《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Not Ready To Tell Him.


Chapter 8:

Sophia's POV:

The weekend flew by and I had to go to school again. Zach wakes me up.

"Come on Soph", he says, shaking me. I groan. "Sophia".

"No", I plead.

"Right, don't make me get cold water. I'll do it". I jump out of the bed quickly. He laughs. "Good now hurry". I stick my tongue out at him, now look who's being immature. He leaves and I get dressed. I put on a skirt and sleeveless v neck top. I put a matching cardigan in my bag just in case I get cold. I walk downstairs with my bag.

"Come on sleepy head", James says, passing me breakfast. I hurry over to the chair and eat it quick.

"You're not going to hurt Jake, are you?" I ask.

"He's not getting away with knocking up my lil' sis", James says.

"I don't want you to get in trouble".

"Fine I won't, but if I see lover-boy doing anything to you he's dead".

"I don't love him", I disagree.

"Really, so you don't love his body, his sexy dark hair or his brown twinkling eyes", James says.

"You're the one that sounds like you love him", Zach sneers. I laugh, he did a bit.

"I'm just saying what every girl at school says", James glares.

"Because if you're gay there's nothing wrong with that", Zach says, with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck sake Zach, I'm not. I'm straight I have a girlfriend". Zach rolls his eyes.

"Okay", Zach says, still not fully believing him. I've nothing against gays, my friend Taylor's one, he's quite fun to hang around and a good laugh. He's gone to the countryside at the moment to see his boyfriend who moved last year. He was quite upset but they still see each other every few weeks.

His boyfriend Ty is my friend too. Taylor is staying at Ty's for a few months. I move the last few pieces of food around on my plate. "Are you going to eat that?" Zach asks. I shake my head and pass it to him. James takes it off Zach. "Hey! She said she didn't want it".


"Yeah, well you're not the one eating for two, are you", James says. Zach glares at James. "You need to eat it Soph for the energy". I'll eat it for my little baby then. I eat the last few pieces. "Good". We go to school and I hug them goodbye. Damn! I had History with Jake now and I sat beside him. As I walk into my history class, I see Jake sitting at his seat.

Oh no, he was already here. The teacher moved us to sitting beside each other last week because he kept talking to his friend beside him. As I sit beside him I felt his gaze on me.

"Sophia", he says seductively like that night. I close my eyes and turn my face away from him. He touches my hand which makes a tingling sensation go through me. I knew he felt it too by the look on his face.

"Jake, stop. I told you I didn't want to talk to you before. Now leave me alone and don't touch me", I snap. His face goes hurt. It was these mood swings, I didn't mean to act so nasty. He nods. He had a girlfriend anyways, why would he want me. After school, I watched the football match with Jayden and Emily. We only watched it because Jayden likes football. Jake was the school's captain.

"Now's your chance to tell him", Emily says. The match was finished and he was making his way to the boys' changing rooms. I shake my head.

"You have to tell him some time Soph, you can't hide a pregnancy", he says.

"I know I can't but he doesn't have to know it's his", I say.

"Of course he does. I know he's not the father type but he would want to know someone's carrying his child. If I got someone pregnant, I'd like to know", he says.

"You're right, but it's only been a week I still need time to get used to it myself. When I'm ready I'll tell him".


"Have you got someone pregnant Jay?" she asks. Jayden shakes his head.

"I couldn't have, I was just saying that as an example, I haven't actually had sex before", he whispers, looking at the ground. Jayden was a virgin? Why wouldn't a girl want him, he was amazing, inside and out. His hazel eyes were to die for and he had chestnut brown hair with blond natural highlights in it. He was fit and had the perfect body. He's had girlfriends before, maybe he was waiting for the right girl.

That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to be in a relationship with them and really love them. Then when the time was right take it to the next level. But that didn't work out. Instead I had sex with some guy who I never talked to before and now I'm pregnant. Well that's karma. I snuggle into Jayden's chest. He chuckles and strokes my cheek.

"Are you a virgin Ems?" I ask. We never talked about this before, I always assumed she was and Jayden wasn't. She nods.

"Looks like you're the only one who isn't Ms baby momma", he smirks. I chuckle and Emily grins.

"Have your parents arranged a doctor's appointment yet?" she asks.

"Yeah, next week".

"Can I come?"

"Why?" I ask bewildered.

"I told you I was going to be there for you, and I want to be by your side for it all", she says. I smile.

"Okay, if you want to, but don't feel like you're obliged to". She smiles excitedly.

"Can I come too?" he asks.

"Seriously you too Jay?"

"Yeah, please. I want to see my lil' niece or nephew", he smiles, placing his hand on my flat stomach. I nod. Jayden and Emily high five and I laugh. He grabs my ass and squeezes it.

"What the fuck Jay", I laugh, taking his hand off my ass.

"I wanted to see how'd you react", he smirks.

"You don't want to get on a pregnant woman's nerves", I warn. He laughs.

"Can't blame a guy for trying", he says. We all laugh. We get off the seats in the school stadium. He slaps my butt as we walk out the door and laughs.

"How would you like it if I slapped your ass", I say.

"Go ahead", he grins. I roll my eyes but couldn't help smirk. He drives Emily and I home. "Bye", they both say.

"Later". I close the car door and go into my house. Zach was on his phone as usual and James was on the couch making out with some girl. This must be Isabella. James pulls back as I enter the room. I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh Sophia this is Isabella", he says. Isabella turns around and smiles at me.

"Hey, I've heard a lot about you, it's finally nice to meet you", she says. She was nice. Hopefully she stays that way unlike some of James' other girlfriends. A few of them were bitches to me because they thought James loved me more than them. Well maybe that was because I was his sister but they thought he should love his girlfriend more. Fortunately James broke up with them for being bitches to me.

"Are you all right Soph?" James asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask. He looks at me with worry. "Um, yeah everything's fine just thinking of something. It's nice to meet you too Isabella". She smiles and I smile back. I go up to my room and do my homework. I keep getting lost in my thoughts lately, is that bad? I put on some music; Blink-182 -Adam's Song to clear my head.

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