《Sugar And Spice》Chapter sixteen: Knocked breathless


I woke up to Faith still sleeping beside me, her head resting in the crook of my neck.

What the hell happened?

I turned to my nightstand and checked the time on my phone. It's five pm. We slept for a while. I looked at the painkillers and regretted taking so many in a short amount of time. Aren't you supposed to wait a bunch of hours? Yeah, I impulsively took three when they weren't kicking in.

I groaned mentally while running my hands over my face. "Mm," she shuffled while hugging me in her sleep. I stiffened and froze because this is exactly what I've been trying to avoid.

Here's the deal, I've slept around, had hook-ups, one night stands, but I have never had a real girlfriend and I have never had real, genuine feelings for someone. And I'm scared that she'll be the first. The problem with that, is we're not supposed to catch feelings for each other.

We're only doing this for a limited period of time and it's only till we're satisfied with the outcome but now I'm afraid that we're losing sight of our motive and we're getting side-tracked.

Maybe that's the fear of falling in love talking.

"Oh no," she mumbled, her lips brushing against my neck, giving me chills. I shuffled and pulled myself away, stretching in my spot.

"Morning," I sighed.

"Whoa, we knocked out for a while," she rubbed her eyes while pouting. "M-maybe I should go home," she stood up and got out of bed while retying her hair.

"Faith, I didn't know you were such a cuddler, a warning would have been nice," I smirked teasingly.

"I did not cuddle you," she scoffed while slipping her slides on.

"Really?" I deadpanned while giving her a pointed look.

"Yes, really," she gave me the same look in return.

"Well then, why don't you stay the night? Try it again," I smirked while lying on my stomach, careful of the bruise.

"For the record, you're the one that pulled me into you. I was happily lying there until you pulled me close," she turned to me.

"I-I did?" I questioned while trying to remember but my memory was swiped.

"Mm-hmm, you did." She looked at while biting back a smile and nodded.

"Faith, can I ask you something?" I lied on my back, my head beside her legs.


"Sure," she replied.

"You don't have genuine, real feelings for me, do you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Not that I know of, why?" she replied while pulling at a strand of my hair. "Fuzz," she dangled it in my face before blowing it away.

"I was just thinking isn't it, I don't know, weird that we're hanging out so often and kissing an-and holding hands but we don't have feelings for each other yet?" I questioned while grabbing her hand and placing it in my hair.

"Yet, huh?" she chuckled while running her hand through my hair.

"Faith," I sighed.

"I mean yeah, I guess it's weird. You play your part well and that does make it harder but I guess I know in the back of my mind that we aren't real."

I didn't like hearing that from her.

"We kiss, but it's just for people to see and talk, we're gonna go on dates but I'm sure we're really just gonna talk and hang out and yeah, we hold hands but-" she shrugged, "It's only for show. Plus, we already talked about what would happen if one or both of us caught feelings and we said we'd figure it out so, yeah, it's weird that we don't really like each other, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if we do eventually, or at least I do." She mumbled that last bit but I heard it.

She knew I heard it.

"Doesn't the thought of liking or loving someone scare you?" I asked.

"It terrifies me, but love is one of the only things people truly live for," she shrugged.

"I guess falling in love for the first time is scary for everyone, right?" I asked while staring at her while she was too focused on my hair.

"In one way or another," she nodded, "Some people are scared to fall, some people are scared to get hurt, some people are scared to confess, some people are scared to be left alone and heartbroken. Some people are scared of it all."

That's me. I'm scared of it all and I have a feeling from the way she says it that she is too.

"How do people overcome it then?" I questioned.

"They find the right person," she smiled to herself. "They don't feel as scared with that person. They feel safe instead," she shrugged lightly.


"Do you feel safe with me?" I blurted out, regretting it right as it slipped. Her eyes snapped to mine and I saw her cheeks coated with a blush.

"Yeah, I feel safe with you," she spoke softly. We fell into a daze while staring into each other's eyes until she snapped us out of it. "I-I should go," she slowly stood up. She was grabbing her stuff when I stopped her.

"Faith, wait." I stepped into my closet and grabbed a grey hoodie, handing it to her. "It's-" she didn't let me finish.

"It's coffee and cologne," she nodded. "I know." I smiled before walking her out. "Bye," she said softly.

"Bye," I leaned against my door, watching as she walked away and into her house.

"I was hoping I'd catch you here." A voice from behind me caught my attention.

"How the hell did you get in?" I asked while closing the front door and walking over to her.

"The back door was open," she shrugged.

"Please get out," I folded my arms across my chest.

"What do you see in her anyway?" she sat down on my couch, propping her legs up on the coffee table in front of her.

"Something that I never did or will see in you, now get out Amber," I demanded.

"I'm so glad I got a warm welcome," she rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"You," she answered bluntly.

"Cody wasn't enough?" I asked.

"Nope," she stood up.

"Apparently I wasn't either when you had me. Get out," I glared at her.

"Make me," she smirked.

"It's not hot when you say that. You don't say it like Faith does," I smirked. That wasn't planned but it was true.

"She's not as good as I am," she threw her arms around me.

"You're right," I threw them off of me. "She's better." I stepped back.

"You'll regret it," she arched an eyebrow at me.

"Then it'll be my mistake to regret and I'll pine over it for the rest of my life," I pushed her off when she tried climbing onto me again. She stepped away and looked at me for a moment.

"Oh my god," she scoffed, "You're falling for her, aren't you?" she arched an eyebrow at me in amusement.

"I'm falling for my girlfriend? Yes, I am." I played it off.

"Please, I see through your act. Just because Cody can't doesn't mean I don't. You're really falling for her, aren't you?" she smirked. "She's changing you into a committed man," she walked back and grabbed her purse. "If you really care for her and feel that way then I won't mess with you two," she said.

"No, you'll just help Cody," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but I won't do anything directly. Fair enough?" she offered.

"Get out," I glanced at the door.

"As you wish," she sashayed away. I watched as she drove away in Melanie's car. That's her best friend.

I shut the door before going and closing the back door as well. I went up to my room and sighed while falling onto my bed. My face was stuffed in my pillow with my hands under it as I lied on my stomach when I felt something under my hand.

I lifted my head in confusion and threw the pillow away, looking at the earring. Just as I was about to text Faith to tell her it fell out, her window opened.

"Did I drop an earring somewhere? My mom's gonna kill me if she finds out I lost it!" she leaned out and explained.

"Yup, right here." I dangled it. She sighed in relief before climbing through her window. "Faith, you probably shouldn't- oh," I stumbled back while she fell on top of me, pushing me back onto my bed.

"Hi," she breathed.

"Hey," I brushed her hair back from her right side and carefully pushed the earring through, closing it with a click.

"There you go," I said in a low voice. We still didn't move. "Faith, about the love and feelings thing, I didn't mean to-" she cut me off with a kiss.

I held her face in my hands and savored the moment.

Every time we kiss, I feel fire running through me and I end up wanting me but she always leaves me hanging. I think that's part of why I like her so much, she knows how to tempt me.

Right as I thought that, she read my mind and pulled away, her blue eyes opened at locked with mine. For a moment I was knocked breathless.

I like it when she looked me straight in the eye.






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