《What Love Is | ✅》43 | C A R E


"Maybe you should stop before you pass out from exaustion," Vito suggested through the sounds of Hayze's fist meeting the punching bag in his gym room.

"I. can't. stop. Or i'll think about what i did to my bella rosa," he said through pants.

"What did you do?" Vito asked as he threw a towel and a stainless steel container of water to him.

Hayze took four huge gulps before pouring the rest over his head and then wiping his face down with the towel.

"I hate myself," he whispered as he felt a wave of disiness hit him.

Vito quickly scrambled to his side and steadied him. "Have you eaten?"

"I-i," he let out a frustrated breath. "I have. But she hasn't. I know she hasn't. And when she doesn't eat, i don't eat." He plopped down on a seat and bowed his head, his hands clasped in between his spread legs. "God, i hate myself."

"What could you possibly do to make you hate yourself?"

"I hurt her. And i hate myself for it," he said with a shake of his head. "F~ck!" He shouted. "I practically assaulted her."

Vito stumbled back in surprise and his bushy eyebrows furrowed. "How?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled as he stood up quickly, another wave of dissiness hitting him. "I've gotta go check on her."

"Has she seen anyone but you?"

Hayze shook his head.

"Maybe you should call her friend over."

He stopped at the doorway and stood in silence for a second before nodding. "Alright."


Hayze placed the macaroons in the bag of things he got for River, along side some roses, an italian seafood dish, some cute little jello jelly things that had faces on the front and some rub for her bruises.

"Is this supposed to be some type of care package for River?" Rudi asked as he walked beside Hayze with River's new pet in it. "You must have really messed up. What did you do? Did you say something sexist and unfair to her by mistake, because i know the feeling."

"No. I wish i had," Hayze said guiltily.

"Woah. You must have done something unforgivable," Rubi tried to joke.

"I can't even forgive myself," Hayze said as they arrived at the car. "Can we stop talking about this, please."

Rudi stared for a second before nodding. "Yeah. Yeah okay."

The drive was silent all the way up to the gate. Rudi had tried making jokes the whole way but his attempts were futile; all he got was a stone cold Hayze.

"You're acting like you did before you met River. Maybe you should talk about it."

"This is between me and my wife," Hayze snapped before pulling up to the garage and storming out of the car with the gifts.

Hayze raced up to his bedroom and threw the door open. He spotted Nani sitting on the bed with River who was cross-legged and playing a game of cards.


"Thank you Nani. You can go now," he said quietly as he stepped into the room and placed the gifts on a desk.

Nani gave River a hug and a kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye and closing the door as she went out.

"I got you some sweets, pretty girl. Do you want them now. Or would you like the food first?"

"Food," she said quietly before packing away the cards.

Hayze grabbed the seafood dish and a fork and placed it down in front of her along with a slice of garlic bread.

"Thank you."

She opened the container of food and immediately her eyes lit up at the sight of the still hot seafood. "Mmmm, thank you Hayze."

Hayze smiled softly at the fact that she at least was getting excited over things when just two days ago she was hardly moving from the bed.

She bounced around happily as she ate her scallops, mussels, lobster and her favorite; shrimp.

He was glad she was finally eating

When it was halfway done, she finally looked up sheepishly. "You want some?" She asked as she guestered to it with her fork.

He was hungry but he wanted her to eat all of her food. "No, thats yours."

She shrugged before breaking a peice of garlic bread off and dipping it into the sauce and passing it to him. "Here. Eat."

He reluctantly took it and groaned when the garlic bread hit his tongue. It was so good and warm.

When he finished his bread, River held a scallop up to his mouth and he eagerly took it.

"I brought some rub for your bruises."

Obviously, that was the wrong thing to say because her face fell faster than the leaves did during fall did.

"I'm sorry, babygirl. I know you don't like thinking about it," he said as he got up and grabbed the macaroons and roses. "I got you these."

She smiled softly and gently grabbed the roses and the container of macaroons. "You know, you don't have to spoil me, you've done enough of that. And besides," she shrugged. "I don't hate you for it. So you should stop hating yourself. I still very much like you."

"I do-"

"You're lying. We both know that."

He was shocked by the strength in her soft voice.

She placed the food to the side before crawling over to him and getting up on her knees to caress his face. He leaned into her gentle touch.

"I know you're mad at yourself. I'm not gonna lie, it did hurt. But i'll get over it."

"No, bella rosa. You don't just 'get over it.' You can't let people use you like Nico and me have. Promise me you won't let anyone use you again. Don't let anyone hurt you," he said as he placed his hand over her small one that was caressing his cheeks.

Silent tears began to run down her face. "I won't."


He placed a kiss on her forehead. "Good." He looked at her distressed face and sighed. "Something else is bothering you?"

"Umm... Nani said that y-you might just be using me for my body. Is that true?"

Hayze was taken aback for a second, but as he thought about it, the more it seemed like he had, but really he didn't. "No babygirl. I would never. You're beautiful inside and out and i wouldn't be able to even look you in the eye if i was only using you for you're body. Ti amo bella rosa."

She nodded as if reassuring herself that what Hayze had just told her was true.

"Whats in that?" She asked as she pointed to the box sitting on the floor by the desk.

He cursed when he remembered her new pet had been sitting in the box for so long.

He gently picked it up and placed it in his lap, silently hoping it was still alive.

Hayze felt the familiar swell of happiness in his chest when he saw the look on his wifes face.

"A chameleon!" She squealed. "Its so prettyyy." He watched as her small hands carefully plucked it from the little boxed cage and it froze up before immediately clinging onto her pinky finger with its little padded hand.

"Thank you Hayze!" She said excitedly as she admired her new colorful pet. It was a little stressed but Hayze knew it wouldn't be long before it was used to the new surroundings and it follwed River wherever she went. All animals stuck to her side.

"You're welcome, pretty girl. You're looking a bit pale. Why don't you go put him in the study and then we'll go for a walk outside."

"Okay," she said, hardly listening because of the cute little reptile in her hands.

Hayze picked up a blanket before going downstairs and getting Blue from his dog bed. He waited by the door for River and shook his head when she took longer than normal to get downstairs. She must have still been staring at her chameleon.

When Blue perked up, he looked up as well and saw River carefully shuffling down the stairs. At first he couldn't understand why she was walking so sluggishly but then the memories hit him and then so did the guilt.

She limped over to him before slipping into a thin coat. The wheather was warmer now and the sun was bright.

"We'll just sit in the grass instead of walking. Okay?" He asked softly.


He grabbed her hand and shortened his strides so that she could keep up with him as they made their way to the little feild of flowers in his backyard.

Hayze spread the blanket out and helped River to sit down before plopping down between Blue and River.

When he noticed her wince and shift on her bum he squinted at her. "Does it hurt?" Obviously it did, but he wanted her to tell him because that meant she was still comfortable around him.

"Um... its a little sore. Thats all."

"Should i go get some ice?" He asked cautiously.

She blushed and turned away. "Is it safe to put ice... down there."

"I'm sure if you don't put it directly on you're skin, its safe."

"Oh okay."

Hayze quickly got up and ran into the house to grab ice and a little towel before running back out and plopping down onto the blanket with a oomf.

River giggled at him and he smiled charmingly in response, happy that she wasn't in such a sad mood anymore.

"Lay on your back babygirl. I'll be gentle." Unlike that other night you practically assaulted her you f~cking idiot

She lowered herself onto the ground and akwardly lay there as she waited for Hayze to wrap the ice up.

He slowly pulled the hem of her dress up, keeping eye contact with her to make sure she was comfortable. He then slipped down her panties and hissed when he saw how swollen she looked between her legs.

"I'm so sorry," he said as he gently iced her sensitive skin.

She yelped before relaxing back into the blanket. "I know," she said quietly as she turned her head to the side so she could gaze at some dead flowers. "Does it look bad?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "No. You still have the cutest little p~ssy ever."

She blushed and covered her face before bringing her legs to her chest so he'd be able to ice more of the area.

"Its weird that we're doing this outside."

"This is our property. We can make love out here and no one can tell us we can't." He smiled gently at her before slipping back on his knees and brushing his lips over her womanhood. "This is what i should have been doing," he said before placing a kiss on the swollen skin making her gasp. "I should have been careful and gentle. I should have given you the attention you deserved."

He placed kisses on the inside of her thigh and then back on her core. "You only deserve the best."

She whimpered quietly and pushed her hips into his face.

"You want more kisses?" He asked as he peaked over her dress to look at her.

"Sì, please." He trailed kisses all along her soft skin and she squirmed as he held her down by her hips.

"You're cute little p~ssy needs my kisses. Sì?"

"Sì," she gasped.

He gave her one more gentle kiss before blowing a little cool air over her glistening folds causing her to arch her back.

He couldn't beleive she still got wet for him after all he'd done to her.

After he was done, he tugged her dress down and laid down beside her, pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead.

"Ti amo, River. Thank you for giving me a second chance when i didn't deserve it."

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