《Error 69》𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟑𝟎


I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt something under me move.


I ignored it and tried falling back asleep but that chance was quickly removed when I heard mumbling outside the room.

"Why can't we go inside?!" Said a guy's voice who I recognized as Leo's.

"It's fucking locked." Kai responded evidently irritated. "We have some papers inside there and we them." He announced.

I groaned as I opened my eyes as rubbed them. I blinked a few times getting away the blurriness but I was still met with black.

Am I blind?

I moved my hand to the surface beneath me as I started rubbing it, trying to figure out why I can't see and where I was. The surface was smooth but it had some bumps. I hesitated before touching the surface again and that was when I fucking heard it.

A fucking deep tired moan.

Kill me now.

I screamed as I tried getting out of where I was but there was something behind my head keeping me in place. Suddenly the body below me jerked up making me slightly jump and come crashing down below.

"Ow.Ow." I chanted as I felt my hair get stuck on something. Suddenly was head was yanked back as I let out a small wince but my head was still trapped in what seemed a cloth?

"What the—Athena?" He groaned making my body freeze.

"Valentino?!" I yelled surprise.

"Fuck, stay still." He huskily said as I felt him grab the top of my hair and pull my head out of his shirt, my head popped out the shirt's neck hole as I gulped down the gasp the was threatening to escape.

Lord please help me. Holy fuck.

I was currently straddling Valentino Romero de fucking Hernandez. The shirt's neck hole was stretched to the point where both of our heads fit but not far enough where we could have at least some space. His eyes stared right into mine as our nose's touched, if we slightly moved forward our lips would touch.

Too close, way to fucking close.

My breath hitched in my throat when his lips turned into a mischievous smirk, "Now, tell me, why you were under my shirt?"

He slightly shifted back into the wall and it was now I noticed that my breast were pressed against his chest and that his abs were against my stomach and that my pelvis was against his.

My poor ovaries.

I felt exposed and vulnerable with his stare. "I swear, this was an accident. I'll jus—" I paused as I shifted my legs trying to get off him but as soon as I did I froze when he let out a small gasp soon coming with a breathless groan.

It was like my heart stopped in that moment. I closed my eyes as my face became adorned with the color red.

"Oh." I said trying to calm my heavy breathing. I opened my eyes and gulped when his grey eyes were shut tight as his jaw was clenched together.


"Athena, get the fuck off me or so help me, I will fuck you right here and now." He growled as his hands clenched by his side. Meanwhile, I was with wide eyes and a opened jaw.

I didn't even answer back to what he said. I quickly tried getting out from under his shirt but the neck line was to tight as it burned on the back of my neck.

I tried shifting again but he winced again, "Shit, shit. I can't! I'm fucking stuck."

My eyes were becoming teary by all my shifting, leading me to accidentally grinding on him and the feeling was just to much as I swallowed all my whines. My skin felt like it was a thousand degrees as pleasure pooled in-between my legs. Luckily, I was good at hiding it.

He slowly stood up taking me with him as I hanged on the point of my feet. "We need to cut the shirt, can you try to walk with me?" He didn't let me respond as he already started walking.

I took a deep breath as I followed his steps as he got closer to the office desk where a pair of scissors were laying. Just as we were about to arrive, my legs tangled with his and I tripped. I quickly grabbed his back with my hands as my nails dug into his skin trying not to fall.

He hissed and arched his back as we both fell onto the desk. His body fell in between my legs as his bulge crashed onto mine. My eyes closed as my mouth opened as a moan bubbled in my throat.

Valentino was quick with his movements as his hand came crashing down to my mouth as he muffled it just as footsteps approached the door.

"Stay quiet." He aggressively whispered. I kept my eyes shut as my chest heaved up and down each time touching his. I nodded and he slowly removed his hand from my mouth making sure I was following his words.

I couldn't wrap my head about how I just moaned and Valentino was the cause of it. This whole thing was embarrassing.

I huffed out air as my throat suddenly became dry. Valentino shifted as he grabbed the pair of scissors and begun cutting the shirt. As soon as the shirt tore between us, he took some steps back staring at my sweated body. Sweat glistened on my chest, his chest and abs could be seen now that his shirt was ripped apart. His black jeans hung dangerously low on his hips as his V-line could be seen.

One of my black bra straps were hanging off my shoulder and I tiredly lifted it up as his eyes followed my movements.

A large shadow could be seen from his black jeans and I averted my gaze already knowing what it was.

Suddenly voices were heard outside the door, "That's weird? Well, here's the key. Maybe, Athena locked it when she left the office last night." Amber's voice entered both of our ears.

I didn't leave.


My eyes widened when the lock clicked and the door opened revealing five people standing there.

All of them entered the room talking but quickly halted there steps when they saw the state me and Valentino were in.

Amber's mouth dropped open while both, Kai and Leo suddenly smirked knowingly. Two guards stood there with guns in there hands as they both looked between me and Valentino with a raised eyebrow.

Kai clicked his tongue as he shrugged, "Well, I guess now we know why the door was locked."

"Wait! No, I swear it isn't what it looks like!" I panicked shaking my hands in front of me.

Leo playfully scoffed and he rolled his eyes, "Pff yeah right, have you taken a look at yourselfs? Athena your hair is a mess and your makeup is smudged and your without a shirt!" He paused taking a look at Valentino.

Valentino glanced at me knowing my makeup was smudged by my panic attack last night but he stayed quiet not revealing anything, and I was glad. I didn't want anyone knowing I was crying,

"Damn, y'all are a mess. Valentino you're jeans are so low too! Oh and what is that? Hmmm?" Leo paused getting closer as he inspected the scratches on his back. "Well from my inspections, it looks like they did it rough, extremely may I add."

I stared at Leo with an unbelievable expression, I shook my head as I hopped off the desk and walked towards Valentino. His eyes held amusement as he held back a small smile from showing.

He's enjoying my humiliation.

"When I said get along, I didn't mean have sex but yeah...I guess that works too." Amber paused shaking her head with a smile on her lips, "Whatever works for you two."

I groaned as I hid my face with my hands, Valentino chuckled beside me as he started speaking.

"Mom we didn't have sex. You know I take that serious." He said as he started picking up the ripped parts of his shirt from the ground, "I'll throw this in the trash." He mumbled as he started walking out.

All of them followed him, Leo grabbed my arm pulling me alongside with them. Valentino turned around and stared at his mom and both of his friends. "What?" He questioned getting annoyed.

"Erm...we actually needed you too right now, mission stuff." Leo answered shaking his head taking some of his blonde hair out the way.

"Actually I'll be busy right now." I said alongside with Valentino at the same time. My head snapped to him as I raised a eyebrow.

"You're gonna be busy?" He questioned looking at me with narrowed eyes.

I pressed my lips together as I stared at him, "Yeah I am, I'm guessing you too?" I answered trailing a hand down my hair.

"Yeah..." He trailed off rubbing the back of his neck.

We're both acting so weird.

I coughed as I averted my gaze away from him to find the others staring at us with raised eyebrows.

"What are you both going to be doing?" Kai pressed, fidgeting with the door key in his hand.

"Oh, um stuff."


I bit my cheek as I turned to stare at Valentino to find him already looking at me with a smirk.

Well, both can play at this game.

I returned the smirk as I looked right at his Jean covered dick and raised an eyebrow just I lifted my gaze to his eyes.

His smirk grew as he put his hand on his covered thigh and he slyly started drawing slow circles with his middle finger and the one next to it. My smirk dropped and it was replaced with a snarl as I crossed my arms over my chest.

All of them both stared at us and amber started speaking, "Well then, go do your stuff." She paused swatting me and Valentino away, "Also, in about when are you guys ready to work on the mission?"

"In an hour." Valentino answered and he turned to look at me, "Is an hour enough for you?" He cockily asked raising a eyebrow and I don't know if it was just me but I totally heard some type of seduction in that sentence.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course it is, is it for you though?"

At this point all of them were giving us weird glances not knowing the double meaning me and Valentino had going on.

"You know what? Mama actually give us both 15 minutes." He declared, I was about to protest but Amber cut me off.

"Well that's better, we can't lose time. Now go." She said before walking away with the rest of them leaving me and Valentino standing in the hall.

"If I were you, I would start now. Wouldn't want you squirming in the meeting, wouldn't we?" He mocked slowly as he started walking to the other end of the hallway.

I rolled my eyes as I turned around walking the other way as I stuck my middle finger up in the air, "Fuck off."

He started chuckling, "About to do that."

"I don't doubt it, I'm surprised Kai didn't catch on, on what you were going to be busy with."

He scoffed, "While your at it, keep it low. Wouldn't want everyone hearing my name escaping those lips."

"What makes you think I'll do that?" I growled as I opened my door ready to go inside.

I could already see the the cocky grin he had, "Could be the fact that your pressing your thighs together or the fact that you're crossing your hands over your chest because you don't want me to see your hard nipples."

I clenched my jaw as I entered the room, the one Amber gave me, slamming the door. I jumped on the bed as I closed my eyes annoyed but then I heard his voice again down the hall.

"10 minutes left, darling"

I groaned grabbing a pillow and putting it on top of my head.


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