《What Love Is | ✅》14 | A L O N G


Hayze cursed in italian as he hung up the phone. He had just lost the chance to build a green house because of one of the people he was working with. He had already gotten started on the project and had most of it planned out and drawn on his graphic design tablet.

He threw down the pen and got to work on finishing the blue prints he had been working on before he had lunch with River-rose two days ago.

He had been so busy and hadn't seen her for a day because she had online school and he had work. The only way he would get to see her was if they slept in the same room, but to his dissapointment, they didn't.

Hayze's head snapped up when he thought he heard the door click shut. When he heard nothing and saw nothing, he looked back down at his blue prints.

Suddenly, out of corner his eye, he could see a little strand of dark hair peaking out from the corner of his desk and he had to stifle his laughter.

It was his beautiful wife trying to be a sneaky little girl.

He pretended not to see her crawling past his desk before he slowly lifted himself out of his chair and came around behind her while she was busy trying to stay quiet. She crawled around to the other side of his desk and looked up to see that he was no longer sitting at his desk.

"Wha-" She was cut off as Hayze lifted her up into the air and she shreiked when he cradled her into his chest. "You scared me!" She screamed as he spun her around in his arms.

He laughed and trailed tiny kisses along her neck which caused her to giggle into his chest.

"You're so precious," he said as he placed a kiss on her hair. He gently placed her down and straightened out her outfit. "You're wearing the dress i got you."

She smiled and spun around, the dress flowing up to show off her cute little boy shorts. "Yup."

"You look so pretty," he said as he pulled her into his chest and lifted her dress above her bum, giving it a generous squeeze with the other hand. He couldn't seem to keep his hands off her.

She squealed and pulled away from him. "You look... handsome," she said quietly, a blush forming on her cheeks.

Instead of teasing her for how shy she was, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and sat down at his desk chair, pulling her down onto his lap.


His hands trailed up and down her sides continously and she leaned back into him and relaxed.

"What would you like to do on Friday? I don't have to work then."

She shrugged and wrapped an arm around his neck and turned her head to look at him. "I don't know."

He caressed the creamy skin of her thigh with his large hand and she could feel the coolness of the ring she bought him trail along her skin. His hand left a trail of goose bumps in its wake. "I have such a beautiful wife," he whispered. "I'm so lucky."

She blushed and tucked her head into his neck. "Thank you. For everything."

"Your welcome," he said, content with how kind of a person she was.

"How can i show how thankful i am?" She asked innocently.

"Kiss my neck, please."

She gently pressed her lips to the vein on his neck and his head fell back as his tense muscles relaxed. He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his dark hair. She immediately threaded his hair through her small hand and leaned over to press a kiss to his prominent adams apple.

"I love the feel of your lips on my skin," he groaned. "So soft."

She pulled her lips away and looked at him with a shy smile on her face. He leaned up and pecked her lips.

"Would you maybe like to go and see your parents on Friday?"

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you!" She threw her arms around his neck before hopping off his lap and skipping to the door. "Come outside with me. You're always cooped up in this office."

"Oh yeah?" He stood up and gave her a playful glare. "I don't like when you criticize me." He started making his way to her with his long strides and her eyes widened when his face set with a determined look. "If i catch you, you're gonna be in so much trouble."

That was all it took for River to throw open the door and run towards the steps. He chuckled and chased after her, one of his strides probably equaled three of hers. It was hardly fair, but who played by the rules when they were having fun?

Her long hair flew behind her and her dress fluttered as she dashed around the house, trying to avoid Hayze capturing her.

Her giggles and the light padding of her feet filled up the quiet sounds of the house.


Somewhere in the house, Vito was smiling to himself at how happy the sounds echoing around the home sounded. He'd never seen Hayze so joyful and laid back before. Before, the house used to be so lonely and gloomy, now it felt like a real home.

Blue soon joined in on the chase which had River weak with laughter, her running beginning to slow down because she could hardly catch her breath.

She'd never had this much attention on her before and now that she had it, the life was back in her eyes. She felt like she'd explode from hapiness.

Just as she got to a dead end hallway, she stopped and turned around, her breath uneven and the smile never leaving her face. Not even when Blue tackled her to the ground.

"Blue." Hayze whistled and Blue backed off of River who was laying on the floor with a huge, angelic smile on her face. The dimples on her cheeks made her look so cute.

He lifted her off the ground carefully and once again adjusted her dress. "Let's go outside then, si?"

She nodded and grabbed his hand before pulling him outside.


Hayze watched as River slowly crept toward him in the grass, her long hair flowing down at her waist, a little butterfly planted in the middle of her dark eyebrows. He could hardly beleive his eyes. How she had gotten a butterfly to land on her face was beyond him.

He was sitting in the grass like she had asked even though he was still in one of his dress pants and a white button up shirt rolled up to his elbows.

She giggled quietly, trying not to disturb the butterfly. "That tickles."

He chuckled and watched as she went cross eyed to see the butterfly. He quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture before putting it as his background.

Gingerly, she put her finger up and the butterfly clung on before she placed it onto one of Hayze's broad shoulders. "You look good. Butterfly suits you."

He laughed making the butterfly fly away and she pouted.

"Its okay, pretty girl. It will come back."

She smiled and turned around before starting to crawl back through the grass. When the wind blew her dress up over her bum, he groaned and adjusted his pants at the sight of her pert little bum hanging out of her boy shorts.

"Come here."

She turned around and looked at him before standing up and walking over to him.

"Sit." He patted the grass in front of his opened legs and she sat down right in between them.

"You're only ever allowed to wear the dresses and things i've gotten for you on this property, understand?" He asked as he skimmed his lips over her neck.

"Yes Hayze." She shivered when he pressed a kiss to the side of her neck.

"I know this is off topic, but did Nico ever... touch you?" He hated the thought of it.

She cocked her head in confusion. "He always touched me. You know he used to give me hugs and things."

He laughed quietly at how oblivious she was. "No baby girl." He lifted her dress up and slowly cupped her womanhood. "Did he ever touch you there?"

Her head fell back into his chest and she shook her head no. "He would try to, but i wouldn't let him."

He nodded in approval. "Good girl," he praised. "Why didn't you?"

"Because he was too rough and i didn't really think it would feel good," she whispered.

"Than why are you letting me touch you like this?" he asked as hs ran his fingers down the inside of her thigh and over the seam of her boy shorts.

"I don't know. I kinda... like it better when you do it," she said quietly, her face flaming.

He nodded and hummed in hapiness. "That's good, isn't it bella carina?"

She nodded her head and closed her eyes when she felt this funny, warm feeling between her legs. That had never happened before and she began to wonder if she had just started her period early.

"Guarda che sei bagnato," he said huskily.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted them. Hazye smoothly pulled his hand away and pulled her dress down before giving her bum a quick pat so she'd get up.

"Hayze, you have someone at your gate saying they were working on a green house project and they want to see the plans now in person. They might change their minds, should i let them in?" Vito asked quickly.

Hayze sighed and ruffled his hair in annoyance as he pulled River in front of him to hide the fact that he was very turned on. "Im sorry bella rose. Next time." He kissed her temple. "Let them in Vito and send them into the business room. I don't want them in my study, only you and my rose are allowed in there."

"Of course. Will do." Vito turned around quickly to hide his smile. Young love

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