《The Lonely God》17.


The virgin goddess of hearth


There's this unknown force that's compelling me towards the direction of brightness. I walk through the darkness, the hunger for light and the thirst for power lighting my insides with eternal fire. I am in a forest, walking through the trees, pushing the branches away from my way while my eyes are set on the brightness emerging from the distant bush.

Finally, when I reach the bush and push its leaves aside, my eyes find hers. I couldn't help but step out of the bush and into the clearing in whose middle she stood, waiting for me, watching me.

Her vibrant blue eyes gazed into mine. They're similar to mine in every way.

A wolf.

Majestic and powerful. Her auburn fur appears to be golden as the light emanates from her. Throwing her head back, she let out a howl before charging towards me. I stood there, unable to move my feet as she leaped at me before merging into me. A sense of completeness clouds over me. I feel powerful. I feel all the things that I felt looking at her. Now I know the unknown force that has been stirring into me a lot these past days. It was her, maturing, waking up from her eternal sleep to be a part of me. It was her, my gut instinct, guiding me, providing me with power when my conscious self failed to do so.

My wolf.

'I am Vesta...' A low whisper fills my ears, enthralling my senses, waking me up or rather that part of me that was in slumber this time. I feel new in this ancient place with the now acquired power.

As soon as I open my eyes, I am greeted by my mom looking down at me with concern and tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Nefret!" She sobs as she hugs me and starts to kiss me. I hug her back, feeling tears stream my eyes as well. I don't remember what happened but after raking my brain, some snippets of memories of me going to the Ruins with the Golden Hind flashes in front of my eyes.

"I love you so much... I thought we lost you," She sobs further, hugging me harder as if I am being taken away from her. My heart aches and I bit back the urge to cry out loud like a baby. I see dad sigh in relief, sitting by mom and watching me.

"You hit your head. What happened, Nefie?" She asks pulling back and looking at my head.

I got almost killed by Arles.

"I don't remember."


"Wear this. It will bring out the blue in your eyes more." Mom says tossing me a blue wavy dress. I roll my eyes her choice. I hate skirts because I cannot run in them if needed and by the amount of trouble that I am in right now, I guess I'll be running a lot soon.

It's a big day of my life and she's helping me get ready for the birthday party. I want to hide somewhere but as the situation demands, I must stand in the front of the pack and take the Calentha Oath in front of the whole pack which is required to be taken by all the wolves when they mature.


This morning my wolf woke up and now I can feel her, stir inside me and sometimes talking to me. She is getting used to people that I know. Her name is Vesta, like the virgin goddess of Hearth.

"Can't I just wear-"

"No!" She cuts me before shoving the dress in my hand. I sigh and go to the washroom to change. After I return, I find mom doing Grace's hair. She's wearing a white dress like mine that complements her hair. She looks like an angel. She turns around to look at me as well, studying me from top to bottom.

"You look good." I compliment her. She nods at me before leaving with Phoebe to get her makeup done.

"Come sit here..." Mom motions towards the dressing stool in front of the dressing table. With a nod, I sit on it silently as she starts to work on my hair. I keep looking at her reflection in the mirror while she does my hair. She's beautiful and graceful, just the opposite of me.

Suddenly, her eyes meet mine in the reflection on the mirror. She leaves my hair before sighing, preparing herself to tell me the secret that I already know.

"Nefret, there's something I need to tell you toda-"

"I know it all, mom," I say without breaking the eye contact. My wolf flattens her ears against her head and lays down, putting her head between her paws and letting out a small whimper.

She feels the pain and grief too. It hurts her most but I know that soon we will find a way to cope with it. Soon it will be all over and I don't have enough time left anyway.

A tear escapes her eyes before she hugs me and starts sobbing. I try hard to not cry but I can't help but let the invisible tears slip off my eyes. I've run out of tears a long time ago. Now, all that remains is the salt that continues to burn my wounds.

"It's okay, mom. I am over it." I say, my voice shaking due to the emotions latched on it. A lump is continuously building in my throat. Vesta lets out a painful howl inside me before going silent for now.

"I am sorry for behaving badly all these years. I never really tried to understand you. I always wanted you to be like your sisters, obeying and fitting but I was wrong. So very wrong. You're so different. Feisty and brave. You're one of a kind, Nefret and I love you so much." She sobs.

"I am sorry for being such trouble, mom."

"No, Nefret. I am so proud of you." At her words, my soul managed to squeeze the little drop of water from my eyes that was presumably lost somewhere deep inside me and supposed to be never found. As the tear trailed down my cheek leaving a wet trail behind, the realization dawns upon me that it will be hardest for mom when I'll be gone. It will be her biggest loss, she'll cry the most. She'll mourn the most. It will be hard for her as a mother to see her child die.

Suddenly, I don't want to die anymore. I want to live. I want to build that connection with my family that I failed to build all these years. I want to be with them. I want to belong to them.


"I will always come back." My voice breaks and more tears trail down her eyes.

I will try to come if possible back wherever I go.

After doing my hair and makeup, Grace and I went downstairs. Tears threatened to leave dad's eyes as he looked at us, or rather at me. He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"My little devil has grown up so much." He whispers in my ear and for the hundredth time today, my heart ached. I want to cry but I cannot find any tear to spare. As he pulls back and looks down at me proudly, he speaks, "You look so much like your mom but more beautiful,"

I let out a grunt at his words. I must remind him soon that he needs a pair of glasses. Phoebe and Grace are looking at us with confusion decorating their faces. They don't know that I will be gone soon.

After some emotional moments, we finally leave for the pack house where the ceremony will be held. We put on our jackets and step out of the house. As soon as we enter the pack house, we're greeted with cheerful pack members.

Grace is bubbling with excitement while I am trying to copy her enthusiasm. We climb on the makeshift stage in the center of the room to take our oath. After we're done with the oath, the crowd dissolves into small groups, talking and eating snacks.

To our surprise, Grace finds her mate who happens to be the future Beta who is a couple of years older than us. I feel sick in my stomach. Dad lets out a low grunt when he sees them hug each other while Seth sniffs her. I fight back the urge to gag in front of the pack people.

That bitch got what she wanted. Lucky cow.

They already look so in love with each other. In a few years they'll be mated and having pups and whatnot while on the other side, I'll be cold in my grave.

Suddenly, Vesta stirs inside me. She is restless. She wants me to go outside. Maybe she is not comfortable with her sister finding her mate while she's doomed to be alone forever. It's painful for me too but I know that it won't last long. I just have to wait till it's all over.

I look around for anyone noticing me. Everyone is busy admiring and blessing the newly found mates, Grace, and Seth. No one is concerned about me. Good.

With a last glance, I step outside in the snowy and dark night. I feel an invisible pull towards the forest. Without having second thoughts, I near the forest edge which looks haunting and eerie in the deficiency of light.

The pull gets stronger the nearer I get to the forest. Finally, I step amongst the trees, entering the forest. Few yards in the forest, I see something moves. I use my werewolf sight to look in the darkness and after what I see; my jaw drops to the floor.

A creature I've never seen is standing on its two, looking straight at me with its glowing red eyes. My heart leaps in my chest as I stare into its eyes.

It has head of a goat but sharp canines are peeking out of its lips. It has a body of a human up to the torso below which it has hind legs of a goat. My breath is coming out as white clouds in front of my face. It lets out a low growl as I try to step back.

Soon, I see several similar creatures step out of the trees, all of them nearing me. I turn around to run but suddenly, I am being pulled back roughly. Before I could scream for help, a cold hand covers my mouth, muffling my screams.

I kick my legs as I am being dragged deeper into the forest. My hands are clamped by my side as I try to free myself. They drag me deeper and deeper into the forest. What are they planning to do with me? Who're they? What do they want?

Finally, they stop by the lake before I see them circle around me. I am being tied to a tree. I try to kick them but they're fast. Their talons digging deeper into my skin the more I struggle into their hold. Finally, when they finish tying me to the tree, I see several of them step aside to reveal one of them holding a big executioner's sword.

They're going to kill me but why? Are they sent by Arles? I try to free my hands from the ropes they tied me with but they're too tight. I struggle and try to scream several times but my mouth has been stuffed. My heart is drumming in my chest while my head is throbbing. I feel so helpless right now. I cannot believe this is my end.

As the creature with the sword steps forward and raises it in the air, I fee Vesta stir inside me before I see red. Before it could lower the sword to my head, fire has taken all over the place, claiming everything that comes in its way.

For a moment, they look confused but after some moments they realize that the fire is constantly growing and nearing them. Soon, the fire has claimed several of the creatures and they're running away to get it off them but it's too late. The fire is devouring everything.

The tree I am tied to catches fire and soon, I am being burned free. My whole surrounding is on fire. Those creatures are withering in pain and screaming for mercy as the fire continues to eat them away. A regal part of me takes over as the fire intensifies and slowly the tall trees are bowing down as the fire climbs them.

In a matter of minutes, everything is turned into ashes and that's when I realize that all the energy from my body is draining away. First, my knees become week and I fall on the ground followed by my head hitting the ground. The fire continues to turn everything to ashes as I slip deeper and deeper into unconsciousness.

I was at the verge of passing out when Vesta stirs excitedly. Two strong arms pick me up, sending sparks throughout my whole body before I am claimed by unconsciousness.

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