《The Bad Girls' Good Boy(BWWM)》Chapter 17


I have never in my life felt so scared. I was on the highway to the hospital swerving in traffic like a mad woman, and what would normally take thirty minutes, took ten.

Not even parking the car properly, I ran through the front door of the hospital, with my father behind me. As I stepped in the receptionist looked at me with distain and disinterest. "Hi, do you have an Alexander Carson here?"

Looking me up and down, she went back to doing whatever she was doing. "Do you not hear me? Do you have a Alex-"

"Judging by your looks, you want the poor people hospital, it's down town," she smiled falsely.

I know you fucking lying.

Reaching over the desk, I aggressively grabbed her name tag and twisted it in my hand; cutting off her breath. With as much anger as I could muster, I stared into her eyes. "I swear to God, if you do not tell me where Alexander Carson is; I will crush your fucking skull. Now answer my fucking question."

She was turning a but purple in the face, so I let her go. "H-he's in room t-three o' eight," she stuttered out, clutching at her throat, fear in her eyes. Without sparing her a second glance, I ran toward that direction.

Eyes scanning the walls, tried to find the right room. Room three o' six, room three o' seven, yes, room three o' eight.

Sitting in the plush chairs outside the room was the Carson family. Xavier was holding his sleeping sister in his hands, a somber look in his eyes. Mr Carson held a sobbing Helen. "Guys, what happened? Is he okay?"

Mr Carson sighed, before turning to me. "He was at school when he started to bleed profusely and tiny red spots started to appear on his skin and he fainted. The school called us and we brought him here as fast as we could, we're waiting for the doctors response."

Without warning, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. Tears appeared in my eyes straight away, falling down my cheeks like raindrops.


My father wrapped his hand around my shoulders, as I continued to sob. I just want him to be okay, that's all I want.


About twenty minutes passed, before a doctor came to addressed us. He walked towards us, chart in his hand. "You're the family of Alexander Carson, I presume. I think you should sit."

With swollen eyes, I lifted my head from the wall as Helen questioned the doctor. "What's happening doctor?"

"Xander's leukemia is worse than we thought, it's spreading faster than we anticipated."

"W-what? How fast are we talking?" Mr Carson asked.

"If we don't start the treatment now, there is a forty five percent chance that he may not survive," he said sadly. My breath hitched as I felt a lump in my throat.

"Then why isn't the treatment started already?" Helen asked angrily.

"There's a problem, we need a blood transfusion first, and his blood type is AB-negative, very rare. And we unfortunately don't have any available right now." What the fuck? Which hospital doesn't have every blood type?

I was so caught up in everything, I almost forgot that I had AB-negative blood, thank you mama.

"I have that blood type, when can we start?" I questioned quickly. Everyone, except the doctor, looked somewhat relieved.

Looking unsure, the doctor spoke to me. "That's very kind of you Miss, but it will be a lot of blood and I don't think-"

Cutting him off angrily, I answered him. "Listen here," I looked at his name tag, "Dr Foster, I don't care if all of my blood comes out of my body; as long as Xander is okay."

Before he could answer, Helen pulled me aside, hugging me tightly. "You have no idea how much this means to me, to us. Thank you." Without looking back, I followed the doctor into Xander's room.

And as I saw him, I brought my hand to my mouth instantly. Oh my God. He looked so different. Pale cheeks, hooked up with wires, and a huge tube down his throat. I looked up at the white ceiling, trying my best to blink away the incoming tears, but failing hopelessly.


It was so similar to when I visited the hospital and saw my mother in the same state.

Dr Foster turned to me with an uncomfortable look on his face. "If this is too much for you, I can just—"

Cutting him off, I wiped my tears. "No, I'm fine. Let's start now."

Five minutes later, I was hooked up to some complicated looking machine, giving blood. I toke Xander's hand in mine, gently kissing it. "Hey, Xander. I know you can't hear me, but just know that I'm gonna stick by you no matter what. You're strong, so I know you'll get through this alive, I love you," I finished, my voice cracking at the end.

Feeling drowsy, I laid my head on the bar of the bed, and fell asleep.


I woke up to bright lights and someone shaking me gently. What time was it?

"Neph, you've been here for almost eight hours, maybe you should go home and rest," a voice I recognized as Helen said. Rubbing my eyes, I asked what time it was.

"It's eight thirty, honey. Do you want to leave? Because I—"

Rubbing my hand down my arm, I realized that the transfusion was done; and I felt quite weak. Looking at Xander, I smiled. He looks much better.

"I'm okay, Helen. Where is everyone?"

"Xavier went home with Adriya and Dru, your father is outside and I'm going to leave in a moment." Thanking her, I got up steadily and went outside.

"Hey Dad, thanks for staying," I said softly. He tried to stiffel a yawn, but couldn't. "No problem, sweetie. Are you leaving now?"

"No, but you should, you have a family to get home to."

"Are you sure?"

Hugging him, I responded, "Yes I am, now go. Bye." Hugging me back he left, just as Helen came out of the room.

"Since you're staying, I arranged an extra bed for you, and here is some food," she handed me something in a paper bag.

"Thank you so much Helen."

"No, thank you. Now eat up and rest, tomorrow." She left and I went back into the room; curling up on the extra bed placed beside Xander's. Kissing him on the forehead, I fell asleep, with my hand in his.


Two days passed and I only came out of the room to have a quick bath, eat or use the restroom. My father, Helen, Xavier and Mr Carson had come to visit. So have my friends, but they had school so they couldn't stay as long.

Xander was looking so much healthier, though he hasn't woken up; but that didn't stop me from talk to him everyday, and trying to sing to him a night. His cheeks got back their colour, the random swelling and red spots were gone. Even the cold sweat stopped, but the doctor said that he still had to get treated for a few more months.

It was around nine o'clock, when I had the urge to pee, so I ran to the restroom quickly; not wanting to leave him alone for long. But do you ever get that gut feeling that something isn't right? Or something bad is gonna happen? On my walk back to Xander's room, I had that feeling.

So I followed my instincts, and walked quicker to the room. Pushing the door open, I scanned the room for any danger. And I was so fucking frightened to see Bianca sitting by Xander's bed, caressing his face.

I was about to shout at her when I saw something in her hand.

A syringe, with some weird liquid in it. As I was about to call security, she stopped me.

"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that. Not unless you want your precious boyfriend to live," she said with a sinister look in her eyes.

Oh shit.

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