《Lucifer King》Mind tricks vs. Reality


"His name is Lucifer? Is that a stage name or something?" Christine asked and I mumbled a small 'I don't know', shrugging it off.

"Is he like an actor or a model? Maybe a rockstar? Wait, is he a strip-"

"Chris!" I whisper-yelled at her, my eyes widening. "I did not sleep with a stripper!" I interrupted her before she could finish that sentence, as I looked up from my laptop's screen."Not that I have something against them, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't one." I mumbled again, frowning.

Sunday morning. 11:37 am.

Two days had passed from the sinful night at Lucifer's, as Christine likes to call it. We were currently at the University's public library and I was trying to do my homework, but a certain someone kept distracting me, asking all kinds of questions about a certain lover.

The truth was that I still had not filled her in on what exactly happened that night. It's not that I didn't want to tell her, she's my best friend and I tell her everything in disturbing detail. It's just that I was trying really hard to get him out of my mind, and how exactly was I supposed to do that if she kept asking about him all the damn time?

"Well, you have to give me something!" She said exasperated and leaned forward, placing her forearms on the wooden table and laying her head on top of them, batting her eyelashes at me.

I looked at her as she gave me that look.

"Alright, alright!" I sighed and her face lit up immediately.

"Really?" She breathed out and her eyes widened, a grin making its way to her face, showing her perfect pearly white teeth. She squealed and banged the table with her palms three times in victory. My eyes widened even more and I gasped at the loud sound, my hands shooting out to hers, holding them in the air.

"For fuck's sake Chris!" I whispered at her, looking around at the annoyed students as she continued grinning at me. "And yes, for real. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I'll forget all about him." I said to her and her face fell a little. Before she could open her mouth, I closed my laptop with my left hand as I placed a finger on top of her lips.

"Not here. Let's go."I said to her and collected my things, stuffing my laptop and my books inside my bag and swinging it over my shoulder, getting up. Christine did the same in silence and we made our way towards the exit of the library.




"So..." She spoke up as I sat down on the wooden chair, placing my latte on the table. I watched her chew on her lip excitedly like a little kid and the corners of my lips tugged up at her eagerness.

"So..." I teased her and looked around like I didn't know what she was indicating, stirring my coffee with the metallic teaspoon.

"Oh come on Eli! Spill!" She shouted and brought her hand down on the table, making a loud sound. I giggled at her and her childish behavior, deciding to put an end to her suffering.

"Okay, okay! Ask away." I said and took a sip of my coffee, the hot beverage warming my cold hands.

"How big is his d-?" I choked on my coffee and coughed three or four times, interrupting her. My hand shot up to my mouth, covering it while I coughed. Once I could breathe properly again, I looked up at her with wide eyes.


"What the fuck Chris? That's what you want to know first?" I shook my head at her as I took a sip from my water bottle, soothing my throat.

"Well, it's a very important factor, Eliana." She said casually, looking down at her red nails, fakely dusting them off. I sent her a glare as I adjusted my turtleneck.

"Yeah, important factor my ass..." I said as I looked around our table, checking if anyone paid attention to us. I sighed and spoke up again. "Well, to answer your question, he's indeed fucking big..." I trailed off looking at my hands, as I recalled that night for the hundredth time in the last two days.

"Define 'fucking big' Eli. Your definition of 'big' is different from mine." She replied and I looked up at her eyes, contemplating if I should tell her his length or not. Oh, what the hell...

"Well, I didn't measure it but like...Nine? Nine point five?" I mumbled and waited for her reaction, fidgeting with my cup. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she gasped.

"How are you not split in half? You are so small! Oh my God, Eli...!" She asked in shock and waved her hand in front of me, pointing at my body. Deciding to talk freely with my best friend, I sighed and replied to her.

"To be honest... I don't even know Chris. I don't know why he came over to me at the club or why I kissed him. I don't know why I lied to Blake and I don't know why I followed every single one of his orders. I-"

"Wait, orders? What do you mean by orders?" She interrupted me, confused. She dropped the subject about his length, leaving all jokes aside when she saw my sad and confused expression.

"It was like he was ordering me to do things without uttering a single word. I felt like his eyes were talking to me and I listened closely like a lost puppy, complying with his wishes. He made me horny with just a touch and I don't know why, but I seriously couldn't take my eyes off of his. I don't know what came over me when I saw him walking towards me but I lost my shit and I felt like my every move was driven by lust. Pure lust. For him Christine... What the hell is wrong with me?" I said and looked out of the window of the small cafe. I felt her fingers embracing mine and I brought my gaze back on her. She was eyeing me worriedly and caressing my hand with her thumb.

"Nothing's wrong with you, baby. Did he offer you a drink or something? Do you recall taking anything from him?" She asked seriously, her excitement to learn about Lucifer, the mystery man that got into my pants, long gone.

"That's the thing! I didn't drink anything after the shots with you guys. It was like his eyes made me high, horny, and clearly, stupid. But it was so good, so sexual, so erotic. His touch was out of this world." I said, closing my eyes and placing my head on top of our hands. "He was so brutally handsome... and you know that I'm a sucker for such men." I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Maybe you were so attracted to him that you didn't wanna let such a good opportunity slip away from you. The fact that you haven't had sex for at least what? Like 8 months... and that you downed half a bottle of tequila in less than 2 hours, obviously didn't help the situation. That's why you couldn't resist him." She said calmly while she kept caressing my hand. She noticed my worried expression and she spoke up again.


"Or maybe he's the Devil and he seduced you with his magical eyes and his devilish looks." She joked to lighten the mood, offering me one of her signature bright smiles.

I giggled at her words and she squeezed my hand one more time, before releasing it to take a sip of her coffee. I took a sip too, thinking of what to say next.

"I fucked the Devil," I said smugly and laughed out loud as she grinned at me.



"So that's what happened with Lucifer. Now you know..." I said after one hour of answering her questions. Of course, I kept a few details to myself, such as the fact that he confessed he could kill me if he wanted to while choking me to death. She would go nuts if she ever knew how he treated me and what he said to me.

"Well, that was one hell of a night, don't you think?" I laughed at yet another pun she made and stood up from my seat, pulling down my skirt.

Since my...lower abdomen still hurt from two nights ago, pants were very difficult to handle.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick, and then we can go back to my place to eat something if you're down," I said as I fixed my gaze on her, waiting for her to reply.

"It's food. I'm always down for food Eli." She spoke up and winked at me.

I smiled at her and turned around to walk to the restroom, looking around to notice that the place was now empty.

"Oh and Eli...Don't fuck a stranger while you're in there, yeah?" She said and I could feel her smirk in her voice, while she spoke. I snorted.

"Go suck a dick, Chris!" I said without stopping, flipping her off as I walked towards the restroom.

After doing my business, I walked to the sink and washed my hands. As I looked up at the mirror, I saw Lucifer right behind me, hovering above me while his eyes stared into mine through the mirror.

I let out a scream and turned around immediately, clutching my heart, my breath caught in my throat.

But no one was there.

I took a deep, shaky breath and turned back around to look at my reflection, checking if he was still behind me.

UGH! Just stop thinking about him, for fuck's sake.

I felt heat rush to my neck and my cheeks as my mind drifted back to him again. I splashed some water on my cheeks, trying to ignore the excitement building up in my core at the thought of seeing him again.

Drying my hands off, with slow movements I moved the neckline of my turtleneck to look at my heavily-covered-with-immense-amounts-of-makeup-but-still-fucking-visible bruises around my neck. I winced at the sight.

I sighed as I could still clearly see the trace of a large handprint around the soft skin of my throat, going back to my nape. I re-adjusted the neckline, covering it all up.

Once I calmed myself down and fixed my clothing, I made my way back to Christine and we collected our things, getting out of the small cafe.




8:53 pm.

"Bye baby, stay safe." Christine kissed me on the cheek, slapping my ass, and exited my house, making her way down the road.

"Text me when you get in the taxi and also when you get home!" I shouted at her and waited for a signal that she heard me. She raised her hand and gave me a thumbs up. I closed the door and walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Christine came over after our talk at the cafe. We cooked pasta, we finished our homework and we watched a Disney movie. A Sunday well-spent.

After washing the dishes, I made my way to the living room to get my phone and saw that Chris texted me that she got into the cab. I sent back a heart emoji and opened Spotify to put on some music. I clicked on the 'Throwback Party' playlist and Will. I. Am. started blaring through the speaker on my phone.

I swayed my hips to the rhythm of 'Scream & Shout' as I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I threw my phone on the bed as I took my turtleneck off, deciding to take a shower.

When we up in the club. All eyes on us. All eyes on us. All eyes on us.

I sang along to the song as I felt the rhythm taking over my body. My boss's bitch mood was on as I danced while taking off my skirt and my tights.

I figured some music would do me good, given my bad psychological state after Friday night. So I just let go and let the music take over.

See the boys in the club. They watching us. They watching us. They watching us.

I walk towards my wardrobe, pretending to be Britney Spears walking into a club, my hips swaying left and right. I opened one of the drawers and picked a simple black thong to wear and one of my dad's oversized band t-shirts that I wear when I'm home.

I wanna scream and shout and let it all out. And scream and shout and let it out.

I turned around, whipping my messy ponytail back and forth to the rhythm, and placed my clothes on my bed, as I unclasped my bra. I picked up my phone and made my way towards the bathroom.

I sang along to the whole song as I took my panties and my socks off, throwing them inside the basket for laundry. I shook my booty, twerking a little and probably looking like an idiot. I dramatically took off the hair tie, whipping my hair back and forth while looking seductively to the mirror.

You are now now rocking with, Will. I. Am. and Britney bitch.

I sang the last line as my brunette hair fell to my shoulders and I combed through it with my fingers. I heard my phone vibrate and peaked at it on the counter.


I sent a quick text back, saying goodnight and I love you, and I placed it back on the counter. I took my necklace off and placed it beside my phone as I took a cotton pad and removed my makeup from my face and neck. As I swiped the pad across my neck, the purple bruises started to show clearly again.

I threw away the cotton pad and looked at my neck, inspecting it. The handprint around my neck was as clear as daylight and the faint hickeys scattered all around my neck and chest area were barely starting to fade away.

He sure likes to bite, My subconscious said.

I sighed as I took another cotton pad, drenched it with makeup remover, and swiped it across my stern, removing all the material. I could faintly hear "TikTok" by Kesha playing in the background, as I stared at my reflection, disgusted by my appearance.

Ignoring all the bad feelings that surfaced, I stepped inside the bathtub and turned on the water. I set the temperature to hot and stepped under the water. The warm water soothed my skin and I massaged the back of my neck as "Toxic" by Britney Spears started playing.

Baby, can't you see, I'm calling. A guy like you should wear a warning.

It's dangerous, I'm falling.

I squirted some shampoo on my hand and I started massaging my scalp, washing my hair while mumbling the lyrics under my breath.

There's no escape, I can't wait. I need a hit. Baby, give me it.

You're dangerous, I'm loving it.

Turning the hot water on again, I washed the shampoo off and grabbed the conditioner. I combed through my hair and then I picked up the shower gel, putting some on my palm.

Too high, can't come down. Losin' my head, spinnin' 'round and 'round.

Do you feel me now?

I rubbed my whole body with the shower gel, cleaning myself up as the song continued.

Oh, the taste of your lips. I'm on a ride.

You're toxic, I'm slippin' under, With a taste of a poison paradise.

I'm addicted to you. Don't you know that you're toxic?

And I love what you do. Don't you know that you're toxic?

I felt up my whole body, my hands roaming over every curve as my mind wandered off to dangerous places. I closed my eyes and Lucifer's beautiful blue orbs popped up in my head. Memories from Friday night came rushing back and I could feel the heat in my core as I recalled his naked body on top of mine.

It's getting late, to give you up.

I took a sip, from my devil's cup.

Slowly, it's taking over me.

I could still feel his hands on my stomach, traveling up to my breasts, groping me hardly. My hands mimicked his actions from when he had his hand curled around my throat as he pounded mercilessly inside me. I winced at the pain as I touched my neck, but my brain didn't allow me to remove my hand.

Too high, can't come down. It's in the air and it's all around.

Do you feel me now?

I turned the water on, the scorching droplets hitting my back, my body burning up. I could feel his hands roaming my body, touching every inch and every curve, memorizing me.

Intoxicate me now, with your lovin' now.

I think I'm ready now. I think I'm ready now.

As the song came to an end, another old hit came up as I stood under the hot water, enjoying the sensation. After a while, I stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towels. I dry myself up, wrapping the navy blue towel around my body and a smaller one around my head. I picked up my phone as "Don't stop the music" by Rihanna started playing and made my way towards the bedroom.

I sat on my bed and threw my phone beside me, unwrapping the towel from my body and placing it on the bed. I stood up, facing the bed as I picked up my panties, putting them on, and doing the same with my shirt.

Suddenly, I felt a hand curling around my neck and I froze. A hot body pressed against my back, and another hand snaked around my waist. I felt a hot breath blowing on my ear, making me shiver.

"That was a nice show, little demon" I heard his angelic voice, whispering seductively in my ear and I shuddered.

"Lucifer," I whispered and I felt butterflies in my stomach as I said his name out loud.

"Missed me?" He chuckled, tightening his grip on my throat and I winced.

"I know you did. I can feel it. Your body is screaming for my touch." He whispered again and landed a soft kiss behind my ear, while his hand caressed the exposed skin of my hips.

He can't possibly be here! He doesn't know where I live and I would see him if he was inside my room. This can't be real!

"You're not real," I said and shut my eyes, hoping he'll go away. I heard him chuckle slightly as his hand gripped my hip and with a jerk of his hand he spun me around, so now I was facing him, the sudden movement causing the towel from my head to fall on the floor. He grabbed my waist and smashed our bodies together, a spark shooting to my core and lighting it up like fireworks. Oh my God...

"No. You're not real. I'm hallucinating again." I breathed out shakily, my voice trembling. I felt his nails digging in my flesh and then he drew them back, leaving me standing in front of him with his hot breath fanning my face. I opened my eyes and see him staring at me, his face so close to mine. He seemed to get angrier by the second as I took in his beautiful features. His eyes turned completely black and I closed mine tightly. "Stop it, Eli!"

My mind is playing tricks on me! How can a hallucination seem so real?

I heard a loud guttural growl in front of me and then I felt a hard blow on my chest. My eyes snapped open as I fell back on the bed, a gasp leaving my lips.

Is this real? It can't be...

He took a step forward and raised his knee, placing it beside me on the bed. In a second, he was hovering above me, his left hand placed by my head, holding him in place. I watched his movements closely, trying to figure out what was happening to me as he leaned down and buried his head on my neck, kissing it softly.

"I did a pretty good job here, don't you think?" He whispered, nuzzling his nose on the purple handprint on my neck, as I felt his hand diving underneath my shirt, his scorching fingers caressing my belly and lighting my body on fire.

"Stop it! Stop invading my mind!" I said a little louder than last time. I felt him smirk against my neck and my head fell back, my eyes closing as his tongue darted out and licked my bruise in a slow, sensational way.

His hand moved up and cupped my right breast as he pushed his groin against mine. I let out a strangled moan as he bit down on my neck and grazed my nipple with his thumb, slightly pinching it making them both hard in milliseconds.

How is this so real? Is he actually here?

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