《Sugar And Spice》Chapter twenty-two: New audience


Hayley and I jumped while screaming and laughing while it was announced that we won. "Oh, my god!" I screamed.

"Go!" Hayley nudged me. I looked at the field to see Alex running this way and I ran down straight to him.

When I reached him before I could say one word he picked me up and twirled me around. "Whoa!" My head spun as he set me down on the bleachers.

"We won, Faith! My dad was finally here to watch and I won!" he exclaimed while he held my waist.

"Yes, you did!" I screamed while brushing his hair out of his face.

"Oh, my god," he laughed before pulling my lips down to his. He pulled away quickly and apologized, "I'm sorry!" His eyes widened. I chuckled before leaning down and kissing him softly.

"No problem," I pulled away with a smile.

"There's a crowd, right?" he smirked at me.

"Sure there is." There really is. He used that as an excuse and kissed me again.

"We have a new audience this time," I mumbled before pulling away and stepping down as both our families approached us. I stood beside him while running my palms against my thighs as my mom came and pulled me aside.

"Still complicated?" she arched an eyebrow at me while I looked at Mr. Ryder congratulating Alex with pride painted across his face.

"Yes, mom," I sighed, "Still complicated," I nodded. We walked back to them where Mrs. Ryder was hugging Alex and my dad was talking to Mr. Ryder. I stood with my mom until Alex excused himself from his mom and pulled me aside.

"I just got interrogated while being hugged for like ten seconds," he mumbled.

"What'd she ask?" I laughed.

"Sweetheart, what was that? Is something going on that I should know about? Oh, she's a lovely girl! You two look so good together!" he imitated a higher voice.

"Awe," I cooed while pinching his cheek, "Such a mama's boy!" I teased.

"I-" he stood walking and grabbed my wrist, jerking me close to his body but we both froze at the proximity. "I want waffles, let's go get some!" He changed the subject and began walking to the boy's locker room.


"I don't want waffles," I reasoned.

"Why do you have to be so goddamn stubborn?" he walked back up to me.

"Fine, I'll get waffles with you." I sighed in defeat. He won, the winner's prize I guess.

"It's a date," he smiled.

"It's a date," I nodded before he kissed my cheek and ran to the locker room to shower and get dressed. I hung around, waiting for him and people began leaving and soon enough, it was just me and a few other people. He came out with his bag in one hand and his keys in the other.

"Let's go?" he asked while I stood up and walked over to him.

"Sure," I linked my arm with his as he began leading the way to his car. We were walking to his car when Amber came jogging up to us. She wasn't wearing heels or a slutty outfit. She looked normal and decent for once.

"Hey," she panted. "You played well," she smiled at Alex. He rolled his eyes but she seemed genuine to me. "You cheered good for him, huh? Louder than I ever did," she chuckled while running her hand through her hair.

"Did you wanna say something, Amber?" Alex asked gruffly.

"I just came to say congratulations and uh- you two look great together," she smiled. I knew Alex was gonna say some snarky remark so I spoke up.

"Thank you, have a good night," I smiled at her.

"You too," she smiled back before walking away.

"If she acts civil then we can too, Alex," I sighed while giving him a pointed look.

"I don't wanna act civil with the girl your ex-boyfriend cheated on you with," he rolled his eyes while unlocking his car.

"Don't you think it would make more sense for you to say you don't wanna act civil with the girl that cheated on you?" I asked while leaning against his car, him in front of me.

"I don't care that she cheated on me, I care he cheated on you with her," he gave me a pointed look.

"You care about that now," I stated.

"I cared about it before our deal," he leaned in.


"Then someone's had a little crush," I teased while pushing him away slowly. He knocked my hands off his chest and pinned them to the car.

"Weren't you the one who was heard talking about how I'm hot when our families had Thanksgiving dinner together last year?" he teased.

"Screw you," I laughed.

"Don't tempt me, Faith," he smirked.

"I thought you wanted waffles?" I asked, my voice low and soft.

"I do," he stepped away abruptly before getting the door for me. I smiled to myself and got inside while he went to his side and started the car, driving to the diner.


"You never told me your most embarrassing memory, what is it?" he asked as we ate our waffles, talking about ourselves.

"I think it's gotta be Valentine's dance in seventh grade," I nodded while sipping on my water.

"Oh no, wasn't that the year with that one guy?" he laughed.

"Yeah!" I laughed. "I felt really bad that night you know," I chuckled.

"No, you didn't! Look at you laughing about it now," he chuckled.

"It's funny now but it wasn't then, Alex," I bit back a laugh.

"Tell me what happened again please," he sighed.

"He asked me to the dance and I thought he just wanted to come with me as a friend, you know. I didn't know he was gonna perform a freaking song that he wrote for me! Then when he did..." I trailed off.

"You poured water on him and ran," he concluded.

"I didn't know what to do to make him dislike me! If I liked him like he thought I did, then why would I dislike the song?" I huffed.

"I don't know, maybe because it sucked?" he raised his eyebrows at me.

"You tell a seventh-grade boy who's in love that," I shook my head.

"You'd rather lie and have him hate you than hurt his feelings?" he looked at me.

"My mom taught me never to break a heart, the guilt of that is worse than having your own heartbroken but that doesn't mean you lie to someone. I wouldn't lie to anyone unless it was for their own good. And in that case, to get away with splashing water on him," I sighed.

"Would you lie to me?" he arched an eyebrow at me.

"For your own good?" I questioned.

"Let's say yeah, for my own good, would you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I would. And I'd tell you the truth later, when I think you're ready to know," I nodded.

"Even if it meant I'd hate you?" he inquired.

"Yeah, even if you hated me," I concluded.

"I can't stand that thought of you hating me," he dusted his hands and pushed his plate aside, resting his chin on top of his hands on the table.

"What would you do?" I mimicked his actions and sat the same way.

"I'd just tell you the truth, Faith," he replied.

"And what if it broke us apart?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"If we meant enough to each other then we wouldn't let it break us apart."

I inhaled, "And what if emotions blinded us?" I questioned.

"Then we'd find a way back, no?" he asked. I hate when people are right but him being right doesn't bother me so much. Especially with what he's saying. "Am I wrong?" he asked knowingly.

"Faith let me tell you something."


"The truth can hurt," he nodded, "But a lie can kill."


"That was really hot to hear from you, say it again?" I mumbled but he heard it.

Dear ground, please feel free to open up and swallow me whole.

"The truth can hurt," he paused for dramatic effect. "But a lie can kill," he smirked. "So can someone's eyes. Eyes can kill," he sat up straight and sipped his milkshake.

"They can?" I asked in confusion.

"Yours certainly can," he nodded at me.

"They can?" I repeated.

"Some people's eyes are just deeper than others. They're dangerous, like yours," he placed money on the counter before taking my hand and leading the way out of the diner.

"They're a really rich blue, they tell a lot but nothing about you at the same time. They catch my eye and they're hot and dangerous. You have sexy eyes, Faith, got it?" he smirked.

"Well, so do you. I thought you had sexy eyes but that doesn't mean they're dangerous," I rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't it?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

Does it? Oh, my god, it does.

I stood there, my jaw-dropping. He chuckled and closed my mouth, his finger tilting my chin up.

"Eyes can kill, babe," he smirked.






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