《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 32. Since You've Been Gone


I take a deep breath while closing my eyes and leaning my head back. The warm sun is blazing down on me, my skin becoming extremely hot. My mind is blank and I am not trying to think of anything. I finally open my eyes and my pupils dilate from the bright sun. I look over the garden and I squint at the figure in front of me.


Her body curves fitting perfectly in the white summer dress she's in and she's giggling and looking around at the flowers below her. Her long brown her swaying from the wind gusting in every direction.

"Xavier." She calls when she see's me. "Xavier." She adds again. I part my mouth to say something but I can't. I feel frozen and still.

"Xavier." A darker voice says and Diana isn't in front of me anymore. It's Alex. "Xavier." He shouts and I sit up from slouching on the bench.

"What do you want." I growl to him and he kneels down to be at my level. I tilt my head a little to see if Diana is behind him but she's not.


"I'm just wondering why you are at the garden?" I look in his dark blue eyes as I get up and start walking away from him.

"Can't any of you guys just leave me alone?"

"We can't we're all worried about you." I spin around and he's right behind my tail.

"Why, because I told her to leave? Because I threatened her? Sorry Alex, but I don't have that long of a live left now because of her."

"'Her' has a name, Diana." I point my finger at him and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't you dare say her name in front of me or in this fucking house."


"You really are out of it, Xavier. You lost it. Now she is all by herself in danger and she can die."

"I didn't lose anything. I am back to my own grumpy sad Xavier life." I turn back around to head back in the mansion. I am sick of my family talking to me about her since she left yesterday. It's over. She is not coming back.

"So you admit it. When Diana was here, you were happy. You felt something you have never felt before." I clench my fists at my sides and I slow down my walking. He's inches away from me but I still feel like he's right behind me. "Love." I finch at that word and suddenly, I turn around and lunge towards him.

He grabs me when I'm on him and we both fall to the ground. I'm on top of him, anger pulsing through my veins. We bare each other our fangs in snarls and hisses. I wrap my hands around his neck and I squeeze enough pressure for him to lose oxygen. Alex clenches his teeth and lifts his knee up, knocking me right in the balls. I yelp in pain as I lose my grip and he takes that as an advantage and rolls over so he's on top of me.

I bring my hands to his face but he pushes away from them. Suddenly, he swings his fist at my face, my head snapping sideways. The pain radiates through my body and I taste my blood in my mouth. He hits me again and I groan in agony but he brings his head down to my face and bites me right at my throat.

I scream at the pain of his fangs ripping through my skin and ripping my flesh open. I grab his shirt and I tug on it so he can let go. I growl at the pain and I feel so weak that I can't get my brother off of me. Finally, someone pulls him off and his fangs rip out of my flesh. I get up with vampire speed and I go on my toes, ready in fighting position. My father pulls Alex away and he's standing between us so we don't go at it again.


"Are you two out of your minds?" He shouts at us and Alex uses his hand to wipe my blood stained on his mouth and chin away. My fangs retract back and I feel my neck starting to heal already.

"He is, the bastard son of yours." Alex says and I snarl at him in anger.

"Be quiet Alex and never talk like that." Father snaps at him and he immediately turned his head to me.

"What's the matter with you." I feel taken back from that because he doesn't even say anything to Alex, always to me.

"I did nothing! He is the one talking about her which who I don't care about!" I take a step closer to them and father doesn't even move back. "I am sick of you guys asking me how I am since she left yesterday. If she's depressed again like three years ago, I don't care. Let her be. If you guys ask me about her one more time, I will go to her house and kill her." I'm breathing deeply and I suddenly feel tired. A pain runs down my spine while I clench my teeth because I don't know why I felt that.

"Just go get cleaned." Father says and I look at Alex once more as he is licking the blood away from his lips. I turn my heel and I walk back inside the mansion.

I go in my room and I slam the door shut. I walk in the middle and I start breathing deeply, deep down, I feel hurt. I shout in pain, grabbing my chair and chucking it across the room. It slams against the wall, dust and paint falling and peeling off. I walk up to my desk and I swipe all the books and papers off of it, all of them falling onto the ground. Without hesitation, I punch my fist through the wall.

I pause and I lean my head against it, taking a deep breath. I finally pull my hand out of the wall and sheetrock falls down. I need to get her out of my head and I will do anything to do so.

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