《Sugar And Spice》Chapter thirteen: Cheerleader


"Good luck," I kissed his cheek, making him smile before sitting on the benches while he went and began warming up for the captain tryouts. The doors to the gym opened and Cody walked in with Amber's arm latched onto his.

I was expecting it to bother me a lot and it did, but just a little.

I looked at Alex instead of them and I found myself smiling a little.

What the hell is going on with us?

"Who are you here for?" Amber spat while sitting beside me. I sighed and grabbed my bag before getting up and moving three seats over.

"Alex," I answered.

"H-he's trying out for captain?"

That is the first time I've seen that bitch stutter.

"Yeah, is that a problem for Cody?" I arched an eyebrow at her. She grabbed her purse and speed walked to Cody who was talking to someone. She whispered something in his ear and he turned to look in my direction. He rolled his eyes at me before saying something to her, sending her back to sit here.

"Your boyfriend isn't gonna get it," she snickered while sitting beside me.

"Okay," I scoffed, "That's why you panicked when I said he's trying out," I mumbled to myself while rolling my eyes.

"Alright boys, gather around!" Coach Sanders shouted. All the guys jogged up to him and stood in a circle. "We'll split into two teams, no captains and then by the end of today, hopefully, we'll have a new captain for the basketball team. Now for the teams," he sighed.

He began calling out names, each team standing on either side of him. "Alex, over here," Alex stood to his left. "Cody, this team," he put Cody in the same team as Alex.

Oh no.

They're not gonna let each other play and that'll get them both kicked off.

"Coach Sanders!" My mom walked in with a few files in her hands. They were probably discussing the reason Chris was kicked off and then she closed the file and said something before walking out.

"Cody, over there," Coach Sanders moved him. "Let's see what the captains of the soccer and football teams can do in basketball," he stepped off the court and the game began. Alex was scoring the majority for his team and Cody was doing the same for his and Alex's team was three points up.

Alex jumped up to shoot and Cody elbowed him in the ribs and everyone saw that. Even Amber stood up and gasped.


"Oh my god," I stood up and ran down to the court.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex stood up while wincing.

"I'm just playing the game," he put his hands up in surrender.

"Are you okay?" I asked while running to his side.

"Davis! First and last warning!" Coach Sanders glared at him.

"Alex, are you alright?" I held his arm.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," he sighed while glaring at Cody.

"He can't even fucking play fair," I mumbled under my breath before Coach Sanders told me to get off the court so they could resume the game. We had ten minutes left Alex's team was in the lead by two points.

"Sam, over here!" Alex yelled. He got the ball and jumped up to shoot only for Cody to pull the same fucking shit again. He still made the shot before he landed on the floor.

"Cody!" Coach Sanders yelled, marching up to him. I ran down there with panic gushing through me. That was the second time and it was harder than the first and there is no way he isn't hurt.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shoved Cody before helping Alex up. "Are you alright?" I handed him my bottle of water.

"Oh fuck," he tilted his head up while sealing his eyes shut and hissing in pain.

"Game's over! Get him to the nurse's office," Coach said to me. I nodded and helped him to the elevator and down to the nurse's office.


"Just take it easy, it's a pretty big bruise but you'll be good in no time," she smiled at us.

"Thank you," we said in sync. "Time for results, let's go," he slowly stood up in pain.

"Was that really worth it?" I asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"He probably didn't get it and hopefully I did, so yes," he smiled at me as the doors opened.

"I know he hates you but if we weren't a thing he wouldn't have done that, I just made it worse, I am so sorry," I sighed as we walked back into the gym.

"It's not your fault, I am fine," he chuckled while turning to me.

"You sure?" I pressed further.

"Yes, I'm fine," he smiled before kissing my cheek and then joining everyone while I went back to the benches. I sighed while running my hand through my hair and grabbing my jacket and holding it in my lap.


"I didn't know he was going to do that," Amber spoke up.

"Yes, you did," I scoffed, "You don't think I know what you two whispered about. You knew it," I chuckled humorlessly. "It is pathetic to me how desperate you two are for validation," I rolled my eyes before grabbing my things and standing up.

"And a warm welcome to our new captain, Alex Ryder!" Coach Sanders announced. I skipped down the benches with a smile on my face and ran straight up to him.

"I got it!" he cheered.

"You did!" I threw my arms around his neck while laughing as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled away and stared at me for a while. "What?" I laughed while raising my eyebrows at him.

He grabbed my chin and pressed his lips to mine. That wasn't planned and we weren't supposed to kiss in front of people yet because we hadn't been on our 'date' but he did anyway.

He pulled away and his flickered from my lips back up to my eyes. I gave him a small smile before pecking his lips and then increasing the distance between us.

"Let's go?" I asked and he nodded while grabbing his bag, wincing slightly. "Don't you think you should rest tomorrow?" I asked as we walked to his car.

"No, why?" he got the door for me before getting in himself after throwing his bag in the backseat.

"I saw the bruise, it was pretty bad," I turned to him while he backed out of the parking spot.

"What am I gonna do at home all day?" he sighed as he began driving off school property.

"I can come over, we'll watch movies all day," I shrugged.

"And your mom won't have any problem with that?" he chuckled.

"I can be convincing and persuasive," I gave him a pointed look. "Do you want to?" I questioned.

"Sure," he shrugged while turning the corner to our street.

"You played really well today," I said as he stopped in front of my house.

"Because I had my cheerleader," he laughed.

"I did not once cheer out loud, I did in my head though," I nodded.

"I got your message," he put his fingers on either side of his head.

I laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow morning?" I asked while stepping out and walking to his window.

"Yup," he rolled his window down. I grabbed his chin and had him face forward, pressing my lips to his cheek. "Bye!" I waved and ran up my driveway, to my porch.

"Bye!" he laughed before I stepped into my house. I set the keys down on the coat hanger and let out a sigh.

I grabbed myself a water bottle and a mini Toblerone before heading up to my room. I walked in and flicked the light switch on, looking out my window to see Alex assessing his bruise in his mirror.

I opened my window and yelled out, "Use a packet of peas!"

He turned to face me with confusion until he realized what I meant. "We don't have peas," he laughed.

"We do!" I replied. I went downstairs and grabbed a packet from the freezer and tossed it to him through my window.

"Thanks," he replied.

"Anytime," I answered before closing my window but leaving the blinds open while I went into the bathroom with my pajamas to shower and change.

I came out while drying my damp hair with a towel and stumbled, ramming my back into my closet when I saw Alex crawling through my window.

I swear I closed that.

"What the hell are you doing here? You scared the hell out of me," I sighed while putting my hand against my chest.

"I was bored," he shrugged while sitting at the foot of my bed.

"So you just- I don't know- decide to break into my room?!" I looked at him wide-eyed while closing my window.

"It was open," he reasoned.

"No. No, it wasn't," I looked at him bewildered.

"You're right, it wasn't. But it just took one little push," he shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't expecting someone to break in," I said sarcastically.

"Faith, come down here will you?" My dad's voice reached my ears. My eyes widened while I opened my closet.

"Hide," I demanded.

"But he likes me now," Alex pouted.

"Yeah he does, but see the thing is, he doesn't know you're here and you're not supposed to be here. I'm sure it took a lot of smooth soccer talk to get him to like you in the first place, we don't want that to go to waste now, do we?" I gave him a pointed look.

"Right," he nodded before climbing into my closet, waiting for me to shut it.

"Faith?" my dad called out.

"Be right there!" I replied. "Sorry," I gave him an apologetic look before closing the closet doors.

I should probably hurry with whatever my dad needs me for, leaving him in here can't be a good idea. I already did that to the guy in the janitor's closet.






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