《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 33. Boredom For Good


There was no reason to get up. I've been laying in bed for the past two hours and staring at the damn wall. My stomach has been growling for numerous of times and I can't help but hold it in. After having that dream, I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I was visioning once in a while those beautiful blue eyes that took my breath again away when I first saw the innocence in him. If he ever had innocence in him.

I finally stretch and roll out of bed, taking my retainers out and putting them in the case I have for them. Yeah, I know, I had braces when I was younger and now every night I have to wear retainers so my teeth can still be straight. I feel a bit uncomfortable so I grab my clothes that I am going to wear for today and I drag myself to the bathroom so I can shower. I shut the door and I plop on the toilet to pee before I go in to shower.

I look down and I groan out loud for realizing why I am so up tight. I got my damn period. I take my clothes off and luckily there are pads under the cabinet. I strip down and I hop in the shower. Eventually, I get out and I change into my normal clothes, jeans and a sweater. I head downstairs and I slip in two hundred dollar bills from the pile of money dad gave me in my pocket. I put on my pea coat and my black boots.

Locking the door, I walk down the driveway and I start on the sidewalk. It's pretty hot today because the sun is beating down on me. A supermarket is close to the house so why not just walk there and buy groceries except starve myself? It isn't smart going shopping with an empty stomach so when I arrived at the Plaza, I went next door first to the Bagel Store. It wasn't that crowded because it's during the day but I sat down and ate a bagel with cream cheese.


After eating, I walked next door inside the supermarket with adults food shopping too. I grabbed a shopping cart and I made my way down the aisles. I start with the cold cuts and I get ham and cheese. Later I get some vegetables and fruits. Lastly, my favorite part is the junk food aisles, hitting up the ice cream and chips.

After going to a cashier and paying, I walk out of the shop while carrying bags of my food. As I was crossing the road in front of the supermarket to get to the parking lot, a car comes speeding down and almost hits me. I didn't move as it stops fast in front of me and I look at it with my mouth agape. Pedestrians saw and they all watched scared, even vampires.

"I'm walking over here! You didn't see the damn stop sign!" I scream at the car and suddenly, someone comes out of the drivers side. I'm hoping it's not a vampire because if it is, they can kill me here right at the spot. I see boots and I realize that it's a woman. The door shuts and the woman runs to me, my heart stopping. First, I couldn't see who it was but now I know.

Madison's mom.

"Diana, honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you! Oh my god why are you here?" Her voice is shaking and she engulfs me into a hug. I'm still struggling while holding my shopping bags and my arms are going numb.

"I came back, I had to go food shopping."

"Did you walk here?" She asks me and I look around at the all the cars parked at the parking lot. I slowly nod to her and she pouts.

"Come' on, let me drive you home."


"No, it's fine really." I say because when I look at her, I see Madison. It gets me upset. I still can't believe my best friend is really dead.

"Let me do something for you please." She begs and I sigh, walking to the passenger door. I place my shopping bags at my feet and she starts to drive out of the parking lot. I hear a gurgle and when I turn around, Madison's baby brother, Mason is in a baby cart, it's big eyes staring at me. I grin while turning back around because she started to talk to me.

"I know the vampire King and Queen didn't kill Madison." She randomly says and I snap my head to her. "They didn't kill her." Her voice is quiet and I sigh.

"I know, I was there." We reach a red light and she gazes at me when I said that.

"I didn't know you were there. I only knew that you vanished randomly but your parents said you were in good hands. Madison was freaking out because you didn't tell her anything."

"No, I was at the mansion and I found her body."

"I'm so sorry baby." She whispers to me while licking her lips. I try not to think about it while I nod, playing with one of the grocery bag handles.

"Yeah, they don't deserve to be blamed."

"Why were you there?"

"Because of the Prophecy."

"What Prophecy?" She questions me and I look up to her. She doesn't know. Well, why not tell her.

"I was the chosen human in the Prophecy to fall in love with Xavier Dagger and that will stop both kinds from hating each other and only have peace."

"Is it real?" I sign, looking in her grey eyes and nodding no slowly.

"I left, well, I kind of got kicked out by Xavier."

"I'm sorry, Diana. Are you going to go back to school?"

"Tomorrow, yeah." I tell her that I am living in our second house and she knows where that is because she has dropped off Madison there for a hang out when we were much younger. The rest of the ride was silent except Mason behind us making weird baby noises. Finally, she pulls up to the driveway and I hop out.

"Thank you, Shelia." I say and she gives me a warm smile.

"Be careful Diana. Crazy people are out there."

"Eyes and ears open." I say before shutting the door. She left when I went inside because she wanted to make sure I get in safely. I take off my boots and I go in the kitchen, putting my just bought products away.

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