《The Lonely God》19.


I have committed yet another crime.

"You'll have to suffer for this!" Atropos bellows before the three of them disappear, leaving me behind with my mate.

I finally look down at the young she-wolf in my arms. She surprised me from the first time ever I laid eyes on her.

I remember peeking through the window and seeing her for the first time. She gave me a rose and called me 'mate'.

That day was the first time I felt the emptiness in my life for not being blessed with a mate and now, she is the destined one. She made me realized what I was missing and now, she is the one to fulfill my need.

I was angry when she crossed me and I took my anger out on her in the form of physical pain when she outsmarted me. I never wanted to admit it but she is smart. She is powerful for a mortal. She completed the tasks successfully without hesitating for once. My wolf is angry on me for hurting her but I didn't know she was our mate when I was hurting her. If I knew then I wouldn't have let a scratch appear on her skin.

She is precious to me. I'll protect her with everything I have. I already broke some rules for her and I am ready to break more if needed.

My wolf feels proud of her. She has the aura about herself that claimed my attention from the heavens. She is stunning and beautiful. She has the regal air about herself. I believe she'll make a good queen. I cannot feel lucky enough.

My Nefret. Mine only.

I lower my head and bury my face in the crook of her neck. I take long drags of her intoxicating scent. My wolf is fighting for control. He wants to mark her now but I cannot do that.


I want to mark her too but she is young. She needs some time to grow up. I can't shove her into such a great responsibility at this age. She has to grow up before standing by my side and looking after my kingdom.

In this phase, she is vulnerable. Many people will try to hurt her in order to hurt me and keeping her with me will increase the chances of her getting hurt which is the last thing I want.

I want to take her with me but I cannot and this is frustrating me already. Strong sparks explode all over my skin and her presence calms my wolf. I want to claim her so badly. Its taking all the self-control in me to not to sink my canines into her delicate skin and make her mine forever.

I want her so bad. Life drains back into her body slowly and she moves, snuggling deeper into my arms, enjoying my touch already. It makes my wolf happy and he urges me further to take her.

With a deep breath, I pull back and stand up, holding her in bridal style before heading towards her house.

My wolf, Rey is pacing inside me. He wants me to take her to our place instead of the pack where I am taking her.

Her wolf stirs making Rey excited. I let Rey take control so that he could connect to her wolf.

Rey buries my face in the crock of her neck. She responds to our touch right way by leaning into us. This makes us happy that she is accepting us unconsciously which I am afraid she won't do when she'll be conscious.

My canines elongate and I find myself sinking them in her skin, putting a temporary mark on her neck which will heal before she'd wake up.


This way, Rey has marked her wolf by putting this temporary mark. Her wolf knows us now and she'll react whenever we'll be around her. I know that it will be hard for her to accept me as her mate after what I did to her.

With a sigh, I proceed to take her to her house. Rey is constantly pacing. He is unhappy with my decision but I assure him that we'll see her occasionally.

I climb into her room through the window to find Haestus, my second in command.

"What are you doing here?" I demand while taking her to her bed and placing her on it. A frown invades her face as soon as I pull back. It's getting harder for me to leave her due to her reactions. I need her badly.

"You are not taking Luna to-"

"No." I interrupt him as I continue, "She's too young. She needs time and space before being pushed into being a queen."

"But what about your enemies? If you leave her here, they'll find ways to hurt her."

"I'll install guards around this pack who'll keep eyes on her."

"You won't be able to stay away from her for long."

"I know." I sigh, "I have marked her wolf for now." I add gently stroking her soft cheeks. As soon as I touch her, sparks explode everywhere and the frown from her face disappears. She leans into my touch and for the hundredth time, I am almost at the edge of losing control and taking her away with me.

'Take her.' Rey insists for the hundredth time but I know better than to give into the temptations. She's too young along with her wolf. It will be unfair to take her innocence away this early.


"Does she know about you?" Haestus asks further. I shake my head at him, my eyes trained on her.

"Will she accept you when she'll find out?"

"I don't expect her to."

"Then how will you take her?"

"She still has one task left to do."

"You won't do that!" Haestus exclaims, his eyes bigger than moon.

"She hates me already. I won't mind if she hates me more. I'll do anything to take her when I come back next time."

"Why're you doing this, Arles?" He asks, desperation is laced in his voice which is begging me to stop.

"I've got a mate after all this time and I am not going to give her up." I growl. He sighs before jumping out of the window. I follow him but I stop before turning around to take a last look at her.

I'll come back, Nefret and I will take you when I do...

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