《Lucifer King》Hot n' Cold


※ Eliana's POV ※

I just stood there looking at his stone-cold face, which showed no signs of any emotion. The only thing giving his worry away was his beautiful eyes. Two beautiful fiery red irises with orange and yellow flames dancing around his pupils.

"An angel?" I asked to make sure that I heard him right. I could barely keep a straight face, my own worries vanishing into thin air. He furrowed his eyebrows as he realized that I found it funny.

"Yes, Eli."He curtly said, his chest stiffening.

I couldn't hold it back for another second. I giggled once. Twice.

And boom.

A loud, obnoxious, and wholehearted laugh erupted from deep inside in my lungs, my head falling back a little as I laughed. My eyes squeezed shut as I placed my hands on Lucifer's shoulders to support my body. I felt him tense underneath my touch and I looked back at him, still laughing.

He looked irritated as fuck but his eyes were shining brightly.

"The devil...is here... to protect me...from an angel," I whispered in between loud giggles that surely caught my dad's attention. I threw a quick glance over Lucifer's shoulder to see him still watching the TV.

He's probably lost in his own thoughts, Kara chirped thoughtfully.

Yeah, probably.

I saw Lucifer's eyes darken dangerously and his left twitched once. My grin faltered a little and I bit my lower lip, trying to shallow my next laughs before he turned into Hulk.

He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes and trying to relax. I heard his knuckles crack.

In a blink of an eye, he shot his hand out, grabbing me tightly by the neck and pulling me up as he stood up straight.

I felt the air being punched out of my lungs as I hanged from his hand, my feet dangling underneath me. My smile had completely disappeared as the reasons for my hatred towards Lucifer came rushing back. I kept an emotionless face, my lips sealed in a tight line as I tried not to make a sound.

If my dad turns around, he's gonna lose his shit.

"Why are you playing with me, El?" Lucifer whispered in my face. Our noses were barely touching as he brought me closer to his face. "Not so funny now, is it?" He snarkily said and bit my cheek lightly, his sharp teeth grazing my skin.

"Lu-" I tried to speak but to no avail; I had no air inside my system and my lungs were crushing inside my chest. I grabbed his forearm with my hands, my nails digging in his flesh. I tried to lift myself up, clawing his arm as I spoke to him through our mind link.

Lucifer, let me down now! If my dad sees us, he won't like it.

"Aaw, daddy won't like it?" He mockingly whispered at me. I felt the lack of air slowly mess with my mind as the blood stopped flowing in my brain. "Well, what is he going to do, huh? Hit me?"He snorted as his eyes shined a bright red.

Lucifer! I can't...

I realized that I couldn't even think clearly as I started to see dark spots invade my vision for the second time today. My lungs ached and squeezed helplessly, as my throat was completely closed up. I started to spasm in the air like a fish out of the water. I stopped clawing at his hand, my hands falling limb on the side of my body as I could barely stay conscious. My sight became totally black as my head hanged in Lucifer's hand, falling to the side.


Oh no, I heard Kara sigh sadly.

He took it too far.

I felt his hand crawling around my waist, holding me steadily as his hand released my neck. With his right hand, the one with the mark, he held my head up by the nape of my neck and I felt a thousand jolts on the back of my head, where my mark was supposed to be. Thankfully, I was still conscious as I felt fresh air flowing inside my system again. I coughed numerous times as I tried to breathe in as much air as possible. My body sagged on top of Lucifer's as he placed my head on his chest.

"Now now, breathe little demon," He said and I could sense his smirk playing on his lips. I felt my feet touch the ground and after I regained my strength, I shook his hands away from my body, disgusted by him once again.

"Screw you, Lucifer" I rasped out with a very rough voice, still trying to steady my breathing. I took a few steps away from him and I turned towards my dad, who was now looking at us.

"Ola kala Eliana?" He asked in Greek, thinking that maybe Lucifer would not understand what he said. (Everything okay, Eliana?)

Did Lucifer know other languages other than English?

Every language that exists on earth, plus Enochian, the angels' language, Kara said.

Impressive. But fuck him.

"Nai mpampa, ola mia xara. Erxomaste tora" I smiled at him weakly, trying to hide my disgust and fear from him. (Yes dad, everything is fine. We're coming right away)

He nodded at my response and turned back towards the television.

I felt Lucifer's scorching gaze burn holes in my face as he silently observed me. I felt tears prick my eyes, water welling up inside my eyelids.

And I thought we had a moment there... I actually sensed our bond getting stronger when he showed me how worried he was. Was it all an act?

From the corner of my eye, I saw his hand reaching towards me and I turned away, stepping back and avoiding his touch.

"Don't fucking touch me" I spoke through gritted teeth, fighting back a sob that was ready to escape. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

He always found a way to hurt me. To make me regret ever being kind to him. To regret every soft peck and every soft touch. This was no way to treat your damn soulmate. But of course, he wasn't a human nor he was soft and sweet. He was the devil. A corrupted angel.

"You've got to be kidding me. I broke your fucking spine and you're upset with a little choking?" He snorted, whispering angrily to me.

My eyes snapped to his, looking at him in pure shock and disbelief.

Is he for real?

I'm afraid so..., Kara said.

"Yes, you did Lucifer! That's the reason I left you, remember?! Because you're evil and mean and you can't even get through a normal conversation without getting angry. You hit me and you choked me, you locked me up and drove me crazy. You broke my spine once and my heart multiple times." I said, more softly than I intended to. I felt the tears escaping my eyes and rolling down my cheeks as I spoke.

My heart shattered all over again as I watched him, looking at me with a tinge of worry in his eyes and regret written all over his face. But it wasn't regret for what he did...so what was it for?



"You broke me Lucifer! You only cared about yourself without giving a damn about me. You wanted everything to go your way. You wanted to keep me hostage to your precious Hell, demanding from me to leave behind everything that I ever loved." Tears were now streaming freely, staining my cheeks as my body trembled.


"And now you're back? You said you would return me home and you'd leave me alone... yet you're back, bringing Hell into my own home. My home, Lucifer!" A sob passed my lips, my throat still sore from his tight hold."And the reason? To protect me from a freaking angel? As if an angel of God could be worse than you..."

Eliana! I heard Kara gasp in shock.

"Listen to-" I interrupted him once again, not really in the right state of mind to hear him talk crap again.

"You know... Kara said that a mate is a gift from God to his beloved angels." I whipped my wet cheeks with my palms as I looked deep into his eyes. His face looked defeated; a look that I wanted to see for a long time, but at the same time despised with my whole heart.

"But for me, being mated to you is not a gift Lucifer" I started walking around him slowly, never breaking our eye contact.

"It's a fucking curse." I spat venomously, turning away from him and walking towards the stairs, to get away from this chaos.




I spent half an hour crying my eyes out locked up in my room.

I could hear the muffled voices from downstairs, which indicated that my dad was conversing with Lucifer. Or more like Luciano.

I didn't know what they were talking about, and if I said that I didn't want to find out I would be lying. I stood up from my bed and slowly whipping my wet cheeks, I unlocked the door and skipped to the stairs.

"-for a living?"I heard dad's voice. Hmm, he's calm.

"I'm a businessman mainly. I have my own company in New York, an advertising company. I was a workaholic, spending all my time in the office, but later on, I decided that this wasn't the perfect life for me. After appointing a very good friend of mine as head of the company, I packed my suitcases and left. I started traveling and when I came to Greece-"

"Let me guess... you were so amazed by Greece's beauty that you just couldn't leave" My dad interrupted him, chuckling. I heard Lucifer laugh and the butterflies in my stomach started flying around.

"With all due respect, I was amazed by your daughter sir." I felt my ears go hot and the blood that rushed to my cheeks burned me.


I knew that he would lie to my dad, especially after my dad saw my running upstairs with tears in my eyes.

Not wanting to hear any more lies, I skipped to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I stood in front of the mirror and a feeling of deja vu hit me like a storm. I saw the bruised handprint around my neck again and a new wave of endless tears came, tearing me up on the inside all over again.

Eli... Please calm down, Kara said sadly.

I can't handle this anymore Kara! I'm not strong enough for this...

Yes, you are! Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright! Also, you got me to help you through it all..., she trailed off. Who else in the world can say that he has a succubus in him, guiding him?, she said, trying to lighten the mood. I chuckled and wiped my fresh hot tears that were falling down my cheeks and wetting my shirt.

Careful there demoness, your soft side is showing, I chuckled at her and she snorted at my response. But for real Kara, I don't think I can handle this anymore. It seems like every time I try to stay away from Lucifer, I go crawling back to him, forgetting everything he has ever done to me.

You are soulmates, Eli. What did you expect would happen? He's not just a little human boy like the ones you've dated before. Do you even know what soulmates mean? You can't get rid of him, he is part of your soul. And the half to be exact. You are meant to love him and be with him, you don't exactly have a choice. God didn't give the choice for angels to reject their mates if they don't want them. The only solution is to kill themselves.

Angels can be killed? Angels are not immortal? I asked in disbelief, ignoring the information about the soulmates.

Yes, they can, and demons too. Only by the daggers that were crafted in the last and most gruesome level of Hell, by the hands of Lucifer himself. There were four daggers created, two for Hell and two for Heaven. According to your mother, sometime between the last 20 years if I'm not mistaken, the one dagger from Heaven had disappeared and they have never found it ever since. The rumors said that Lucifer took it, but you and I both know that he would never do that. Stealing the dagger was a desperate move, and Lucifer is never desperate.

Wow...That is a lot to process, Kara. How come you never told me these things? I said as I stared at my reflection, the bruise on my neck long forgotten.

It wasn't necessary. Now that an angel is on your back, as Lucifer said, I decided that it was time for you to know.

How can an angel be bad? I simply can't believe that an angel would want to hurt me...

Don't be fooled either by their appearances or by their reputation, being closer to God and helping spread his message, etc, etc. This is what humans would like to think, or at least what used to be true before God went missing. After God left, all Hell broke loose up there in the clouds, Kara explained and sighed as she remembered what happened. Angels can be as mean and cruel as demons Eli, and they are more powerful than them. Than us.

That's enough information for today. Collect yourself, call that asshole here to heal that thing in your neck, and go back to the living room to calm down your dad. I can sense a huge amount of irritation coming from downstairs, and we all know what will happen if he gets Lucifer angry, she said with a serious voice. I shivered at the thought of my dad getting hurt, and so I did what she told me to do.

I splashed cold water on my face and rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the puffiness. I dried my face with the towel and after composing myself, I unlocked the door and called him through our mind link.

Excuse yourself and come upstairs now.

That was a little rough, Kara said and laughed. I tried to hold back my smile, but I felt the end of my lips tugging up as she laughed at me. But once I heard the thud of his shoes as he climbed the stairs, my smile vanished. The door flew open and Lucifer entered quickly with long strides, shutting the door behind him and reaching me in the span of a second. He scanned the room quickly, looking for something but after a second his eyes landed on me.

He immediately placed both of his hands on my face, his long fingers palming my cheeks and warmth spreading all over my body. He bent down his head and his piercing, faded blue gaze found my hazel scared one. I stood still, as he looked deeply into my eyes. His blue orbs were staring into my soul, and mine into his, both looking for answers.

After a few seconds, the message was crystal clear.

I knew he couldn't say it on his own because he never needed to, but his eyes spoke for him instead. His eyes were asking for forgiveness in a million different languages. He wasn't asking me to forgive him for what he did earlier, but for all of the foul things he did to me during my time in Hell. There was no need for words because the feelings that his stare emitted at this moment, were more than all the emotions he had showed me for as long as I knew him. And under his regretful eyes, I cracked and gave in.

I raised my hands and placed them over his palms against my cheeks. My face softened a bit and without blinking, too afraid that his beautiful eyes would disappear, I nodded softly. A spark lit up inside his irises as the faded blue skies turned into the bright azure oceans that I had longed to see.

The next thing I knew was his lips crashing down on mine as his hands gripped my face tightly, his thumbs digging into my cheeks. He brought his body closer to mine, gluing us together. I kissed him back almost immediately, as we both spilled all our emotions into the kiss.

His right hand left my face and circled my legs exactly where my buttcheeks were. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and walked to the wall of my small bathroom, pinning me there, never breaking the kiss.

My hands found his hair, tangling in his silky black locks and pulling with enough force to make him groan in pleasure. Our tongues were exploring each other's mouths, fighting each other for dominance. Of course, he always had the upper hand but for once I decided to fight back.

I pulled harder at his roots, forcing his head to tilt backward as I brought my upper lip on top of his. I fought back with my tongue as he tried to win back his dominating place. I smirked against his lips as he failed and he let out a needy groan.

Someone doesn't like to be dominated, huh?

I felt his hand move from underneath my thighs and curl around my right leg, bringing it to his side. I brought my other leg up, hooking it behind his back as my weight was supported mostly from the wall. Every time he went to overpower me, I would divert his lips and change it back to the way it was. He growled frustrated against my lips and then slapped my butt hard, making me gasp loudly at the contact.

He took his chance and gained the upper hand again, dominating and controlling the kiss. He bit my lower lip harshly and sucked on it, definitely bruising it.

I don't know how much time had passed but I was running out of breath. I brought my hand on his jaw, my thumb digging in his cheek as I pushed him away slightly. He growled and he continued attacking my lips as his hand moved down on my neck and palmed it lightly, making me wince immediately.

My pained face and the hiss that escaped my mind, made him pull back instantly and examine me. His eyes actually looked wide and shocked. He looked caught off-guard.

That's a first, Kara chirped.

His eyes fell on the huge bruise on my neck and I mentally facepalmed, thinking the actual reason that Lucifer was inside my small bathroom.

I'm such a fool, I thought to myself and Kara laughed and faintly replied with a small 'yeah'.

"Thi- This was the... reason that I ... ah I called you for" I trailed off, trying to catch my breath and stuttering like an idiot.

He never averted his eyes from my neck as his fingers slowly caressed the sensitive skin. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I shivered from the touch. I went to unwrap my legs from around his waist, but his hand that was holding me up by my ass did not move an inch.

"Umm.. can you like... heal it maybe?" I asked, feeling embarrassed for some weird reason. He didn't reply as he kept watching his handprint painted across my neck.

Is he gonna do something or?

"Lucifer if my da-" I felt his hot lips touch mine again, shutting me up. It wasn't a passionate kiss like the last one. It was a soft peck, our lips just touching, unmoving.

I felt him lowering me down and my feet touched the ground as I craned my neck so as to not break the kiss. Both of his hands found their way to the bruised skin and he moved away. I looked into his blue orbs while breathing heavily, looking for an explanation but he didn't look back at me. His attention was only on my neck, inspecting it, examining it, observing it.

I felt his hot fingertips dance across the bruise, tracing it, and I shuddered. He dived his face in between my jaw and my collarbones, and his warm lips slowly grazed the tender skin, his now messy hair tickling my chin. This was all very sensual and erotic, and my lower abdomen along with my brain were burning up in need. Wanting. Needing. Craving.

"Is it wrong that I find this hot?"He whispered huskily against my neck, nuzzling his face and caressing me with the tip of his nose.

"You choking me to death is hot?" I asked out of breath as I shut my eyes, leaning my head against the cold tiles of the bathroom's wall. My lust and need for release were building up fast and I couldn't even care less about the fact that he liked choking me.

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