《Lucifer King》Pills N Smokes


"Okay, Eliana. I'll see you in a week. Don't forget to take your medication. Τake care!" Miss Lydia, my psychiatrist said as she smiled kindly at me, showing me to the door.

"Thank you, Miss Lydia. I will! Have a nice weekend!" I smiled at her and stepped out of her office. I felt her soft hand on my arm and I turned around to look at her.

"Eliana, it's just Lydia. We've talked about this." She said and her sweet smile relaxed my nerves completely. I smiled back at her and nodded slowly.

"Okay Lydia, see you next week," I said and walked towards the stairs.

I've been visiting Miss Lydia for the last four weeks. Since that terrifying experience in my bedroom five weeks ago, the hallucinations have just got worse and more frequent. Every single night I saw him in my bedroom, sometimes he would talk to me, sometimes he would just sit in my bed and stare at me with his pitch-black eyes. I thought I was going crazy and as a psychology undergraduate, I decided that the best solution is to start seeing a psychologist.

That's when I started visiting Mr. Vasiliades. He had said that hallucinations can be caused by mental illness, as side effects of medication, consuming too much alcohol, taking drugs, or an incident that caused emotional trauma. He had explained that they may affect your vision, sense of smell, taste, hearing, or bodily sensations. At first, he advised me to stop consuming alcohol and get more sleep, with a stable sleeping schedule. After I explained everything that happened between me and Lucifer and how I saw him every night in my bedroom, he said that I have to find some things to do, in order to distract myself. He told me to stop talking about him, stop saying his name, and tell my friends to stop mentioning him.

But the hallucinations continued and I kept seeing him everywhere I went. The most disturbing fact was that when I imagined him, his face was blank and his eyes were completely black. Not an inch of white inside. Two black pitless holes staring back at me and sucking me in.

And when I told that to Mr. Vasiliades, he decided that this is the work of a psychiatrist and not a psychologist. Then he sent me to Miss Lydia.

That's when I started taking medication. Miss Lydia prescripted me with antipsychotics. As soon as I saw what the medication was, I knew that it would have side-effects on my memory and mental state. And indeed, since I started taking it my memory was more cloudy, never clear enough. But I wanted so badly to get him out of my head that I didn't care.

It's been two weeks since he stopped showing up in my bedroom because I couldn't recall his figure. I've been focusing on my studies, stopped going out with my friends, stopped drinking. Blake, Elliot, and Christine would visit me at my house or I would go to theirs. But most of the time we would all gather at mine and have a movie marathon or play videogames.

I couldn't really say that life was back to normal because that wasn't who I truly was. I loved partying all night long. I smoked and drank with my crew, visiting most of the clubs in Thessaloniki in one single night. But that had to stop for a while until I got back on my feet. Until I forgot him completely.

5:30 pm

After leaving Miss Lydia's office, I returned to my house and once I entered I saw a man sitting on the couch, his huge back facing me.


I let out a startled scream and my car keys fell from my hands, hitting the marble floor with a loud bang.

The stranger jumped and immediately turned to look at me. I saw Blake's confused eyes gazing at me and I sighed, placing my hand on top of my heart.

"Don't do that Blake! You scared me!" I said as he continued to watch me from the couch. I picked up my keys from the floor, placing them on the small, wooden stand beside the coat rack and I spoke up again. "How did you even get inside?"

"I have a spare key, Eli. You had them made last year and gave each of us a spare key to your house, remember?" He said as I grabbed my packet of cigarettes from my purse and walked towards him, sitting beside him on the couch. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"What are you talking about? Only me and dad have keys for my house." I said, confused, and placed a cigarette between my lips, lighting it up with my lighter. I inhaled deeply and exhaled from my nose, the smoke coming out from my nostrils and lingering in the air. I pointed the pack at him, asking him if he wanted one but he shook his head and looked at the ground.

Okay, something's wrong... He never rejects a smoke.

"Whatever. Where were you?" He said, a tight, fake smile plastered on his face. I took a deep drag of my cigarette and gazed at his face, trying to understand what's wrong with him.

"I had an appointment with my psychiatrist." I said bluntly, blowing out the smoke from my mouth as I talked."You seem worried, what happened?" I spoke up again and reached out for his hand, caressing it softly.

He gazed up at me and I saw the fear and worry behind his beautiful green orbs. My face softened and I looked sadly at him, waiting for his answer.

"I'm worried about you, El." He trailed off, caressing my hand with his thumb. "You haven't been yourself lately. Those drugs you're taking..." His gaze was fixed on our hands as he spoke.

"Blake stop," I said and snatched my hand away from his hold, putting my cigarette out on the ashtray. "I'm not having this conversation with you again. I'm not gonna stop taking medication and that's final." I said and stood up from my spot on the couch.

His hand shot out and he grabbed my wrist tightly. With a tug, I fell back on the couch.

"No! Let me go!" I shouted at him and started punching his hands away from me. He got on top of me, pinning me down on the couch and grabbing my hands with his, pushing them down, above my head. His hair fell on my forehead as he looked down at me, his face dangerously close to mine.

His green eyes were piercing through mine, angrily. I glared back at him, the intensity of our eye contact growing by the second.

"I'm done talking about it with you too. Now you're just gonna listen." He growled, his eyes never leaving mine. Before I even opened my mouth to speak, he started talking.

"Eli, you're not yourself anymore. Those drugs you are taking are messing with your head. You are so smart, one of the smartest people I know. And I know that you understand what the fuck this medication is doing to your brain, so pray tell me why the hell do you still take it?" he shouted at my face and I winced when his grip on my wrists tightened.


I remained silent though and he growled in frustration.

"Eli, your grades are lower than ever before, you keep forgetting things! Important things! You failed two classes, El! You never failed a class before! You don't go out anymore, you stopped drinking, you smoke a fucking lot and you stay inside your house all day long! I'm fucking worried Eli! All of us are worried about you and that's why we keep checking up on you every night. Tell me why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you destroying yourself El?" He said and his voice softened at the end.

And then I broke down.

"I don't know Blake!" I shouted at his face. "I don't know... I can't fucking remember why I started taking them in the first place." I said and my voice broke. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes and I continued. "I know something happened to me. Something bad. With someone I can't remember."

"Wh- What? You really can't remember?" He said and I could see the confusion in his beautiful green eyes. I closed my eyes and the tears escaped my eyes, rolling down the sides of my face.

"No Blake. I can't. And I'm afraid that if I stop taking the medication, the memories will come back. And it terrifies me. I don't know what happened but I know it messed me up real bad. I know my memory is shitty and I keep forgetting things but my mind is in peace Blake. I don't want to stop taking those pills because if I remember what happened it'll break me all over again." By this point, my tears streamed down my face non-stop and I let out sobs.

Blake's blurry figure on top of me moved away, as his grip on my wrists relaxed and his body was removed from mine. He gripped my waist and brought me to his lap. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, sobbing quietly as he stroked my hair and caressed my back soothingly.

"We are here for you Eli. I'm here for you." He whispered and kissed my hair on the side of my head. "You're gonna stop taking those pills and we will face the consequences together. You're one of the strongest people I know. You're gonna get through this and you'll see... everything will get back to normal before you know it."

After a few minutes when my sobbing stopped and I ran out of tears, I looked up at his worried, teary eyes.

"I don't want to... I don't want to remember what happened.." I said with a croaky voice. He shook his head and a tear fell on his cheek.

"I don't care El. I'm not gonna let you destroy that beautiful mind of yours."He said and kissed my wet cheek. "I don't care if you're gonna remember it or not. I'm gonna be here, right by your side, to help you forget it again."

Although I didn't want to admit it to myself, I knew that deep down I couldn't stand taking this medication. My memory worsened a lot and I started failing my classes because my brain couldn't hold information for a long period of time.

After what Blake told me, I nodded and laid my head down on his chest, hearing his heart beating rapidly. He continued playing with my hair and we stayed like that for a long time, until the front door opened and I looked up to see Christine and Elliot entering my house.

They smiled brightly at me and Elliot raised his hand showing me the bags he's holding. I could make out the cold Alpha beer cans and all the junk food the bags had inside. A small smile crept its way into my face and I looked at Blake.

"I called them." He said and smiled at me. My smile grew wider and I hugged his neck tightly, kissing his cheek.

"Hey lovebirds," Elliot spoke up and I heard shuffling. Blushing at his comment I turned around and saw him placing the plastic bags on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I untangled my hands from Blake's neck and held them up. Elliot noticed and bent down, scooping me up on his strong arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he placed his hands on my thighs, holding me up.

"Hey Eli," I said as I buried my head in the crook of his neck and he chuckled adorably, his chest vibrating.

"Hi Eli," He said with his deep English accent, making me swoon. He slapped my ass and spun me around quickly. "MOVIE TIME!" He yelled and drummed his fingers on my ass, Blake and Christine laughing at his goofy behavior.

I laughed out loud and he let me down. I giggled and turn to look for Chris. I immediately ran to her and pulled her in a tight, bone-crashing hug. She squealed loudly and I let her go.

"Hey babes," She said panting and I grinned at her. "I missed you.." She said and took my face in her hands, looking at my eyes. My face fell a little and my eyes stung. I closed them softly and placed my hands on top of hers, holding and caressing her wrists.

"I missed me too, Chris.." I whispered so softly, I doubt she heard me. She pulled me into a tight, comforting hug and whispered 'I love you' in my ear. I nodded, saying it back.

They all sat down on the couch and I went to the kitchen to bring bowls, cups, and tissues. I placed them on the coffee table and sat down next to Blake, nuzzling my face on his chest as Elliot started the movie.




11:55 pm

After the third Disney movie, Blake was fast asleep and snoring slightly on the couch. Elliot and Christine were helping me throw away the empty bags and cans and tidy up the living room. I turned off the TV and looked over at Christine and Elliot, putting their coats on.

I walked over to them and stuffed my hands on the back pockets of my jeans, leaning on the wall.

"You can stay here for the night if you want. Blake is going to be knocked out until tomorrow. I'll sleep with Christine in my bedroom and Elliot you can take my dad's bed." I said and waited for them to reply.

"Aww I would love to Eli but dad is out of town and I don't want my mum to be alone overnight." He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded understandingly and turned to Christine.

"I umm.. I'm gonna sleep over at Elliot's...you know..to ke-keep him company..." She trailed off and looked down at her shoes. Wait a damn minute...

As if reading my mind, she looked up at me and her lips twitched, trying to hold back a smile. She blushed hard and then it hit me.

My eyes widened and I looked over at Elliot and then back at Chris. Elliot scratched his head, his gaze avoiding me and Chris looked at me pleadingly, so I wouldn't say anything and with the spark, I saw in her eyes, I confirmed my theory.

"Alright then. Goodnight... Thank you for coming guys. " I said and opened the door for them. I heard Elliot exhaling in relief and Christine sighing.

"Goodnight, Eli. Love ya." Elliot said and stepped out of my house. I turned to look at a guilty-looking Christine and I winked at her, letting her know that I'm happy for her. She smiled and kissed my cheek, stepping out of the house too.

"Goodnight babe.."She said softly and followed Elliot.

"Use protection kids!" I shouted after them.

"You son of a-" Christine started but I shut the door and giggled loudly. I locked the door and turned on the alarm, before making my way to the living room.

She finally did it. She hooked up with Elliot.

My mind started drifting back to the good old days when we met Elliot for the first time and Christine fell for his mesmerizing British accent and his goofy behavior. I walked towards Blake smiling, deep in thought. I grabbed the blanket that was rolled up in the side of the couch and draped it over him, tucking him in.

I made my way upstairs, heading to my bedroom to get changed for bed. I reached the top floor and walked inside my room, turning on the lights and opening the wardrobe's cupboard. Taking a simple black shirt and a pair of shorts, I turned around and placed them on the bed.

I took off my shirt and my bra, letting them down on the bed and as I unbuttoned my jeans I felt a pair of warm hands, snake around my naked torso. I gasped at the touch and my heart skipped two beats.

"Bl-Blake.." I stuttered as I felt his one hand cup my breast and the other makes his way to my jeans."Blake, what are you doing?" I said shakily and tried to turn around, but he pushed his chest on my back and wouldn't allow me to see him.

I glanced down at his hands and I spotted a golden ring, glistening. How come I have never seen that ring before?

"Shhh," He said from behind me and pressed his hot body against my back harder. He unzipped the zipper of my jeans and his thumb traced small circles around my already hard nipple. I gasped as his scorching hand palmed me over my panties. I felt the pressure building up in my core as his hand traveled up to my neck, gripping it slightly. Anxiety struck through my mind but the pleasure from his touch was overpowering it.

"Blake" I moaned out when he ground his hard-on against my ass. I heard him growl lowly and his grip around my neck tightened, as he nuzzled his nose on the nape of my neck, making me shiver.

He pushed his hand inside my panties, sliding teasingly a finger across my wet folds as he breathed in deeply. He placed a wet kiss on the back of my neck and he exhaled loudly, his hot breath hitting the wet spot making me shiver.

He inserted a finger inside me and I gasped, pushing my hips back, grinding against his erection. He moved his finger at a slow pace, teasing me and making me wetter by the second. I groaned and moved with more pressure against him, teasing him right back. He fastened his pace and inserted another finger, stretching me out.

"Fuck Blake" I moaned out and reached behind me to touch him. At the sound of his name, he bit down hard on my shoulder and I threw my head back in pleasure. I palmed him on top of his pants and moved my hand up and down slowly as his fingers pump inside me faster and his thumb moved to my clit, circling it. His lips attacked my exposed neck, sucking, and licking.

I tugged at his belt, undoing it as quickly as I can. I pushed my hand inside his boxers and gripped him, sliding my fist up and down around his shaft at a slow pace.

Holy fuck, I didn't know he was that big...

I heard his breath come out in multiple small exhales on my neck, as I moved my hand faster, stroking him. His fingers curled inside me and I lost it, my legs giving out. I used my hand, placing it on the bed to support my weight, as I bent over.

He bent down too and continued to finger me. He used his other hand to remove mine from inside his pants and confused, I placed it on the bed. I tried to spin my head around and look at him but his hand grabbed my neck and his thumb pushed on my jaw, turning my head away from him.

"Blake, what are you doing?" I said, confusion clear in my voice. Why isn't he letting me see him? Is this a fetish or something?

"Stop talking." He said lowly, his voice so deep and raspy I didn't even recognize it.

Still fingering me fast and steadily, not letting me reach my climax just yet, he slid his hand in between my legs and pushed on my right leg, spreading my legs. His hand gripped my jeans and pulled them down slightly, exposing my red panties. I heard him groan from behind me and he pushed his hips forwards, grinding on my now, naked ass. His hand rubbed the exposed skin of my booty and I moaned out, the pressure in my core growing and multiplying in seconds.

As the pace of his fingers increased, pumping inside me faster and faster, driving me insane, he withdrew his hand from my ass and suddenly it came down, spanking me hard. I let out a strangled moan, my knees buckling as the stinging sensation sent me over the edge. I came hard, shaking violently as my legs went completely limp and I fell on the bed. His fingers rubbed my clit a few more times as I laid down on the bed, my legs hanging on the side, my knees inches away from the floor.

After a few seconds, I felt one more spank delivered to my ass and I let out a loud chuckle, as I tried catching my breath. He stepped back and withdrew his hand from my panties. He fell silent and the only thing I could hear was my short, sharp breaths.

"Blake?" I asked, unable to move just yet, my heart still beating hard from my climax.

No answer.

"Blake, where are yo-" I turned around and I stopped mid-sentence as I saw that nobody was there.

Where is he? What game is he playing?

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