《Sugar And Spice》Chapter twelve: Janitor's closet


I got to school with Faith and things were so incredibly and indescribably awkward.

"So um- the basketball tryouts for captain are today, are you going?" she asked while we walked to our lockers.

"Yeah, I was going to stay back for them," I replied.

"Cool, I'll stay back with you," she came to my locker after grabbing her things.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"For the tryouts, I'll stay back with you," she repeated.

"I heard you the first time, but why?" I asked as we walked to homeroom.

"Are you forgetting something?" She looked at me like I was insane.

"Faith, just because we're a thing doesn't mean you have to stay back for me all the time," I stated.

"Cody will be there, Alex," she replied.

Of course, it's for Cody to see.

"I don't care," I shrugged.

"Why are you acting so weird?" she asked.

"I'm not the only one," I gave her a pointed look.

"What? Just because we kissed?" she asked. We are so lucky no one's at school yet. "That doesn't change anything," she continued. "You don't have to turn one-eighty just because we kissed," she huffed.

"I know that didn't mean anything, I'm not turning one-eighty, it's just awkward," I sighed.

"You're never awkward after we kiss!" she whined.

"Yeah well, usually we kiss in front of people, for show, we kissed when no one was watching, Faith. That changes a lot," I explained.

"Jesus, okay, we sinned," she rolled her eyes, "I won't let you kiss me again and I won't kiss you again without a crowd, happy?" she pushed me against the lockers and had me pinned.

I wanted to kiss her again, right here, right now.

I began leaning in subconsciously because she stepped away, "Don't sin again, you'll be throwing a fit like a baby," she snickered while walking to class. I was about to reply but people began walking into the building so I kept my mouth shut.

Since she was leading the way, I took advantage of that and grabbed her from behind, pulling her into the nearest janitor closet with me. "What are you doing?" she asked, throwing my hands off of her like her skin was burning under my touch.


"What am I doing? What are you doing, Faith? What are you so snappy over? I might be acting awkward but you are..." I trailed off. I held her hands, "Faith," she threw them off. I held her arms, "Faith," she threw them off again.

"Look at you!" I grabbed her waist and pinned her against the shelf, holding her wrists in one hand and my other hand holding her waist. "You keep pushing me off!" I pointed out.

"You keep touching me!" she argued.

"Fine, I won't," I put my hands up in surrender and stepped back.

"Can I leave?" she huffed with her arms folded across her chest.

"No," I stood in front of the door.

"I'm okay with being here all day if you are," she sassed.

"Alright then, I guess we're spending the day here," I shrugged. Her lips pursed while she shifted her weight from one foot to another. She tried pushing past me but I caught her wrist, "Alex, let me go," she pulled her wrist out of my grasp and took a step back.

"If you don't want me to touch you, then don't come near me," I challenged.

"You are standing in front of the door, blocking it!" she pointed out. I shrugged while rolling my eyes. "Move out of the way!" she demanded.

"No, you said you want to spend the day here, now you can stay," I shrugged.

"Make me," she took a daring step forward.

"If you come anywhere near me, I'm going to have to touch you," I gave her a pointed look.

"No, you can just move and let me out!" she argued.

"Yeah, no." I deadpanned.

"What are you gonna do? Hmm?" She took another step closer.

"Don't complain when-" she cut me off when she grabbed my hands and placed them on her waist.

"Now what are you gonna do?" she arched an eyebrow at me. She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my lips down to hers and it was all so quick and frantic that I didn't realize she flipped us around, grabbed the doorknob and locked me in here after letting herself out.

I leaned against the door, smiling to myself like an idiot instead of thinking out how I'm gonna get out.



Lunch rolled around and I was still in here. I didn't think she'd leave me in here for that long, I thought she'd come between the first or second period and let me out. "Thank you, Mr. Stevenson," I heard her voice before keys jingled and the doorknob shook before the door slowly creaked open.

"Had enough fun yet?" she arched an eyebrow while smirking at me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in.

"Don't you think you should get a turn?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Sure, the difference is I have the keys and I know how to pick a lock," she smirked. We stared into each other's eyes, waiting for one person to lose and break away and surprisingly, that was me.

"Did you bring me lunch?" I asked.

"Yes, I did." She dug through her bag and took out a sandwich. "I can't believe I'm spending lunch in the janitor's closet," she huffed while sitting down on the floor with me and eating lunch while we talked.

It was a weird but fun lunch, I must say. "We have English," she grabbed her bag and swung the door open. I quickly shut it and turned her to face me,

"You have to make sure no one's watching while we step out, Faith, rumors won't help our case," I chuckled before stepping ahead, pulling the door open just a pinch and making sure no one was around the closet and when no one was, I slipped out with her hand held in mine, pulling her out.

We smoothly blended in with the crowd that was walking around and got to our lockers. "Do not ever pull me into a janitor's closet again, that's what you'll get every single time," she huffed while closing her locker and walking over to mine, leaning against the locker beside mine.

"What do you have after English?" I questioned while closing my locker.

"Free period, why?" she asked.

"I do too, I'm just gonna sit in the field, wanna join?" I offered.

"Yeah sure," she shrugged as the bell rang and we began walking to English. We walked in on time today and took our seats.

"Alex, can I ask you something," she asked while resting her chin on her hand and turning to me.

"Sure," I shrugged.

"What happens if one of us catches feelings?" she asked nonchalantly and bluntly.

"What makes you think one of us will?" I played it off.

"I don't think it, it's just a possible situation so, what happens if it becomes reality?" she arched an eyebrow at me.

"Just one of us?" I questioned.

"Or both, I don't know," she shrugged one shoulder.

"I mean, I think we'd be able to figure it out, don't you? We'd probably come to a mutual conclusion that's fair to us both," I answered.

"Yeah, probably," she sighed as the students filed in and Ms. Welsh walked in last.

"Afternoon everyone, continue with yesterday's essays, please," she had a handful of papers of the senior to mark and so she got to work while we did too. After forty-five minutes, finally, the bell rang and Faith and I began heading to the field.

"Why are we at the field again?" she asked while I grabbed her bag and set it down with mine next to the fence.

"Because we have a free period and nothing to do. Also, I need to talk to you about something," I sighed while sitting down on the grass while she sat beside me.

"What's up?" she asked while throwing her hair up in a bun.

She looked so cute.

"You know that on Valentine's day we have a dance this year," I began, "And when I ask you to it, we have to make sure people know how and when I ask you, the news needs to spread. I just wanted to know if you had any ideas on how I could do it," I sighed.

"Sorry, I can't really help you in that department. I've only had one boyfriend and he never did anything for me, so..." she shrugged while trailing off.

It still surprises me how badly he treated her and she loved him anyway. She did, right?

"How did you love him when he did all that?" I asked while turning to her.

"It's easy to love people, I mean, you love friends and family too, it's harder to fall in love and stay in it. I never fell in love with him. I cared about him and I loved him but, never fell for him. I think that's why I didn't care when he wouldn't answer my calls or texts. I saw it coming, I just didn't want to admit that he never cared about me."






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