《Error 69》𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟕


Valentino floored the pedal, his Bugatti hit the second gate making a screech sound as he made a violent turn toward the park roads.

The roads were flooded with hordes of Russian members. They were attentive yelling Russian curse words every second, all of them had their rifles out and ready to fire at our car. The bullets rained to the car making a 'clang' sound every time it hit the black metal.

The bullets bounced from the bullet proof glass but every bullet caused a bit of an indent making me think this glass didn't last to much.

We got closer to the crowd making me furrow my eyebrows as I turned to look at Valentino with a quizzed look. "What are you exactly planning to do?" I asked gripping the sides of my leather seat.

"Erm...hold on. The way might get bumpy." He said smirking and then without warning he pressed on the brakes and jerked the steering wheel to the side. He made the car perfectly drift to the crowd of Russian members. The car spun in circles as some bodies went on the roof of the car, others were being crushed by the wheels.

In the moment my body almost went to the side and hit the door but a arm crossed over my chest quickly and acted as a second seatbelt making my body stay still. The car was shaking and jerking side to side as Valentino ran over about 100 men.

Valentino straightened as he speeded the car making the engine purr. When the wheels turned over the bodies I could of swore I saw squirts of blood escaping underneath the car through the rear view mirror.

I shook my head trying to shake away the blurriness I had in my sight. I focused on the mirror and behind us I saw Victoria's pink Porsche quickly escape through the gates with Leo's yellow G-wagon behind them, they went the other direction where the FBI was.

Some of the FBI members looked our way and then where Victoria and the others were headed as they decided which direction to go. They quickly got inside their black suvs, mainly all of them followed the path Victoria was headed but 30 SUVs decided to head our way.

He took another sharp turn and soon we were on the freeway with around 70 Russian and 30 FBI cars following us.

Valentino look at the rear mirror and his eyes darted to every car. He sighed and he pressed the pedal, the car sped as he made zig zags through every car in our way.

The others were passing through the cars, real quick and they were gaining on us.

"The FBI's are catching up to us, we have to get rid of them first." I said grabbing an assault rifle and loading it.

"Whatever you think." He said as swerved a car to the right crashing to a FBI Escalades, the metal spikes penetrated the Escalades wheel making it swerve several times before it went and hit the other cars, exploding on impact.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, opening the passenger side window. I stuck out my body and quickly aimed at the other FBI SUV's. I shot out the front tires of it and it went crashing to the the freeway's edge braking the pavement and the car slid down to a deep ditch.

I clenched my jaw, as I stared at the other cars. I pressed the trigger as other bullets came out hitting the wheels, cars swerved and exploded.

"Where did you learn all of this?" Valentino questioned making me paused and raise my head from the gun, I turned to look at him and he looked at me for a split second before he turned his eyes back to the road.


"My mom taught me at a young age." I responded looking at him.

"What did she do? Like you know, her work?" He said with uneasiness still staring ahead.

I pressed my lips together, "Not sure, but considering how she was always gone and knew how to manage every weapon. She might've been an assassin." I muttered.

His eyebrows raised up, "Did she work for a certain mafia? Or did she work on her own?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's with all the questions?" I said with a bit of harshness in my tone, I didn't mean to sound rude but now is not the time to talk about this.

He turned to look at me for a split second, "No reason, just wondering."

I bit my lip not convinced but I didn't urge him. Suddenly my eyes widened when a backs SUV pulled up on Valentino's side and they started to roll down their windows.

"Fuck." I cursed out as I felt a bullet graze my neck and It crashed against the right side mirror, I quickly got inside and pressed my hand against my neck as I felt a trickle of blood go down my neck and to my cleavage.

I ignored the slight sharpness I felt and I quickly climbed over the center console and I weirdly straddled Valentino's lap as he made a noise of protest. I rolled down his window and I quickly shot two bullets hitting both of them in the skull.

The driver's head went forward and hit the horn and the car swerved while it was honking. If I could laugh in this situation then I would've been rolling on the floor.

"Woa-" I began but I was quickly cut out with a 'oof' that escaped my throat. Valentino grunted as we hit a speed bump and since we were going at full speed the car bounced making me go up in the air and come crashing down against his pelvis.

I let out a breathless whimper as his hips bucked upwards. He let out a groan as my hands quickly came up and held to the sides of his seat. His head rose up and he rested his chin against my shoulder trying to see.

I quickly realized how we're positioned and I quickly lifted myself up and threw myself on my seat. I lowered the mirror that was stuck to the car roof and I checked my face. My cheeks were a bright red and some blood was still trickling down to my breast. I checked my lips and saw that some drop a blood was accommodating and I removed it with the back of my hand but that only made it spread against my cheek.

I shook my head and turned to look at Valentino who was already looking at me with a malicious smirk.

"Shut it." I groaned covering my face.

He let out a chuckle, "I'm not even talking, amore."

I groaned resting my head against the seat, "Don't flatter yourself."

"I should be saying that to you."

I smirked looking down at his pants, "Oh yeah? Then what's that trying to escape your pants, huh?"

He bit his lips containing a smile, "What's that stream coming from your panties?"

"I-what? You're not even looking at me." I exclaimed bright red. This is not the time to be getting horny.

"Don't need to see to know, amore." He said as he went out the freeway and onto a two way street, I grabbed a sniper and I opened the window from above, the harsh rain entered inside wetting the interior of the car. I slightly let out my head as I aimed and landed headshot's on 10 FBI driver's. Those ten cars swerved and exploded blocking the path completely as It went up in flames.


We had 8 FBI's left and with the Russian's that were left behind, there were 20 Russians left.

"Fuck you." I growled dropping my head as bullets rained above the car. I aimed again and landed a shot on another driver. The blood splattered against the window and the normal civilian who was a woman turned her head to look at the car and her eyes almost bulge out of her head as she let out a scream as her car begun swerving.

"But that's what you want, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed and then I felt his hand trail up my thigh. I looked down and begun questioning, "What are you do-?"

He suddenly pulled me by my thigh inside the car. I looked up to the front, seeing their we're Russian members with their weapons in several lines waiting for us. I groaned exhausted.

I yelped when I felt a tight squeeze on my thigh, "Take the wheel, okay?"

I turned to look at him as I slapped his hand away, he retracted his hand with a smirk as I scoffed, "What do you expect me to do? Drift my way out of here?"

He bit his lip as he clenched his jaw and he explained quickly, "They have motorcycle over there, I'll jump out the car roof onto the motorcycle."

"Are you fucking insane?" I screamed as I looked at his side profile, "Were going at full speed and you think jumping off a car and onto a motorcycle will get you out alive?!" I yelled as I grabbed a hand gun and quickly took out another FBI.

7 to go.

"Ive done it before, when you reach the crowd put a heavy gun on top of the pedal and jump out onto a motorcycle, capisci?"

He didn't even let me answer and he quickly got a shotgun and loaded it with bullets. I quickly leaned over and the car started swerving a bit. I took ahold of it and but since nobody was pressing against the pedal, the car started to slow down. They started to gain on us again and they took this time to rain the car in bullets from the back.

I jumped from my seat to the drivers and Valentino switched to mine.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I chanted as we got closer. The rain was soaking my back and my bra was getting carved to my skin. Valentino poked his head from the upper window but as soon as he did bullets fled from above again. "How the fuck do you expect to go on the car roof without getting shot?"

He scoffed pointing at me with the gun, "You'll prevent that."


"Just swerve the car side to side, that'll make it harder for them."

I looked at him bewildered, "You do know the car roof is wet, right? You'll slide off."

He ran a hand through his hair and I quickly averted my eyes back to the road frustrated. "Just trust me on this one, okay?" He said frustrated just as me, his Italian accent came out on this.

I didn't respond and he took that as a yes because then I heard a clang on the roof meaning he's on the top. I started swerving the car side to side trying to not make the turns to sharp or he'll fall off.

We got closer to the crowd and then I heard Valentino's bullet go off, I heard yells of pain and I quickly opened the window. I leaned down trying to grab the duffel bag and look for the knives. I look up every second making sure I wasn't about to crash. I got ahold of a medium-sized knife and I looked ahead, seeing that their we're 4 motorcycles, not available though. Each motorcycle had a person on it.

I carefully poked my head out aiming and I quickly retracted it as with all my force I threw the knife to the man on top of the closest motorcycle.

I placed the duffel bag in the center console anndi grabbed out 2 hand guns putting them at the waist of my beige cargo pants. I grabbed 4 small daggers and places them underneath my bra making sure I didn't cut my breast. My hands searched randomly for something heavy and suddenly my hand caught something circular and heavy and I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

I took out the object and I was met with a big ass bomb. Surely, Valentino wouldn't have this here. I smiled thinking about how Victoria probably put it here.

Wait, if I have a bomb I could use it smartly. I could put the bomb in the pedal and it could do two jobs at once. If the car hits the other ones with enough force, the bomb would be set up and explode, burning the enemies but I would have to jump onto a motorcycle as well and chances is I probably fall flat on my face.

Well, we never know unless we try.

I grabbed the bomb and I placed it carefully against the pedal. I slowly rose up seeing the car was now going at full speed because it was pressed down all the way by the bomb. I got on my knees in the center console to see Valentino flat on his front with his sniper steady on car roof.

He hasn't noticed me and I quietly and lowly climbed onto the roof with him and keyed beside him on my front. "I have a plan." I whispered tucking out the knife out of my bra.

His head snapped to me and the trigger suddenly was pulled and he missed the shot. "Merda, what is it?" He sneered tucking another bullet inside.

"So I found a bomb in the duffel bag and I used it on the pedal, take in mind the car is going on full speed. If everything goes right, then we'll jump on the motorcycles and the car will come crashing to them and everything will explode including them and we'll hopefully make it out alive." I explained lifting my hand, throwing the knife and piercing it on a Russians head with the closest motorcycle on my side.

He nodded and then a sudden round of bullets started making me and Valentino lower our head's and cover them.



"1." Valentino whispered as he suddenly stood up and threw himself on the motorcycle with me right behind him. It was like if everything went in slow motion. The rough droplets of rain hitting my skin, the Russian yells, the blinding lights of the city that were ahead. Damn, it even felt that I was falling in slow motion.

I closed my eyes as I landed in a cushion like seat and I opened my eyes relieved seeing I landed on the motorcycle. I looked beside me seeing that Valentino landed on the motorcycle as-well but I saw him bring up his hand towards his nose and his blood smeared all over his cheek giving him another look.

If this was a movie, I would surely think he was a vampire, with his black messy hair that was almost covering his eyes, his grey deep eyes unknown of emotion and the wicked grin he had right now showing his slight fangs, plus the blood that was smeared on his cheek.

I shook my head chuckling as I quickly turned the keys and the motorcycle roared to life and I pressed against the small pedal on the right side with my foot and the motorcycle without warning ran forward. If it wasn't obvious enough, I don't know how to use a motorcycle.

Valentino advanced reaching up beside and he furrowed his eyebrows looking at me with a confused expresión. I shrugged and laughed continuing what I was doing. I pressed harder against the metal and soon I was side by side with Valentino.

"You don't know how to use one?" He asked loudly by all the wind passing by, we suddenly got inside a tunnel that was illuminated by bright yellow lights and it was quite warm shaking off the coldness on my skin.

I shook my head narrowing my eyes by all the wind that was hitting them. Suddenly the ground slightly shook and almost lost control of the motorcycle. I slowed down the black motorcycle and I looked behind me surprised to see nobody following us. Suddenly the tunnel had flames crawling over to us, it was bright red and a fire storm.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I repeated as I pressed the gas again and I turned the twist throttle making the motor cause more noise. I didn't look behind me but I could feel the heat radiating from it and since I was just in my bra, I could feel it heating my skin and I arched my back trying to make the heat lessen.

We got to the end of the tunnel but the fire was still flaming and alive right behind us. I could barely hear what Valentino was saying and I turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. He looked at me with his eyes widened and then all of a sudden his motorcycle crashed into mine by the side and I let out a yelp as I hurt my leg a bit.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and the other grab my head as he stuffed it into his chest. "Ow! What the hell Vale-"

I didn't even get to react because my body flew out of the barrier with Valentino wrapped around me in a protective manner as we fell 200 feet into the cold, freezing water below avoiding the flames.

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