《What Love Is | ✅》47 | H A P P Y


They had just finished with the doctors appointment and the smiles hadn't left their faces since then.

River was two months pregnant.

"When should we tell everyone?" Hayze asked as he drove out of the hospital parking lot.

"I think we should make dinner and invite everyone over when i'm showing. That'd be cool."

"Alright. If thats what you want."

She nodded and looked out the window before looking back at her husband. "Hayze, i'm hungry."

"Really?" He laughed as he gave her a quick glance before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Yes, really," she rolled her eyes.

He placed his hand on her thigh. "Hey, don't get sassy with me. I can still take you over my knee and spank you. Pregnant or not."

She giggled and grabbed his hand before pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "Can we get some seafood?"

"As long as its takeout."


Hayze watched as River strolled into the ensuite to take a shower, her hips swaying slightly.

Once the door was closed, he hurridley grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed Rudi.

He had to tell someone

"Hayze! Whats up man? You missing me, because usually i'm the first one to contact you on a weekend."

Hayze laughed quietly. "No. I've got great news."

"Oo, i'm excited all ready," Rudi laughed. "Wait... who is this?"

"Hayze dummy."

"But you sound... enthusiastic."

"Thats because my beautiful wife is pregnant," Hayze whisper-yelled into the phone, a huge smile on his face.

There was silence for a second. "What?"

"She's pregnant man. We're gonna have a baby."

Rudi laughed into the phone. "Congrats dude. I can't beleive you're gonna have a kid." There was a little sigh. "Wow. That's gonna be a really beautiful kid. And i'll be uncle Rudi! Thats insane."


Hayze pressed his lips together to stifle his laughter. "Yeah. I can't wait to see her stomach grow."

"Hows she's supposed to push a baby out? She's like... tiny."

"I know. I was a little worried about that. This pregancy might take a huge toll on her body since she's so small. I'll have to really take care of her. And i hate to see her si-"

Hayze stopped talking when he heard River shuffling to the bathroom door.

"I'll talk to you later. We'll be having a dinner party for the announcement. Don't tell anybody."

"Alright, i won't. Bye."

Hayze's eyes landed on his beautiful wife as she stepped out of the bathroom, her hair dripping onto her neck and he put his hands out for her so she'd come to him.

She scurried over and he grabbed a towel from the side and wiped her neck and shoulders. His eyes followed a slow moving trail that slipped along her collar bone. He smiled softly and kissed along her neck and she giggled lightly.

His hands fell to her waist and he caressed her hips before sliding his hands up her towel and gently rubbing her tummy with his large warm hands. He leaned forwards and pressed a small kiss to her tummy, his lips quirking up into a satisfied smile.

He sighed quietly as he felt her small hands delicately run through his hair.

"I'm so glad you got pregnant," he said with a small laugh. "Sounds crazy, but its true."

She laughed and climbed up onto the bed. "It was your fault."

"Not fault, blessing. And your welcome," he teased with a light smirk.

River shook her head in amusement and smacked him on the head lightly.

"Ouch, what was that for?" He cried dramatically.

She giggled and shoved him lightly and he shoved her back. She glared at him playfully before grabbing a pillow and swinging it at his back.

He quickly grabbed one and swung it over her chest.

"Oww," she whined. "My boobs," she snickered quietly. "They're sore."

His lips quirked up into a crooked smile. "Lemme kiss em better then."

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