《Lucifer King》Runnin'


I heard the metallic sound of my necklace breaking and I waited for the inevitable to happen. I squeezed harder my closed eyes, feeling light-headed from this weird aura that consumed me.

It's weird waiting for death to collect you...

After a few seconds of utter silence, my muscles relaxed and I slowly opened my eyes.

Am I dead? Is it done?

The first thing I saw was a very, very confused Lucifer. His eyes were wide in terror, laced with pure confusion. His mouth was slightly open and he looked disturbed. He was staring at his hand that was clutching my broken necklace tightly. I quickly glanced around.

Everything is the same. Weird.

"Umm... Am I dead?" I whispered awkwardly and still a little shaken. His blue orbs snapped up to mine, but he didn't actually look at me. He was lost in thought.

So I guess I'm alive...

"N-No...How?" He said. Lucifer looked really tired and confused...He kind of looked like Hell.

Now now, Eli...not quite the right timing for witty puns, Kara spoke up.

Kara! You're alive! We're alive! Did you do anything?

No...I don't know how you're still alive..., I heard her say hesitantly.

I focused on the man in front of me again, and I realized he's still on top of me. I brought my hands up and slowly placed them on his chest, being very careful not to anger him. He looked fragile.

Not weak, but fragile. The kind that he'll snap if he doesn't like the way I breathe.

I pushed him gently and he let me get up. I sat up on the bed and he sat down beside me, looking at the necklace in his hand.

As much as I wanted to get as far away as I could from the man that tried to kill me a minute ago, I also wanted to find out why he looked so... haunted. And of course, I want to know why I'm not dead.

"Luc-" Before I could finish calling his name, he stood up and grabbed my neck harshly with his left hand. I made a choked sound of surprise as my hands flew to his wrist, holding it tightly.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me. His eyes were bright red and he looked really angry. My eyes looked to his right hand, which was ready to snap its fingers. His thumb collided with his middle finger and I cringed, the dreadful feeling consuming me once again.

No! No! He musn't kill you that way!, Kara shouted inside my mind.


Ugh. I can't deal with her nonsense right now.

"Luc...Lucifer" I choked out, trying to calm him down. "Please, don't"

His right hand started shaking and he looked torn. He broke eye contact and looked to the side.

"Fuck!" He yelled and in a second he disappeared from in front of me. I fell back in the bed with a soft thud.

I breathed in heavily, massaging my throat and trying to calm my beating heart.

"What the fuck is going on?" I croaked out.

Kara... What happened? Why he musn't kill me that way? What way? What are you talking about again? I need answers!

I didn't even realize that tears were streaming down my cheeks as I tried to communicate with Kara.

Keyword: Tried.

"KARA! Talk to me!" I screamed out, clearly very frustrated. That terrifying feeling that I felt before, now settling in my stomach, tying it in a knot.

I felt my anger and frustration wanting to break free as I stood up and started smashing everything that I found in front of me.


"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I grabbed the sheets of the bed and threw them to the ground. I turned to the table and kicked it hard, sending everything on top of it, tumbling down on the floor.

I couldn't control my actions as my breathing got heavier and heavier.

I turned to the wall and I stretched my right hand back, bringing it forward with force and smashing it against the wall.

First I heard a cracking sound and then I felt the pain. My eyes welled up almost immediately as I sensed my brain sending the pain signal through my neurons.

I screamed again as I clutched my wrist with my left hand tightly. As I whimpered, holding my hand trying to subdue the pain, I caught a glimpse of the wall.

"What...the...fuck?" I whispered out loud as I gaped at it.

The wall had a huge crack on it, going in a circular motion around a hole in the middle, where I punched. The wall looked like it was made of glass.

Did I just break the wall?

I completely forgot about the pain as I squinted with my eyes and bent down to look inside the hole. I saw a torch against a rocky grey wall and a burgundy thick carpet.

On top of the carpet, against the wall, there was a scared-looking thing.

My eyes widened looking at that being in front of me. It was thin and his bones could be clearly seen on his body and face. He had two large black, bottomless eyes and was only wearing a black ripped cloth around his waist. He looked to be around half my height, maybe a little taller.

"Wh-What are you?" I said out loud, hoping he understood. He looked terrified.

He yelped and started running, immediately disappearing from my sight.

"No! Wait!" I shouted at it, hoping that he will stay. But to no avail.

I sighed and I leaned back, examining the wall again.

Maybe I can break more of it?

I held my wrist tightly and arched my elbow. I stood in position and I elbowed the wall hard, besides the hole.

The wall gave in like broken glass, coming down in pieces and cutting the skin on my arm.

After numerous hits with my feet and my elbows, one too many cuts on my body from the glass, and a lot of blood, I stepped out of the room and looked around cautiously.

I was in a long corridor, which was dimly lit by the torches on the wall.

What is it with corridors in Hell?

I looked at the direction that the thing ran towards and decided to go that way. I started walking, eager to get out of this place. A few steps later I noticed that there were three directions in which I could go. Everything looked the same so I had to guess out of pure instinct.

I decided to turn right and when I looked again I saw a black creature, tall and bulky, walking lazily down the corridor. My eyes widened and I let out a surprised yelp, running back and hiding behind the corner.

I heard sniffing sounds and small growls coming from my right, as I prayed it didn't see me.

I heard shuffling and heavy steps going away and I let out a small sigh, relaxing. I peeked around the corner and looked down the corridor.

No one.

Not wanting to run into that thing again, I turned left and walked a bit more carefully now. My senses were heightened and I could hear my blood flowing inside my veins. The crackling of the fire coming from the torches calmed me down a bit.


After two more turns, I came across two large wooden doors, and that scared little thing standing breathlessly in front of the doors. I hid behind the corner again, peeking with my right eye at the creature.

The creature knocked frantically on the door, looking around scared.

"Not Now!" Lucifer's deep voice came from inside.

My eyes widened when I heard his voice and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Ignoring them, I watched as the creature knocked again, more frightened now.

"I SAID NOT NOW!" He shouted with power from the inside of the doors. I felt his anger in my core as he shouted.

Apparently, the walls felt his anger too, because the walls and the ceiling started shaking, small rocks and dust falling down.

"S-Sir... It's import- portant." He stuttered out, his whole body trembling. I watch his fidgeting fingers and his shuffling feet. He was nervous to meet Lucifer.

The doors opened slowly and I caught a small glimpse of Lucifer's jet black hair, before hiding behind the corner again. Now that I escaped, it's best if he doesn't know where I am.

And then it hit me.

How could I be this stupid? That creature saw me escape! He's gonna report to Lucifer that I escaped from that room!

Without thinking I peeked again around the corner, as the doors were completely open. I saw Lucifer looking down at the creature with blood-red eyes, flames burning behind them. That poor little thing was shaking uncontrollably in front of him.

Behind the doors, there was a big desk with a lot of paperwork on top of it, and leaning against it was a woman. She oozed power as she stood there, with her back towards us. She was wearing a beautiful dark red dress that clung to her body like a glove, complimenting her perfect curves. Her long blonde hair was hugging her shoulders softly, flowing down in beautiful curls.

She looks immaculate.

A pang of jealousy hit me hard and I tried to push past the feeling.

I focused on Lucifer again and I realized that the creature had started talking to him.

"-and th-the wall... cra-cracked." He said, not daring to look up at Lucifer. "A-and she s-saw me."

I watched Lucifer as his eyes switched between red and black, his knuckles turning white. He let out an animalistic growl as black smoke emitted from his body as if he was on fire. With one quick movement, he grabbed the creature from his throat and threw him several feet away, passing only centimeters away from my face. I ducked and hid again behind the corner as I watched the small thing crash on the carpet harshly, whimpering softly.

"FIND HER!" Lucifer's voice thundered loudly inside the endless corridors of Hell, his tone as dangerous as it gets. A loud thud was heard right after, signaling that he closed the doors.

The creature cracked his bones as he stood up from the ground. He turned around slowly, sighing and his eyes fell on my feet. He was immediately alarmed as he slowly looked up at my face.

Both our eyes were wide as we looked at each other.

"MAST-"He started yelling but I jumped forward, putting my hand over his mouth, shutting him up.

"Shh! Please!" I whispered at it, trying to hide my disgust as I looked into his bottomless eyes and his bony figure. His hand snaked around my wrist, which by the way might be broken, and squeezed hard, burning my skin.

I let out a weird sound as I tried to muffle my scream, falling on my knees. The pain was just bearable as I grabbed his hand with my other one and pulled him towards the ground. He fell on the ground and I stood up, taking two steps away from him.

"Fuck! Who the hell are you?" I whispered harshly, as I watch him look up at me with an angry expression and a weird smirk on his face.

He stood up and his bones started making spine-chilling cracking sounds, bending into different angles. I watched horrified as his head snapped to the side and took two more steps back.

"My name is Diagon. And I'm a demon." He spoke harshly. I kept walking backward as every part of his body snapped and then tripled in size.

Oh no...

When he grew into his full size he was a head taller than me and very terrifying. Scary bony body, torn ashy flesh, and black pits instead of eyes.

Without wasting a second more I quickly turned around and started running like my life depended on it.

I heard Diagon laugh out loud and I run even faster. My core was shaken and I wanted to cry from the fear that I felt.

I ran and ran and ran, taking random turns, left and right, but I couldn't lose him. He was always two steps behind me, laughing at me and telling me that I can't escape.

Eli, listen to me, Kara spoke up.

WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?, I screamed at her inside my mind as I tried to catch my breath and continued running.

It doesn't matter right now! Listen to me, you need to stop running! Diagon is trained to never get tired! He has the best stamina, he won't ever get tired of chasing you. But he is not smart! He is as dumb as a fucking rock! So you need to outsmart him.

Do you want me to fucking die? Outsmart a demon? Are you serious?

Dead serious. Now stop running and think!

I slowed down a bit and tried to think of a plan.

What if I go back to Lucifer? I prefer it from being chased by a damn demon.

So I slowed down and hid behind the next corner, laying down on the floor and pushing my body against the wall.

I watched as Diagon turned the corner and took four, five steps before noticing that I disappeared. I quickly stood up and started running back the way we came. Before I disappeared around the corner, I watched Diagon turning around and noticing me.

I tried to remember all the turns that I took as I heard Diagon growling behind me.

"CERBERUS!" I heard Diagon shout from behind me and I felt the blood in my veins turning to ice.

Cerberus? As in the three-headed dog of Hades? The guardian of the underworld?

Run Eli! Run as fast as you can!, Kara shouted in agony inside my mind and I almost passed out, fear consuming and fogging my eyes.

"I'm so dead" I huffed out, running faster and faster, hoping to reach Lucifer before Cerberus reached me.

I heard multiple howls coming from everywhere and I got alarmed, turning my head around. I almost slipped and fell when I saw a creature materialize behind me.

An enormous black three-headed dog, that looked like a Doberman crafted by the hands of Lucifer. It had a fire on its hair on top of its spine, blazing up when he growled. When it noticed me, it sprang forward and started chasing after me. Three pairs of crazy eyes were following my every movement.

I turned back around and run as fast as I could. I ran and ran again, with Cerberus a few steps behind me, snapping its teeth and barking loudly. I tried to remember every turn that I took but, to be honest, I didn't know where I was going. I was blindly running for my life.

I took a left turn and noticed the huge double doors that I saw earlier. Cerberus was a foot away from me and the middle head bent forward and snapped its teeth, biting down on air, barely missing my hair that was flowing behind me.

I heard it barking and growling harshly, smelled its disgusting breath that smelled like death and felt the hotness from their firey hair.

"LUCIFER!" I screamed as I inched closer to the door. To my disappointment, the doors didn't open and I slammed against them, banging my fist again and again. "LUCIFER PLEASE OPEN UP!"I screamed in agony.

I looked back, leaning against the doors, and saw Cerberus' three heads looking down at me, only centimeters away from my face, teeth showing and three mouths snarling at me.

The doors opened suddenly and I fell backward, my body hitting the ground.

"Cerberus... that's not the way to treat our guests, is it?" Lucifer spoke up with his authoritative voice and I saw Cerberus' heads bow down and small whines coming from their mouths.

I let my head fall back as I tried to catch my breath, taking in small, sharp breaths. Closing my eyes, I brought my hand up to my cleavage, feeling my beating heart. I felt all the blood pumping inside my brain and I was sure my heart would burst in a few seconds.

"Little demon, I see you met my boys," He said and I opened my eyes to look up at him. My head was placed in between his feet so I had a full image of Lucifer's magnificent body. Although it was upside down, I could see every muscle and every curve of his body, showing from underneath his clothes. He was looking down at me, his head leaning on one side.


I licked my dry lips and swallowed hard as I closed my eyes again, still trying to collect myself from all this running.

"Yeah, yeah... I did..." I croaked out, without even bothering to open my eyes.

"Okay, good boys! Now go!" Cerberus barked again and flames crackled up, making me open my eyes to take a peek. I saw Cerberus burn up into flames and disappear right in front of me. At the end of the corridor, a small and nervous-looking Diagon showed up, his small feet bringing him over towards us.

"Wh-what.." I stuttered out as I watched the small demon, stop in front of us.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lucifer bend down and I felt his arms snake around my waist, tingles spreading wherever his hot fingers touch.

"You can go now Diagon." He said as he picked me up and threw me on his right shoulder. I let out a yelp and I hissed as I tried to hold myself up with my broken wrist.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Diagon bow down and grab the metallic door handles, closing the doors.

"Put me down" I huffed as Lucifer turned around and started walking inside the room.

When he didn't, I muttered 'Malaka' under my breath, which I guess he understood because that comment earned me a hard slap on my ass. ('Asshole')

A moment later he placed me down on a leather chair beside his desk, and walked around it, sitting down on his large chair. I was watching him curiously as I clutched my right wrist, feeling the pain now that the thrill of being chased and chewed up by Cerberus was gone.

"Are you in pain?" He asked once he noticed my hands. I looked down frowning, noticing all the dried blood around the numerous cuts in my arms.

I looked like a damn mess. My clothes were ripped everywhere and there was dry and fresh blood covering my arms and legs. My hair was all over the place and I don't even wanna know how my face looks.

"N-No" I whispered softly, lying. I didn't want him to heal me again, because every time he did I felt weird things.

I looked up at him and saw him staring back at me with his magnetic blue eyes, which could have me weak on my knees. I tightened my grip on my wrist and closed my legs, pressing them together.

"Interesting" A sensual, strong voice spoke from behind me. I turned around quickly, watching the same woman that I previously saw inside Lucifer's room.

The same feeling of extreme jealousy came back rushing into my mind, as I tried to see her face. She was leaning against the wall, her face hidden from the shadows.

"Who are you?" I spat out defensively, almost possessively. I could feel my knuckles turning white as I gripped my wrist tighter, trying to control my jealousy.

She took two steps forward, with her tall milky white legs, heels clicking on the wooden floor. She stepped out of the shadows, her hair glistening under the fire of the torches.

"Hello, Eliana."

Once I saw her face, my curious expression vanished completely and I felt the sadness finding a way inside my heart and crashing it, suffocating it, squeezing it until I couldn't breathe.






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