《Error 69》𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟖


We both hit the water hard, the air was knocked out of my lungs by it hitting my back like a wrecking ball. I tried to move my legs but both of them felt numb. It could've been Valentino ramming his motorcycle onto my leg or the force of the water.

All that was important right now is that I couldn't move my legs and I was running out of air.

I couldn't feel Valentino's arm around me and I immediately spun around in the water trying to find him. My eyes widened as I found his body starting to sink, my lungs were starting to burn but I didn't care. Bubbles were starting to escape his nose making me panic.

I moved my legs fighting the pain I felt as I quickly swam down grabbing his arm and using all my strength to bring us both to the surface. His hair was all over the place but with even bruises painting his face and skin, he still looked gorgeous.

My hands were shaking by the shock of everything that has happened in the last 30 seconds. I pulled him upward and wrapped an arm around his waist as we neared the surface. The moonlight was shining brightly through the night and its light hit my eyes and I narrowed them.

I felt like I was going to pass out by the throbbing of my lungs with the need for oxygen. My head finally came out of the water and I gasped taking all the air I could and as I let it out I started coughing violently as I held my chest with my hand that wasn't holding Valentino.

I swam out of the water and I quickly layed Valentino down on the wet, green grass. His chest was still heaving up and down thankfully and all I needed to do was get him to wake up.

"Valentino?" I said leaning down, narrowing my eyes seeing his nose started to bleed again. The blood was running down his chin and to the side. I cringed and I grabbed some water with my palms and sprayed water on his nose. His face was adorned with bruises but nevertheless, he still looked good.

He made no reaction, I leaned down to his ear and I started yelling, "Valentino!"

He didn't even flinch or move, I pressed my lips together getting worried. I brought my hand up and I smacked it down hard on his cheek, closing my eyes doing so.

His body jolted upwards, and he immediately started coughing desperately. He grabbed his throat with one hand, while the other was holding his cheek. He opened his eyes and his eyes met mine in a deadly glare making me slightly smirk.

"What?" I said pressing my lips and averting my gaze trying not to laugh.

"What?" He mocked in a high-pitched tone, "The fuck is wrong with you, woman?"

I breathed out a sigh rolling my eyes. "A lot of things, to be honest, I have traum-" I started, rating my hands to my hair taming it.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes and his mouth in a thin line. Seeing his expression I stopped joking around, "Okay okay, no need to get mad." At this his jaw tightened, "Uh you weren't waking up and I slapped you...?"

He didn't respond and he stood up starting to walk God knows where. I quickly stood up following him, "Where are you going?"

He ran a hand down his hair still starting ahead, "Chiudi la bocca"


I walked beside him as a quizzed expression came upon me, "What?"

He was taking long strides with his 6'6 frame. His black shirt was wet and clung to his body showing the shadow of his muscular abdomen and his chest. My eyes trailed down to his abs and I could of sworn my mouth started watering.

I looked up as he responded with annoyance, "Shut you're mouth."

I pressed my lips together, "Oh..." I clasped my hands together. "You know...this is all your fault." At this point, I had stopped walking mainly because I was exhausted and secondly, the air smelt of smoke and burnt making it harder for me to breathe.

His body kept on walking ignoring me but he still responded, "My fault? Care to elaborate?" His voice sounded pissed off.

"Yes! You're fault you big shit!" I yelled clenching my fist at my sides. I started walking up to him nevertheless still staying behind him wanting to kick his ass out of this world.

"You still haven't elaborated how." He said riling me up. We had walked up to the bridge, the streets were empty, nobody insight. The only thing we could hear was the river running down below us.

I groaned kicking a pedal with my soaked combat boots towards him. The pebble hit him right in the legs but he still kept on walking ignoring me. "Fuck...you." I breathed out tired. I didn't have more energy, I was sore, bruised up, tired and pissed off at the cockiest, arrogant and gorgeous man on earth. "I swear when I have the chance to kill you, I will." I growled staring daggers to his back.

He let out a chuckle, "Amore, even if you tried. We both know you wouldn't succeed."

His words hit me right were he wanted and I found myself screaming angry. Can you blame me though?

"I was doing..." I paused bending over and putting my hands over my knees breathless. His steps continued ignoring my yelling.

"I was doing perfectly fucking fine," I said standing up and kicking another rock towards him but the rock went flying sideways, avoiding him completely.

"In New York," I yelled walking again even though my thighs begged me not too. He wasn't even responding to me.

"But YOU!" I paused catching my breath, I continued walking but now with every pebble I found, I kicked it to him. He stopped walking with his back towards me hearing my tantrum was rising.

"YOU fucking kidnapped me and ruined my LIFE!" I yelled panting, my torso was shivering. With only my bra on, I could feel every single little wind that came and went. My chest started panting and I froze when I felt the coldness of metal.

A mischievous grin formed on my lips as I dipped my hand towards my bra feeling the handle of the small knives. I had forgotten. I raised my hand and with all the strength I had left, I threw it towards him hoping for it to strike him right in the chest.

In the last second he turned around unfazed and caught the knife in his palm while his grey eyes stared into my green ones already expecting this to happen.

My heart thumpered in my chest, feeling all the anger bubble inside me. Clawing my insides just wishing to his dead body laying on the ground. I wish I could take back everything I did and just return to my what so normal life, I would still be going go college hoping to actually have a successful future, but now everything felt so unreal.


He was ruining everything, he was ruining me. I would do anything to be back to myself, to my no socializing with anyone and just staying focused on myself but he just entered my life and made me focused on a whole mafia and him. He flipped my world upside down, with constant death situations around the corner and constant intrusive thoughts of him.

His words and actions testing me every damn day. One minute he's making me feel happy and so...so alive. Then I just want to plunge my dagger into his throat seeing the life vanish from his eyes, he makes me feel like myself but at the same time this isn't the same girl I've grown to known.

He was overcoming my body piece by piece. My mind and body craves him and it's driving me insane. I've even noticed small details about him, how he speaks what's on mind. How he always runs his hand through his hair when he's mad at me. How he's stubborn in the smallest and ridiculous arguments because he needs to win. How he cares for people but doesn't show it. How he clenches his fist when he wants to violently tear that person apart. How he genuinely smiles for minimal acts of care. How he's scared to let people in...

I've worked every fucking day in my life since I was left alone when I was seven. Working to be a known hacker and just when I was about to succeed and make my dad happy. He has to enter and ruin everything, making me come back to the shadows. When deciding to become hacker, I was sure I was going to work for the FBI but look at me now...hacking for the mafia and killing some members of the FBI. He fucked my life in every way possible.

What about when I leave this sick place? I'll probably get recognized and have to run from place to place in order to stay alive. When I get a real job? I'll probably be blackmailed. Every income just has a bad ending for me.

"Don't you get it? You were born into this life." He growled walking up to me and as soon he was right in front of me, he dropped the knife to the ground.

I scoffed clenching my hands into fist as my nails dug into my palms leaving crescent marks. "No I wasn't. You brought it to me! You dragged me into this!" Fury was running down my veins in a way I felt I was going to explode.

He scoffed and let out a not so genuine chuckle that made a shiver run down my spine. "Don't blame me, blame your parents." He yelled back, his voice raspy and deep. His eyes were swirling with a dangerous emotion.

At the mention of my parents, my hand raised up and threw a punch to his face. He easily dodged it and he threw himself to me. I stumbled backwards as he turned me around and he easily pinned my hands on my back. He pushed me onto the slightly broken barricade of the small bridge, by the force a piece of broken cement fell onto the river.

I groaned trying to release myself but his hold was way to tight. "I hate you so much." I sneered, his hold on me slightly tightened as I ground my teeth together fighting the pain.

His head lowered right towards my ear, "The feelings mutual." He roughly whispered as he roughly released me making me almost fall to the river again.

I turned around clenching my jaw, "Are you done yelling?" He questioned tightening his jaw as crossing his hands over his chest raising an eyebrow. He took steps back keeping the distance between us, still mad.

"You stupid, cock sucking bitch." I sneered.

I wish someone would come to pick us up.

As if on cue, an engine purred and soon a pink Porsche came to view. I let out a breath of relief as Victoria parked in front of us. She let down her window as she stared at both of us seeing the distance between us, probably wondering why we're so far.

As soon as her eyes landed on Valentino she broke into a fit of mockery chuckles. "You know, if I were you I would stay in this river. Mom was fuming and when I say fuming I mean fuming. The last time I saw her like that was when I blew up a whole shipment by accident and that was 5 years ago." She said adding a soft chuckle at the end, "Ahh, good memories."

She turned to look at me with a pity smile, "Mom is angry at you too...I mean, she's not your mom but she was screaming about how Valentino could put a woman in a situación like this."

My face remained the same, not a single sign of amusement. "Woah...did something happen?" She asked pulling down her sunglasses to her nose bridge and staring at both of us.

I sighed and jumped off the barricades and I walked towards the car getting inside. Valentino did the same as he hopped in the back with me. Victoria must've felt the tension as she started the car immediately and didn't say a single word.

The car ride was slightly long and it was filled with the tension between my anger and Valentino's anger. Every once in a while I would see Victoria take glances at us in the rear mirror.

We started arriving to this huge resident, there were cameras everywhere and the security walls were trailed up with green, healthy vines. There was a huge house that was mostly made out of glass that peaked up through he walls. We got to these big gates that were very detailed and well made as it had some gold flowers. Seeing Victoria's car they opened the gates and we were met with a cement path that leaded up to the main house. The rest was well kept grass that had fountains everywhere. Security men were standing everywhere.

"Welcome home, ma'am." The guard whispered and Victoria sent a smile his way with a small nod.

"So...um we're here." Victoria's voice entered our ears as she turned off the car. Victoria got out quickly leaving the car keys inside the car. I pressed my lips together as I was left alone with Valentino. I opened the door and got out not wanting to be a second more with him. I closed it behind me as I walked the trail up with security men lined up throughout the path. Droplets of my wet hair fell on the ground leaving a trail behind.

The mansion looked like it had more security than the fucking White House, and that's saying a lot.

I clenched my jaw as I felt their roaming eyes trail across my naked torso. I heard Valentino's steps behind me as I walked up the front stairs. Guards opened the 15ft translucent black glass door. I walked inside and I was immediately welcomed with a lot of voices from mem and women. The house looked alive even though it was incredibly late. There were some fancy couches on my right with men from different ages scattered across it, all of them looked young though.

As soon as I walked passed them, their voices died down. I rolled my eyes knowing what was about to come. I walked towards the kitchen island and sat down on one of the chairs. There was a medkit laying on it and I grabbed it starting to tend my wounds. I touched my neck where the bullet had grazed me and I hissed clenching my jaw and shutting my eyes.

I grabbed cotton and started pouring alcohol on it but I stopped midway when I felt several eyes on me. I rose my head and I narrowed my eyes turning to the see the same men that were on the couch staring at me. At my breast specifically, if we're pointing out details.

I was about to make a comment but one of them beat me to it as he walked towards me. "And you might be?" He said purring. I hid my disgust and kept my lips in a straight line.

"Athena. Athena Castillo, not so nice to meet you." I bluntly said returning back to my wounds.

He pushed away my med kit making a snarl form on my face. "How about you take care of that later, hm?" He suggested putting a hand on my shoulder and I clenched my fist.

"How about you get the fuck off me, hm?" I hissed making my anger known, the anger from before still hasn't calmed down and now he was just adding fuel to the fire.

Even if he noticed my anger, he didn't acknowledge it. "That's no way to you're superiors..." He teased with slight anger in his voice. His hand trailed down my arm heading towards my chest.

"Erm, Cole-" Some guy from the back commented but was cut by whose name is Cole.

"Shut it and let me teach this whore some manners." He said and as soon as his arm touched my collarbone, I grabbed his blonde hair and slammed his face onto my knee. He hissed as his nose started bleeding, blood started dripping on the floor. He stumbled backwards holding his nose as he looked at me with a deadly gaze.

Gasps sounded behind him but I had my eyes on him.

I learned forward grabbing his jaw tight with my hand, "How about I teach you some manners." I growled. "Thats no way to treat a lady, is it? So how about you get out my sight before I chop your dick off." I hissed standing up.

The blood ran down towards his mouth and he smiled, blood getting on his teeth. Oh God, that's disgusting.

"I'd like to see you try." He continued. Guys just don't know when to stop, do they?

I smiled sweetly as I grabbed the medkit and grabbed the pair of scissors inside it. Just when I was about to plunge it inside him, a voice resonated at the entrance.

"How about you let me try?" Valentino growled standing in front of the glass doors with clenched fists and a tight jaw.

Cole turned around and visibly paled when he saw him standing there. "Erm, Vale- I mean sir."

Valentino's eyes noticeably darkened by the mention of his name by a low like him. "Athena, give me the scissors." He demanded walking up to us.

"Wait sir. Wait! She tried to get on me and I doing the right thing tried to stop her."

I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, "You know, liars get their pants on fire." I paused leaning towards him, "How about someone goes get me some gasoline..." I trailed of with a sick grin.

He started stuttering out some excuses again but I ignored him feeling Valentino wrap his hand around my arm. "Give me the scissors." He slowly said making sure I understood every word.

"Thanks for the help but I don't need it." I sneered staring right at him. Gasps resonated all over the room and the maids that were walking by stopped and turned to look at me wondering why I, a random girl, was talking to their 'boss' in this way.

He clenched his jaw as he pulled out his gun and pressed it against my temple but I did the same instead with the pointed scissors at his neck.

He japped the gun and my head and I pressed the scissors deeper as a drop of blood leaked down his neck. Valentino turned to Cole, "Get the fuck out of here and if I here anything from you getting close to Athena again, be sure to dig your own grave." He growled, Cole quickly scattered away holding his nose.

My pressure towards his neck loosened by what he said. He noticed and he jabbed my hand away, the scissor flew towards the other side of the room as heads ducked avoiding it. The scissor plunged itself onto a wall. I sighed and took a few steps back from him as he dropped the gun to the floor.

"Do any of you know what happened to Cole? He was ble- Oh my God! What the hell!?" Amber screamed entering the room.

We both turned our heads towards her as she scanned both of us with wide eyes. "What the- Valentino what happened to your face!? And Athena your neck and chest is all bruised!" She paused, "Wait, why are you without a shirt?! Have you gone insane, Tesoro?!" She exclaimed putting a hand on her hip.

"I needed it for mission rea-" I started but she hushed me up.

"No excuses, you're in a house full of men! Surprised my son hasn't took a glance." She explained narrowing her at her son. "No wonder every man in this house was staring at you!" She yelled her Italian accent sticking out.

Valentino visibly stiffened and I pressed my lips together embarrassed to being scolded. "Now, tell me what happened. Victoria bolted out the car and inside the house and told me you two were visibly angry. What happened?"

"We just had a small disagreement that's all." I whispered looking down.

"Huh, oh really? Is a small disagreement Valentino pointing his gun at you while you're with a scissor?" She scolded.

"Umm...yeah?" Valentino muttered shrugging. He sighed, "Look mom, it's just small fights, okay? You've seen worse." He said defeated.

She took a glance at Valentino, "From now on, you'll both stay in the main house even for the mission. No need for safe houses or that bullshit."

Amber stared at my bruises, "Now, what happened to Cole?" She muttered pressing her finger in my neck and I hissed.

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