《The Bad Girls' Good Boy(BWWM)》Chapter 13




Walter, what I learned to be the chauffeur's name, opened the door to the limo for me. I bundled up my dress and slid into the car. The first thing I smelled was vanilla and cinnamon. Xander's scent. And I had to say he looked like a whole damn meal.

Damn, I need to get myself together. Remember that your angry at him, Neph.

"Y-you look, wow. You look magnificent, Neph." As much as it hurt me to do so, I turned my head to the window, "I know."

To kill the silence, I asked Walter to play some music so he put on some light jazz.

Shifting in my seat, I folded my legs making my dress ride up and my inner thigh show. As I felt eyes on me, I looked from the corner of my eyes as his hungry gaze scanned my body. I ran my finger up and down my thighs in a seductive manner.

Hearing a deep intake of breath, I glanced at Xander, noticing the bulge straining against his pants. I was starting to regret doing this because I was not helping myself. I had to restrain myself from mounting him and riding him like a fucking horse or getting on my knees and put my mouth to use. The sexual tension between us was so fucking thick, like something else that I couldn't get off my mind, so I was glad when the car stopped.

Stepping out, he offered his hand to me. I looked at his still outstretched hand, then to his face. "We're not a couple anymore, Xander."

"Trust me, I know. You haven't failed to remind me. But I'm still a gentleman." Sighing, I reluctantly took his hand. The first thing I saw when I entered was an expensive ass chandelier. There was quite a lot of persons present; which is why I think they chose a ballroom for the venue. The people here looked like they had sticks up their asses and ate money for breakfast.

"Nephertiti, Alexander, over hear," a preppy voiced said. We turned to see the Carson's speaking to another couple.

"Wow, you look beautiful. I knew the dress would fit perfectly," Helen complimented, pride shining in her eyes.


"You look marvelous," Drew smiled.

"Thank you so much," I replied, smiling. The man they were speaking to, took my hand and kissed. Eww, dude looked old enough to be a grandpa. A fat, sweaty, perverted one.

"I'm Steven Dunkleman the Third, and who might this beauty be?"

Was he being serious, his wife I presume, who looked young enough to be his daughter, was beside him.

"Steven, I am right here," she squealed. He looked at her with nonchalance. Sensing the awkwardness, Helen cut in.

"This is Nephertiti, a family friend. Mingle, well be back in a few." As soon as they were gone, he started speaking.

"What an absolute pleasure to meet you, Nephertiti," he said, eyes roaming my body shamelessly, stopping at my chest. Clearing my throat I said, "Yes, and I attend Madden's High School." That wasn't relevant, but I assumed me being a teen would throw him off.

He caught on to what I was insinuating, but he continued none the less. That obviously did not matter to him. "Baby, age is just a number, so let's get out of here and have soon real fun," he held on to my wrist.

Scowling, I replied. "And prison is just a place, so let me the fuck go before I send you there."

It looked like God was watching because merely seconds after, I heard a voice. "Neph, would you mind gracing me with a dance," Xavier said. Nodding eagerly, I took his hand in mine and walked away briskly.

He placed his hands on my waist and mine around his neck. "Oh my god, I owe you one Xavier."

He laughed. "You look like you needed help. You're looking marvelous by the way."

"Thank you, you're looking quite handsome," I answered.

"So where's your date?"

"Don't have one," he sighed.

"Why the hell not, I mean have you seen yourself lately," I playfully winked. Chuckling, he spun me around. "I don't have time for a relationship right now, I have to take over my father's business."

"That doesn't have to stop you from dating, you can balance it out."

"That's not the only reason. I just came out of a relationship that ended badly," he furrowed his eyebrows.


"What happened?"

"We were together for only two years, but I loved her and wanted to get married. She told me she was pregnant and it was the best day of my life," he chuckled sadly.

"Anyways, mother wanted her to take a paternity test to see if the baby was mine. Long story short, she refused but we got it anyway. Turns out it she and my close friend were sleeping together for a year, and the baby was his."

Holy shit. That sounds painful. I pulled him in for a hug, burying my face in his chest. "I'm sorry that happened to you. She sounds like a complete bitch and your friend is an asshole. Karma is a bitch, and I hope your ex gets a heart attack on the side walk, then gets run over by a diesel truck."

He guffawed. "You have a dangerously strong imagination, Neph. But thank you, it feels good talking to somebody."


"Um, question. Why is my brother looking at me as if he wants to throw me in a grinder?"

Turning my head, I saw Xander a few feet away with some blonde dancing against him. Adverting my eyes, I gave my attention back to Xavier.

They say jealousy is a green eyed monster, and it flashed in Xander's eyes. He didn't even realize the blonde flopping against him like a fish out of water. Pathetic really.

"Maybe because your hand is on my ass," I laughed. He moved it up to my lower back. "Couldn't help it, sorry. But that's not the only reason, is it?"

"Nope, he lied to me and we stopped talking," I replied vaguely. He looked like he was about to dig deeper so I cut him off. "I'm not gonna explain anything, so don't ask." The dance ended and I went to the balcony to clear my head.

I stood out there enjoying the view of the beautiful night sky for about fifteen minutes, before I got chilly and turned to go back inside. Due to torpedo of thoughts clouding my mind, I didn't realize someone was before me until I bumped into them.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

"That's fine, Neph." Great, just what I needed.

Grimacing, I stepped aside. "Oh, it's you." Letting out a sigh of frustration, he looked at me. "Can you just talk to me for one second, Neph. I understand that I wasn't honest but-"

"That isn't the only reason why I'm angry, Xander," I cut him off.

"What else did I do?" Damn. He's a good actor, he looked genuinely confused. Laughing icily, I replied. "Are you seriously going to stand there and pretend you don't know what I'm talking about?"

"I'm serious, I really don't know."

"I'm talking about you and Bianca," I sassed.

"Me and Bianca? We're just friends." I looked at him, disbelief in my eyes. "Oh, so your telling me that you shove your tongue down every friends throat?" I screamed.

He seemed confused for a moment, then his eyes lit up, remembering. "She kissed me, and I pushed her away. I swear it."

Hearing foot steps, I saw that Helen, Drew and Xavier had come out to see was the commotion was about.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." As I tried to side step him, he grabbed on to my arms; holding me in place. "Neph, I'm sorry okay."

Pulling out of his arms, I back up and laughed sarcastically. "Sorry isn't good enough, please release me."

Wiping my tears, I started into his eyes. He wore a look of sadness, regret and guilt. "Just stay out of my life, it's better for both of us. I'll let Walter drive me home, don't come after me."

Before leaving, I turned to the Carson's. "Thank you." I nodded and left. As I was near the exit, my eyes drifted around look for Walter. I bumped into someone for the second time for the night, making me drop my purse, scattering the contents. I bent down to pick them up, apologizing at the same.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize wh-"

"That's okay, dear." In spite of all the years that have passed, I could still recognize that voice anywhere.

I looked up and froze. Great, just what I needed to make my night even more shitty. I saw my father, Elias.

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