《Sugar And Spice》Chapter two: Game night


My alarm rang at six. I have to get up earlier since we're still setting up. I threw on a hoodie and a pair of Nike shorts before grabbing my keys and phone with a cup of iced water and heading out. I pulled up into the pretty much empty school parking lot in my black Camaro. I walked into the field with the sun peeking through and sat down on the bleachers, taking a moment to myself.

"Someone's up early," Alex's voice shot through my ears as he sat down beside me.

"Everyone's supposed to be here any minute so," I shrugged.

"You do know that no one will show up this early, right?" he asked me.

"Yes, I'm aware," I sighed while pulling my hood over my head.

"Take a nap," he shrugged making my head turn in his direction. "No one's going to be here and when they are, I'll wake you up," he explained.

"And fall for your trick where you leave me sleeping? No thank you," I laughed.

"Come on, I'm not that cruel. I'll wake you up. I swear." He extended his pinky out.

"I'll be fine, Alex," I laughed.

"If you say so," he sighed while standing up. "I'm gonna go get some breakfast, want some?" he asked.

Did the sun rise from the west today?

"I'll just get a fruit cup, thanks," I replied tiredly. Our school doesn't have the best food but it's certainly not the worst. I stick to fruit cups. I watched the sun peek out a little more while he came back.

"So, are you gonna stay for the game tonight? Or just set up and go?" he asked while taking a piece of pineapple from my fruit bowl.

"Are you really trying to start a conversation with me?" I looked at him in disbelief.

He shrugged before eating his french toast.

"Who are you and what have you done with Alex?" I narrowed my eyes down at him. He chuckled but I didn't. "I'm being serious," I said.

"Oh, you are? Um-" he stuttered, "I-I don't know. It's more fun being a dick when people are watching."

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

"So who exactly are you when no one's watching?" I questioned.


"Alex," he answered.

"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed," I scoffed.

"No, but seriously, are you staying for the game?" he repeated.

I shrugged, "Yeah, probably. Why?" I asked.

"Amber's not coming."


"What?" I thought out loud.

"Amber's not gonna be here for the game."

I got that you freaking genius.

"She's your girlfriend and she's not coming?" I questioned. "Why isn't she coming?" I asked.

"She said she had this important thing with her family but I don't know."

My mind went back to what Hayley said. I should probably look into it. "Do you really care?" I pressed further.

"No, but she has my jersey. And a sign for me." Now he's talking. "She's gonna drop the jersey by but uh- I need someone to hold the sign."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you serious?" I questioned.

"It counts for participation from the school, it benefits the team." He turned to me.

"And you want me to hold the sign?" I asked and he slowly nodded in response. "I'm sure literally any other girl would be willing. Why me?" My brows furrowed.

"I just think it would be fun to watch you cheer for me. Especially with the hatred, you know," he smirked.

"Totally, so I'm gonna stay for the game and I'll make sure the cheerleaders have your sign, okay?" I patted his shoulder.

He just shrugged. "Is your boyfriend coming?" he asked and I froze for a split second.

"Why would he be coming? He doesn't play," I reasoned.

"He doesn't watch either?" he snorted.

I just stayed quiet, lips sealed shut.

"Come on, you put so much effort into setting this whole thing up and he's not even gonna come to watch?" he asked, almost in disbelief.

"Okay, you being nice is getting weird, go back to being a dick." I rolled my eyes, dodging the question.

"You're just dodging the question," he stated.

"And you are going to let me, got it?" I stood up as people finally began filing in. "Go dick mode." I shrugged at him before hopping up the bleachers to the anchor's room, grabbing the microphone. This is going to be a long day.



"I'll be back by the time the game starts!" I called out to Daniel before getting in my car and driving home to get ready for the game. Hayley and I agreed to meet at the entrance when the game starts so we could walk in together.

It was game night and there was so much adrenaline and energy in the air that everyone was glowing, quite literally. Once people entered Alex went back to being a dick and once everything was set up some people went back for their classes and some people like me stayed out in the field.

I pulled up into my driveway about ten minutes later and unlocked the door, skipping up the stairs quickly to get to my room. I was digging through my closet to find something to wear when the light in the window opposite mine turned on.

I looked to see Amber. She's probably here to drop his jersey and sign. Oh yeah, he's my neighbor. Wait, he's at school. He's getting ready there so why is she-

"Hey Faith!" Her squeaky voice screamed my name.

"Can I help you?" I asked, sticking my head out the window.

"I'm supposed to give these to you, make sure my boyfriend gets them!" she screamed before throwing his jersey and sign straight at me.

I managed to catch it, luckily without falling on my ass. "Wait, who told you to give this to me?" I questioned.

"Alex, of course! He said you're gonna meet him at the locker room in about twenty minutes! Bye!" And with that, she was off.

"Twenty what?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at the clock. "Oh shit," I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top with a cardigan and threw on my converse. I threw on makeup and tied my hair in a high ponytail before grabbing my stuff, Alex's stuff, and running out the door. "Five minutes, five minutes!" I screamed to myself in panic while speeding to the school. I ran in, straight to the boys' locker room. I juggled his jersey and huge sign in my hand while stumbling to the room. I swung open the door and instantly regretted it. "I- whoa!" I screamed, backing right out of that room.

As expected, there was laughter. A lot of it. Alex came out with a smirk on his face. "Can I help you?" he teased.

"You couldn't have told me your barbie was going to give me your stuff to bring? You're welcome I brought it, by the way." I threw both things at him.

"Someone had to," he shrugged while throwing his jersey on.

"And that someone was me because?" I questioned.

"You're my neighbor," he stated.

"If she was at school, then why have her drop it at my house and not just give it to you here?" I asked.

Is he that stupid?

"That's the thing babe, she wasn't at school today. Family emergency, remember?" he prompted.

"She was dressed like she's going to a strip club so I wouldn't know," I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said quickly. "She didn't even drop it at my house." I pointed out.

"She didn't?" he asked in confusion.

"Unless throwing it to me from your window counts? Nope," I replied. "Both things were at your house. I don't know why you thought they were with her," I sighed.

"They were with her. She probably dropped them off in the morning when I was here," he sighed while running his hand through his hair.

"And you are just so smart to have checked with her before," I smiled at him sarcastically.

"Game's gonna start you can go now." He glared at me.

"You can go now," I mimicked him before rolling my eyes and walking away. I walked over to the entrance to see Hayley pulling up.

"Hey, you look good." She was analyzing my outfit in her head.

"You too wanna grab some popcorn?" I asked. She nodded and we went and grabbed popcorn. We sat in the bleachers while there were five minutes left until the game started when Alex came jogging up the bleachers.

To me.

"What? Is it something with the banner last minute?" I rolled my eyes while standing up.

"Cheer." He handed me his sign.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Amber's not here, just cheer for the team!" he pleaded.

"Give it to the cheerleaders, it's their job," I stated.

"Just take it!" Hayley nudged my ribs with her elbow.

"Fine," I groaned and took his nice. Who could have thought I would cheer for Alex Ryder?







And that's chapter two

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