《The Tutor》Chapter 27


Ever since the exams finished, time flowed faster. It was already middle of spring term and Norah made her way to the final, anticipated match of the season against St Paul's school. She had been to Rafe's games before and knew that they would bring victory home in this match too. Rafe was a talented player, and the rest of the team was equally formidable.

Even though they were no longer pretending they didn't exist, they had been seeing less of each other since the tutoring finished. Ever since his confession, it was harder to go back to the way they were before, to how natural it was to be around each other. Rafe would rarely spend time with her and Benny. Norah acknowledged his clique and from time to time would have a chat with them if Jack wasn't around, but that's as far as she went even though Amber and Luke had been insistent that she goes to parties with them.

There has been no mention of the nature of their relationship since, and Norah wondered if he was over her. Because she wanted Rafe more and more, and it was scaring her. After feeling that distance between herself and Rafe, she yearned to close it. She wondered if she could change back the time to his birthday party, what she would've said differently? Let's give it a shot? I like you too, I've just been too much of a coward to admit it?

She made her way through the crowd to find on a good seat in the stadium. Benny had always joined her to watch the game, but this weekend he left to visit Louis so she had to go out on her own. As she looked for a place to sit, she spotted William sitting with Amy and waved her to come over and patted an empty seat next to him.


"Thanks, I didn't expect this many people," she said breathlessly as she reached them.

"Final match of the season," he said with a wistful smile. She felt sorry for William, who would give anything to be out there on the field. Before Rafe, he had been the captain of the football team for three years. He should've been out there too.

Their boys came out in a crisp white uniforms with blue stripes on the sleeves and the school's logo on their chest. By the end of the match the shirts would be dirty with mud and sweat and Norah tried her best to resist the urge to tear them off and soak them in warm water with washing powder.

She spotted Rafe coming into the field laughing about something with his mates. Norah couldn't but think how smouldering he looked, his hair messy, his lopsided smile magnetic. His walk languid, but determined. He looked at the admiring crowd that went crazy for him and wondered if he was looking for her. After a couple of minutes their eyes met and she gave him a small wave. He shoved his hands into his pockets and sent her a quick wink.

The whistle blew, and the players spread around the field.

Norah followed Rafe's every movement. It amazed her how much stamina he had. Running, manoeuvring, tackling. She'd get scared every time someone crashed in to him or he hit the ground, with William's bruises and his leg in a cast fresh in her mind. But always, he'd be up effortlessly and brush himself off. He'd shout a few swear words in Italian or grin wolfishly whenever they had the advantage or a goal.

She couldn't concentrate on the game for long. Her thoughts went back to the one thing that has been in her mind since they finished the mocks. The entry results. She only had eyes for the London School of Law and Rafe had his eyes on LBU. She didn't want to jinks herself by being so sure of herself, but she had little doubt that the letter of acceptance was waiting for her somewhere. She was made for this university. She had dedicated two years of her life to get in. But Rafe?


Would he get declined? Get a conditional offer? She wondered if Rafe's famous, and powerful last name and their wealth would entice the university. Or if they read all those tabloids that paint Rafe terribly and will want nothing to do with him.

"A penny for your thoughts? You will rip the sleeves off of your shirt," William said, looking down at Norah's hands that had been twisting and tugging at her sleeves.

She let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm just thinking about the universities. We should get acceptance letters tomorrow and I'm just sick to my stomach wondering. I don't think I will sleep tonight."

William quirked an eyebrow. "Norah, I don't think you have anything to worry about. If you don't get into LSL, then god help the rest of us," he said.

"I- well, yeah I guess," she muttered looking over at Rafe who's been arguing with the ref.

"Oh. It's not yourself you're worried about are you?"

She gave William a timid smile. "I just don't want to let him down. He's worked so hard..."

After a moment, he leaned close to her ear. "I'm not supposed to do this but... you're a friend."

"Do what?" She whispered back, leaning back. It also warmed her to think he called her a friend. Before the start of school, they barely said hi to each other.

"The acceptance letters are already here. I'm helping Mr Atkins sort them out. I have access to his office. Want to stop torturing yourself?"

She looked at him with wide eyes. Of course. The school's Head Boy would be the headmasters assistant and have all the information. Why didn't she think of that before?

She grabbed Will's hand. "Really? You'd do that? Won't we get in trouble?"

"We'll be in a lot of trouble if we get caught. But we'll be quick. Whilst the game is on, there's no one in school. They're all here," he said and gestured at the line of teachers sitting in the front lines cheering on the team.

Norah's heart quickened with excitement. She hated breaking rules and would never consider something as outrageous as sneaking into the headmaster's office, but she would be out of this school soon and she wanted to be the first to deliver Rafe the news, no matter what they were.

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