《Lucifer King》Resisting Him


"You don't own me. I'm not just one of your many toys." - You don't own me, SAYGRACE ft. G-Eazy

Warning! Smexy scenes ahead ;)

※ Eliana's POV ※

I was enjoying my time in the bathtub, relaxing my muscles and injured back. My eyes were permanently closed and every now and then I would sigh in bliss.

The warm water did wonders on my skin, softening it as I was resting, refilling my batteries.

Someone would have thought that after all this time in Hell with the temperature being like the hottest summer in Greece, the warm water would be disturbing and uncomfortable. But I have never felt more relieved and more comfortable in my life, as I was at this exact moment.

It was as if the high temperature and the hot water were giving me power from within.

My main worries about my friends and my dad had disappeared when I processed everything Diagon told me, and my mind was at ease after quite some time. I was worn out after all this new information and all those... adventures that I've been through.

Kara respected my private moment and didn't try to communicate with me. Although I knew she was worried about my future and hers also.

But I can't say the same for Lucifer.

Enjoying yourself, little demon?

I heard his rough, yet seductive voice in my mind and my eyes snapped open immediately.

I sighed in annoyance because I knew that this was too good to be true, my peace and quiet clearly being disturbed.

Yes, I am. Now can you please give me some privacy?

I replied, trying to keep calm and ignore the buzzing feeling in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes again, hoping he would leave me alone.

Your privacy is my privacy now, mate. And I gave you more than enough time to rest and heal.

No, I don't think you did. You see, my back is still a little sore.

You were unconscious for three days, Eli.

I stilled, my body freezing in place.


Your wounds were pretty deadly. Your legs were completely crashed, you broke your spine, and damaged your spinal cord, causing your paralysis from the waist down and you had internal bleeding in your brain. You almost died.

As he spoke through our mind link, I could hear the lingering worry in his voice. I was stunned by the damage that he caused me by a single throw. Although I admit, it was terrifying and it hurt like hell.

But didn't you heal me?

I blurted the words out, my tone was almost accusatory.

I did, He defended himself. As I said you almost died. But don't take it for granted, little demon. I won't heal you every time. So you can go around and insult me, disrespect me, whatever you want... but just know, that there will be consequences.

After that, I contemplated what he said and I realized that I indeed had taken his healing for granted. I spoke to him like that only because I knew deep down that he is my mate and he wouldn't do anything hurtful to me. Or he wouldn't let me suffer for long. I knew he would heal whatever damage he did.

If I wanna be on his good side, I have to do this.

So, I lowered my ego, took a deep breath, and sighed.

You're right. I took it for granted and I'm ...sorry, I mentally cringed at the word. And...th-

I sighed again, my eyes shutting again and my head falling back, resting against the tub. I massaged my temples, thinking if I should say it or don't bother at all.


Thank you...Lucifer.


I combed my hair with my fingers slightly, resuming my bath as I understood that he wouldn't answer.

I warm sensation on my left knee, made my eyes snap open. I jumped, my body jerking forwards.

"You're welcome." Lucifer hummed in pleasure in front of me.

It was as if my body had sensed him before I saw him because I was already all tingly inside. The butterflies in my stomach flared up as if they were on fire when his thumb swiped across my knee, which was just slightly above the bubbly water.

I felt my cheeks glow red and my core catching fire when I realized the situation that I was in.

I was naked and vulnerable inside a bathtub, with only some bubbles covering my body as Lucifer stood beside me with his hand on my knee.

Although my mind denied it, my body was aching for his touch. I felt so touch-deprived at that exact moment. But not from anyone's touch. From his touch. Only his.

I clenched my thighs together, underneath the water as his mesmerizing blue orbs caught mine. I felt a spark within me, waiting to be ignited and burn my whole being.

He moved his scorching hand upwards, slightly caressing my inner thigh and it was all it took for my walls to collapse.

"Wh-what are y-you doing he-here?" I whimpered as his hand was now firmly grasping my thigh. His eyes never left mine and I could sense his arousal in the air. It felt like electricity and I wanted to get electrocuted. I wanted his hands everywhere, burning my skin, and igniting my core.

"You were a good girl," He said, his voice low and rough. It was clear that he was holding back, and his strained voice betrayed him. His firm hand moved closer to my heat and my body didn't have any intentions of stopping him. "So I decided to give you what you clearly crave"

My thoughts were torn. Is it right, is it wrong? I couldn't think straight and I certainly couldn't decide if it was me or the mate bond that placed me in this heat.

But when he cupped me, I felt the electricity running through my body, the butterflies in my stomach blowing up like fireworks, and my brain slowing down. I let out a breathy moan as I tilted my head back in pleasure.

And he didn't even do anything yet.

"Do you feel that Eliana?" The way my name rolled off his tongue brought a whole new wave of pleasure that hit me out of nowhere. "Do you see the way your body reacts to me? To my touch? Only my touch."

There was no right or wrong now. It was just him and I.

His warm finger was circling around my clit, barely missing the small bundle of nerves and driving me crazy.

I half-opened my eyes and looked at him, drinking him in.

He was kneeling beside the bathtub, his long and toned arm extended towards me, diving in the water and in between my trembling legs. With the slightest move of his index finger, his bicep moved, flexing underneath the tight, rolled-up sleeve of his black shirt.

His eyes were fixed on mine as he massaged me painfully slow. His cheeks had the slightest pinch of pink in them as his lips parted slowly when he dived his finger inside me.

I kept eye contact with him as a soft moan escaped my lips again. My back arched and my stomach clenched, as his finger was moving in and out of me at a steady pace.


His eyes fell on my now exposed breasts that resurfaced over the bubbles. It seemed like it was the last straw for him.

He quickly retrieved his hand from my sex and before I could whine in protest, I saw him grabbing his shirt with his two hands and pulling, ripping it in shreds in a matter of seconds. He shifted his weight twice, probably taking his shoes off. He bent down, removing his socks, his beautiful locks falling on his forehead in the process.

The next second, he jumped into the bathtub with his jeans still on, splashing water everywhere and making me shriek in surprise. I brought my knees in my chest, making room for his huge body in the bathtub, but it seemed like he didn't like that.

He grabbed my ankles and pulled harshly at them, making me jerk forward. The sudden movement sent my head diving in the water as Lucifer brought me on his lap, my legs on either side of his.

Before I could resurface I felt his hand snake around my waist and pulling me towards the surface of the water. When I was out, I gasped loudly and wiped my eyes with my right hand.

"Hi" I breathed out as I realized that my face was just millimeters away from his. His eyes had turned into a deep shade of red, the fire burning inside his orbs.

I felt a pang of fear in my heart as I saw his burgundy orbs but his gentle caress on my back calmed me down immediately.

His eyes fell on my parted lips and mine on his. We were both breathing heavily out of the sexual frustration that was building inside of us. I could feel his erection push against my sex, growing more and more. My breasts were pushed up against his chest, my nipples hardening at the contact.

We were both very aroused but neither was doing anything about it. We were just looking at each other, observing. The only thing that could be heard was our breathing and the small ripples in the water.

Lucifer tilted his head to the side and he bowed down, attacking my neck with his lips. Open, wet kisses trailed down to my chest as his hands settled on my waist, squeezing it softly. My palms connected with his exposed and now slightly wet chest, exploring every inch of it.

My hands traveled from his hard abdomen, up to his broad chest, passing by his collarbones and finally squeezing down on his shoulders when he bit down on my right nipple. I arched my back and dug my nails on his shoulders as he sucked and licked on the hardened nub.

My body was completely burning up from his hot touch.

His smell, fire, wood, and whiskey was intoxicating, making me drunk and dazed.

His hot body pressing against mine was warming me up on the inside, making me feel like I had a fire burning in the pit of my stomach.

The small grunts that escaped him now and then left me moaning in pleasure, wanting more, needing more.

His hot mouth traveled up my neck again, and his left hand grabbed my neck, tilting my head backward.

He inhaled deeply and then breathed out, his warm breath hitting my wet neck and making me shiver instantly. My eyes rolled back as he tightened his grip on my neck.

"You're mine." He groaned out against my throat as he squeezed my hip again, and his erection pushed up against me.

I don't know why but his words were like a wake-up call because the moment I realized what he said, my body stiffened and I felt the fire inside my core being violently put out by reality.

I didn't answer.

When I felt his body tense up too, I slowly opened my eyes, waiting for the worst.

His forehead rested against my chin as he squeezed my neck dangerously, making me let out a strangled sound. He growled and I felt his claws, slightly press against the skin on my waist.

"You're mine!"He said louder than before, his voice barely human anymore. He sounded strained and mad.

When I didn't answer again, he slowly raised his head and his eyes locked with mine.

Thankfully his orbs were still glowing red and not turning black. I noticed that there was a pattern, so whenever his eyes became those black abysses, no emotion was left in his body.

"Say it!" His powerful and rough voice boomed against the walls of the small bathroom.

My hands were still on his shoulder, squeezing tightly. I wanted to grab his hand and remove it from my throat but I know I would be unsuccessful. So I just stared at him with a look of despair planted on my face, my breathing becoming slower and slower and my beating heart louder and louder.

I could feel the blood pumping in my brain because of his tight hold on my neck. But I didn't answer him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my grip on his shoulders, my hands sliding softly to his pectorals. I felt unconsciousness slowly creeping into me.

He relaxed his grip, allowing air to fill my lungs again and I breathed in harshly. His hand moved to my cheek and he grabbed the side of my head, slowly caressing my cheekbone with his thumb.

"Why are you so adamant about disobeying me? You can see how you and your body react to me. And I can see you holding back..." I heard him speak with his regular voice, indicating that he had calmed down.

I slowly opened my eyelids again and searched for his eyes. His beautiful red orbs were staring back at me, observing, searching for answers. Black strands of hair were falling on his forehead, some sticking to his skin because of the steam. His high cheekbones were glistening and his lips were in a tight line. He seemed on edge. Irritated but not mad.

"Why do you resist so badly?"He asked, breaking the silence between us.

Because I can't do it. I can't be his mate. I can't give in. If I give in then I would be his, and I don't want that. I need no one controlling me and bullying me into submission. I want to be free and no stupid bond will take that away from me.

If my feelings towards him are that strong now, I can't imagine how I will feel when the mate bond is complete.

The things I feel when I am with him are one of a kind. Special. Strong. I haven't felt like this before.

Especially now, that I have seen a small fraction of his soft side. It broke my heart and as a defense, I attacked him with the most spiteful words that I have ever said. And it broke me even more.

It was as if resisting him, broke me piece by piece on the inside. There will be a moment when he will kick the last brick off the walls that I have built. My protection will fade and I will submit eventually.

But as long as I keep him mad at me, he covers his soft side. And as long as his soft side stays hidden, I have a chance to keep my walls intact.

I know that I can't hurt him physically. It is downright impossible because he is built like a God, but I can hurt him with words. Words that cut so deep into our mate bond that he won't be able to heal it.

"Because I don't want you. Because I hate you." I replied after a long while. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and escaping, rolling down my cheeks. His eyes followed the trail of the tear down my cheek, hitting his thumb.

I expected him to burst. To get angry. To see his beautiful eyes turn into black holes and his horns pierce the top of his head as they surfaced.

But his eyes remained blood-red, his horns never showed, his claws didn't come out and he didn't snap.

He just looked at me, from behind his lashes that framed his beautiful eyes.

"Why do you hate me?" He simply said as his fingers tucked away a wet strand of my hair.

As soon as he asked that question, a scene from Supernatural came to me almost immediately. The one when Crowley asked his mother the exact same question. Rowena had answered that she hated him, because if she didn't, then she would love him.

I couldn't relate to that witch more in my life. Except that Lucifer wasn't my son, he was my mate. The other half of my soul, and without him I would never be complete. The gap in my heart would never be filled.

And let's just assume that I accept to be his mate, his Queen, and rule beside him in Hell. What about me? What about the life that I want to live? What about my friends and dearest dad? What about my life on Earth?

I wasn't willing to leave all that behind so the Devil can have his mate with him.

Of course, I couldn't admit that to him... I could never find the courage to admit what Rowena admitted to her son.

So I did what I do best.

"Because you're the Devil. You're evil incarnate. You are the source and the cause of all evil that happened on earth-"

"Dad's toys are not my responsibility."He cut me off sharply and it seemed like a hit a nerve.

Daddy issues.


"God hated you too. That's why he cast you out of heaven and doomed you to become the most hated creature in the world. That's why I ha-"

"Why do you do this? Why are you like this? Is it some kind of self-defense? Saying those harsh words- which by the way are bullshit-, you think you can hurt me? Me?"

As he spoke, his eye color started swirling around, flames intertwined with black smoke. He used both his hands to grab me by the biceps, shaking me slightly every time he emphasized a word. The tears were now falling freely down my cheeks, staining my face. Over his loud voice, I whispered repeatedly that I wanted to go home. He didn't hear me.

"You can't possibly think that you can cause any physical or psychological damage to me! I'm Lucifer King! I'm the fucking Devil! And I'm also your mate and I know that deep down, over that cold exterior that you hold on so tight to, there is my mate. My true mate who was destined to l-"

"I wanna go home!"I screamed over his powerful voice, cutting him off after 3 or four attempts.

His eyes froze over mine and his eyes slowly returned to their original color. But the blue in them wasn't the ocean blue that I came to seek. It was faded, almost turning to grey.

"I wanna go home...please.''I whimpered out like a wounded animal.

I've had enough of these psychological games that he played. First, he won't let me leave, then he locks me up, he hits me and then he heals me. He tries to kill me and then he says that I'm destined to stay by his side forever. I can't take this anymore.

Suddenly he tightened his hold on my arms and he stood up inside the bathtub, taking me with him. He lifted me and then set me down on the floor beside the tub, water dripping down my body and making a pool around my feet. He let me go and then got out of the bathtub, his wet jeans sticking on him like a second skin.

I covered up my body as much as I could with my hands, as he turned around and grabbed the towel that Diagon had left for me. I looked down at my feet as I waited for him to leave.

But in a second I saw his feet step in front of mine and I looked up again, my eyes snapping to his. I was looking at his cold face with eyes wide as saucers. But he wasn't looking back at me.

He threw the black, fluffy towel over my back and wrapped it around my body.

His emotionless expression and the faded blue of his eyes tore my heart into shreds. I felt the back of my head itch as he turned away from me, without giving me a last glance.

"We're leaving in ten." He said and then disappeared from in front of me.




Ten minutes later, I was dressed in a black shirt of Lucifer's that was way too big for my body, Lucifer's boxers, and a pair of his old jeans that were tightly tied around my waist with a rope. I didn't have any shoes so I ripped the sheets on the bed and wrapped them tightly around my feet. My hair was wet and falling on my back, wetting the back of the shirt.

Diagon had left a long time ago and now I was alone in the room, waiting for Lucifer.

My knee kept bouncing up and now and I chewed on my nails as I waited for him. I had a creeping feeling in my gut telling me that he's not coming and he actually lied to me.

What if he doesn't show?

He probably will, Kara spoke after a long while. He keeps his word.

Caden came into my mind and I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach. I risked his life twice because of my personal conflict with Lucifer and now he'll burn in Hell for Lucifer knows how long.

As I kept thinking about Caden and his poor soul, Lucifer showed up in front of me.

I raised my head to look at him, but I couldn't meet his eyes.

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