《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Accidents Happen.
Chapter 10:
James' POV:
Sophia's been upstairs in her room alone for an hour. I decide to check on her to see if she's all right. I knock on her door, there was no answer. I didn't hear any movements in the room. I open the door. She was on her sofa asleep. I go over to her and move her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful. I gently lift her up, making sure not to wake her. I place her on her bed and take off her shoes. I put the covers over her and kiss her forehead. I turn the light off behind me. I go back downstairs and sit beside Zach.
"She's asleep", I sigh.
"Oh yeah, having a little rest after her tantrum", he says. He was really pissed off at her. "I was just making sure she was all right and I get my head bitten off".
"I know, I told you she's just hormonal".
"No she hates me that's why".
"She doesn't hate you, she loves you".
"Yeah, well she has a weird way of showing it, I care for her and I want to make sure everything's okay but she's not telling me", he sighs.
"She's just annoyed that every question has to do about her pregnancy. We need to lay it off a bit and give her some space. Don't bring it up as much, she still needs time to get used to it". He nods.
"Yeah, you're right. I'll say sorry when she wakes up". He passes me the ultrasound picture. "Here". I look at it closely. It looked weird.
"Am I the only one who thinks it's freaky looking?" I ask. He laughs.
"I think it's weird too". Two babies. Two! I still can't believe it. "Are you mad at her?"
"No I'm mad at Jake. I know Soph said she didn't want me hurting him, but I definitely am now". He smirks.
"I want to be there when you do". I nod, while smiling. The doorbell rings. "I'll get it". He gets off the couch and goes to the front door. I look back at the picture. These were my little niece and nephew or nieces or nephews well whatever they were. I smile as I think about them.
"Oh my god James", Isabella yells. I turn around, she looked mad and was about to cry any moment. She was must have been at the door. She was looking at the picture in my hands.
"This isn't what it looks like", I say, going over to her.
"It looks like you got someone pregnant", she yells. She has it completely wrong. "How could you cheat on me? I love you and I thought you loved me too". I do love you Isabella, these three weeks have made my life complete.
"This isn't mine", I say.
"Then whose is it?" I promised Sophia I wouldn't tell anyone. I don't respond. "I knew it, well have a good life with your babies James". She runs away crying. I wanted to call her back but what would I say. I always keep my promises to Soph. I bury my head in my hands. Sophia comes down the stairs. She rushes over to me.
"James what's wrong, who was shouting?" she asks frantically.
"Isabella she thinks the ultrasound picture is of my babies", I say.
"Well then go quick and tell her it's not", she says.
"I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone about your pregnancy".
"Well I don't want you to break up because of me".
"Are you sure you don't mind her knowing?"
"I don't now quick ring her and explain". I get out my phone and dial her number. It was voice mail. I leave a message telling her to please call me back as soon as possible. "Look I'll tell her tomorrow, I'm sorry James."
"It's not your fault Soph". She hugs me.
"I'm also sorry about earlier, I was a total bitch to all of you. It's just I'm really stressed out can you forgive me?" she asks.
"Of course I can". I kiss her cheek. "Try and not stress out at much it's bad for you and the babies". She breaks down crying. "What's wrong?"
I pull her close and hold her. "Babies James, that's what's wrong. There's two what am I going to do now?"
"You're going to be fine, we're here by your side. Nothing's going to happen". She sniffles. "I won't let anything happen".
"Thanks". I kiss her cheek again and put my hand on her belly. I give it a little rub and she puts her hand on top of mine. I smile at her. "I'm going to apologise to Zach". I nod. She gets up and walks out of the room.
Sophia's POV:
I find Zach in his room, he had music on and it was really loud.
"Zach", I say. He turns the music up more. He really did hate me. I start crying and start walking out of the room. He turns off the music and runs over to me. He gently grabs me arm and turns me back around.
"No Soph, wait I'm sorry", he says.
"I'm the one who needs to apologise. I didn't mean what I said in the car, I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" He wipes my tears.
"Of course I forgive you, I'm sorry for keep going on about it. I'm just worried about you".
"Well everything's fine, you don't have to worry".
"Good", he whispers. He hugs me and lifts me off the ground. I laugh. My whole family were really tall, Zach was around an inch smaller than me. So it was weird seeing him lift someone taller. The next day at school I went looking for Emily and Jayden straight away. They were at Jayden's locker, I walk up to them.
"Guys, I'm so sorry. You guys were being nice to me and supportive and I was being mean. Please, please forgive me, I can't lose you guys. You're both my world I can't lose you", I say.
"You haven't lost us. We're still your best friends we always will. We know it was just because you were upset", he says.
"Thank you", I say, giving them a bear hug. They laugh.
"If you don't want us talking about it anymore, we won't", she says.
"I'm going to have to get used to it sooner or later. I don't mind ye talking about it. I'm glad at least someone's excited", I say.
"You're not?" she asks.
"Well yeah, but also scared", I whisper, resting my hand on my stomach. We have another group hug.
"Don't be", he says. The bell rang. I only had five minutes to find Isabella and explain.
"See ye later". They say goodbye. I quickly walk to Isabella's maths class. If I remember correctly this is her first class. During these past three weeks I've gotten to get to know her and she's already a friend. She was sitting at her desk, not looking up from her book. I quickly walk over to her. "Isabella". She looks up.
"If you're here to get me to go back to him, it's not going to work. I don't want to get in between him and his new family", she says.
"It's not his new family, well it sort of is. The ultrasound picture was mine not James'", I whisper.
"You're just helping him", she says.
"Isabella I'm your friend. I'm not lying. I'm the one pregnant with twins", I whisper. I don't want anyone else in this class to find out so I have to say it really softly and quietly.
"But you're...."
"I know, please go back to him, James has done nothing wrong".
"Really?" she asks, she had tears in her eyes.
"Of course he hasn't, he loves you".
"I love him too", she smiles. "I have to call him". I nod.
"Please don't tell anyone about my little situation", I beg.
"I promise I won't". I smile and wave goodbye. "And congratulations", she shouts as I leave the classroom. I laugh and go to my first class. I can't believe me and my babies almost broke up them. Well it was really me, my babies aren't to blame. History now! I keep my head down and sit beside him. Great, another day of Jake.
*3 weeks later...*
I got the feeling I was going to puke. I haven't felt sick in three weeks why was it suddenly back now? I rush into my bathroom and puke.
"God, you babies are killing me", I mumble. I rub my belly. I get dressed. My jeans felt a bit too tight around the waist. I run over to my mirror. Oh shit! I was starting to show. But I'm only 10 weeks. How come it's so early? Is it because it's twins? It wasn't very noticeable but you could see it. Hopefully no one will see it. I pull my top down and walk downstairs.
"Hey sweetheart", dad says, taking a sip of his coffee. Zoey passes me a glass of water and a prenatal vitamin. I've been taking them for a few weeks now. I put it in my mouth and drink it down quick.
"Aw Soph", Zoey says, with a big smile on her face. Huh?
"What?" I ask.
"You're showing!" she squeals. Was it really that big? Zach and James look at my baby bump and laugh.
"Assholes", I mumble, crossing my arms over my bump.
"Aw don't, show it off", she says. I reluctantly take my hands away from covering it.
"You're huge", Zach laughs. I glare at him.
"You are quite big honey", dad says with a shy smirk.
"There's no way I'm going to school", I say.
"What! She gets to miss school because she's fat", Zach shouts.
"Hey, she's not fat", James says.
"Okay, big then", Zach says. I roll my eyes.
"Honey, your mom said you could only miss school if you were feeling sick", dad says.
"I do", I lie. He looks at me. "Okay I don't. But I had some morning sickness earlier".
"So are you going to go?" Dad asks.
"Fine", I sigh.
"I think you look cute", James says.
"And sexy", Zoey adds.
"Zo!" I laugh.
"What, you do", she laughs.
"Let's go", Zach says. I nod.
"You haven't had any breakfast", she says.
"It doesn't matter".
"It does matter, you're eating for three now, you need to eat more", she says.
"I'll have something when I get there, okay?" She sighs but nods. We get into the car. James starts driving.
"Maybe you should go back and let me get a jumper to cover it", I say, looking back at the house.
"Like Zo said earlier, show it off to the world, everyone likes a good baby bump", James says.
"But I don't want to be laughed at".
"I won't let anyone laugh at you", he assures me.
"You fucking let yourself and Zach laugh at me", I mumble.
"Yeah well that was different", he laughs. When we reach school, Emily and Jayden were outside it talking to Isabella.
"Hey baby", Isabella says, kissing James. He whispers something in her ear which makes her giggle. I definitely don't want to know what they're talking about.
"I'm going to leave before I get sick, bye", Zach says, walking off.
"Soph, you okay? You look pale", Jayden notes and I nod. I look back at Isabella and James. I wanted what they had but I'm never going to be like that with someone now.
Emily's POV:
I look over at Sophia again, she looked sad. As I look at her, I noticed she had a little bump starting to form. Aw, she looked so adorable with it.
"Did you think you could hide it", I say, rubbing her bump. She smiles.
"Yes, but I guess not", she says.
"Don't worry, I didn't even notice until Emily said that", Jayden says. She nods. I hope everything's going okay with her, she didn't look happy or well at all. Did she not like Isabella, she keeps looking at them. At the moment they were making out against the school wall a few feet away from us. Unexpectedly, Soph starts to shake. "Are you okay?" She shakes her head.
"Are you going to get sick?" I ask frantically. She shakes her head again. Her shaking gets worse, she looked like she was going to fall. Jayden holds her up and she thanks him. Then, she falls into his arms. She was unconscious. Jayden holds her in his arms. "Sophia!" I get on my knees beside her. James and Isabella pull back and gather around us, so do other people.
"We need to get her to a hospital", Jayden says.
"I'll drive", James says, getting his keys out.
"What if it's the babies", I shout. Everyone looks at us. Oh no! I've told everyone that she's pregnant. She's going to kill me. I've broken our promise, I'm the worst best friend ever.
"The babies are going to be fine and so will she", Jayden says. Jayden and James carefully lift Sophia into James' car and I get in beside them.
"Text me if she's okay", Isabella says. James nods and we quickly drive away. Please let her be okay.
Zach's POV:
I was at my locker when three of my friends come over to me.
"Hey", I say casually, closing my locker.
"Did you hear what happened your sister?" Luke asks. What happened Soph?
"No, what?" I ask frantically.
"She's unconscious and your brother and her friends are driving her to the hospital", Aaron says. Oh my god, I hope she and the babies are okay.
"And apparently she's pregnant with twins", Patrick says. How did they know?
"Well she might not be", Aaron says.
"Yeah, but why would her friends say she's pregnant if she's not", Luke says.
"Did she say anything to you?" Patrick asks me.
"Yes it's true, but you can't tell anyone", I say.
"Everyone already knows, everyone's talking about it", Aaron says.
"Shit", I mumble. I get out my phone and call James.
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