《Error 69》𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟔


We all ran behind Victoria and Diego. I don't know how Victoria was running in those 6 inch heels perfectly fine, she has to teach me her ways.

We were still being cautious of both of our enemies, the FBI and the Russians. We were greatly outnumbered and the rest of them knew that too but by how the way Victoria was confident that family can make it through anything makes me think they have been in situations like this before, or even worse.

I stopped running and my jaw almost dropped in amazement by the cars In front of me. Rain suddenly started pouring hardly and soon enough I heard Victoria groaning about how the dress was new and I smiled and looked down at my clothes that were slightly dry but was about to become soaked again.

I raised my head and starting admiring the cars again. There was a black Bugatti shining brightly by how clean it was. Beside it was a bright red Ferrari. These cars were fucking gorgeous, I was pretty sure that if it was possible, my jaw would be on the ground. I turned my attention to the other car which was a hot pink Porsche, Victoria stood proudly beside her with remote on her hand, getting ready to go inside.

Lastly, was the yellow G-wagon that I had already seen, but I couldn't take my eyes off the Bugatti. The wheels had spotless metal spikes, that would take out any car that tried to ram from the side. All I could think was that this car was fucking perfection.

I was snapped back into reality when Victoria questioned, "Wait, who is Athena riding with?" She asked sticking out her head from the window.

I pressed my lips together waiting for someone to answer but Victoria didn't let anyone even mutter out a sound before she was speaking again.


"My car has a shotgun, 2 assault rifles, 1 snipers even though I don't know how to use it, 3 handguns and lastly I have 20 bombs in the back of every size. I think she'll be safe with me."

Valentino rolled his eyes tucking his hands in his black jeans. "Actually, I have 7 assault rifles, 5 snipers which do know how to use." He paused smiling at his sister, "50 knives which Athena can use, 10 handguns and finally 4 shotguns." He paused shaking his head chuckling, "I think she'll be safer with me." He finished.

I bit my cheek preventing to let my grin surface. Victoria groaned opening her mouth wide as she threw her and back annoyed. "You're such a dick, I want to have fun with her."

"Se viene con te, è più che probabile che morirà. Also, you might want to get rid of those bombs. If a bullet passes through the car and into the bombs, you're car will explode with you inside it." Valentino informed and he suddenly grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the black Bugatti.

Not in the mood to argue, I bit my lip and let him. He let go of me as and he reached into the trunk and pulled out a duffel bag that was probably filled with weapons and gadgets.

He took out another bag but this one was smaller, he reached out his hand to me and I took the small bag from him that was filled with ammo.

Diego got inside the pink Porsche with Victoria and pulled up beside us as I got inside in the passenger seat. Leo got inside the red Ferrari and Kai got inside got G-wagon. He pulled up in the other side of the car as Valentino got inside as he grabbed the keys from his pocket and turned the car on as the engine roared to life beneath us.


"We'll head out first and take care of the Russians that are left." Valentino said leaning forward looking at his younger sister through his window that was down.

"So that means, Me, Diego, Kai and Leo will take care of the FBI's?" Victoria questioned palming the staring wheel.

Valentino hummed nodding his head slightly, "Don't lead them to the main house nor any track close to the any other houses. Capisci?" He said jabbing a finger at her.

Victoria nodded smiling and she waved a hand in the air in relaxing manner. "Yeah, yeah. Also, don't die. Both of you, I just met my sister-in-law and I don't want to lose her." She said shooting a suggestive grin my way.

My eyebrows shot up and my eyes widened as I stared bewildered at Victoria.

"Can't you be serious for once?" Valentino growled running a hand through his hair.

I took a gasp of air and exhaled it looking out the window not wanting to get myself involved, choosing to ignore her comment.

Victoria grinned rolling her eyes, "Okay fine, but all jokes aside. Don't die, okay?"

Valentino huffed and his smirk returned, "Same goes for you both." He paused looking through my window as he stared at Kai and Leo. "The same goes for both of you as well."

"No promises." Leo grinned messing with his hair.

Valentino slightly smiled and he pulled out from the middle and towards the exit.

I leaned down and grabbed the big duffel bag that was laying by my feet. The air in the car was thick by all my nerves. We didn't know what would happen but all I could do was hope for the best. For all we know, we could be driving to our deaths right now by Valentino crashing into a tree or something.

I opened the duffel bag, getting out weapons. The engine purred as Valentino aumented the speed, the car hit the metal gates that were locked but by the force of the car, the gates smashed open making a clang and soon we heard Russian yells.

"Ready, Tesoro?" He asked as he sped to the main gates. I furrowed my eyebrow by the Italian pet name but I ignored it and responded.

I smiled and raised my head to look at his side profile, he held a slight smirk. "Let's show them who exactly their messing with." I smirked grabbing a sniper and loading it.

His smirk formed into a soft warm smile as he averted his gaze from the road to me as he stared into my eyes. His grey eyes shined but he quickly snapped them back to the parking lot in front of us. His messy black hair was wet and it stuck to his forehead almost covering his eyes.

I reached forward even with my seatbelt on and I swept the laying wet hair to the side making him see clearer.

"I sentimenti non facevano parte della missione..." He whispered shaking his head.

"What?" I muttered tilting my head.

He grinned shaking his head, his dimples made a proud appearance receiving all my attention. I'm glad he was opening up to me more, if I'm being honest I'm getting pretty sick of our stupid arguments.

"Don't worry about it." He said still grinning staring at the road ahead.

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