《What Love Is | ✅》35 | H A R D W O R K I N G


River shifted uncomfortably as she noticed one of Hayze's employees staring at her.

"Mr. Charles, did you hear anything i just said?" She asked as she stepped back from away from his desk.

He scratched his partly balding head and finally looked up at her face. "Hm, oh yeah," he nodded. "Of course. You want me to..."

River quickly took note of the fact that Mr. Charles had stared at her legs the whole time instead of sending out emails.

"Ugh... have a good rest of your day Mr. Charles. Get some work done, you're slacking," she said as nicely as she could before slipping out of the cubicle.

She sighed and shifted her business skirt before making her way towards the board room where she had to take over a company presentation.

Hayze was not in the main building because he was overseeing a project two hours away and he had put River in charge of everything for the whole day.

She was excited that he thought her capable of his jobs which he did well, but she was scared of doing something wrong. She wanted him to be proud of her but it seemed that no one was really taking her seriously.

She wanted him to kiss her and tell her she did well and that she'd made him proud. She also wouldn't mind having his head between her legs, pleasuring her and telling her she was a good girl.

But either or would have been fine. She'd be happy with just a smile of approval.

She felt they still thought her a child. She was only 5'2 and she had just turned 19.

But then she remembered how young Hayze had started his whole business. From scratch. He had literally stopped in the middle of college and decided he was going to become an architect.

He was self taught and he worked unbeivably hard, hardly sleeping some nights just so he could get where he was now.

He had designed and built his own business. His own home. He had done everything with his own hands. And River wanted to make him proud.

River looked down at her phone and her eyes widened when she realized she was four minutes late to the meeting.

She began speed walking down the halls but when she noticed people staring at her go by, she tore her heels off, picked them up and sprinted to the board room.

Right before she opened the door, she took a deep calming breath and put her heels back on her feet.

"Good afternoon, sorry i'm late," she said as she walked into the room. She bit her lip nervously as she walked to the front of the room, the testosterone hitting her in waves.

Once she was at the front near the flat screen grapics tv, her eyes fell on the multiple intimidating business men who were all looking at her with straight faces.

"Um, hey," she laughed nervously. "If you haven't already heard, i'll be going over the things we've acheived this month and the things we can improve on for Hayze. And... if you gentleman have any questions at the end; i'll be glad to answer them." She smiled softly at the men to ease the tension in the room.

A few men nodded and brought out laptops or notepads while a few stared at her with frowns on their faces.

She cleared her throat before turning and tapping gently on the board. A picture of the beach house they had debated about before showed up and she turned back towards the men with a shy smile on her face.


She was proud of especially this project because this was the first one she had seen completed while she was married to Hayze. She was there in the making of this project.

Hayze had let her do the interior design of it and he had said it was spectacular. She had never felt more proud of herself.

"Here is a photo of the fully built and furnished beach house. The couple was super excited about it and they even payed extra for the interior to be done. So that's really cool," she grinned as she brushed a peice of her long hair behind her hair.

The men clapped and nodded their agreements saying things like 'wonderful work' and 'that was fast'.

She tapped to the next slide. "What's even better is that we've gotten more advertisment and now even more people are calling in for smaller projects to be done. So that's good as well."

A few men nodded and she noticed how a few others frowned but she brushed it off and shifted on her feet.

"Um, also," she tapped to the next slide. "We actually made $234,000 more than we did last month. So thats a huge increase," she said excitedly.

A few men began to clap before they were cut off by a man named Mr. Dyre.

"Before you were here, we were making at least $400,000 more than we are now. I'm sure others can agree with me when i say you've been distracting Hayze. Employees need to be paid and how is he supposed to do that when he's distracted."

River felt as if she had just got kicked in the gut. She quickly recovered though, hiding the hurt away.

"Employees are still getting paid Mr. Dyre. Very well actually. Hayze makes sure."

She quickly changed to the next slide and showed a picture of their next project. "Hayze asked if anyone would like to volunteer to go down to the old schools and take a survey. He wants you to pick out the one with the worst gym and then report back to him so he can help with renovations."

Mumbles of curiousity and confusion floated around the board room. No one was quite looking directly at her, all except for Mr. Dyre.

She looked him straight in the eyes and folded her arms across herself as she noticed his eyes linger on her chest. "Mr. Dyre, if you're wondering; yes, part of this was my idea."

The room went silent as the two of them stared eachother down.

"Having a woman 'helping' with this company, let alone a mere child, is going to run it straight into the ground," he grumbled as he picked at a peice of lint on his impeccably ironed suit. "People will lose their jobs."

She dug her nails into the palms of her hand and swallowed a sigh of annoyance. "That... is incredibly sexist Mr. Dyre."

He began to stand from his seat, his hard glare pinned her to the board. "What are you going to do, run to your daddy? Hm? Eventually, you'll be the reason he can't buy you lavish things anymore. Just because you're his wife doesn't mean you can run his company."

River bit her lip hard as she felt her nose and eyes burn with tears. She refused to show them.

"This can get you fired," she said calmly.

"But guess what, you can't fire me. And you know why..." he said as an evil smirk rose on his face. "You are just a little girl. Mr. Sykes shadow."


The men grabbed at Mr. Dyre but he jumped out of the way, walking confidently up towards her. She stared him down as he strolled up to her.

"Dyre, leave her alone. She's doing good for the company all the same. This is bound to get you fired," one man hissed.

"No, hold on a second men. Hear me out. I just find it funny that this little girl thinks she can play pretend in an actual office."

"I'm not a little girl," she said shakily as he neared her. "And this company isn't just a joke to me. I take it very seriously."

"Oh yeah. Well, if you aren't a little girl, where's your college degree? What's with the lace bows in your hair?" He leaned forward so he was right in her face.

She scoffed and stepped to the side. "First of all, Mr. Dyre. Let me tell you something. A college degree nor do the lace bows in my hair define my age, maturity and ability to assist in a company. Being a woman...," she hissed as she guestered to herself. "Doesn't make me any less capable to build and shape a business than any man in this room. Those... standards you live by are outdated. You need to catch up or get out!"

He looked at her in shock for raising her voice before he straightened up and cleared his throat. "Just watch when Hayze pushes you to side lines again. He'll r-"

"This meeting is finished. And so is your time here Mr. Dyre," she said as she slammed down a notebook. "I'll be fair and give you a... weeks notice so you can look for another job. I'm not as unkind as you." She smiled innocently and passed the note over to him. "Good luck Mr. Dyre. I've been told it's a mans world out there."


River-rose slammed the door of Hayze's office closed and threw her heels off her feet as she mumbled to herself angrily, not noticing that Hayze was back and sitting at his desk.

"I can't beleive that stupid son of a beetle!" She exclaimed as she climbed up to the shelf that held Hayze's 'secret' stash of snacks.

She yelped as she felt familiar large hands grab her waist and pull her down from the counter.

"And who might this son of a beetle be?" Hayze chuckled as he held her captive against his hard chest.

She turned around and pressed her face into his chest, taking in the fresh manly scent of him and his wonderful colonge. "Mr. D-"

"Wait a second," he said as he pulled away from her and he stared down at her. "How do you know about my secret snack cupboard?"

She would have laughed at the look on his face if she wasn't so upset.

"Oh, bella rosa. Tell me what is wrong?" He asked as he led her over to the comfy sofa at the side of his office next to some book cases.

She cuddled into his side as he threw an arm over the back of the chair.

"What happened?"

"Hardly any one here is taking me seriously. They make jokes about my height, age, sex and the ribbons in my hair; like they are proof that i'm bad at helping with your business."

He shook his head and kissed her temple. "No babygirl. You do much more than help. Ever since you've gotten here, things have been running so much smoother. And... adding a womans touch has proved to be a huge benefit." He smiled softly at her and ran his hand over her hair. "When i was younger, men would constantly critisize and judge me. They'd say i wouldn't be able to create such a business because i was so young and inexperienced. I didn't let them stop me. And look where i am now."

River smiled at him and leaned up to peck his lips. "You're so smart."

He chuckled and pulled her in for another kiss by the nape of her neck. "Thank you, pretty girl."

"Oh yeah, also... Mr. Dyre is fired because he said some sexist things to me during the meeting. He has a week here left."

Hayze grinned proudly at her. "I know. I saw from my cameras. And i have got to say," he said as he sat up straight and towered over her. "You looked so damn sexy..." he pushed her down onto the couch and pinned her down. "When you were standing your ground."

She giggled happily under him as he peppered kisses all over her face.

She gasped as he pushed her skirt up around her waist and pushed her legs open.

"Do you want your reward babygirl?" He asked as he looked seductively up at her, his blue eyes dark with lust.

She trembled nervously under him, knowing there was a possibilty of them getting caught. "No. You don't have-"

"Well, i'm hungry. So you don't have much of a choice."

She bit her lip as he slid her lace panties down her legs and squirmed as he trailed hot, open mouthed kisses up the inside of her soft thighs.

A gasp escaped her as Hayze greedily sucked on her, little slurps filling the silence of the room and the distinctive sound of River's pleasure filled moans soon followed.

She writhed and ground her hips into his face as he lapped up her arousal and he quickly pinned her hips down by winding his arms around her hips and pressing her into the couch.

She whimpered as he began licking at a sensitive spot and so she pushed his head away gently to catch her breath.

"You taste so good," he rasped after licking his plump lips clean. "Tell me when your ready. I'm not finished eating."

She took deep breaths and found herself dripping more arousal for Hayze as he stared at her with an intensity that made her feel hot.

When she was ready, she lifted her hips; offering herself up to him and he eagerly buried his face back between her soaked lips, lapping up all he could get.

"Mmm." She screamed as he sucked her little bud into his mouth and he slurped at her before he began thrusting his tongue into her little hole.

"Come on babygirl. Give me all your cream," he said huskily as she tensed up under him.

Her legs began to tremble as little whimpers fell from her plump lips, her eyes starting to flutter closed as they rolled to the back of her head.

Hayze gave her one more big lick and she moaned loudly as she came, her arousal spilling down her onto the leather couch and the rest onto Hayze who was happily lapping it all up.

She placed her hand on the top of his head and threaded it through Hayze's soft hair as he continued to lick up whatever he could get.

"Uh Hayze. Stop please. I'm getting sensitive."

He slurped one more time before sitting up, a glistening sheen of her arousal on his lips and chin and a cheeky smile on his face.

"This always puts me in a better mood," he said as he wiped his face off with the back of his hand.

River giggled through her pants and shook her head. "Me too."

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