《What Love Is | ✅》49 | L O S S


"Unfortunately, you've had a miscarriage. But what's good is that there is no permanent damage to any part of the female reproductive system so you are still capable of having a baby. Any questions?" The doctor asked with a small hesitant smile.

Hayze shook his head when River-rose did nothing.

"Okay. She'll have to drink plenty of water to flush everything out of her system and keep the stress to a minimum if you guys try again."

"Alright," Hayze nodded. "Thank you."

The doctor gave a bright smile and shook his hand. "No problem. Don't be afraid to come back if you notice even the slightest complication."

There would be a lot more than just a slight complication


"Hi," Hayze said quietly as he let Rudi and Nani into the house.

"Hey," they greeted.

"I'm not trying to say i don't want you two here. But how long were you guys planning on staying? Nows not really a good time."

Rudi frowned slightly. "What's going on man? W-"

He was cut off by his sister when she noticed River walk into the hall. "River! Oh my God, congratulations!" She shouted as she ran over and engulfed her in a strong hug.

Hayze's eyes windened when he realized what was happening.

"I brought you a gift for the baby," Nani said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a well wrapped square. "I just couldn't wait until the baby shower," she laughed as she passed the gift over to a shocked River.

Hayze growled in anger and spun around to face Rudi. "You f~cking told?" He asked angrily.

"Woahhh, big guy. Calm down. First of all, no i didn't. The two girls overheard."

"Two?" Hayze hissed. Suddenly his hands were gripping the collar of Rudi's shirt and Rudi looked scared out of his mind.


"Hayze, what the hell has gotten into you? It was just Nani and my girlfriend who overheard. They peiced it together."

Hayze dropped Rudi when he finally noticed River's sobbing. He quickly ran over and hugged her close, shushing her quietly as he struggled to hold himself together. His hands were shaking as he stroked her hair and a lump began to form in his throat at the sound of pain in his wifes cries. Her sadness was literally his sadness.

"What happened?" Nani asked softly as she came in and joined the hug.

"Nani," Rudi hissed. "Give them a minute. We'll be in the livingroom if you need us."

"I'm sorry babygirl. I didn't know that would happen," he said softly before placing multiple soothing kisses on her forehead.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Who's Nico's sister?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because thats how Nico found out where we lived. And when i got pregnant."

Hayze's jaw clenched and his grip around her waist tightened. "Bella rosa, why don't you go lay down because you haven't slept well. I'll go make you some tea."

"Okay," she said as she got up on her toes and kissed his lips. "Thank you, my love."

Hayze felt his heart swell at the nickname and he could have sworn he had just got light headed.

"Are you blushing?" She smiled, though, it hardly reached her eyes.

Her hand came up to caress his warm cheeks and he smiled softly down at her before pressing another kiss to her forehead. "Go now babygirl. I'll be up soon with your tea."

Once she was the up the stairs, he went into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on.


"Are you two okay?" Nani asked hesitantly.

"Do you know who your girlfriends brother is?" Hayze asked coldly.

"Umm... some guy named Nico. Why?"

Hayze's fists and jaw clenched and he had to keep himself from throttling Rudi.

"In case you didn't remember me telling you; Nico, he used to be with River. He abused her."

Both of the siblings eyes widened and they stood up from the kitchen stools.

"I'm pretty sure your girlfriend has been giving Nico information because somehow he found out where we live."

"What?" Rudi's voice came out in a rough whisper.

"River doesn't have her baby anymore," Hayze said quietly. "He came here and shoved f~cking pills down her throat."

Nani's mouth dropped open and Rudi's eyes filled with guilt.

"Hayze, i'm sorry. I di-"

"Of course you didn't know!" Hayze exclaimed as he tugged at his hair. "Or else we'd still have our child. Your f~cking girlfriend has been feeding her bastardo of a brother information about my wife!"

"Wait a second, how do you know my gir-"

Hayze slammed his fist down on the cream marbled island. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. You and me both know your girlfriend helped her brother." He sighed quietly and ran his hand through his dark brown hair. "Look, i'm sorry. I know she's your girlfriend and all you want to do is see her as perfect; i get it. But, she's been working with her brother knowingly. Because she gave him that information, River is no longer pregnant and she's not happy anymore. Its gonna take a while for her to bounce back."

Rudi sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Alright. I'll talk to her and if she had anything to do with this, we're over. I don't want anything to do with someone who basically took an innocent life." He got up and gave Hayze a pat on the back. "Hang in there man. And i'm sorry about letting them over hear."

Hayze nodded and gave Rudi's shoulder a squeeze. "Should i send River to therapy? I know this is really messing with her head."

"Maybe you two should take another vacation. Try again for a baby when your ready. I still want my neice or nephew."

Hayze laughed sadly and nodded. "Yeah. I might do that if she's up to it."

Nani came up to Hayze and side hugged him. "I'm sorry about the gift. I feel terrible."

"Its fine. She's a strong girl. She'll understand."

As they left, Hayze told himself multiple times that River was a strong girl and she'd pull through. She was his strong girl and she got through everything.

But as time went on; he was having a harder time beleiving it.

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