sighs and looks down at my belly, which was sticking out like mad. "Here, if you don't believe me I'll let you feel for yourself." I take his hand and put it on top of my bump. He gives me a weak smile as he feels a small kick.
"Okay, Sophia, you're right I should stop worrying and give you some space," he agrees.
"Thank you, Jakey, have fun at football practice." I give him a long kiss and he takes me by the waist.
"I love you so much, Sophia," he smiles.
"I love you too," I smile back. He gives me one more kiss, then, I walk away to James' car as he walks off to practice. When I was walking out, I notice Emily and Charlie against the school wall kissing. Aw, they're so cute. Jayden's sitting a few metres away from them, looking down at the ground. He doesn't look too good, he looks lonely. Poor Jayden, I'm going to try and get him a girlfriend. I walk over to him and sit beside him. "Hey, Jay." He looks up at me with shock.
"Oh God, you gave me a fright, Soph, I didn't notice you sit down," he chortles. I chuckle and then, take his hand in a friendly, supportive manner.
"Are you feeling okay, Jay?"
"Yes, why?"
"You just look sad and lonely. You've been a bit distant today since yesterday after Home EC. Did I say something that upset you? Was it what Emily said, don't mind her, she didn't mean to freak you out."
"I'm fine, Soph, don't worry about me. Neither you or Emily said anything that upset me or freaked me out, I'm just thinking about things."
"What kind of things?" I'm very nosey but I just want to know what's bothering my best friend.
"Just about what could have happened if I wasn't such a scared pussy," he mutters.
"Don't call yourself that, that's a horrible name and you're not that. Please don't say that about yourself, you make me so upset when you don't realise how amazing you are."
"Me amazing? I think that's an overstatement and I know you're just saying that to make me feel better."
"I'm not just saying it, everyone knows you're amazing. You're a wonderful friend, you have a lovely personality and you're so good-looking!" He looks up at me with a smirk when I say "good-looking".
"Okay that's going too far; I'm not good-looking at all."
"Yes you are, you're very sexy and it's not just these pregnancy hormones, you really are handsome you've always been." He gives me a big smile.
"Thanks, Sophia, it means a lot to me that you care."
"Of course I care, you're my best friend!"
"Come on, Soph, I need to do homework," James calls from his car.
"Coming, are you going to be okay, Jay?" I ask.
"Of course I am, thank you, I'll see you tomorrow, Soph. Take care," Jayden smiles.
"Bye, Jayden, have fun at football," I say. I give him a huge hug and give him a quick kiss on the lips when I pull back. He was a bit surprised at the kiss but I could see he liked it even though he was trying to hide it. It wasn't a romantic kiss just a quick kiss which he used to give me on the cheek mostly and sometimes on the lips but we haven't done it since Jake and I got together. He stopped doing it in case Jake got jealous but I'm sure he won't mind if I did it again, it doesn't mean anything. He waves goodbye and had the biggest grin on his face. I wave back then get in the car beside Isabella.
"Hi, Soph, you feeling okay today?" she questions.
"I'm sort of okay, I don't really know anymore," I say unsurely.
"What's happened?" she asks with a concerned look.
"Many things, I don't feel like talking about it though, I'm sorry."
"Okay but you know you can talk to me about anything if you change your mind," she reminds. I smile and thank her. She's become a close friend to me; she's the only girlfriend of James that I've actually liked. I more than like her, she's like a big sister. Maybe she will be one day if James and her get married. What the hell am I thinking, they're only eighteen, they're not going to get married! Maybe if they still are going out in a few years then they'll get married. After that James and Zach get in the car and he drives us home. When I enter, I sit on the armchair.
"Isabella, can you ask my Dad if dinner's ready?" James asks her.
"Sure," she replies, going off to the kitchen. I get out my homework and start doing it. Isabella comes back and sits on James' lap. "It's in the oven." He thanks her and kisses her cheek. "Speaking of in the oven, that's not the only thing in the oven." James, Zach and I look at her with shock. Hey, maybe they will get married now if there's a baby on the way. Wow, is everyone getting pregnant? First it was me then Avril and now Isabella. Oh my god, I'm going to be an aunty; yay!
"What! How, we haven't done anything?" James asks, looking down at her flat stomach.
"I know, I was joking. I was just wondering how you would react and now I know where you stand if it really was true," she laughs, poking him in the chest. I guess I'm not going to be an aunty then. Oh well, I'll have to wait a few more years so.
"You shouldn't joke about that, you had my heart racing there for a moment because I thought you cheated," James sighs with relief.
"Wait a minute, you guys haven't done it yet?" Zach questions.
"No and it doesn't matter, Zach, so shut up," James mumbles. I look back down at my homework and drown out their voices. I get rid of all my worries from my head for a while and hopefully they'll all turn out for the best.
Avril's POV:
After my massive fight with Elena I go to find my boyfriend. Sophia's being so kind, I can't believe she's being nice to me after all the horrible things I've said and done. I hope we can be good friends one day; I really want her as a friend. My boyfriend was with my friend Anna at a table talking. My boyfriend's name was Gavin and he's okay. At first we were great but he's been distant lately. He's been too busy hanging out with Anna and his best friend Liam who I slept with and may be the father. I don't know if he's mad at me or something, if he isn't he should be. I wish I never slept with Liam. I feel horrible for cheating on so many people.
"Hey, babe," I greet, sitting down beside him. He doesn't even look at me when I sit down. I kiss his cheek and give Anna a smile.
"Hey, Av," he replies casually. I hear something move under the table and a smirk spreads out on his face and Anna giggles. What's up with these two?
"Hi, Av, you okay today? I thought I saw you crying earlier," she notes.
"Um... yeah, that's what I came to talk about with you, Gavin," I say softly.
"It's going to have to wait, why don't you text me later," he says.
"Um okay then, I just thought it would be better to tell you face to face, I'll come over later then. See you both tomorrow!" I say, getting up.
"Yeah sure, Av," he answers simply, smirking over at Anna. That's it? Does he have no concern for me? Maybe Liam told him or he found out. I notice Liam walking over to us, oh no. I walk away and go around the corner. I sigh and cross my arms over my chest. I can't tell Liam yet, I don't know how he'll react. I look around the corner back at them to see if Liam is with them. Anna was rubbing her leg against Gavin's as she giggles away.
That's what the fucking sound was under the table! They did it right in front of me? I can't believe he's cheating on me. No wonder he's been so distant, he's being cheating on me with my friend Anna while they've been spending so much time with each other. How could Anna do this to me, yeah she's a slut too but why would she do it with my boyfriend. I can't say much I slept with Liam. I'm just as bad, probably even worse. I hear footsteps behind me, Liam turns me around.
"Av, what's wrong?" Liam asks with concern.
"Keep the fuck away from me, Liam," I demand.
"Look, Av, why can't we just go back to being friends and pretend that night didn't happen or else it's going to get awkward and Gavin might find out."
"I don't give a fuck about Gavin anymore!"
"What's happened?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?" I point over to them.
"Oh my god! What the fuck is he doing making out with Anna?!" Whoa, whoa, whoa, making out?! I turn my head and look at them. They had stopped rubbing their legs against each other and were now making out with her on his lap. A tear falls from my eye, how could he do this? "I'm so sorry, Avril, come here." He pulls me into a hug and I push him off me.
"Leave me alone, you've done enough already."
"I know and I'm sorry about that night. Please forgive me, Avril. I don't want you mad at me, please. I really want us to stay friends, I don't want to lose you."
"I wasn't talking about that night but that's the reason I'm in this mess I guess."
"What mess? What are you talking about?"
"Never mind," I sigh.
"No tell me, Av, what do you mean?" I don't answer because I'm afraid of his reaction. "A mess because of a one night stand? No....wait...you can't be. I wore a condom, this can't have happened!"
"Well it did," I confirm.
"I'm dead!" His hand goes up to his forehead and he curses. "It can't be mine, it must be Gavin's!"
"It could be either, I don't know. It was the same time, a night's difference."
"Well then it's obviously Gavin's because we were protected."
"Whatever, Liam, but it could also be yours. I don't know whose it is, Gavin and I were protected also, all I know is I'm fucked. I have no one anymore, my life is over."
"You're not totally alone," he says, pointing to my belly.
"Shut the fuck up, Liam, it's not the time for jokes! I'm going to be a Mom and you may be a Dad!"
"I'm not, I'm not the father, it's Gavin. You can't tell him anything!" Just watch me. I storm past the corner and go over to Gavin and Anna who were still in each other's mouths.
"How could you fucking cheat on me, Gavin?!" I shout. They pull back with shock.
"How long have you been standing there?" Gavin asks.
"I saw it all, Gavin, and it's over. Don't ever call again, just leave me alone," I cry. Liam rushes over to us.
"Avril, tell him," Liam urges.
"Tell me what?" Gavin asks.
"Okay, do you want to know the truth?" I ask.
"No, Avril, not that part, just the last part. You can't tell him it all!" Liam yells.
"Watch me, Liam. Three weeks ago, Liam and I had sex while you were downstairs at his party with everyone else. There, Gavin, now you know. Oh and by the way, I'm pregnant and you or Liam could be the father but I don't know which," I say sweetly. Anna looks at Liam and I in shock and then at Gavin who looked furious.
"You fucking fucked my girlfriend! I thought we were best friends, you asshole?!" Gavin snarls.
"I never meant to hurt you, Gavin, it was a mistake!" Liam protests.
"You're getting an abortion," Gavin demands.
"What?! No I'm not!" I yell.
"Uh, yeah you are, I'm not going to be a Dad. I know it might not even be mine but I can't take the chance, so, you're getting rid of it," Gavin says.
"It is yours, it's not mine," Liam disagrees.
"For the last time, Liam, it's a 50/50 chance, so, stop saying it's 100% not yours because that's not true and you know it," I note.
"I keep saying it because maybe it will come true and I'm not," Liam says. What assholes these guys are and one of the is the father of my unborn baby. My poor baby is going to have an asshole of a father.
"Oh yeah I'm fine by the way, I don't need an apology," I say to Gavin, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Uh, hello, an apology?! You cheated on me first!" Gavin points out.
"Whatever, I'm done," I say, holding my hands up. "No one cares how I feel about this whole situation and I know it's my fault and I got myself into this mess but a little sympathy would be much appreciated."
"Just leave, you fucking whore, and get rid of that thing while you're gone!" Anna shrieks. How could she call my baby a thing! It's not their fault their mother's a slut. I hate myself! I put on a brave face as I leave and when I get into my brother's car, I breakdown.
"Avril, what's after happening?!" my brother, Ryder asks, holding me in a hug.
"I don't know what to do anymore, can you drive me to the hospital, please?" I beg.
"The hospital, how come?" he asks.
"I need to do something I should have done when I found out, can we go now please, Ry?"
"Okay but are you going to tell me why?"
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