《Lucifer King》Hazel meets Blue


My head is pounding, my heart is beating rapidly and I feel like I can't breathe.

I shut my eyes to calm myself down and try to catch my breath.

Slow, deep breaths Eli. It's fine.

Breath in, breath out. That's it, you got it girl.

My skin is so hot and I'm sweating like crazy. My back against the cold marble.

I feel something cold dripping down my legs and I freeze.

I refuse to open my eyes. I haven't done this before. I block out all the noises and I can hear my heartbeats so loudly, like a clock, ticking fast. Time was running out.

And then I feel it. Something soft, like a powder sticking to my wet thigh.

I open my eyes and watch what they're doing to me. I saw him leaning on me and I open my mouth letting him place the bitter slice on my teeth.

And then they start chanting.

"SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!" My friends kept shouting at me and Blake, while he licked the salt from my thigh, downed the tequila shot in a second, and leaned down towards my face.

He watched me slowly while licking the remaining salt from his lips and came closer, taking the slice of lemon from my mouth, his lips grazing mine for a millisecond before he backed away, leaving me breathless from our proximity.

He smirked down at me as he offered me a hand to help me stand up from the table that I laid down on. I took his hand and swung my legs off the table, standing up.

I fixed my dress, pulling it down, and then I looked back up to Blake, blushing like crazy. He smirked nastily at me and winked, his eyes glistening from all the alcohol he had consumed. Then he bowed his head down, pushing my hair aside, and a second later I felt his hot breath on my ear.

"We should do that more often, don't you think little one ?" I could feel his smile growing when he whispered to me and I couldn't help but blush harder, if that was even possible.

Blake had always been such a tease and a huge flirt. He can get any girl he wants, but he's still trying to break me.

Not happening, the voice inside my head said.

He backed away and we both turned towards the rest of the crew. They were smirking at us and I noticed that the people at the other tables were all looking our way too, probably because of the previous scene.

I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter by the second, as I pulled on my dress, which was now sticking on my skin like a glove. After a few seconds, or minutes, I don't know how much time passed, some of them looked away. There were a few...men though, that kept throwing glances my way. More specifically, they were burning holes in my butt and my chest.

Some people don't like that kind of attention, and sober me definitely hates it. But drunk me? Drunk me almost craves it.

Thank you Tequila!

I looked at my friends one more time and then plopped down on the little couch on the corner, letting my head fall back. I closed my eyes and tried to relax a bit, as I pushed my hair into one shoulder and massaged my neck slightly.

"My turn!" I heard Christine shout over the loud music, making me open my eyes and see Elliot help her lay on the table. I smiled drunkenly at them, knowing that the both of them would enjoy licking each other body parts, and turned to Blake again.


I have to go to the bathroom. Immediately, I thought as I looked at his pretty face.

My drunk gaze scanned his whole body, drinking in all his 6'0 glory. He noticed me staring as he poured himself another drink, smirked, and started walking towards the couch that I was sitting on.

Damn it, he's hot. The white tight polo shirt perfectly hugged his muscular torso and his toned biceps flexed lightly when he walked. My eyes traveled up to his face; His jawline was so sharp, it could cut an apple.

I should try that someday. I giggled at my own thoughts and snorted.

He placed his drink on the table in front of me and I watched him as he placed his hands on either side of me leaning down to my ear, his hot breath once again making me shiver. I giggled again and squirmed on my seat.

"Like what you see Hatz ?" He said and pulled away to look at my reaction with his smug face.

I snorted again. Of course, I do.

"Of course not, you ugly donkey." I laughed at his face and raised my hand to feel his jawline.

"Mhmm. Of course, you don't." He smiled at me and watched me closely, waiting for my touch.

I traced his jawline softly with my finger, feeling the light stubble, and leaning my head to the right.

"Ouch," I said and brought my finger to my mouth, pretending to suck on my imaginary scratch that his sharp jawline caused.

His pupils dilated as his eyes fell on my lips, and he licked his own, shaking his head at me.

"You're something else, Hatz," He said and stood up, looking down at me with those dark-green eyes of his.

I giggled. Again.

What is up with the giggling Eli? For the love of God, stop drinking so much, My subconscious said to me, scolding me.

Oh, there you go again, always showing up when I'm having fun, I replied to her.

Did I just reply to myself?

I started moving my head to the right and the left until I got dizzy and my head fell on the couch on my right. I stopped moving and looked at the ground, my hair touching the wooden floor. I felt my necklace ride up my neck and it was about to fall off on the ground, but Blake managed to catch it.

"Hey hey stand up. We don't want you throwing up now, do we?" He said softly and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up to a sitting position. He took my purse from the couch, opening it and placing my necklace inside it. He knew the sentimental value this necklace had to me and he also knew that I was in no place to protect it right now.

"Thank you" I mouthed to him, smiling. He winked at me, smiling back.

"I wanna pee" I blurted out, destroying our little moment.

He laughed and grabbed me by the waist, holding me tightly. He set me on my feet, but his hands remained on my waist, his fingers tracing small circles on my hips.

"Want me to go with you? You seem a little drunk" He said, furrowing his eyebrows and studying my face.

Aww, he's worried about you. So cute, my subconscious spoke up with an unamused voice.

"Nah, I'll be fine don't worryyy" I said dragging the words a little. I smiled at him and tugged at his hands, freeing myself from his embrace and making my way through the sweaty, drunk teens and undergrads, towards the restrooms.


At this club, Ambrosia, there is the dancefloor where all of us 'humans' sit, drink, and dance. And then there is Olympus.

Olympus is the VIP section of the club, which is shaped like a balcony, built on top of the bar. Up there is the elite of Thessaloniki and even Athens. The richest people in Greece. From models to businessmen, they all go to Olympus to have a drink and chat with their fellow rich old sports when they visit Thessaloniki. We call them the Gods. The stairs are on the right of the bar and they are guarded by two huge bodyguards. They won't let you pass through even if the place is on fire.

Believe me, I tried passing through once. You can tell that it didn't go well.

As I was passing through the bar, I glanced up at Olympus, trying to spot any unfamiliar faces.

New meat, my subconscious added.

There's Papadopoulos, who owns the BMW dealership in Greece. A whole lot of money. Rumor has it that, if you look closely in his eyes you can see the Euro sign dancing around in there.

Sipping on her champagne beside him, was Bella Ioannou, a famous bikini model. On the other side of the balcony, there were three of the football players alongside their coach and manager, Ivan Savvidis. He owns half of the city. Talking about enormous wealth.

Even drunk, I could spot all the familiar faces of the Gods. As I pushed my way into the dance floor, I continued to scan Olympus, until my eyes fell on a certain man that had his back turned towards me.

Hmm, don't think I have seen him before. Who is he?

His broad, wide shoulders were begging to be released from the tight, expensive black blazer he was wearing. His right arm was resting on the railing of the balcony and his left one was holding a wine glass. His hand moved on the railing and gripped it, his fingers now on the outside of the railing. I watched his fingers flex around the metallic surface, his gold ring shining and winking at me.

I felt something stir inside me, deep into my stomach as I watched his hand grip the metallic bar.

He seemed to be talking to someone but I couldn't see who.

I started twisting my head to the left, curious to see who he is and who he is chatting with.

Curiosity killed the cat Eli, she spoke up again.

You, girl, are out of line today. Shut the hell up! , I reply once again to myself like the lunatic I am.

Suddenly his shoulders tensed up for a second and then they relaxed again. It was so fast and so subtle, that I doubt it even happened.

I told you to stop drinking so much, my subconscious scolded me. Look at you now, imagining things, she added.

Yeah, maybe she's right on that one.

I was still making my way through the crowd, watching his back like a kid watching cartoons in the morning. He seemed so intriguing.

I watched him as he slowly turned his head to the side and my eyes widened. My mouth fell open, forming a little 'o' and I stopped moving.

Oh My God.

Holy shit, my subconscious added, more than socked.

Two strands of his jet black hair had fallen to his forehead, the one reaching his eyes hiding them from me. His perfectly sculptured nose sat above his plump, pinkish lips.

Damn, if Blake's jaw could cut an apple, his jaw could split me in half. His chiseled, perfectly shaven jaw clenched once and I crossed my legs, clenching my thighs, feeling heat rush to my core.

And when I thought that this couldn't get any better, he turned around, fully facing me now and his eyes fell on me like he knew I was staring at him.

My whole world came crashing down on me, as I felt myself falling into an endless void.

My breath was caught inside my lungs, not wanting to come out and I felt like I was being suffocated.

How can someone be this beautiful?

His magnetic blue orbs were shining bright, looking down at me. His thick naturally shaped eyebrows, furrowed together, forming two lines on his forehead. His lips were in a tight line and his jaw was set. His cheekbones were so defined, giving him a natural contour in all the right places.

I felt my whole being catching fire as I scanned his beautiful, but troubled face.

My eyes traveled down his body shamelessly, wanting to see more of this mysterious man. Not giving a damn about him staring at me, I inspected his whole torso. Broad, hard chest with bulging muscles hiding underneath the black button-up shirt and his blazer. Two buttons at the top are undone showing enough skin to bless the rest of my life. I catch a glimpse of gold, shining from his chest. The golden chain was in perfect contrast against his tanned, smooth skin.

My eyes traveled back up to his face and he caught my eyes once again. Hazel meeting blue.

Danger, my subconscious whispers at me, so faintly.

I felt a warm tingling sensation in my stomach and it's like the temperature of the room rose to 50 C degrees. I finally breathed out and it felt like I was spitting fire. My mouth was completely dried up and I felt sweat forming on my forehead. What the hell is happening to me?

I couldn't seem to break eye contact with him and I felt my body getting hotter and hotter by the second. It's like his eyes were burning me from the inside and I couldn't look away for the life of me. His magnificent blue eyes were putting me in a trance and I found myself taking a step forward.

And then another and another, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

And in a second my butt hit the ground and as I closed my eyes from the impact, I felt the cold setting under my skin causing goosebumps on my entire body, the strange warm feeling dissolving.

I snapped out of my trance and looked up to see what happened.

My eyes fell on a cute waiter, looking down at me with a worried expression. I saw his hand stretched out in my direction and I placed mine in his palm. His hands were surprisingly warm, probably because he was running around the club, delivering drinks.

He helped me up and I patted my ass to clean the dust off the fabric of my dress, pulling it back down in the process.

"Euxaristo," I said softly, looking at his face. ( Thank you)

"Eisai kala? Me sigxoreis, den se eida" He replied kindly, examining my face to see if I'm in pain. (Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't see you)

"Nai eimai mia xara, den peirazei." I assured him, smiling softly, and looked around to see where I was. ( Yes I'm fine and it's okay)

"Theleis kati na sou fero? Nero i kanena poto ?" He smiled at me and his cute dimples were revealed. (Would you like me to bring you anything? Maybe water or a drink ?)

"Oxi oxi euxaristo" I said and looked up to Olympus, only to see the same man watching me. I quickly looked away, focusing my gaze on the restrooms and I started speed walking towards them, not caring about the waiter anymore. ( No no thank you)

As I was walking towards the restrooms I felt a little sobered up, but to be honest I was still drunk as hell.



After relieving myself at the women's restroom, I looked at the mirror and fixed myself up a little. I washed my hands and then walked out the door to the small hallway leading to the club's dancefloor.

When I looked up, I saw him walking calmly towards me and I froze in my spot.

Danger, she whispers again, so lightly that I barely heard it.

I should have probably listened to her and gotten back inside the restroom, but I felt myself being pulled unwillingly towards him.

No no no, abort mission, abort mission! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?, I screamed at myself.

I felt myself basically being dragged towards him, with absolutely no power to stop.

Okay, relax! Just walk past him, My subconscious sounded inside my head.

As I was getting closer and closer I realized how huge and tall he was compared to me. His long, strong legs took steady steps towards me, and I could feel the temperature rising dangerously.

Up close, he was terrifyingly handsome. His body looked like it was crafted by God himself, his face sculpted by the angels and his aura assembled by the demons. So mesmerizing and out of this world. He almost looked unhuman.

His electric eyes were watching me like a predator watches his prey and once he caught my eyes, he made me stop dead in my tracks. I seized every movement and stood like a soldier in the middle of the small corridor.

Why did you stop?, the voice inside my head asked me.

I watched him as he stopped a few steps away from me. My eyes were glued to his and I felt the warm sensation entering my body again. His blue eyes showing no emotion at all. His face was as blank as a white canvas.

I don't know..., I replied confused to my conscious, furrowing my eyebrows.

He took a step towards me and somehow I found the strength to take one back, my eyes wide looking at his relaxed ones.

For a moment, he looked taken aback by my action. Like I did something that I couldn't have possibly done. He composed himself quickly, without breaking eye contact, his eyes burning me.

His blue eyes darkened and they almost look navy blue now. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and my core started to heat up like a kettle. My eyes burned from the intensity of our eye contact, my brain felt like it was on fire and I was probably sweating like I just ran a marathon.

Where is all this heat coming from?

As if he was testing something, he cautiously took one more step forward and waited for my reaction.

I felt like my will was suppressed and I couldn't move at all, as I tried my hardest to take a step back and leave. My body started to shake lightly and tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. My breathing was ragged, my mouth slightly open and I could sense my muscles tense and pull at an invisible force that's holding me frozen on my spot.

My head was spinning around and my mind was fuzzy from all the alcohol inside my system.

What is happening to me? Did I drink too much? Am I dying? Am I having a stroke? Is this what death feels like?

So many thoughts and questions were running around in my head, begging to be answered.

He took another step towards me looking satisfied with himself. He was so close I could feel his hot, burning breath on my forehead. He angled his head to the right, looking intrigued by my reaction.

Who is he?

Looking up at him, watching him carefully, I breathed in his spicy cologne, which smelled something pure. At first, it seemed like I smelt the forest, but as the scent settled in my nose, it was pure wood.

He looked at me with an intrigued look in his beautiful blue orbs, and then as if in slow motion, he raised his hand and his long finger slightly caressed my collarbone, barely touching it.

As soon as his finger landed on my skin, I felt an electrifying tingle rushing up in my head and I was overconsumed by an urge to scratch the back of my head.

His touch felt like electricity hitting my body with full force and before I knew it, I pounced on him, grabbing him by the collar and smashing my lips down on his.




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