《Lucifer King》Hot as Hell


My hair was disheveled, my body and scalp were drenched in sweat, I had black smudges all over my ripped clothes, body, and face. I looked like shit and I probably smelled like that too. But in this situation that I got myself into? Yeah... I couldn't care less.

My feet were killing me as I continued to walk behind Lucifer.


As I got dragged by Lucifer into a place unknown. Black smoke was forming a tight, painful chain around my wrists that was attached to Lucifer's belt while we walked towards what I assume was my death. I made more than enough attempts to make him let me go or even talk to me.

Where are we? Is this real? Who are you? Am I dead? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating again? Where are we going? Why is it so hot? Why do you have wings? Are we really in Hell?

As I said... more than enough attempts.

So many unanswered questions had flooded my mind. My heart was pounding like crazy and I felt my body about to collapse from the dry and hot atmosphere.

It's so damn hot in here. And my feet and hands are sore.

I stopped complaining a while ago because he ignored me or he got angrier. It was pointless. But I just couldn't walk any longer, I was going to collapse any second now.

"Hey, do you... do you think we can stop for a second?" I said panting like a thirsty dog.

No answer.

In a second, I felt the chains heating up, burning my wrists and I let out a scream, tugging at them. At the same time my feet betrayed me, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, my sides hitting the carbon-like rocks.

I felt my body getting dragged on the hard and scrappy floor, as my hands were tugged forward by the chains. I yelled at Lucifer to stop as scratches formed on my sides, cutting my flesh. My hoodie and leggings were now completely ripped apart. Pieces of fabrics were being torn apart from my clothes, my skin coming in contact with the harsh floor, shredding it.

After a few seconds of painful shouts coming from my mouth, Lucifer stopped and turned around, looking down at me from afar. I looked at him, slightly begging him with my eyes to stop torturing me like that.

He took two steps towards me and scoffed at my appearance. He wrapped his palm around the chain on his belt and tugged at it. Suddenly my body was jerked forward and stopped right in front of him. My head was leaning on my left shoulder, not having enough strength to keep it straight.

"Please sto-stop.." I croaked out, my dry throat feeling like sandpaper. His red orbs stared down on my hazel ones, searching for something. A tight smile formed on his lips and an evil glint lit up in his eyes. He brought his face closer to mine, his mouth right beside my ear.

"Never." He whispered out and the chains were tugged up, my wrists flying above my head as my body hanged painfully by them.

He continued to walk as if nothing happened, my sore, limp body hanging by the chains in the air, following close behind. My head was hanged in between my shoulders and I looked down at my body. There were a few places that you could see my skin, the rest being covered by scratches, blood, and black smudges.

My lungs stopped functioning correctly and my heart was beating loudly, ringing in my ears. The growing heat and the dry air kept me from fighting against him. I was utterly weak.


The pain was extreme and the logical thing for a human body to do in a situation like this was to shut down. And that's exactly what I did. The last thing I saw was the entrance of a large cave, made of black stones with bright orange magma gluing them together. As the temperature rose even more, my body shut down and my eyelids closed, unconsciousness swallowing me up.





I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. My body was hot and aching everywhere, I couldn't feel my legs, I couldn't breathe properly. I tried to move but to no avail.

Where am I?

I opened my eyes slightly, only to be met with darkness and a warm glow. I placed my palms on the hard, heated floor and tried to lift my body up. There was a thick, liquid substance on the floor and the smell of blood invaded my nostrils shortly after I realized it. I lifted my head off the floor with my hands, which were now drenched in blood, supporting my body. My left cheek was covered in blood too because I was laying on the floor, face down.

Once I managed to lift myself into a sitting position I crawled towards the closest wall to support my weight. I let my back rest against the wall and I wiped my bloodied cheek with my elbow, cringing and gagging at the smell. The sleeves of my hoodie were shredded, with huge gaps.

I looked up and the first thing I noticed was the bright orange bars, indicating that I was in a cell. The bars looked like they were scorching hot, like heated iron. After a few seconds of staring at the source of the hot temperature inside the small cell, I noticed the screams and the shouts of agony in the background. I groaned slightly as my head started to ring loudly, hearing all these sounds.

What is this place? Am I really in Hell?

Yes, you are, my subconscious spoke up calmly.

Wait, how do you know?

Because deep down you know it too.

I stood up slowly, the wall supporting my body so that I wouldn't fall flat on my face. I looked down at my clothes...or what was left of them.

My leggings were completely ripped around my knees, so I reached down and torn the strands of fabric, making my leggings look like shorts. I took off my bloody hoodie, leaving me only in my black tank top, which was too, shredded. Scratches with dried blood and sweat were covering my legs and arms.

I looked up at the bars again and took two steps towards them. The heat emitting from them burned my face and I was forced to take numerous steps back.

"What the hell?" I said out loud as my back hit the wall, trying to get as far as I could.

Burning bars on a cell? Really Lucifer?

My mouth was dry and my lips cracked from dehydration. I looked around the small cell. It was empty. Completely fucking empty. Black stone walls and a door made of scorching hot iron bars. My claustrophobia started kicking in and my breathing fastened along with my heartbeat, panic rising inside my system.

I have to get out of here right now.

I took my hoodie and wrapped it around my hand. I covered with my other hand my face and walked slowly towards the flaming bars. The hoodie didn't even touch the bars, before it lit up, bright red and orange fire burning the fabric in seconds.


I quickly threw the burning clothing on the ground and moved away from it, watching it burn.

There goes my chance of getting out of here.

What am I supposed to do now? Where is Lucifer? Did he seriously leave me to rot in a hot cell in Hell?

Well, why wouldn't he?, my subconscious spoke up. He's the King of Hell after all.

Well yeah... but I'm not dead yet. Isn't he supposed to get my soul after I die? Isn't that what the Devil does? Punish the bad on the afterlife?

You're so naive, she scoffed.

I'm you, I fought back, offended by my own self.

That's where you're wrong.

What do you mean? You're my subconscious.

Not ex-

"Finally. You're awake." My head snapped towards the bars of the cell at the sound of a deep voice.

"Lucifer?" I said and took a step forward, not wanting to get burnt thrice by the heated iron. There was a huge male figure outside my cell but I couldn't make out his facial features. He seemed well-built and pretty damn big. But I instantly knew that he wasn't Lucifer.

"Guess again." He said and just like that, the iron bars turned black, the light going out. Darkness consumed the cell. Bright yellow eyes are staring at me from behind the bars. His one hand is curled around one of them, as he leans forward.

I took two very careful steps towards the figure, my head leaning to the right, looking in between the bars so I could get a better look at him.

"Who are you?" I said with a croaky voice. He chuckled at my question and stepped back, tugging at the bars and opening the door. My eyes widened as he circled around the door and walked slowly inside the small cell. I was immediately alarmed and I hurriedly walked towards the corner of the cell, as far away from him as I could.

If he's not Lucifer, then he's a creature from Hell. Maybe a demon. Or something else. And that means danger. Extreme danger.

If he's not Lucifer, then it's safe to say that he probably doesn't care about me at all and would gladly tear my body apart. What if I'm just a meal to him?

My heart was racing and my mind was overwhelmed with thoughts and questions as every fiber of my body screamed danger, warning me. He stalked towards me, his bright yellow eyes never leaving mine. Although the temperature in this cell was over 50 degrees, I shivered when he stopped right in front of me. He placed his left palm on the wall and leaned down so he could see me.

Holy shit, he's huge.

His bright eyes were like lightbulbs, glowing and lighting up his face. My breath was caught in my throat as I took in his facial features.

Thick, black hair was framing his face, falling on his perfectly sculpted cheekbones. A single black strand fell on top of his nose and ended just above his slightly open lips. His square jaw was relaxed, as a small smirk formed on his lips.

Suddenly, I felt very self-conscious in front of this handsome, hellish, Greek God-like creature. Naturally, I would blush and be embarrassed in front of such a beautiful person, but right now that I was covered in my own blood with wounds stinging everywhere, ripped apart clothes, and being scared shitless and on the brink of a heart attack, I couldn't care less. The fact that I was in Hell wasn't helping the situation.

His hand reached up to my face and I flinched. He caught the movement and his smile grew even more, showing his pearly white canines. What the fuck.

"Well aren't you the cutest little thing?" He spoke up with his deep, authoritative voice. Power oozed out of him. His fingers took a strand of my dirty hair and pushed it back behind my ear.

His face came a little closer and I shut my eyes, pushing my head back against the wall, clearly terrified of him. I didn't dare to speak nor breathe.

I was waiting for the impact. Anything, really. A kiss, a bite, anything. But then he sniffed softly, confusing me completely.

"I can smell your fear," He said, his voice sounded a little stranded as the tip of his nose touched my exposed neck, tracing down to my collarbone, inhaling deeply."It's really strong"

"It's the strongest that I have smelled in centuries" The terror inside me built up even more as he placed his enormous body against mine, pushing me against the wall, trapping me. His ragged breathing made him look like a hungry predator in my eyes.

"Who- Who are yo-you?" I stuttered out, tears welling up behind my closed eyelids. I fought them back as I took a deep breath, trying to calm my jumping nerves.

He chuckled lightly and his hand found its way to my hips, caressing the side of my waist. A sob left my mouth as he squeezed my hip, panic and fear invading my mind.

Call Lucifer!, my subconscious screamed at me.

A million thoughts of what he might want to do with me passed through my mind as his hands circled around my waist, caging me in. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

His characteristics were harsh and so was his stare. But his face was relaxed and he was looking down at me with great curiosity as if he didn't know what I was.

"What do you want from me?"I whispered softly, as he scanned my face for the third time. I looked deep into his glowing eyes and searched for an answer.

"What's your name?" He asked, ignoring my question, never breaking eye contact.

"Why should I tell you? You didn't answer either of my questions." I said with the little courage that was left in me. He cocked an eyebrow at my answer and he smirked down at me.

"Feisty." He spoke up after a while "Unlike Lucifer, I do like them sassy." His tone was now a little playful but the fear inside me never went out. My eyes widened when I heard his name and I heard my subconscious screaming at me again to call him.

"Lucifer. You know him?" I said, clearly not thinking this through. A wholehearted laugh erupted from his chest, the beautiful, magnetic sound making me dizzy. But not just simple dizzy, I felt like my brain was beaten with hammers. I clutched his biceps as I tried to steady myself. My knees buckled and his hands tightened around my waist, holding me in place. I hanged against his body, not being able to hold myself up anymore. My head was spinning and aching like crazy.

"Do I know Lucifer? The infamous King of Hell? Satan?" He said mockingly "The Devil? My mate, all these years?" I looked at him when he said the last part, not catching the sarcasm in his tone.

"You-You're friends?" I whispered as if telling him a secret.

"It's complicated. The real question here is how do you know Lucifer?" He asked, waiting for an answer that I didn't know if I had.

"I..uh..Xriste mou poy skata exo mpleksei?" The Greek words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. (Jesus, what did I get myself into?)

The huge man in front of me, winced and his eyes turned a deep orange shade, his eyebrows furrowing and his lip curling, baring his teeth at me. He smashed his fist against the stone wall and it cracked, making me gasp loudly.

"Don't say his name ever again" He roared loudly, his two canines extending even more. My eyes widened and I shrieked, pushing on his shoulders, ducking and escaping from his grip.

I can't believe I did that! How did I managed to escape? I guess panic makes you fearless in a way.

I immediately run towards the open door, but before I stepped out a large strong hand, grabbed me from my hair and yanked me back. My back hit his chest and he grabbed my jaw forcing me to look up at him.

"Tsk tsk tsk" He clicked his tongue and smirked down at me, baring his sharp teeth. He bowed down and picked me up, throwing me on top of his shoulder, and started walking out of the cell. My panic had reached high levels at this point, my heart was beating fast and loudly.

"Where are you taking me? What do you want from me? Who the fuck are you?" I screamed at him, as I pounded hard on his back, not really believing that I'm causing him any harm.

A loud laugh erupted from his chest for the second time, attacking my brain, causing unbelievable pain, as he kept walking to God knows where.

"My name is Hades and we're going to have some fun together" He said and my blood froze. Time froze. Everything stopped moving for a second.

"Hades?! As in ... The Lord of the Underworld?" I said, my hands supporting my body on his shoulder as I tried to look at him.

"In the flesh"





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